By daisugaaa

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πŸ’ŒCOLD HEARTED JERKπŸ’Œ "So..we meet again.." It's Three years into the future. They meet again at a unexpected... More

16 πŸ“₯


4.8K 233 367
By daisugaaa

                      "I thought about it.."


"I'm not going."

"Oh-! Come on-..We already made it this far!!" Jeongin whined as he kept on tugging Onto Jisung's sleeve who was refusing to move from his spot. The House was right there, the house he use to live in was literally right there! But the moment the place came to view, his body had automatically stopped and that's how they been for the past two minutes. Jisung refusing to move while Jeongin was trying his best to drag the other. He still doesn't know how the younger manage to trick him into riding the bus with him, Jisung was pretty sure the plan was only to walk Jeongin to the nearest bus stop. Not getting on it with him.

"I'm going home-"

"Hyung..Stay and have dinner with us!" Jeongin pleaded as he tighten his grip on the other's arm. Which indeed cause the other to be in pain but even so Jisung shook his head. Only focusing in trying to free his arm from the younger tighten grasp that was definitely cutting off the circulation in it!

"I don't need to be there, Minho hyung will still show up"

"You're making it sound like I'm using you!?"

" aren't you though??"

Jisung questioned as he raise an eyebrow,staring right at Jeongin who was obviously avoiding his gaze. This made The raven head to huff as he finally found his chance to harshly pull away his arm, startling the younger at the sudden movement.

"I'm right,ain't I?"

"N-No-! No not at all! You think Hyung is the only one that missed you?! hEY!COME BACK HERE?!"

Jeongin exclaimed once he noticed that the other was already walking away from the scene. Quickly picking up his pace to go after him, launching himself onto his back. Full on surprising Jisung with this sneak attack,now the poor boy was struggling to free himself from the grasp of the sly fox once again. A couple yells of let go and never! Were
heard being exchanged between the two, they even managed to capture the attention of many innocent people who were passing by. Most of them being neighbors. All of them witnessing a fight between a fox and quokka and honestly. The fox was winning.
Though it wasn't exactly a fight, it was mostly Jisung just trying to pry off the younger off his precious back.

Jeongin had wrap his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist. He was holding on for dear life. He was really determined in persuading Jisung into staying over with them, even if he had to hang  there with the raven head repeatedly slapping his arms and legs to make him let go. Stumbling all over the place.

"I'm not letting go until you say yes in staying!"

"Y-You're suffocating me-!!!Just GET OFF!!"


"Why can't you take a No for an answer?!"

"Just say yes-!"


          "Welcome sweet home!"

Jeongin cheerfully said as he hoped off His victim's back who had no other choice then turn around and walk back. Jeongin giving up seem too good to be true, Jeongin simple request of Can you at least drop me off in front of the door?, seem too innocent to be alright.He should had know there was something going the moment the younger requested for him to unlock and open the door. Jisung really walked himself into Jeongin's trap, he knew from the  moment he kicked the door close.

"This is kidnapping"

"And the ransom is Hyung to show up-!"

"So I am being use.." Jisung said bluntly as he reach out to clutch his heart ,will not literally. It was mostly him clutching his chest, acting out as if he was dealing with an extremely painful heartache. Jeongin let out a sigh as he shook his head before reaching out to grabbed the other by his shoulders and gently rock him.

"No no no! Like I said earlier! Hyung isn't the only who missed you!!...I think.. we all missed having you around.." Jeongin started off, his tone getting softer and quieter towards the end. Even his stare had slip away from Jisung's face, which made the other a bit concern over the sudden chance of mood. Though he sees where this is coming from, not only did he stop talking with Minho, He and his father stopped their connections with the Lee family. Their relationship was already kinda off once Jisung and Minho had started dating, well it was mostly between them and Minho's father. It's not like he was against it but it was just extremely awkward around them. Mr.Lee couldn't even stare at Jisung or even be in the same room as him. It honestly broke Jisung's heart, he thought their relationship was in better terms. Maybe he thought wrong.

After Jisung had broken up with Minho, he and his father never bother to reach out to the Lee's again. Thinking that things between them wouldn't be the same anymore. Jisung never once thought of The Lee's waiting for their return, especially to hear Jeongin admitting that he missed him. Is this really the same kid who hold a grudge against him because he took his room, saying he missed him? Though on the other hand, it had finally hit Jeongin, realizing in what he had said. Causing him to panic.

"S-stop Looking at me like that-! I meant it as everyone BUT ME ! I'm so HAPPY to be in my own room again!" Jeongin exclaimed as he started to rock The older back and Ford, slightly picking up the pace. As if he was trying to shake off any possible thoughts Jisung could have." I didn't miss you!"

"I never said anythi-"

"I was just babbling random stuff! OKAY?!"

"Innie it's really fine-"

"I didn't missed you at all, Okay?!"

"But you did, right?"

"yeah-.. WHAT NO-! Stop putting words in my mou-"

"..Jisungie..?" A voice called out, along with the sound of bags hitting the floor. It caught the attention of the duo that were middle of their third argument of the day. Standing by the door way stood no other than Mrs.Lee herself,it seemed like she had just return from the grocery store telling from the countless bags that were resting by her feet. Mrs.Lee had a shocked expression as she brought her hands up to her face. Her eyes were swelling up with tears. Jisung suddenly was the one panicking. But before he could even say or do anything, in a flash he was engulfed into a tight bear hug. Full on startling him at the sudden interaction and how fast it had happen.

Mrs.Lee had quickly made her way towards the boy, wrapping her arms around him. Hugging him so tightly, pulling back to cup Jisung's face into her hands. The boy could clearly see that she was crying, seeing her cry made him want to cry. Heck, maybe he was as he felt her gently wipe away the small tears that were escaping with her thumbs.

"Our sungie.. our sungie is here with us" She said softly as bright smile form on her face. Despite of her tears. She only kept on pulling him into a tight hug, its as if she was afraid to let him go. At least this time , Jisung return the hug. It had just hit him how much he had missed her too, he had always view Mrs.Lee as a mother figure. She loved him as much as his own mother did, she would always stand up for him. How could he be so cruel to abandon her..?
To abandon them..?

"..I-I'm.. so sorry.. I shouldn't hav-"

"Our Ji, shouldn't be sorry. We are glad that you're back home" Mrs.Lee said softly as she slowly pull away. Starring at him with a reassuring smile,as she reach to gently move strands of hair out of his face. Though those words and gestures were supposed to reassure him,it was what broke him. After so long, he broke down into a sob, with him repeatedly saying sorry in between.

Sorry for running away.
Sorry for Leaving. Sorry for not believing Minho hyung. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry-

"What's the point of dwelling over something that has happen in the past?" A voice cut him off.


Mrs.Lee had pulled away to looked over at her Husband, who's back was facing her. He had closed the door behind him as he removed his shoes to put on his slippers. Jisung had lower his head in shame from breaking down into tears in front of them. He must really look pathetic right now,huh? He bit his bottom lip in a way to prevent a sob to escape his lips, sniffling as he brought his arms to his eyes. He could Mrs.Lee gently place her hand on his backas Jeongin took a step closer towards him. Footsteps were approaching him which suddenly made him tense up. Again, He knows his relationship with Mr.Lee was not the brightest as it was at the beginning.

Yet, Mr.Lee had stopped in front of him. Jisung had his eyes closed tightly, with tears still managing to escape from his gaze. A sudden hand was met on top of his head, gently ruffling his hair before pulling it away.

"Are you hungry?dinner is about to be set. Next time, bring your father." Was all he said before isolating himself in his office. Jisung couldn't help but to cry even more as he brought his hands to his face. He felt so ridiculous and so vulnerable crying there, over something so small. He felt stupid, why was he even crying?! He just felt overwhelmed , overwhelmed by how the Lee family was receiving him with open arms even if he had ghost them for three years over a misunderstanding. Yet he felt so relief, its like he had gotten everything off his chest.
All the guilt that was eating him alive all time, gone.
Even though he was crying as if gotten scolded , Mrs.Lee was there to comfort him. Holding him in her arms as she gently stroke his head.

"When did our Ji get so big~? What are we going to do when you longer fit in my arms~?" Mrs.Lee tease him with a smile as she continue to hug him.

"He's still the same. A crybaby is always a crybaby"


Jeongin had never sprinted so fast to the dining table in his life before, not even requesting to set up the table either. Mrs.Lee rolled her eyes as she let out a sigh, before slowly pulling away to see the boy had finally calm down. Jisung was now in the stage where he was dabbing his tears away with his sleeve, Mrs.Lee warmly smile at him as she try helping in wiping his tears.

"Don't cry anymore Sungie.. or Min will get mad at us!"She said as she gently pinch his cheek, making him let out a small chuckled. Mrs.Lee smiled at the reaction she had gotten out of the boy, happy to see him smiling.

".. Im sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"..Jisung... Please , don't ever feel like you owe us an apology"

"We're just happy to have you here"

Jisung was startled by hearing Minho's voice suddenly cutting into their conversation. Looking over to the doorway to see The older had place down Hana and watch as she ran into her Grandma's arms. She was picked up and smooch all over her face, hearing small giggles coming from her as she got cuddle up. Jisung was startled again once he realized Minho was standing in front of him, he was quick to cup his face into his hands as he examine it. Minho was so focus on the many dry tears and the still wet ones on his face, Jisung could feel his face burning.

"...were you crying..?"  The older asked in a worried tone, making the raven head break out from his trance. He could hear Jeongin in the background, acting out as he was throwing up. Which only resulted in him getting scolded by his mother and dragged into the dining room. Leaving the pair to be alone. Jisung nervously gulp as he shyly nodded yes, what was the point of lying when it was so obvious that he did? Minho let out a sigh before bringing the younger into his chest, having his hand right behind Jisung's head.

"...Should I take you home..?"

"..any.. I want to be here.." (with You)

"you don't have too. I know Jeongin force you to be here. He'll pay for this, don't worry" Hearing this made Jisung click his tongue before letting out a small laugh.

"What are you saying..? I'm hungry. Even if I have to sit through embarrassment, I'll eat" Now it was Minho's turn to let out a chuckle at the younger's respond, only making him to ruffle his hair.

"If that's so? I'll sit next to you then, so you won't feel that embarrassed facing my parents."

"Really?" Jisung asked as he looked up to see Minho sending him a small smile as he nodded.

"Mhm..I'll even hold your hand"

Maybe Minho was making silly promises but seeing that smile on Jisung's face was so worth it. Even if he had the chance to pick on him for crying and call him a crybaby, he decided not too. Jisung probably had his reasons why he cried, he didn't wanted to be insensitive by making fun of him. In fact he had no place to tease him.Though Minho didn't even had the urge to play around, once Jisung's teary eyes met his. A sudden pang shot through his heart, he was hit with worry. Hit with a strong urge to protect.

"Ew.. Just go fuck in the guest room at this point"

"WHAT?!"  Jisung exclaimed as Minho started choking on his own spit. Both becoming flustered at the comment but also at the same time they were trying to play it off. Hint: they fail. Jeongin looked puzzled by their reaction, he expected a simple protest of no or a shut up. The way they acted seem a little bit suspicious..

"..Don't tell me..that the guest roo-"

"I think dinner is ready."

"Yeah I think so too" Jisung said emotionless as he quickly walked away with Minho to the dinning-room. Leaving Jeongin alone with his thoughts, on his own connecting the dots till it finally click. His eyes widening in pure shock as he slowly brought up his hands to his hair.

"y'all ARE nasty! While everyone was downstairs ?!"
Jeongin yelled from the living room.

"..what is Innie talking about..?"

"I have no idea Mrs.Lee.."

"Don't worry ma. He's still recovering from his bang Chan disease. It's the side effects"


         ' .hy- Did you ..-tray me?!'


[ I been trying to sleep but I keep on waking up. I think it was my sign to finish this chap 😟so here it is! This was more of a filler so maybe next chapter will be better^^.

I remember when people use to comment how I made Han  cry in every chapter so now I'm self aware 👯‍♀️ though he broke down this chapter :(.

Oh the black lines at the end are supposed o build up a big reveal which many of y'all have guess correctly but shh don't spill ;)

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!tell me if there's anything I need to improve on! Or what side characters y'all like to see more off?

Until next time Author c 💕 out!

Proof read? Not really
It is 3am, Good night!]

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