Secrets and Suspicion (Book 1)

By euphoriahh

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After three years of Padmé and Anakin Skywalker being married, suspicion rises between others close to Both A... More

The Plan
Injury on the Battlefield
Double the Pain
Author's Note
Big News
Little Acts of Love
A Mix-Up and a Search
Another Close One
The Warning
Separatist Spies
The Least Expected Visitor
The Council's Greetings
The Average Couple
A Sweaty Jedi and a Funny Droid
Typical Interruptions
To Rescue a Youngling
Love is All You Need
The Chosen One
Truly & Deeply
Classic Sarcasm by Yours Truly
Ways to Say Goodbye
Jedi Camp
Forgetting Something?
Won't Let Go
The Countdown
Still Young
New Report
Miracles: They Do Happen
Soft Voice
Late-Night Reunion
Safe Haven
Bottomless Pit of Good News
A Padawan's Celebration
An Urgent Request
Unconditional Love
Bittersweet Memories
Birthday Surprise
Love Accepted


3.7K 109 21
By euphoriahh

Anakin's break went by hyperspace quick. As soon as he knew it, he was walking out the door with complete Jedi robes, belt and boots on to go to the Temple.

"Here," Padmé said, handing Anakin his comlink. She ran his hand down his chest, over the thick leather of his robes. "Have a great day back. Tell me if you'll be going anywhere today."

"Yeah, I will," Anakin told her as he attached his comlink on his gloved, flesh forearm. "This war might be ending. The Separatists seem to be cutting back on attacks. Looks like I took the right time to get injured. Obi-Wan said I didn't miss much."

"Well, you know that anytime they could attack, sadly. They must be planning a something big, then, if that haven't been bothering anyone."

Anakin shook his head. "I know. They probably are planning something."

"Anakin, by the way, I have to tell you something-"

He interrupted her. "Later, Padmé, I have to go." He kissed her. "I'll probably see you tonight. I love you."

"I love you, too," she said. He was already out the door. She stood there for a minute, watching him climb in his starfighter and fly away.


Anakin walked through one of the very first hallways in the Jedi Temple. He passed very few Jedi. He didn't even know where he was headed, but he went up a few elevators and ended up in the library. When he got in, he was the only person in there except Jocasta Nu, the retired Jedi librarian. He greeted her with a small nod and sat down. As soon as he did, his comlink lit up.

"Anakin," Padmé's voice said through the comlink. "I'm glad you picked up."

"Yeah." Anakin cleared his throat. "I'm in the library right now," he said, hinting that she needed to not to sound like his wife and more like Senator Amidala, a friend.

"Oh. General Skywalker. I have news. I was going to invite you over to my apartment for a general conversation about what's going on, but I see you're busy."

"Actually, no," he replied. "What is it, Senator?" Anakin got up from his chair and went into a more secluded area in the library. "Okay, we're all clear... I think can talk normal now."

Padmé laughed. "Okay. Just come home and I'll tell you. It will be easier."

"Alright. I'm coming. I don't even know what I'm doing here anyway."
He clicked off his comlink, checked to make sure no one was around, and he ran out of the library. Once he got out, he slowed down. All of the sudden, he thought of something. Why was Padmé at home? Why is she not at work? he thought. That's unusual...


When Anakin got home, he ran inside, concerned about Padmé. He got in the door, and rammed into her.

Padmé fell onto the ground. She was wearing one of her more formal dresses, like the ones she wore for senatorial meetings. It was a dark purple color with her hair in an elaborate headdress. "Ow," she rubbed her head in the spot where Anakin had crashed into her.

"Sorry," he said apologetically. He reached his hand down to her, offering to help her up.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" she asked, standing and brushing the back of her dress off.

"No reason," Anakin said coolly. "So, what's wrong?"

"Well, I'm leaving for Scipio now. It's an emergency meeting with the banking clan. They stole some of the files from the Republic, and I need to sort this out before they get into worse hands, like Dooku or some other Separatist leader."

"You have to leave now? But-"

"Yes, Anakin, I'm leaving now. I'm finishing packing up." She walked over to the couch, where her suitcase was sitting. She walked towards the door to leave, but she stopped in front of Anakin. "We have been doing this for a couple of years now. You'll be fine. I'm home without you all of the time."

"What are you going there for?" he asked.

"I told you. Emergency meeting with the banking clan. I'll see you in a few days."

A few days?!  he thought. This is going to be worse than I thought! "I thought you were going for a day."

"No, a few days. I'll see you soon." Padmé kissed the awestruck Anakin on the cheek. "Bye."

"I love you," Anakin called after her.

She was almost out the door when she turned around and said, "I love you too." She smiled and continued out the door.

The planet Scipio and it's name brought great jealousy and hatred to him. "Why is this familiar?" he whispered to himself. He clenched his teeth and and balled his fist tight. "Clovis."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Based off of Sesason 6 Episode 4: "An Old Friend"

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