night after night (camren)

By smithday14

227K 5.1K 816

their world was built on sex, love and lies. she came with an intoxication that wasn't seen before, consumin... More

not an update


3.7K 102 23
By smithday14

Nerves raced through her, as she wondered what Lauren would do next.


So this is where she lay at night when she'd sent all those emails. Curled up on her king-size bed, on top of the wine-red covers, half-naked, wearing only her shirt.

At least, that's how Lauren liked to imagine her, and how she liked to look at her.

Lauren had never been one to think much about a woman's home décor, but something seemed quite fitting about the deep reds, royal purples and gold colours in Camila's bedroom - sexy shades for a woman who exuded sexiness in her style.

On Camila's nightstand was an e-reader and Lauren was willing to bet it was well stocked with the books she loved - adventure tales, she remembered. Stories of daring behaviour, of destructing innocence, of adventure, of succeeding, of life. She was an adventurous woman, and what she read reflected that side of her. A cobalt blue scarf was draped over the lamp on the nightstand, and Lauren's mind flashed to other uses for that scarf. She checked out the framed photos on her bureau - pictures of her best friend and her, and her best friend and a dog, too.

"That's Dinah's dog. Ms Pac-Man"

"Cute dog"

"She is cute and smart" Camila said, a not of pride in her voice, almost like an aunt beaming about a child. "She'd also loyal and devoted"

"As a dog should be"

"And a person" she added.

"Yes" Lauren said emphatically, "Are you loyal and devoted?"

Camila nodded, her face serious, her brown eyes holding Lauren's gaze. Their was a fierceness in her look. A certainty, "I only want you. I only think of you" she said.

"I know that feeling well"

She patted her bed, "I like the way you look in my apartment"

"I like the way you look right now" the girl said, climbing up on Camila's bed and joining her.

"Are you going to take off those pants and stay the night? Camila asked, eyeing Lauren's half-dressed state.

"I am considering it" Lauren said in a wry tone.

"What can I do to convince you?"

Lauren was surprised to find her voice stripped bare of flirting as she posed the question. She was used to Camila's seductive side, the way she'd trail her fingernails along her arm to get what she wanted. But this was a newer side of Camila, a vulnerable one, and it gave her hope that Camila was finally opening up to her.

She ran her index finger along Camila's jawline. She swallowed, taking a beat. She was going to put it out there. Put herself out there. "Let me in" she said, as she moved her fingers to Camila's heart, tracing it.

"How?" Camila asked in a wobbly voice.

"Tell me why you're scared. Tell me why you ran"

Camila sighed heavily, shifting from her side to her back. She closed her eyes; her face seemed pinched. Lauren ran her hand along the girl's bare arm, "Hey" she said softly, "You're here now. I'm here now. I want to know what I need to do so I don't scare you away"

Camila opened her eyes, and turned back to face Lauren. Her expression was softer now, "It's nothing you can or can't do. It's me"

"Right. It generally is. But tell me how I can help you be comfortable with you and me" Lauren said, "Because for a while there I was damn sure you were history. My friend Lucy even said so, in no uncertain terms"

Like she'd been burned, Camila jerked away from her, sitting up straight, "Lucy? Who's Lucy? Your ex?"

Lauren laughed, "Lucy is just a friend. Alexa's sister. Known her for years. She also happens to be a shrink"

"You were talking to her about me?" Camila crossed her arms.

"Yes" Lauren said, tugging on Camila's hips, trying to pull her back to lie next to her. But Camila scooted further away into the jumble of pillows by her headboard. "Hey, I was talking to her about you because I like you, woman. Get that straight"

Camila narrowed her eyes, fixed Lauren with a harsh stare, but said nothing.

"And I was trying to understand you, and I still don't entirely understand you, so help a woman out"

"Fine, but I don't want other woman touching you" she said sharply as she glared at Lauren.

Another laugh took hold of Lauren, deep and rumbling through her chest. It warmed her up, knowing how possessive Camila was, "I believe I've made it patently clear that I am a one-woman kind of person, and you are my kind of woman. But this conversation isn't about me. I want to know what's going on with you" she said, succeeding this time in tugging Camila alongside her.

Camila took a breath, pursed her lips together, and then exhaled. Camila looked Lauren square in the eyes, her pretty brown ones were tinged with sadness and a trace of fear. Lauren's heart lurched towards her, wanting to help her, reassure her. Camila licked her lips, and spoke in a wobbly voice that grew stronger as she pushed through, "I've got some trouble from my past chasing me. And I can't say anything more, because I don't want you or anyone I care about to get caught up in my problems"

Lauren started to speak, to tell her she wasn't afraid of problems, and she certainly didn't expect anyone to come to a relationship baggage-free, but Camila help up her hand to silence her.

"Eventually, I'll be free of it, but right now there's just stuff I have to deal with, and that's why I left so quickly" she said, her voice raw and pained, "I'm sorry"

"Is someone hurting you?" Lauren asked, clenching her fists as she kept her voice on and even keel. She didn't want to scare Camila, but she sure as hell would hurt anyone who laid a hand on the girl.

"No" Camila said quickly, shaking her head. "Nor do I have a pill problem, or anything like your ex, I swear" She gripped Lauren's bicep, digging her fingers into the girl's flesh to make her point, "I promise"

"That is excellent news. But what sort of trouble is it, then?

"Lauren" she said, soft, but insistent in her tone, "That's all I want to say. I have to keep the people I care about out of it. And I care about you. So deeply, and more than I ever thought I would" she said, reaching for Lauren's hand, and threading her soft fingers through the girl's. "So much more" she added, squeezing her hand for emphasis, and her touch sent a shiver through Lauren. Camila kissed Lauren's hand. By God, Lauren could get used to this side of her. She would love to see this part of Camila every day. "It's my problem to deal with, and I'm dealing with it"

Lauren wanted to help her, but she wasn't sure Camila would let her so she tried another way to understand the scope of this problem. "Is it something I should be worried about?"

Camila shook her head, "No"

Lauren raised an eyebrow; studying Camila's face, trying to read her. She wasn't sure what was going on, but something in her gut said Camila was telling the truth. Or maybe she just wanted to believe her. Maybe she could. For now, at least. "Okay, I will try my best not to worry for now then" she said, though she knew that would be a tall order because already - deep in her gut - she was concerned for Camila, for everything about her. She wanted to protect her, look out for her. That Camila was hardly the kind of woman who needed taking care of didn't factor into Lauren's thinking one bit. Camila was hers, and she couldn't abide by anyone hurting the girl.

"Good" Camila said, and her face lit up again, her mischievous grin reappearing as she danced her fingers down Lauren's chest, "So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this surprise late-night visit?"

"In town for a meeting. I'm seeing Normani tomorrow about her renegotiations"

"Dinah didn't mention it to me"

Lauren tapped Camila's nose, "It was last-minute. Just scheduled it today, and caught an evening flight. I'm heading to Orlando early afternoon, so I'm squeezing the meeting in beforehand"

"I am glad you squeezed me in" Camila said, her hand darting to the waistband of Lauren's pants, "Now, have I successfully convinced you to take these off and spend the night with me? I'm not much of a cook, but I do know where I can take you tomorrow morning for some fantastic pancakes"

Lauren pretended to think deeply about the food, "I do love pancakes"

"And spending the night with me. You better love that too" she said, playfully swatting Lauren.

"I believe I could find it in me to enjoy another night with you"

"Wait. Where's your bag?"

"In the town car. Driver's waiting outside"

"So you could make a getaway?"

Lauren shook her head, "Gorgeous, when is it going to get through to you that I'm not the one who's running? Nor am I a presumptuous asshole who's going to show up at your doorstep with an overnight bag unless you want me to"

"I want you to" Camila said in a sexy purr.

Lauren dialled her driver, and a minute later, there was a knock on the door. Lauren retrieved her bag, tipped the driver and said goodnight. She returned to Camila's room to find the girl leaning against the wall, her shirt shucked off and her stocking removed, wearing only her red pumps. Her hips jutted out seductively and Lauren's dick rose to full attention as she drank in the sight of her, the moonlight casting midnight blue shadows across her long and lean body, highlighting her curves.

"You didn't think I was going to bed, did you?"

"Not for a second"

"I want to show you one of my favourite positions"

"I have a feeling it's going to be one of my favourite positions too" Lauren said as she kicked of her pants, and placed them on a chocolate-brown chair in the corner of the bedroom.

Camila pointed to the bed, Take of the boxers, and sit down"

"At your service" Lauren said, stripping off her final layer, and parking herself on the edge of Camila's bed. Camila looked her over from head to toe, and Lauren wasn't going to deny it - the hunger in the girl's eyes was the biggest turn-on of her life. Camila stared at her like she'd never wanted anyone so much. As if she had never laid eyes on a person she wanted to feast on like this. Tremors rolled through her, and she ached with desire for Camila.

A low growl took hold in her chest as Camila strutted over to her. The sight of her gorgeous body was something she'd never get enough of. Camila stopped, placing her hands on Lauren's shoulders, leaning into her so her breasts brushed the girl's face. A bolt of heat tore through Lauren, and she reached for Camila, craving closeness, needing her beautiful body pressed against her own. But Camila pulled back, wagging her finger, then walked away, heading for her nightstand. She grabbed the purple scarf and returned.

"You tying me up?"

"Just a little bit" she said, as she straddled Lauren, sitting across her thighs. Lauren felt the heat from her pussy even though Camila wasn't close to touching her cock. Still, being near her favourite place made her dick throb. Camila pressed against Lauren once more, reaching her arms around the girl. She tugged at Lauren's hands on the mattress, adjusting them behind the girl's back. She wrapped the scarf around Lauren's wrists, tying them together.

"Hey Camila, I got a question for you" Lauren said as Camila tugged on the ends of the scarf.

"I grant you permission to ask"

Lauren chuckled, "I haven't been with anyone in several months and I'm clean. How about you? Any chance you're on birth control?

Camila leaned back, and looked Lauren in the eyes. "I am indeed. You saying you want to feel me coming on your cock in just a few minutes?"

Lauren narrows her eyes, and growled a hot yes.

"Then you can come and play without a glove" she said, gripping Lauren's cock in her fist. Lauren's hips nearly shot of the bed at her touch. Anything Camila did to her sent shocks of pleasure through her bones.

"I can not wait to feel your hot pussy surrounding me"

"You won't have to wait much longer, because I'm wet for you" Camila said, dropping her free hand between her legs and stroking herself.

Lauren's chest tightened and her dick throbbed in Camila's hand. She watched Camila hungrily as the girl coated her fingers in her own wetness, then brought her fingers to Lauren's lips.

"Rub yourself on me" Lauren instructed her.

"As you wish" Camila traced Lauren's mouth and the girl licked her lips, drinking up the taste of Camila on them.

"More" Lauren said, and her blood flowed thick and heavy as Camila slipped her fingers inside her pussy, drawing out more of her delicious juices. She dragged her fingers against Lauren once more, and this time Lauren sucked on her index finger, drawing it all the way into her mouth, lapping up every delicious ounce of Camila's desire. "You taste fucking spectacular"

"Oh I do, do I?" Camila said seductively, brushing her breasts against Lauren's.

"You do, Camila. I love your taste, and your smell , and right now you smell like you want me inside you"

"I want to ride you so bad" Camila said, and swivelled around, straddling Lauren again, only this time her back was to the girl.

"You're a cruel woman. You know I want to touch your breasts right now"

"And squeeze them too" she added, as she positioned herself over Lauren, rubbing the head of her cock between her legs. Heat seared in Lauren's body, like flames licking across her skin. Camila leaned her head back, her gorgeous brown hair fanning out across Lauren's breasts and shoulders, taunting her. Lauren craved the chance to grip it hard, and tug, and Camila knew it. As Camila rubbed her wetness over Lauren, she licked the girl's neck up to her ear, driving Lauren mad with desire. "Ask for it" she purred.

"Fuck me please" Lauren said, her breath jagged as lust poured through every inch of her body.

Camila sank down on her, and Lauren groaned loudly. The feeling of her hot pussy gripping her tight was like a fevered dream. But it was real, everything real ad raw lingeringly primal in the way Camila rode her, taking her time, rising up and down on her cock, riding Lauren like she was Camila's plaything, and Lauren wanted nothing more than to be just in this moment.

Lauren's hands itched to touch Camila, to grab her hips, to hold on hard to her beautiful breasts. But she knew Camila was the kind of woman who let herself be dominated, but in return, sometimes she needed to take the reins. Lauren let Camila have all the control, enjoying the view of her perfect body moving up and down on her as the girl's moans grew louder, and more erratic until she was shouting Lauren's name, and the feel of her coming undone on her cock was all she needed to join Camila in her climax.


i know i said the last chapter was long but... wow

side note: a lot of the next few chapters might be long.

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