23- No Control

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Gloxinia smiled, "Demon Discipline."

My body froze up and I felt weird. I could feel my consciousness being pushed into the back of my head. I could feel myself standing, but I could barely move or converse without effort. This is how it had felt to be in demon form, but somehow worse.

While I still had some strength to move I cried out in desperation, "N-no- PLEASE" I didn't want to be in yet another scenario where I didn't have control over my life. I shook my head desperately, but soon lost complete control of my own movements.

It didn't stop there. I soon lost vision and feeling of my physical body. I had my thoughts, but not my body. It was an utterly horrible feeling. I felt caged in my own mind. This was worse than being in demon form, at least then I had some control over my body. Whatever that demon fairy had done to me, I was trapped once again, but this time not in a cage, in my own mind.

Meliodas POV: 

Drole and Gloxinia were temporarily stopped and I looked to Julie, who was still stood in front of Gloxinia, completely motionless.

Tch. She hadn't even tried to escape, what the hell was she doing?


She didn't turn to look, she didn't even flinch at my loud shout. I threw out a few more attacks to distract the commandments so I could get to her. I knew things with her and Ban were complicated, but he'd kill me if I let her get hurt.

I jumped down in front of her and was taken aback by what I found.

She stood still not acknowledging my presence. Her lips were slightly parted and her eyes were wide and unblinking. They were a dark purple, nearly black, demon form. Demon markings swirled around her visible skin and she was in a trance like state. (Use demon mode Meliodas picture for reference). I looked at the recovering commandments and cursed to myself. I pulled at her stiff arm, "Julie, snap out of it! You need to get out of here!" No movement, no acknowledgement.

I clenched my fists. "I'm sorry Ban." I jumped back into battle leaving her there. 

At the very least, I don't think she'd die easily. Hopefully she'd stay alive long enough that I could get her out safely after I defeated the commandments. I just had to keep her out of the crossfire. I was just worried that they'd intentionally kept her in the field of battle instead of entrapping her with the rest of them. I don't know how I'd fight the commandments and protect her at the same time, but I'd have to try.

I switched into demon form myself ready to finish off the two commandments in front of me while I had the chance.

Ban POV:

As we went flying into the air, I reached out for Julie's arm, I had to protect her. I had to stop being a huge piece of shit. I felt her warm skin and briefly made eye contact with her. I saw a flash of panic in her blue eyes and suddenly she was out of my grasp. Tch, I could not stop letting her down.

My body collided with a few others and then the hard ground. After quickly scanning the area I noticed that all the contestants in this fake competition were all trapped. We were surrounded by walls of Earth, above, below, and around us. The ground shook and screams were heard throughout the imprisonment before the dust settled. 

I started shoving my way through people looking for Julie. I shoved past Elizabeth and could feel my temper running short. There were only about ten of us and Julie was not one of them.


I turned around to where I'd just come from to see Elaine looking up at me. I clenched my fists, I had to be there for her, but I needed to find Julie. If she was left outside this confinement with just Meliodas and the commandments she would have no way of defending herself. Captain wouldn't be able to take on two formidable opponents and keep her safe at the same time. 

Greed's GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon