Greed's Girl

By phoenix_queen36

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Seven Deadly Sins! Ban x OC! More

1- Meeting Him
2- Second Encounter
3- Several Years Later
4- Without Him
5- New Life
6- Living Hell
7- His Perspective
8- Othello's Journal
9- It's You
10- New Girl
11- The Commandments
12- Lion Sin
13- Training
14- Fairy King
15- New Things
16- Maze Conversations
17- Meeting Meliodas
18- Boy Crazy
19- Drole and Gloxinia
20- Teams
22- Fighting Festival
23- No Control
24- Demon Kidnappers

21- Demon Form

2.2K 39 3
By phoenix_queen36

Ban's POV

"Shall we start our training sessions then, Hybrid Girl?" Meliodas asked.

Julie grimaced at the nickname, and probably the whole situation. To be fair I was not handling any of this very well. Before I had properly decided whether I'd choose Julie or Elaine, Julie backed out not wanting to hurt me or Elaine. Of course she would feel uncomfortable pursuing me with Elaine around, and as a generally nervous and anxious person, she wouldn't want to even try fearing the rejection she might face.

I had been trying to pretend things were normal with me and Elaine, but if I was being honest with myself, my heart just wasn't in it. It felt like more of an obligation at this point. Our love apparently is what's keeping her revived self alive, and I didn't want to be the reason she died again, so I played the part of the loving boyfriend as I watched Julie hurt and suffer.

I wasn't stupid, I knew I was being a jerk. I figured if we couldn't be together she might as well realize how awful I am and move on. 

"Alright, show me what you got short stack." Meliodas took a step back to observe Julie.

I hadn't had too much time to explain to him the situation, so he didn't know exactly what she was currently capable of, not to say I knew that much either.

"I'm taller than you." I heard her mumble, as she was looking down, clearly unhappy.

I stood next to Meliodas so we could watch her.

She uneasily looked at us, she wasn't the most confident girl in the world, and having only just discovered the cyclone power from her fairy genes I'm sure it didn't exactly come naturally. 

I saw the effort in her face, and heard her say "Shielding Cyclone," a few times, but nothing happened. I could sense the frustration, the feeling of not being good enough. 

Captain did not waiver, "maybe we should tap into your demon side." He shrugged.

"How?" She asked quietly.

She wanted to grow stronger, she just didn't know how. To be completely fair, she had spent a decade trapped by a psychotic man torturing her endlessly in a secluded sealed basement. Having only been back in the real world for a week, she was handling everything considerably well.

"Hmm, I usually only go into demon form when I need to, I let myself be fueled by my rage, it's why I'm the sin of wrath after all."

We glanced at Julie who furrowed her eyebrows trying to summon some anger, she clenched her fists and bit her lip. 

"I- I don't know how. I'm trying to be mad, but nothing is happening. I don't know what should be happening... I'm miserable at all of this fighting stuff." She lamented, her voice quivering in dejection. A slight irritation was present in her voice, but surely not enough to go crazy demon mode.

"Othello really wasted all of his efforts on someone as weak as me..." I heard her mutter under her breath. I hated that she felt this way, the self deprecation and lack of any self confidence killed me and I knew I was partially to blame. 

I looked over at the platform where Elizabeth and Elaine fought two masked men. They seemed to be doing just fine, both men pretty much incapacitated. 

Captain saw me looking and I saw his eyes widen and lips part slightly, he had an idea. 

"Hey Ban, don't you want to just go make out with Elaine?" (this line is literally canon lmao)

I opened and closed my mouth unsure how to respond. I could tell what he was trying to do, make Julie jealous using Elaine so she'd let the demon take over. Immediately it seemed to be working on making her mad. She defensively crossed her arms and looked away from us, feigning watching the other matches.

"Look how strong she is over there defeating those assassin guys!"

While Julie was still facing away from us I could practically see smoke coming out of her ears.

"Hey Julie, will you be attending Ban and Elaine's wedding? He was telling me before how madly in love with her he is." Meliodas added insult to injury.

"Captain, enough." I told him firmly.

Apparently it was too late though. Julie calmly turned back around to face us, Staring directly at Meliodas and glancing over to me. The only thing that was different was her eyes. Her usually striking blue eyes were now a deep red purple, nearly black. Dark purple and black markings started at her cheek and crawled down her neck, they reappeared at her wrists and hands, but I could only assume they continued underneath the dress she wore.

Her gaze diverted from me back to Meliodas as she approached him with a deathly cool demeanor. She stood in front of him silently and he only stood there smiling, pleased that his plan had succeeded. 

She lifted her arm to hit him, but he caught her wrist easily.

"Tsk tsk young pupil, no attacking the teacher." Captain said lightheartedly, her stance didn't falter.

He released her arm, and she stepped even closer to him.

Her face was completely emotionless as she spoke the words, "Evasive Embers."

The demon form of her was creating its own powers. Curiously, it still seemed to be a defensive measure, the fighting style Julie seemed to favor thus far. 

True to the power's name, embers surrounded her body raining down a decent radius that even reached me. My skin burned and as I stared down at my arm where an ember had landed, the burn spread throughout my skin, it was fuckin hot, that was for sure. My body would regenerate itself, but the embers still rained down.

Captain still showed no sign of concern, it frankly seemed like the hot embers weren't even affecting him. He just watched attentively.

I stepped out of the radius of the fire and tried to stop Julie. 

"Mm, kay Teenie, I think that's enough." 

Her eyes snapped to me, a growing rage obvious.


The embers became more prominent, and fire began to swirl around her body reaching greater distances. Despite having moved away, the attack reached me once again. It was stronger and burnt worse. It was nothing I couldn't handle, but I grew afraid of the lack of control she had in this state, and how I would, literally, be at the crossfire since I was the reason she was enraged in the first place. And of course, I wouldn't fight back. I wouldn't hurt her even if my own life was at stake, I couldn't.

An ember landed on my shirt and it began to burn, the flames eating at my chest and arms, I just stared at her, while she looked at me, a hate present in her gaze. 

The flames and embers surrounding her body sizzled out a few moments later. She blinked a few times, revealing her blue eyes returning. The swirling demon marks dissolved off of her scarred skin.

She stumbled forward a few steps clutching at her head. I quickly stepped forward to steady her as I shouted at captain, "What did you do to her?!"

She dropped to her knees groaning, "What happened?" I heard her quietly mumble, still holding her head in her hands as if she had a headache.

"It was her first time in her demon form, she needs time to adjust to it." Meliodas explained.

"I don't think I liked that." Julie groaned, rubbing her temples.

"Who's gonna tell Escanor that you burnt my shirt?" I joked, "If ya really wanted to see my abs so bad ya coulda just asked." Heh, I was awful, but I loved teasing her, I loved her cheeks burning red at my words. 

She quickly looked over the burnt hems of my shirt falling off my shoulders. 

"I- I'm sure Escanor will understand." 

(PSA: Sorry if this is devolving into confusing nonsense, I began writing this story with only a few chapters in mind and now I'm ~winging it.~ Also sorry it's technically not a y/n cuz she has a name, you can just pretend it's your name/height/hair and eye color etc, I promise it's not that difficult! If you've got any requests/advice lemme know! Thanks for reading xx)

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