What I Love About You...

By venic3bxtch

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When Madison Hart, an introvert and Christian Smith the popular football quarterback start to fall in love af... More

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651 15 1
By venic3bxtch

Following our surprise gift exchange, Christian, Jenny, Claire, and I made our way to the hospital.

Claire had enthusiastically volunteered to donate.

Upon reaching the hospital, we strode in as a group, with Christian carrying our bag of gifts.

The hospital's atmosphere was vibrant and festive, illuminated by an array of lights and adorned with Christmas decorations.

At the front desk, we were greeted warmly by Fiona, a dedicated employee of the hospital.

"Hey, you guys!" She gave us a warm smile.

"Hey, here to give some gifts." Jenny pointed at the bag and smiled.

"I'll guide you to some rooms," She proposed, and we obliged, trailing after her.

Upon entering one of the rooms, we were greeted by the sight of a little boy. His face instantly brightened upon seeing us.

"Hi, Alex." I greeted him with a warm smile.

"Madison!" He smiled at me.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, I asked him, "How are you?" while gently stroking his cheek.

"I'm okay...the doctor said I'm getting better...I can't wait to see my dog and friends!" His words tumbled out in a joyful rush, his excitement obvious.

Alex was small with glasses. He has stage 2 brain cancer. He had no hair because of the treatment.

I've known Alex for almost a year. He's been fighting for a long time. Doctors say he might not have a chance but I know he does.

He has to.

"I believe in you," I reassured him with a warm smile, "and I have a surprise for you." As Christian handed me a gift from the bag, I offered it to Alex, "Here you are, sweetheart."

A wave of excitement washed over his face.

His grin, accentuated by some missing teeth, couldn't have been more endearing.

"A race car!" He exclaimed, cradling his present.

"You've been such a good kid this year you deserve it, bud." Christian added, smiling at him.

"I'm so proud of you for being so strong and fighting," I let him know how proud I was, "You're gonna get better soon." I smiled at him.

"Thank you, Madison." He embraced me, his small arms enveloping me in a heartfelt hug.

Returning his hug, I gently rubbed his back, fighting to maintain my composure for his sake.

Life is heart-wrenchingly cruel at times.


Playing alongside Alex with his beloved toy car, we chatted, both losing ourselves in the banter.

"Alright, my love, I have to go. I'll be back soon."  I reassured him, placing a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Bye!" His goodbye echoed, the glasses on his face sliding as he energetically waved me off.

Suppressing the surge of emotions welling within me, I let a solitary tear escape, cascading down my cheek. Swiftly wiping it away, I silently prayed no one noticed.

The next room welcomed me with a quiet tranquillity, in which a young girl of maybe twelve or thirteen was engrossed in her magazine, an easy reader designed for her age group.

"Hi there." I smiled at her.

"Oh, hey." Her response came, lifting her gaze from the vibrant pages.

"How are you?" I ask taking a seat at the edge of the bed, careful not to invade her personal space.

"I'm okay...just waiting for my parents. They're with the doctor," she informed, punctuating her words with a quick nod of her head.

Seeking to know more about her, I asked, "What's your name?"

"Ella." She confirmed, bobbing her head once again.

A tender grin spread across my face, "Well, Ella, I have a little something here for you." My hands carefully grabbed a gift swathed in vibrant purple paper, symbolic of the special present it concealed for her.

The light in her eyes danced in sheer delight as she was surprised at the surprise.

"Wow." The word escaped her lips in a barely audible whisper as her hands gently tugged at the wrapping paper.

It was a makeup set.

"I can finally feel pretty now...at least a bit," She murmured under her breath, her eyes glossing over her present.

I looked at her with my eyebrows furrowing.

The comment threw me off-guard, compelling me to speak my heart, "You radiate beauty from within and it shines throughout. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise."

Her arms snaked around me, drawing me into a warm embrace, her gratitude apparent.

As we broke away, her features softened, though a lingering sadness clung onto her.

"But...boys at school often tell me I'm ugly." Her voice was hushed, the glow in her eyes beginning to fade.

Knowing all too well the cruelty young children could be subjected to, I found the words of reassurance she so desperately needed, "Ella, believe me, the right person will come along, one who will love you for exactly who you are, with or without hair. These immature boys and their taunts do not define you. All that matters right now is focusing on getting better." I ended on a hopeful note, my eyes reflecting her innate strength and resilience.


Positioned at the doorway with my arms folded, I observed Madison, taking in every variation of her voice and actions.

The sheer kindness and generosity of her soul never ceased to amaze me.

I don't fucking deserve her.

The bitter truth was that I was nowhere close to deserving her.

Madison was having a discussion with Ella about the ways of dealing with boys. After a while, she excused herself to catch up with her aunt.

"I'll be right back." She looked at both of us and then walked out.

However, I could still glimpse her from my vantage point at the door.

"Your girlfriend is so cool and pretty," Ella stated, glancing between Madison's retreating figure and me with an admiring smile.

"She is, isn't she." I concurred in a low murmur, unable to tear my eyes away from Madison.

With a change of topic, I turned to Ella, curious about the makeup set she'd received, "Do you know much about this?" I asked, motioning to her present.

She modestly responded, "Not excessively, but I know the basics. I dream of becoming a makeup artist one day. I want to work with people battling cancer like myself." Her eyes lit up at the thought.

"Sounds like an incredible plan," I replied, nodding approvingly.

Ella chuckled at my response and turned her attention back to her gift.

She gently unwrapped it to reveal a variety of brushes and palettes, holding a brush up as if it were a prized possession, "This one's for applying powder." she began educating me on their different purposes.

Time flew by as we continued our enlightening conversation on the finer points of makeup and also we chatted about football since her brother also does it.

Madison walked in and smiled at us.


Entering the room, I spotted Christian and Ella deeply engrossed in a conversation.

I watched their active exchange from the sidelines until Jenny announced it was time for us to leave for the holiday show.

I walked over to Ella and planted a kiss on her forehead, "I have to go but I'll see you soon okay." I smiled at her.

"Uh-huh." She nodded.

Bag in hand, Jenny started walking in the direction of our destination. Side by side, Christian and I joined hands and strolled along.

That's when I saw him - an unexpected figure, a face I knew too well - in the crowd, conversing with another individual. It was Joseph.

"Joseph?" His name escaped my lips as I moved towards him, confused.

At my approach, his lips transformed into a radiant smile.

We exchange a quick hug, "Why are you here?" I questioned.

"I occasionally drop by, since your mother's..."

"Yeah," I interrupted swiftly, I do the same." I stated, soflty nodding.

"How are you?" He asks.

"I'm okay."

"Now that you're here, I have something for you." From his pocket, he retrieved a petite box.

"Thank you." I extended my hand with hesitancy to take the box from him.

I opened the box revealing a shiny silver bracelet with lots of diamonds on it.

Upon opening the box, my eyes were met with a breathtaking sight - an opulent, silver bracelet embellished with diamonds. The magnificence of the bracelet caused me to catch my breath.

"Oh," I found myself stammering out, "Thank you." I forced a polite smile towards him, genuinely taken aback.

"It's simply a gift, from me to you." He dismissed it lightly, sporting a confident smile.

"We must make a move now, the Christmas show awaits us." Jenny chimed in, leading the way towards the show's location.

"Thanks, again." I gestured with the box, not knowing how else to express my surprise and gratitude.

I am truly grateful, I reflected internally, realizing that my outward demeanor might be mistaken as ungrateful.

"Oh, Madison, I wanted to ask if you'd be open to babysitting your step-sister, Riley?" He added, in an afterthought.

"Uh...sure, I guess," Was my nonchalant response.

"Excellent! I'll be dropping her off shortly and will text Jenny with the details," He responded, nodding in acknowledgment, before melting away into the crowd.

Guided by Jenny, we all resumed our journey towards the holiday show.


After the show was over we gave some gifts to more kids and said our goodbyes to Christian and Claire.

Traditionally, Jenny and I enjoy an intimate Christmas dinner, just the two of us.

We went to my house and Christian dropped me off.

Me and Jenny went inside and we both went into the kitchen.

A melodious Christmas soundtrack underscored our mutual culinary efforts as we busily prepared a wholesome meal.

We had red pork tamales and mashed potatoes. Although they probably don't mix well together.

I don't care, I love it still.

A background noise of soft laughter and amicable conversation peppered our cooking time. It felt revitalizing to share time with Jenny, especially since it had been some time since we last connected in such a way.

As we moved through the night, Jenny filled a delicate glass with her favored wine, and I settled for a refreshingly fizzy grape juice.

After a bit, we ate and chatted for a while. I was starting to get tired so we went to bed.

I got ready for bed and I drifted off to sleep.


It was finally New Year's Eve and I was getting ready for Ashley's party and Jenny went to Claire's with Ashley's mom.

Slipping into a sleek, jet-black dress that hugged my figure complimented by sheer sleeves and knee-high leather boots with an understated heel, I was pleased with my choice of attire.

My hair hung loose as I made my way down the stairs.

Jenny had already left so I got in my car and drove off to Ashley's house.

Upon my arrival, the house pulsed with deafening music and a shit ton of teenagers, outside, drinking, chatting, throwing up.

I walked in to see if I could find a familiar face.  Catching the sight of Aaron swaying rhythmically with his boyfriend, I took comfort in the sight of cheer.

Running upstairs to find Ashley, I cautiously eased her room door open, peeking inside only to find Daniel stretched out on the bed with a girl on top of him.

It was Ashley. The sight was enough to make my eyes bulge, I closed the door in reflex.

Clamping my hand over my mouth, the shock slowly washed over me.

Why didn't they lock the fucking door?

Shaking myself off the initial shock, I locked the door on their behalf before carefully pulling it shut. The spectacle left a knot in my stomach.

Walking downstairs, I headed towards the kitchen in pursuit of water to wash the queasy feeling away.

There was mostly just alcohol. I managed to spot a few water bottles in the fridge.

Grabbing one, I twisted it open and chugged the cool liquid down my throat.

"You okay?" A deep, masculine voice emanated from behind me.

Turning to face him, I found a well-built man of substantial height with recently trimmed hair. While undeniably attractive, he didn't strike a chord with me.

His eyes, the color of a clear summer sky, rested atop a chiseled jawline.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I offered him a forced smile, "I walked in on my best friend and her boyfriend having...a spontaneous cooking session." I joke hinting they had sex.

"Ah." He laughed softly.

"Are you a friend of Ashley's?" Curiosity led me to wonder if he was acquainted with Ashley, considering his unfamiliarity.

"Nah, I'm here with a friend," He nodded, propping himself against the fridge.

"Oh, okay." I nodded.

"So, what's your name?" He asked me, folding his arms.

His eyes rolled up and down, checking me out.

"Madison," I told the guy my name, "Yours?"

"Ethan." He smiled at me.


The girl in front of me is stunning.

I can't believe any guy would be stupid enough to let her roam around alone.

Her infectious laughter, her infectious smile, her wry sense of humor, and that body...

"Are you taken?" The words escape from my lips almost before I can stop them.

"I am." Her response is affirmative but nonchalant.

Of course, she is.

"And who is the lucky guy?" I pose the question as casually as I can while leaning against the counter.

She hesitates, "Christian." Her gaze falls towards the water bottle she's clutching.

"Last name?" I asked her, hoping it wasn't who I thought it was.

"Why?"  Her confused gaze finds mine.

"Oh, because I had a friend named, Christian...just wanted to see if you were with him." I scrambled for a likely explanation.

"It's...Smith." She confirmed almost hesitatingly.

Fuck. That motherfucker hates my guts.

Well, this might just present me an opportunity to strike back, hitting him where it'll hurt him the most. Madison is the only way.


Ethan was locked in thought, eyes glazed over as he fixed his gaze on the counter, seemingly entranced.

I snapped my fingers in front of him, "Hello?" I waved my hand in his face.

"Oh, sorry," he recovered, "I was remembering about how Christian and I used to be the best of friends before I moved away." He cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"Oh, really, I had no idea, " I pout my lip, crossing my arms, "He's never talked about you." I shook my head, pinching my eyebrows together.

"Well...we just...grew apart." He admitted, almost defensively.

"Oh, sorry to hear that," I said sympathetically.

He brushed it off, an insincere smile in play, "It's alright."

Just then, Christian snuck up from behind me, "Hey?" His question was directed at me.

"Hi." I looked up at him, my arms staying crossed.

"What are you doing here?" He cast an icy glare Ethan's way before sliding his arms around my waist, reasserting his claim over me.

"Came here with a friend." He smiled at him.

My head moved up to see him clenching his jaw, glaring at him.

Seeing Christian clench his jaw tightly in response, I concluded their past wasn't nice. I'm guessing they grew apart for a reason.

"Okay, well, we're gonna go enjoy the party...bye." I waved at him and took Christian's hand.

I dragged him over to a corner.

"What was that?" I raised my eyebrows.

Christian gave a careless shrug, obviously annoyed, "We have a bad history." He remarked, significantly underplaying the issue.

No shit.

"Back when I was hooking up and kind of daring Lauren, she was dating Ethan at the time but I had no idea so she was dating both of us." He begins to explain.

I nod the more he speaks.

"Ethan and I were close, then. One day, I found them together and that led to Lauren having to choose between us. She chose me. The incident, though, left Ethan heartbroken, he left school soon after. I caught her cheating again, this time with my father. That was it for me. I broke things off, but she never stopped obsessing over me." He finished with a deep sigh.

"That's fucked up," I expressed in sincere shock.

Breaking eye contact, I averted my gaze to the floor, at a loss of words.

With worry evident in his voice, Christian admitted, "I'm worried he's gonna take you from me."

I met his insecurity with shock. Ethan and me? Hell no.

"What?" The shock manifested in my widened eyes and a pitch that only expressed disbelief, "Christian," I reached up to tilt his face, making him meet my gaze, "I only have eyes for you, and only you," I promised, punctuating it with a soft kiss to his nose, "He can go rot in hell, for all I care." A laugh bubbled up.

"God, I love you." He pulled a strand of my hair behind my ear tenderly.

"I'd hope so." I joke earning a kiss from him after.


The clock was about to strike midnight.

As 'Happy New Year' hovered on everyone's lips, we found ourselves on our feet, eyes fixated on the television screen.


A resounding chorus of Happy new year! filled the room.

As the countdown completed, my hand found Christian's cheeks and drew him into a deep kiss. His hand pulled me in closer, wrapping around my waist and deepening our shared moment.

The celebratory noise of our friends melted into a faint background hum, as my focus was entirely on him. When we eventually parted, I gently rested my forehead against his.

"Happy new year," I murmured, gazing into the depths of his eyes.

A radiant smile lit up his face as he rewarded me with a gentle peck on my lips.

My joy carried me across the room as I hugged Ashley and Daniel. Following that, I wrapped Aaron and his boyfriend Ryan in warm embraces.

"By the way...start locking the fucking door when you're screwing your boyfriend."  I teasingly whispered into Ashley's ear.

Her laughter rippled through the room, as her hand flew up to her chest in surprise. "Oh my God..I'm so sorry," she chuckled.

Our celebration was interrupted by a thundering voice, "Attention!" All eyes turned towards the young man who'd taken a rather unusual spot on the coffee table.

Once he had our undivided attention, he added, "Ethan has some great news for all of us!" Then he quickly hopped off the table, giving Ethan the spotlight.

With a coy smile, Ethan stood and replaced him on the table, basking in our curious stares.

Ethan stood on the table and started smiling.

"I'm glad to announce that this year, I'll be attending the same high school as the rest of you. It's time to create even more unforgettable memories this year...Christian, you know what I mean." His words were punctuated by a pointed finger at Christian and a broad, knowing grin.

At that, I instinctively turned towards Christian, whose jaws were now clenched and eyes held an unsettling, furious glare.

It was clear, from his grim demeanor, that Ethan's revelation was far from pleasing news for him.


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