A Pair of Rogues: An Assassin...

By JediCreed119

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Inspired by "The Rogue Couple" by: Broken Crystal Heart, instead of sending Shay alone to the precursor site... More

Chapter 1: Portugal Disaster, 1755
Chapter 2: Confrontation
Chapter 3: The Choice and Escape From The Homestead
Chapter 4: Awakening in New York
Chapter 6: A New Shay and Chase Atop New York
Chapter 7: Hope's Meeting of Change

Chapter 5: Home Invasion

415 7 1
By JediCreed119

Just as Shay was about to head back to his room to rest some more, he began hearing sounds from downstairs. Then, he heard what sounded like Cassidy screaming. "What's happening?" He turns around and starts moving towards the stairs to find out what is causing the commotion. Suddenly, he could hear Cassidy yelling, "You wretch how dare you!" Then an unknown male voice cut was heard. "Shut up woman!" Shay heard the unknown man say. Then he heard Cassidy's shout of pain. "Leave her alone!" he heard Barry shout, but then heard him grunt in pain. When he made it down the stairs, he saw the couple on the ground, Barry trying to help Cassidy up as they were surrounded by three men in outfits familiar to Shay. He realized these men were members of a gang that worked under the Assassins. Seeing them hurting the people that helped him and Hope made his blood boiled with anger. "Now what are you going on about?!" He shouted to them. "Stay out of this you fool!" The leader of the group sneered at Shay and kicked Barry to the ground. This only added more to Shay's rage. "Well I was, but now you made this personal." Shay snarled in a low tone that yet showed his anger in full. The leader sneered and went up and threw a punch to Shay. Despite his injuries still being felt, Shay's assassin training kicked in to help. Quickly dodging to the side, then countering with a punch to his chest. The leader grunting in pain, looked to his two compatriots to aid. The two quickly getting the message, ran up to Shay to attack. Evading punches and landing strong blows on his two opponents, Shay held up his own well against these gangsters. Grabbing one by the collar, slamming his fist into his stomach, and then landed an uppercut that sent him to the ground. Then the second tried to attack from behind, but Shay quickly turned, caught his arm, and slammed his knee into his torso hard, making the man fall and grasping himself in pain. Looking around, he noticed something was wrong. 'Where's the third one?' he pondered. But then hearing heavy footsteps, turned to see the leader making his way down the stairs roughly holding Hope in a hostage position. "Well I suppose I will just take this fine looking lass as payment Finnegans." He said cockily. This only enraged Shay even more than he already was, seeing Hope held by this disgusting brute. The leader decided to take risk and provoke Shay even more, sending an evil look to him. He then started kissing Hope on the neck and even went as far as to roughly grope her breast beneath her nightgown. She gasped at this action, and in an effort to free herself from this disgusting bastard, slammed her head back into his face, grunting in pain, he threw her to the ground harshly and she gave a shout of pain upon hitting the floor. Taking this chance, Shay charged at him, gathering all the strength he could muster into his fist, and sent a devastating punch at the leader's face, breaking his nose. The leader collapsed to the ground, blood gushing out of his nose and mouth, as he is left in a dazed state. The other two gangsters, seeing they were outmatched, rushed over, each grabbing one of the leader's arms, and dragged him out of the house with them. "Raaarggghhh, AND DON'T COME BACK!" Barry shouted as they left and slammed the door when they faded out of sight. Turning back, he looked to Shay with overwhelming thanks and gratitude. "Thank you Shay. In me younger days, I could've taken them one handed." Cassidy immediately ran over to Hope. "Oh dear you're still burning up." She said while helping her into a sitting position while checking her over. "Why were these men bothering you?" Shay asked. "Oh the usual. They feel they're owed money 'cause they're not harming citizens." Barry explained. Hope could only look down in shame. Those men once worked for her, and she never once noticed they were actually harassing and harming innocent civilians behind her back and destroying what she was wanting to help the Assassins achieve, freedom and prosperity. "Mark my words you both, those gangs are going to the downfall of this city." Barry claimed. Hearing this, only brought tears into Hope's eyes. "I'm so sorry this happened to you both. I just wish I could've...why couldn't I stop this!" She sobbed. Shay could only look at her sadly, knowing what she was going through with this new information. Barry as well, gave a sad, pained look to the young lady. Cassidy however, pulled Hope into a tight hug, and began comforting her, as a mother would do with her child. "Shhh...It's ok Hope, it's over now. We're all safe now. Nothing was your fault." She said to her quietly and soothingly. Hope just stayed in Cassidy's warm embrace for a few moments before calming down. Drying Hope's tears, Cassidy turned to Shay and asked him. "Shay, could you help take Hope back to the bed. She needs to rest more to recover from the fever." "Of course Cassidy." Shay answered while nodding his head. Picking her up bridal style, he then carries her upstairs back to her room. After setting her bed, she quickly fell asleep looking at Shay. Shay stayed to be sure she would be alright, but then yawned. Feeling tired, he leaned forward, falling asleep, still sitting on the chair. Barry and Cassidy went up to check, seeing them both asleep. Cassidy sighed happily at this sight, while Barry only rolled his eyes. "Young people these days fall asleep anywhere." he muttered. "Oh hush Barry, I think they're just sweet together." Cassidy responded, slightly happy at the sight of 'young love'. "Suppose I can't argue there. Maybe he's not so bad if he has a sweetheart like her watching over him." Barry returned. Cassidy gave her husband a light hug, which he returned, both have memories of when they met and fell in love. Afterwards, Cassidy placed a blanket on Shay, as well as a pillow under his head. Then the couple left the two to rest and recover for the rest of the day. 

AN: Chapter 5 done. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Again all rights reserved for quotes, images, etc. Will start working on the next chapter whenever I can. Until then, enjoy and May The Force Be With You.

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