13- Training

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Julie POV:

"No one will ever hurt you ever again, got that?"

My face blushed wildly and I nodded in response to Ban's question.

Once I had my bearings I finally looked around and realized the enclosed pantry we were once in was now completely open. It looked as if we were surrounded by rubble and remnants of the bar we had entered yesterday.

I also noticed that the horrifying demon monsters were nowhere in sight. When I walked over to Jericho she was kicking what looked to be a statue version of that Galand guy.

"You miserable bastard. This is for Zhivago." She grumbled. She screeched when her foot made contact with the hard stone.

The statue was pretty unsettling, I was half convinced it would come to life and try to eat me.

"What happened to him?" I asked.

I couldn't fathom why the demon who had almost eaten Ban's soul was now stone and the other one was just gone.

"The barkeep, Escanor defeated both the demons." She replied still looking angry at the stone figure in front of us.

My eyebrows scrunched in confusion, "That tiny little man did that?" I asked surprised. There was no way that Ban could lose to them, but scrawny ginger man could take them both on alone.

Ban overhearing our conversation came over. He still appeared to be fatigued, walking sluggishly.

"Escanor is one of the Seven Deadly Sins, Lion Sin of Pride" Ban told me

Again, I had trouble believing that.

"During the day, he gains strength and pride. When the sun is down, he's the lanky frightened man you saw previously. He's stronger than even the captain at noon." Ban described the Lion Sin.

Captain? I thought to myself.

I didn't bother asking as I had already taken in too much information. If there were still five others of these alleged sins, I'd have real trouble remembering all their names and magical powers associated with them.

So far there was my childhood best friend slash not so secret crush, Ban fox sin of greed who was immortal and stronger than I had remembered him, and now tiny ginger Lion sin of pride Escanor who was not so tiny during the day.

Would he grow stronger during the day if it was cloudy or rainy? Did he physically stay that size? Why did he own a remote tavern in the mountains?

I kept my questions to myself as Ban and Jericho's attention left me and turned to Elaine.

She was still laying down in the rubble, clearly too weak to even move. Come on, even I was stronger than her, and I had just been rescued from my dog cage home of nine years. Sure, she had been revived from the dead, but I'd be embarrassed if I was that inept.

Maybe I was just being petty...

When I tuned back into the conversation Ban was coddling Elaine and Jericho spoke about the logistics of Elaine staying alive. Apparently she was brought back to life by amplifying her regrets?

Basically she was jealous of me and Jericho for spending time with Ban, but now that she was able to overcome that hatred she was being kept alive by her love and devotion to Ban.


I was thankful when the conversation finally pivoted.

"Jericho, are you well enough to start training Julie?" Ban asked. "We've got time before Escanor comes back and we have to leave. I'd like her to know some basic self defense, but my body is still drained," he finished.

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