Silent Heart (Lisrene Adaptat...

By cathcath0610

22.7K 1K 313

I am not a talkative type of person, I am always serious, I am mysterious and that is the best way. They don'... More

Year AZ
Orangely Rude
50:50 Smile
Wolves II
Torn Between
Hope Vs. Decisions
The Start...
Sky Battle Ground 1.0
Sky Battle Ground 2.0
Sky Battle Ground 2.1
Sky Battle Ground 2.2
Sky Battle Ground 2.3
Sky Battle Ground 2.4
Sky Battle Ground 2.5
Courage to Speak
Sky Battle Ground 3.0
I Can't
White Lights
Nightmare or Dream
Blue Eyed Cat
Project Gold
Within the Walls
Devilish Princess
Honest Feelings
For Now
The Villain
I am a Manoban
Live Free

Wolves I

593 28 2
By cathcath0610

The Next Morning

Irene arrived at school a bit early because she wants to read a certain book in the library before her first class. She was intently researching regarding a cold case she was reading about yesterday. She was hoping that she can get an additional information about the case, bust sadly it was a dead end. The assassin was never caught, but she did find the other interesting cold case just days before blood shed 132.

Irene: Hmm, odd, before blood shed 132, a series of murders happened. Maybe there is a connection to this case and to blood she 132? She proceeded to the computer and search about the case.

She was searching for a minimum time of two minutes and after that, she found a site which covered the full detail of the series of murder before blood shed 132 happened and how her eyes grew wide when she found out that it wasn't just a simple murder.

Irene: God... the people killed were a military rank officers... my gosh! All Commanders?! 9 Commanders from east, west, south and north killed, but the killer was never found. There has to be a connection between this case and blood shed 132. Wait, my dad and Commander Manoban was the co-commanders of the bay area, I remember my dad said that they did not arrive in that area on time, he mentioned that they were an hour too late. Could it be the assassin was targeting all commanders....... SH*T

Irene got startled because the bell rang as a sign that classes has started, she got lost track of time. She immediately print the article and gather all her things, then run going to her first class. When she arrived in the classroom, she feels ashamed because this is the first time that she is late.

Professor: Ms. Bae this is the first time that happened...

Irene: I'm sorry, I lost track of time...

Professor: It's okay, we're still not starting. Take a seat beside Ms. Manoban.

Early in the morning Irene did not expect that she will see Lisa this early and to her surprise they are classmates and seatmates again. A smile immediately formed on her lips and she immediately find Lisa, which she eventually did, there she was, sitting at the back of the class, resting her head on her hand on her desk. Irene's eyebrows immediately creased when she saw Lisa's hand was wrapped in a bandage.

"What happened in her hand? She's not being careful!" Irene said to herself.

When she arrived in front of Lisa, she quickly sat beside her. Lisa tilted her head and acknowledge the presence of her friend.

Lisa: Good morning Irene. She half smiled

Lisa notice that Irene was giving her a very bad look, more like Irene's eyes were throwing daggers at her.

Lisa: Something wrong? She asked

Irene: On me, nothing, but on you? Yes! What happened to your hand Manoban?!

Lisa: Huh? This? It's nothing, just a minor cut.

Irene: Tell me already, we're friends right?

Lisa: Does having cut is included in being friends? She asked in wonder.

Irene: Yes, friends share feelings, happiest moments and even the painful one. Friends care for each other and a friend doesn't want to see her friend being hurt.

"Feelings... pain... hurt... will I feel that?" Lisa sadly asked herself.

Lisa: Very well, point taken.

Irene: So, what happened to your hand?!

Lisa: Jennie gave me a cut. She simply said

Irene: What?!

Lisa: Yeah, she made this very brilliant invention that can heal bruises and cuts for Jisoo and Chaeyoung. She was able to heal Yeri's bruise on her knee, then she asked a volunteer to see if it can also heal the cut---

Irene: So she chose you. She raised her eyebrow while her arms was crossed

Lisa: Negative, I volunteered.

Irene: My gosh... I really scold her... let me see your hand. She grabbed Lisa's hand

It made Lisa shock, once Irene grabs her hand, she instantly felt the connection, the same feeling she felt when she first saw her piercing blue eyes, her heart started to beat fast and slow at the same time. She couldn't grasp in her head what she was feeling. Lisa was just staring at the lady in front of her examining her hand.

Irene: It doesn't look that bad. Make sure you clean it everyday and change the bandage, okay? She smiled

Lisa just nodded in response because she didn't have the voice to speak, like her words has gotten lost for a brief moment, which actually lost in Irene's eyes.

During the class, Lisa was again was listening attentively to her prof, while Irene on the other hand was stealing glances at Lisa. She was feeling all happy inside because she saw Lisa first in the morning, which instantly made her eyebrows creased when she realized she was thinking of Lisa and not her girlfriend and she decided to let her focus be at the board. After their class, Lisa was busy gathering her stuff while Irene is busy thinking.

"Hmm, I'm hungry, My friends still have classes while Seulgi have training. I'm really hungry" Irene said to herself

She got shocked when her stomach rumbles in a very loud noise which made her blush because Lisa was beside her and definitely heard it, and Lisa turned to her with a confused look.

"Did someone just growl?" Lisa asked herself

Irene: Sh*t. She shyly said while her head is down

Lisa: Are you perhaps hungry?

Irene just nodded because she is ashamed on Lisa with her head down

Lisa: Let's go...

Irene: Huh? She looks up and saw that Lisa is already standing

Lisa: Let's have breakfast .

Irene's lips suddenly formed a smile, she couldn't quite not understand which part made her smile, the part she can already eat or the wart where Lisa just ask her out for breakfast. The two decided to head towards the garden, because Irene insisted that it was a nice place to eat and there are food carts there. Irene seated herself under the cool shade of a very large tree, while Lisa was buying a sandwich and drinks for the both of them, once she had bought it, she immediately sits beside Irene and gave her a sandwich and a drink.

Irene: Thank you! She smiled widely

Irene was happily eating, she was munching on her sandwich while Lisa was amused seeing Irene, who was like really satisfied with her meal, she was even reading something while she was eating. Lisa wasn't curious at all with what she was reading, she was more curious on what's running on Irene's head. Irene notice that a pair of eyes was looking at her like she was a piece of specimen under the microscope, and she gave Lisa a violent reaction.

Irene: What?

Lisa: Nothing, sorry for staring. She looks away from Irene

Irene formed a mischievous smile.

Irene: And why are you staring?

Lisa: You have ketchup on your face. She shortly said

Irene immediately wipes her mouth using a tissue, Lisa was actually telling the truth. She felt her cheeks were burning because she is shy. How many times she got embarrassed in front of her. She took a glimpsed at Lisa, who was now already taking a bite of her sandwich.

Irene: Hmm. You will not ask me what am I reading? She asked

Lisa: Huh? Should I ask? She titled her head a little to face Irene

Irene: Not really. Maybe you're curious and you wanted to know. Hehe

???: I wanted to know what are you doing here?

Irene knew the voice that spoke, she definitely recognized it and the tone of the person's voice was bitter and angry. Irene quickly stood up and greeted Seulgi with a kiss. Lisa once again couldn't understand when Irene leaned for a kiss, she felt a sting in her heart, like a bullet just hit her which was impossible because she's very much aware of her surroundings, she can feel a mile away if she is being targeted, but it seems there is no threat.

Irene: Babe! Does your training finished?

Seulgi: Yes. Can you answer my question, what are you doing here? With a hint of anger in her voice

Irene: Ah... because.... uhm...  She nervously said

Lisa: She was hungry, so I invited her for breakfast. She honestly said

Seulgi: Look Lisa, I understand that you're being nice to Irene and want to be friend with her, but let me take care of MY GIRLFRIEND, okay?

Seulgi emphasize the word girlfriend with such a strong voice. Irene could sense the tension, so she quickly grabs her things and grab Seulgi on her arm and left. Seulgi was already making a scene which never in a million years she would see that side of Seulgi, it was unreal for a moment. Before she fully left Lisa under the shade of the tree, she smiled at her and thank her for the breakfast.

When Lisa was left alone standing, she saw some papers left on the ground where Irene was sitting before Seulgi step in. She bent over and gather the papers scattered on the ground, she accidentally had a glimpse of one of Irene's papers and in that moment her eyebrows creased and her eyes from a shade of dark brown suddenly turned into pitch black. Lisa then crumpled Irene's paper with such force.

Lisa: Curious little cat. She smirked.

Lisa then went towards the trash can and instantly threw Irene's papers in the trash.

Lisa: But you really should stop Irene... you might not like what you will discover.

She then looks at her left and to her right, seeing no one was around, she then took a lighter in her pocket and lighten it up and threw it in the trash, and in seconds how the trash can was starting to build a fire inside it. Lisa then started to walk away, and took out a device in her hand, which enables to hacked the school files and gadgets, she was scrolling down on something and when she found the site she was looking for, she immediately erases the site and the other sites connected to it, so that no other students can even find it, not even Irene.


Irene: Seulgi stop, I'm hurting!

Seulgi was holding Irene's arm with such a tight grip, Irene was in shock because this is the first time she saw Seulgi acting like this. Irene has a lot of admirers and some of them are flirting on her, but Seulgi never acted like this before, not until Lisa arrived in their lives. Seulgi's eyes were full of anger and jealousy.

Seulgi: Why the two of you are together?! She raised her voice

Irene: Babe, what the heck! She swatted Seulgi's hand away from her arm. I was hungry! She heard my stomach rumbling that's why she invited me for breakfast!

Seulgi suddenly realized what he had done to Irene, she too was in shock because of what she did. She raised her voice once again at her and what's worse is she hurt Irene physically.

Seulgi: Babe... I'm sorry... I---I didn't mean to hurt you. She said shakingly and she took a step forward towards Irene

Irene immediately took a step backwards because she was afraid that Seulgi will hurt her again, it was like a different Seulgi in front of her, the kind and gentle Seulgi she love has changed into a jealous and angry person. A part of Irene had to blame herself because she could have made a way so Seulgi will not be jealous on Lisa, she already assured her that she doesn't like Lisa, but her words look like it's not enough for Seulgi, maybe she needs to see it in her actions.

Irene: It's okay Babe, I'm sorry too... She hugged Seulgi tightly and close her eyes


A week had passed and Lisa had been already adjusting to her new school and even her classmate, although she was still uptight, but she is now able to be a bit more relaxed especially is she's around her Division. She and Irene was starting to get close because they had a few same subjects together. But lately Lisa noticed that Irene was trying to avoid her, even asking the professors to change her seat so they will not be seat mate. Lisa didn't bother to ask why Irene is avoiding her because Chaeyoung  and Jisoo mentioned to her that Seulgi is jealous with her because they are always together, at first Lisa didn't understand it, but Chaeyoung made sure to explain it to Lisa as crystal clear as possible because Seulgi is a tough wall to break and she will break you hard if she got mad.

It took almost three hours before Lisa understands it, and what a relief it gave to Chaeyoung and Jisoo that almost lost their saliva because explaining to her. What made Lisa understand? Simple, when Jisoo said that maybe Seulgi and Irene will break up because of her and that would mean trouble. With that instantly in Lisa's head that she doesn't want any trouble and she didn't want Irene to suffer,she might still be annoying, but she somehow can't stand seeing Irene getting hurt.

Irene decided to distance herself a little from Lisa so that Seulgi will not be jealous, she could really sense how Seulgi became possessive towards her, especially when Lisa is around, but at the same time she couldn't distance herself because one, they are classmates in almost all of her subjects and seat mates at the same time, so for Seulgi's sake and for the sake of her relationship, she had to step in to save it. She started to avoid her, asking her professors to let her change seats and when her professors ask why? She would usually say that she can't concentrate well and that's it. But most of all a part of her wants to be around Lisa and wants to see her almost everyday, but she couldn't because she loves Seulgi. Does she?

During the times that Irene was avoiding Lisa, she couldn't help but to feel frustrated. Why? Because Lisa and Jennie has gotten closer through the passing days. It was obvious that her cousin like Lisa, yes Irene and Jennie are related to each other. Jennie keeps on sharing with her how hot Lisa was. How her smile was such a rare moment to glimpse, how she was gentle kind and caring. How Lisa enjoys fixing things. Irene was irritated hearing those things because she could have known these things about Lisa if she is not avoiding her and currently she is giving Lisa and Jennie her daggering look.

Nayeon: You know, maybe they are already dead because of how you look at them Besh. She whispered to Irene

Irene: Huh? She asked

Nayeon: I know those looks Irene. I know you... you and Lisa had gotten close, and lately you avoided her because Seulgi is getting jealous. In my point of view Besh, you are doing the right thing because you love Seulgi, but a part of me is doubting that... because based on the way you look at her... do you like her Besh? She asked worriedly

Irene: What?! No Besh! I don't like her! Maybe I look at her like that because I don't like her for my cousin. That's it. She lied

Nayeon: Hmm, that's why. And why not Besh? Look at them, Jennie looks happy... hehe 

The two were standing outside the Division I door, and it was wide open and they can see clearly what was going on inside the room. They went there because they will get some materials for the camping trip the next day. Gadgets that would help them to sense any wild animals approaching their camp. Irene saw Jennie indeed happy, it was obvious in her actions, she likes taking care of Lisa and she saw sweet towards her. She saw Jennie wiping off the grease on Lisa's face, and at the same time she was wiping Lisa's sweat. Irene's system was not accepting what she was seeing, she has no idea what she was feeling was already jealousy and what frustrate's her most is that she can't do anything about it and just watch them together. But Irene felt a bit happy though, because Lisa was still her stiff self the thing she like the most about her.

Jennie: Lisa, come here. Look at you, you're so greasy. Hehehe.

Lisa: Huh? There's no grease...

Jennie: No grease? Here, in your face!

Jennie immediately wipes off the grease on Lisa's face, and while she was doing it Jennie couldn't help but to smile because Lisa was like a kid who's focus was solely to her project.

Chaeyoung: Hep! There's so many ants here! Hahaha

Jisoo: It's true! Anyway, Lisa, are you not feeling hot? It's been a week you still wear your jumpsuit all the way up. Why don't you strip down the top and tie it on your waist, like us. Looks like I'm the one who's feeling hot. Hahaha

Lisa: Hmm... it's that so? Okay.

Lisa slowly zipped down her jumpsuit and all of them, even Irene and Nayeon outside the garage saw Lisa stripping down, good thing she noted in her brain that she would wear a sando underneath her jumpsuit. Lisa was wearing a black sando which fitted quite well in her body and her visible toned abs was shown and how her arms and biceps was well toned. All of their jaws dropped into the ground.

Lisa: It is right? She asked

Rośe: Oh my gosh... She looked at Yeri

Rośe and Yeri: ABS!!!

Jennie was turning red and so was Nayeon and Irene outside of the garage, it was cold outside, but seems like it becomes hot. Lisa was wearing a dog tag and what caught Jennie's attention while she was very much observing Lisa's body from head to toe, just near her left collar bone was a tattoo.

Jennie: You have a tattoo!? She said in shock

Lisa: Yeah

Chaeyoung: Wait, what?! Let me see! Woah! Barcode?

Jisoo: Where did you get that Lis?

Yeri: Yeah, when did you have a tattoo?

Lisa: I don't remember... I had this since I was young, I guess.

Jennie took a step closer and bent down a little to see up close to Lisa's tattoo, which eventually made Lisa a bit startled because of the sudden close of Jennie to her and she could smell Jennie's perfume.

Jennie: What does the number mean Lis? 00002?

Irene couldn't take it anymore, seeing Jennie that close to Lisa made her wasn't to burst into her little bubble, she couldn't stand Jennie being close to Lisa, having a gap away for their faces to meet. She didn't even realized that her body just instantly move and knock, more like banged the garage door, which made everyone in the room except Lisa jump in their tracks and seat.

Yeri: What the hell! She said in shock

Jennie: Little Irene! You knock to much, it's like it can break the wall. Hehe

Jennie went to her cousin and kiss her cheek, Irene responded, but she was intently giving Lisa her daggering look. Lisa wondered why Irene is looking at her like that, did she did something wrong? She look into her left and right and she saw no one was there.

"Weird" Lisa said softly

Nayeon: Hey guys, hi Lisa. She smiled widely at Lisa. Sorry if we just barge in huh. We will just get something.

Jisoo: Oh! You are the one that professor Park said! Wait I will just get it. Hehe. She left and went deeper to the garage

Jennie: What are those little Irene?

Irene: Huh? Uhm, gadgets. We will have a camping field trip on highlands forest, studying landmarks and habitat and eventually how we are able to adjust in an another environment.

Rośe: Wait! Isn't it dangerous there? There are so many wild animals and most especially hybrid wolves!

Nayeon: Yup, that's pretty much it, but not worry we won't be going out alone there... hahaha. The sophomores will join! Hahaha

Jennie: Really? Meaning Chaeyoung, Yeri and Lisa will also come?

Nayeon: Yup! Hehe

Chaeyoung: Wait! I didn't know about that!

Irene: Huh? They will come?

Nayeon: Besh, you also didn't know? Guys! Do you even read you email?!

Chaeyoung: Yeri, do you know about this?

Yeri: Yes!

Chaeyoung: The hell! Why you didn't tell me and Lisa so we can prepare. She smack Yeri's head

Yeri: Do I know if you're reading your email or not? Hahaha

Jennie: Hahaha! So next time, you should always check your email. Hahaha. I'm just curious, what are their roles there? Does the forces will also join?

Nayeon: Yes, they will also come. Forces will be in charge in case that the wild animals will come to the camp. While the arms will be in charge for our safety, assuring all equipment are working and functional, especially at night maybe the wolves will come. Hahaha

Yeri: Wow, you know everything. Hahaha

Nayeon: Of course, all the details are in the email. What part does you only read?

Yeri: Hahaha, the invited part only. Then she scratch her head

Nayeon: Goshhhh!!

On that moment, Jisoo came back carrying the gadgets which includes flairs, field scanner, detectors, land mines, bullets and traps.

Jisoo: Nayeon unnie here, as requested of Professor Park. She gives the box to Nayeon

Jennie: Tell the forces to be careful in planting the land mines, those are tricky bombs to plant. Do you hear, Yeri?

Yeri: Yes, but more or less Seulgi will plant those. Hehe

Irene: Uhm, we need to go. We still need to pack up. See you guys tomorrow? She was looking at Lisa

Chaeyoung: Wait! What time is the call time? And where?

Jisoo: What?! You didn't know?

Chaeyoung: Me and Lisa didn't read it. Hahaha

Lisa: 4:00 am, here in school. She was looking at Irene

Chaeyoung: What?! You also read it, Lis?

Lisa just nodded in response, Lisa did read the message, she was very much aware of it, but she was kind of over thinking that's why it didn't register in her mind that the camping is tomorrow. Lately she couldn't stop thinking about Irene, when she close her eyes she could see Irene's blue eyes and sweet smile. She was trying to figure out what she was feeling, but she keeps on facing a dead end. She told herself why she kept on thinking about her because she was reading something about her past and might eventually discover her secret, but seeing Irene standing in front of her made her heart beat rapidly like it will come out.

"Hmm. Vital signs seems normal, but my heart keeps on beating rapidly?! Am I having a heart attack?!" Lisa said to herself.

Chaeyoung: Hey Lis! I asked you if you read the email?

Lisa: Huh? She snapped back. Yeah, I must have forgotten that tomorrow we will leave.

Chaeyoung: Well, now at least I know! Hahaha. All right! See you tomorrow! Hahaha

Irene: Uhm, ok-okay we will go now.

Jennie: Little Irene, see you at your lunch. I will be there for dinner. Hehe. She waved goodbye at Irene and Nayeon

Irene and Nayeon was about to turn around when Yeri called their attention.

Yeri: Hey! Wait, I will go with you going back to the campus, I need to pack up for tomorrow. Hehe, how about you, Chae?

Chaeyoung: Good idea, I haven't even pack at all. Hahaha

Jisoo: Me and Rośe will also come with you, Joy unnie is waiting for me. How about you Jennie and Lisa?

Lisa: I think I'll stay for a little while.

Jennie: Same here. She smiled

Chaeyoung: Oh key... see you tomorrow and don't forget to lock the garage, guys. Hahaha

Irene: Uhm, alright, Lis we will go first. See you. She said sadly

Lisa smiled at Irene just a little and spoke.

Lisa: Tomorrow.

And they left Lisa and Jennie alone in the garage, Irene was disappointed and at the same time bothered. One, Lisa decided to stay and two she's with Jennie all alone.

"What the hell she's working on that's why she decided to stay" She angrily said to herself

Her question was answered when Jisoo spoke.

Jisoo: Lisa's focus is incredible! She won't stop not until she able to fix it. Hahaha

Nayeon: Fix what exactly?

Chaeyoung: Lisa loves fixing things, even the small one and right now why she decided to stay because she's currently fixing the vending machine.


Irene: Besh... it's a vending machine

Nayeon: I know, it's a source of food, my snack time! Hehe

Irene: My gosh, Besh. Hehe

The Next Morning

It was 4 am in the morning and it was very cold outside, all the sophomore gathered at their school's gate. Some students had already took their seats inside the bus, while the others was outside the bus and enjoying with their groups holding a cup of coffee.

Chaeyoung: Ohhhh, it's so cold. She took a sip on her coffee

Yeri: Lisa is still not here? We will go in a few.

Lisa: I'm here

Yeri: Oh my God! Lisa! You startled me! You just f*cking gave me a heart attack!

Lisa: Do you want me to call an ambulance?

Chaeyoung: HAHAHAHAHA! You crack me up Lis! What Yeri said was just an expression Lis. Hahaha

Just across them was Irene and Seulgi's group in a circle and for the first time Lisa's eyes was searching for the small, petite girl with piercing blue eyes and when her eyes had finally found her, she felt another sting in her heart. She saw Seulgi hugging Irene from behind and Irene was snuggling with Seulgi, when Seulgi lean down she saw Irene kissed Seulgi's cheek. Lisa was not liking what she was seeing, not at all.

Professor Park: All sophomore enter the bus! We will go now!

The sophomores immediately went to each bus. Irene saw Lisa enter the bus which they are also assigned. Each sophomore is group each having an Arms, Force and Strategics with them.

Nayeon: Looks like hottie is in the same group as us. Hahaha. Sh*t, guys do I look good? She was combing her hair

Jeongyeon: Hon, you always look good in my eyes. Hehehe

Joy: Wow! Pick up line early in the morning! Let's enter the bus.

Tzuyu: Mina, Chaeyoung is in our group...yiehhhh!

Mina: Shhh... she might hear you. Hehe

When they got inside the bus, Irene immediately saw Lisa who was looking outside the window and Irene immediately look away because Seulgi might saw her and gets mad. She then took a sit beside Seulgi, while Lisa was looking outside the window, she didn't look for Irene because inside her she was already hurting, even her eyes was burning when she saw both of the snuggling in the cold. The feeling was still new to her, and she's trying her best to understand what she is feeling.

The ride in the highlands was quiet, all felt a bit of tension, this will be the first time that they will experience the wild life, what they were against about was not people with guns but rather an aggressive wild animals. When they arrived they quickly set up the camp, the forces was building the tent and the strategics was studying the land mark which area is safe to wonder and which areas are red zones, while the arms was setting up their equipment, securing the area was safe, and installed the detector around their camp just incase a wild animal would come across the camp. What they feared the most are the hybrid wolves that always travel in pack. When the camp was set up and secured, Professor Park gathered up his class and group each member into three.

Professor Park: I'll be grouping you into three, and you will be drop off in a safe zone area, and you must come back here before the sunset. Welcome to your survival test that can test your teamwork, skills and instinct. So listen up!

After the grouping was done, Seulgi instantly reacted because she doesn't want Lisa in her group especially that Irene is with them. She approached her professor and ask if she can change the arms that is in their group, but Professor Park already made his decision and that is final. It was already 7 am and each group was drop off to a safe zone location away from the camp. Each of them are blind folded so they can't see where they will leave them. Currently, they are riding an air hiver craft and when they arrived to their location and when the transportation left they quickly took off their blind fold.

Seulgi: Let's go... Irene can you tell where we are?

Irene: Hmm... based on the map we studied earlier, I think we are on the West side of the highlands forest. It's frustrating because we are not allowed to bring a map! Tsk!

Seulgi: This is a survival training... we need to depend on our skills and instinct... babe stay close to me, okay? Before sunset we will be back in the camp, trust me okay? She smiled at Irene

Irene: I trust you Babe

They start to walk, Seulgi and Irene was walking side by side, while Lisa was just walking behind them like Irene and Seulgi didn't notice that they have another member in site. Lisa didn't mind if she is not exist in their eyes because she had her focus on where they are, strictly observing and studying the forest, her senses was in full attention. Lisa stop her tracks and bent down, she saw some twigs broken and a large print on the ground.

" Something is not right..." She said to herself

Seulgi: Lisa! You're slowing us down... make it fast! She said with authority

Seulgi with her airsoft gun on her hand, the only weapon given to them before they drop off, she was already pissed because Lisa is so slow and it was not helping them at all. Seulgi walk being pissed because of Lisa, while Irene on the other hand was looking at Lisa and spoke.

Irene: Lis... we need to move...

Lisa: Acknowledge that. She started to walk

They keep on walking for hours, it was already 4 pm in the afternoon, based on the ray of light that was striking. All three was resting fir a while because they are walking for hours, and still the camp was no where in sight and the clock is already ticking.

Seulgi: Babe you think that we are near?

Irene: I'm not sure's hard to tell. We only have a few hours left, we really need to move.

Once again ignoring that Lisa is with them, Lisa was just silent and observing the two having a conversation. She didn't notice that she was already staring at Irene. She saw Irene was sweating, nervous but trying her best to be calm, she couldn't deny the fact that she indeed admire her bravery and admitted to herself that she is attracted to her.

Seulgi: Hey! Don't stare at Irene like that. She said angrily

Irene: Huh? She look at Lisa

Seulgi caught Lisa staring at her, those stares she knew, because that's the same stare she gives to Irene, admiration and love. Lisa was a bit caught off guard, she just looked away from both of them, at least they knew that Lisa was with them. Then suddenly Lisa heard something, and it wasn't a friendly sound, she quickly stood up.

Seulgi: Look Lisa, straight to the point! After we come back to the camp, don't you dare to come near Irene. You got it?!

Irene: Babe, stop it! Lisa is not even doing anything, and your anger is not helping us!

Seulgi: Hey, Lisa! Do you understand?! She yelled

Lisa: Silence... She said softly

Seulgi: The heck! The nerve you have!

Irene: Seulgi!

Lisa: You two, shut up! She look left and right. Something's wrong...

The two were shocked because it's the first time they hear an emotion in the words of Lisa, they even felt scared when Lisa just screamed at them. And what scared them the most is when Lisa said that there's something wrong. Seulgi quickly took the safety off of her airsoft gun and was aiming at the bushes. They group together and what they heard gave chills to their spines. They can hear behind the trees was a growling sound. Lisa's face was now serious, she was looking intently at the trees, with her fist clenched and finally she was able to see what was behind the tree, eyes that was looking at their prey. Lisa's eyes meet the predator's eyes.

Lisa: Wolves

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