Never Forgotten

By Kurolan

191 5 0

The next heir to a well known family, Ludwig Beilschmidt, finally decides it's time to get a personal butler... More

Fateful meeting
Things to learn - Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Part B
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6 Part A

14 0 0
By Kurolan

 This time around the chapter will be split into Part A and B!


Ludwig found himself in the field once more. The scattered skies, the bright light and the all too familiar scent. He could feel the grass touch his hands, tickling slightly like always. 

Like clockwork, the familiar voice called out to him again.


The field was no longer there. The calmness faded and he only felt fear. He turned around. 

A distorted face was looking at him. A child...?


He couldn't understand what the child was saying. The words were static and incoherent.


I can't... I can't hear you!!


Feliciano tossed around in his bed, unable to find the sweet spot to fall back into sleep to. 

He kept hearing muffled noises; he didn't know what it was or where it came from, but it was loud enough to wake him from his precious sleep. He remarked it was out of the ordinary for the usually eerie mansion. The sound would stop every now and then, just to come back the moment he was dozing off. It was only getting louder and louder. Feliciano hesitantly got out, as it was creeping him out the longer it continued. He followed the sound to the best of his ability as he stumbled his way around the room and closer to the door.

Like a switch it clicked. Feliciano looked towards the door to the hallway with a panicked look.

It sounded like screaming from Ludwig's room.

Moments later he found himself standing in the hallway, dressed only in the boxers he had gone to bed in. His adrenaline was pumping his heart to the max, stressing him to the extreme. After a moment of hesitation he carefully swung the door open, the dim lights in the hallway illuminated the dark room. He squinted to see anything threatening worth running away for. 

The only thing in the room was Ludwig, making inaudible screams and flinging himself against his bed.

Feliciano instinctively took his hands to his face, trying to comprehend what was happening. The calm and collected man he was used being around was now in a state of distress, his usually slicked back hair was stuck to his forehead by sweat, his screams sounding agonizing with every move and twist. He was on the verge to hyperventilating where he laid, straining every muscle in his body, fighting something.

Feliciano didn't know what to do, other than rush over to his bed. Was it safe to wake him? 

"Ludwig... please" he tried, talking carefully. 

It didn't work. 

"Please, you're okay.. you're gonna be.. Ludwig you'll be okay in a moment" Feliciano comforted a little louder, crying more as he stood over him. Between the movements he managed to put his right hand on his shoulder, giving him a gentle shake. "I'm here Ludwig, it's me Feliciano.." he began, before putting his other hand on the left shoulder, gently pinning him down to stop the trembling. His body fell limp against the light pressure.

"You.. .. don't... und.. no ple.. " Ludwig uttered, face twisting in a painful grimace.

"Oh Ludwig, what is happening" he whispered. Feliciano moved his hands from his shoulders to cup his face. "Ludwig, it's Feliciano, you're safe, you're safe now" 

Ludwig was still moaning and mumbling. It wasn't doing enough. 

In a moment of impulse and despair, Feliciano removed the comforter from Ludwig, causing him to whimper when the cold air hit his body. "I'm doing this to help" he said under his breath, as he crawled in the bed and got into position, sliding himself down to fit next to Ludwig. "After a nightmare, grandpa would always let me and Romano sleep next to him as it would calm us down... it's worth a try" 

Feliciano laid his head on top of his chest, noticing that his breathing was still irregular and his heart was beating in a frenzy. In an attempt to soothe he lifted his left hand to his face, rubbing small circles on Ludwig's face with his thumb. Feliciano could feel the layer of cold sweat, not knowing how long he had been in the state he was.

After a short while Ludwig began to relax, much to his relief.

"I'm here with you Ludwig..." Feliciano whispered into the room, letting him know he was there to keep him safe.

"Mein Liebe... wartet auf m-mich..." Ludwig uttered between small bursts of crying. Feliciano felt his breath hitch in his throat, causing a ripple effect that made his entire body shiver. It was the first time Feliciano had observed him cry, even if he was sleeping. He couldn't see his face but the tears felt warm as they traveled down his chin and hitting his hand.

"Deine Liebe mio amore... who.." Feliciano repeated to himself, swallowing hard. It had been a long while since he had heard something along those lines. A certain... a very special boy from his childhood had taught him that. What if.. no. He shaked the thought away.

"Ludwig... you're not alone in this.. never again" Feliciano whispered, feeling his own tears spill. 

"Mmm.. nnh"

His words had turned completely incoherent, but that was for the best as his breathing had stabilized and his heart was beating in a steady rythm. He let his left hand slip from his face to resting on Ludwig's chest, lifting himself to get a proper look at him.

"We will figure everything out..." Feliciano whispered before instinctively planting a small kiss on his forehead, swiping away the blonde strands that were in the way. Ludwig's face was softer than he'd ever imagine and his face looked much younger with his hair down. It probably wouldn't hurt to sleep next to him in case his nightmare came back right?

Feliciano decided to stay and fell asleep while holding Ludwig, who had returned to sleeping peacefully himself. 


Ludwig awoke to the morning sun seeping through his window, feeling awake and refreshed. His body was still sleepy and heavier than ususal.

Wait. Heavier?

He glanced down to see a small petite figure laying on top of him, brownish auburn hair was splattered over his chest with the all to familiar curl that stuck out. Ludwig closed his eyes again. No. Nonono. That must be a dream.

Sheepishly he opened his eyes again, Feliciano was still there. Laying on top of him shirtless. Oh God was he even wearing clothes? The last thing he remembered was them arguing, not them laying in BED together. Ludwig tried to move his body a little, freeing his right arm. He had the urge to swipe the pesky straying hair away from his forehead.

"Mmhmm... Lud.." Feliciano said, stretching his body a little. Ludwig held his breath in fear he had woken up, but instead he nuzzled his head a little on his chest, going back to stabile breaths.

Ludwig breathed out. He was still sleeping. 

He turned his gaze towards the white ceiling. Although he didn't have any recollection of how they ended up like that, he wasn't stupid.

Night terrors.

That was at least the only logical explanation he had, even if he never could remember it. 

Gilbert had always been there for him during the night terrors, but despite that he had never experienced waking up the next day without a headache, body aches or a sore throat. It was comforting to have Gilbert watch over him, but it didn't hinder him from being incapacitated for the next days during the worst attacks. There were two questions that needed answering.

What exactly did Feliciano witness, and more importantly what did he do? 

Other than crawling into bed with him half naked, that was.

He sighed, turning his head down to look at Feliciano. His breathing was slow and deep, with his hand twitching every now and then. If it wasn't for Ludwig caring so much about the man sleeping on him, he would be disturbed and maybe even angry. Not with Feliciano however. This could very well be material from his dreams, but this was not the right situation. 

His profound gratitude began to seep through as he began stroking Feliciano's hair, carefully moving it from his face so he could get a better look. His chin was adorably smushed and he had drooled a little on his tank top, but other than that he looked calm and content. 

Despite his feelings, it was wrong to enjoy the moment in a way that differed from the intention and abusing that would go against his own morals. Ludwig couldn't with good conscience let him sleep in such an intimate way, even if he wished he could. He doubted it as he wasn't confident that Feliciano even liked him like that. If only.

Hesitantly he began the process of waking him up and getting out of the situation.

"Feliciano... good morning" Ludwig said soft spokenly, giving a gentle nudge. His hand was shaking, exposing how nervous he actually was. 

They had left on a bad note the day before.

"Mmmhh.. Lud..wig?" He took a deep breath, slopplily raising his hand to rub his eyes. "I was so worried.. are you feeling fine?" Feliciano asked, waking up immediately.

"I'm.. fine" Ludwig said with furrowed brows. "First I want to ask how you're not ashamed coming in here half naked.. but I mainly want to know what happened"

He glanced away, it was a nice sight but again not the right time nor place. It also would be too embarrassing if that let slip.

Ludwig was analyzing Feliciano's face while waiting for an answer. His eyes were red and puffy, and his chin had a slight tremble along with his eyes becoming watery. Even with his face being splotchy, he had to find out what happened. "I won't be mad at you, I promise" he said, being completely truthful. 

"I had no idea what was wrong, b-but I was so scared" he sniffled. Ludwig watched his small frame shake with every attempt to hold himself together, how precious. "You... you were violently shaking and flinging out your arms. A-And you were screaming, mostly incoherent.. so I had no way of fully understanding what was going on" 

"Ah.. I see" he winced, trying take in his testimony. No wonder he was frightened, but that still didn't explain one thing.

"How did you end up in my bed?"

Feliciano's had a glimmer in his eyes for a brief moment, turning his gaze down before he continued. He found a piece of hair to fiddle with.

"Talking to you didn't help.." he began, hesitating slightly. "You were in so much distress and you must understand it was difficult to watch. I tried to think what would comfort me during nightmares and that's why I climbed into your bed so you weren't alone! You muttered something when I did, but after that you fell asleep and I stayed to make sure.... until I fell asleep myself" Feliciano rambled, his hands were clutching the sheets until his knuckles turned white. Ludwig sat up enough to reach over to grab his hands, using his thumbs to get blood circulation back to them. Feliciano sniffled with grattitude.  

"Thank you.. I should have warned you about this" Ludwig apologized. "It's only appropriate I inform you about it"

"As long as you have me, I will never leave you alone to one of those attacks ever again" Feliciano said with an unusually serious face. "But please tell me, I need to know.. at this point"

"It'll be hard to imagine but both me and Gilbert were born with fragile bodies. Despite it I had diplomatic affairs to maintain, after being left with the responsibility of being the next heir. I was often sick with something, but I had a strong sense of duty and I never wanted to worry Gilbert. After a certain incident, one I'm not too sure of myself, I began having night terrors that never went away. I have tried to ask, but he refuses to elaborate. All I do know is that it comes in periods, even though it has lessened as I grew up" he admitted, pressing his hair back in a self soothing gesture.

"I don't think anyone would've guessed that, you had it rough growing up" Feliciano sympathetically said, giving Ludwigs hands a squeeze. "I once knew someone similar, although I don't know what happened to them.. but I'm glad you managed to get through! Do... do you perhaps love someone?" Feliciano faltered, pulling his hands back and wrapping them around himself.


"Y-You said something last night.. but maybe I heard wrong" 

"Wait- did something I say make you think of that?" Ludwig asked with a serious tone. Gilbert had never mentioned him talking during the night terrors, even when he had asked Gilbert about it himself. He felt his heart beat harder in his chest, waiting anxiously for an answer.

"Feliciano.. did I say something?" He pressed.

"Sort of" Feliciano replied, glancing down again. 


"Do you really wanna know?"


"I-I think I remember you saying something around the lines of.. Mein.. Liebe ... I think"


"I can't go!" he cried out, struggling as he was dragged by the arm.

"Ludwig we HAVE to, you know we don't have a choice!"

"Please, bruder" he pleaded. "I can't leave without them, I promised"

"I'm sorry but it was gramp's orders... we're leaving NOW."


What the-

Ludwig froze, clutching his head in his hands. His head was pounding, and the more he thought the worse it got. It felt so real and painful.



He took a sharp breath before looking at Feliciano. 

"Please tell Elizabeta I had an attack, she will understand why I will remain in my room" he said tiredly, his lips barely turned up to a smile. He wanted Feliciano to stay, but didn't want to burden him. He kept quiet, dreading what this would turn into.

"O-Of course! I will do my best!" Feliciano agreed. 

"Please get dressed first. It would be highly inappropriate to run around in your boxers"


"Elizabeta?" Feliciano called out, trying to find her in the West wing kitchen, considering she usually was the one to prepare breakfast. The fans were on, making it hard to hear anything.

"Feli?" she answered, peeking her head out from the changing room. "How unusual to see you awake this early, it's barely 7 in the morning" 

"Ludwig had a night terror attack, so he won't be leaving his room" Feliciano informed, his brows were wrinkled together from worry. 

Her face dropped from her usual carefreeness to a sight of seriousness.

"Did he explain anything to you?" She questioned while biting her lower lip anxiously.

"Hmm.. he only mentioned that he had struggled with it as a child" Feliciano said with a tilted head. "That's all I remember him telling me" 

"I see.. I'll talk with Gilbert. Ludwig won't be happy, but it's protocol"

"P-Protocol?" he asked.

"His brother's demand" she replied coldly. 

"Gilberts?" He asked again, not understanding the whole picture.

She took a moment to think before she spoke again. "Stay with Ludwig, even if he hasn't said anything. I assume he hasn't"

"Err... he hasn't said anything no. I don't think he really wants me to.." Feliciano said back. Considering how the day before went down, he wasn't all too sure.

She sighed as she shook her head. 

"He never tells us about his night terrors, even when we have heard or noticed. Previous attempts at helping weren't appreciated, but suddenly now he lets us know and it's no coincidence. It's obvious you're the only one he'd let stay, if you got him to inform us about it" 


"I'd take care of him but he has never let me do so" She looked at him straight in the eye, with the corners of her mouth trembling and slightly turned down.  "Even I who has been with Ludwig from before it began, he doesn't let me help. Maybe I'm even a part of the problem but I don't know. If you excuse me, I have to go" She rushed past him, making him stumble a few steps backwards so he didn't fall. 

 He ruffled his hair in frustration. 

"I don't understand any of this!!"


*Telephone noises*

"Kesese, it's the great Gilbert you have reached!" 

"It's Elizabeta" 

"Eh? Why the hell are you calling me?" he shuddered. "That's not like you"

"It's about Ludwig, don't think I would do this out of free will" she said sourly. 

"That's suspicious"

"Listen. Feliciano reported to me that Ludwig had a night terror attack. That means Ludwig must've told him to tell me, which he has never done" Elizabeta reported.

"Wait, are you serious?" he replied in a low voice. "Ludwig never wants to talk about it"

"I know. You want us to call every time we hear it, but I decided to call personally due to the circumstances" 

"Eliza, do you know who Feliciano is?" Gilbert asked, leaving no room for doubt.

"I wasn't sure no, but considering you asking me then yes. I had my own suspicions" she sighed, leaning her back against the wall. 

"Do you think they-"

"No, I don't think so."

"Do you think I'm capable of making bad choices? Like when I chose to hire him?" 

"You're definitely capable of making bad choices, but I think in this case you are doing God's work"

"I know I'm like a God, but y'know getting compliments from you kinda gross me ou-"

"It grosses me out too, mind you. But.. I see Ludwig changing in ways I haven't seen since he was young. He's coming out of his shell, and Feliciano has the ability to do so. He is a flirt but it's obvious he doesn't have eyes for anyone else. They're both hopeless, but I think fate had a plan" Elizabeta admitted.

"What should we do?" Gilbert said impatiently. Using his brain cells were a pain in the ass. "You know he has no recollection of anything"

"Hmm" she thought. "I will see what I can do behind the scenes, considering you're neither secretive nor careful" 


"Trust a woman's instincts. Be natural and we can talk more the next time you're home. Capiche?" Elizabeta declared, doing a defiant nod while blowing air out her nose. 

"Urk, I guess. We'll see how it goes, I'll return in not too long. Don't tell them you called"

"Okay, bye" 

Yeesh. It wasn't often she could have a decent phone call with him, but it somehow worked out. The fact Feliciano was the child that worked for Roderich when they visited was intriguing. She hadn't talked to him a lot when they were kids, mainly because she was most with Roderich and Gilbert. The two of them always found places to hide away and have fun, so there was no point in seperating them. If she had...  maybe things wouldn't have turned out like they did..

How many years had even passed since then?


Mein Liebe wartet auf mich = My love is waiting for me

Deine Liebe = Your love

Il mio amore = Your love

Sheiße = well...... shit lol



His subconcious really be rememberin' huh. And now Elizabeta is aware?? 


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