Chains of Heaven [highschool...


105K 1.4K 357

You are a child from a different universe you died, but get reincarnated to a different universe but don't re... More

Chapter. 1 Reborn
Chapter. 2 Human's Destruction
Chapter. 3 Revelation
Chapter. 4 Introduction
Chapter. 6 Vistor.
Chapter. 14 Shity Chapter
Chapter. 7 The Nun And The Pervert.
Chapter. 8 Battle From The Forest.
Chapter. 9 Ana And Alice.
Chapter. 10 Contract Activates.
Chapter. 11 Betrayal.
Chapter 12. Sona.
Chapter. 13 God Vs The Chains Of Heaven.
Chapter. 15 Return
Chapter. 16 sometimes things don't die
Chapter. 17 tsudere's date.
Chapter. 18 forming alliances
Chapter. 19 Summit

Chapter. 5 Kuoh Academy.

7K 98 50

As the day came into a close y/n and ana prepared to close shop, once the customers are out y/n approached ana.

Y/n:"ana, I'll be going to escort alice back home now"

Ana:"wait before you go!"

Ana took a bag from below her table.

Ana:"take this, its a pair of clothes I bought yesterday sorry if its a bit girlish..."

Y/n:" but i can just create clothes out of nowhere..."

Ana:"oh right..... Still wear it tho, also sorry again"

Y/n nodded no.

Y/n:"its quite allright ana, i like it thanks!"

As y/n said this ana was nose bleeding a bit...

Y/n:"ana? Are you ok?"

Ana:"y-yes! I am!"

Y/n:"ok then! I'm off bye!"

Y/n then left to go to kuoh academy,after walking for minutes y/n finally reached the gates ok kuoh academy where he was being stared at by the students both girls and boys. Gossips started as students left.

After a few minutes later alice appeared, running towards y/n.

Alice:"y/n! Y/n!"

She said as she ran, once close enough the two talked.

Alice:"thanks for escorting me home, but before we leave i have to bring something to my senior"

Y/n:"hmm? What is it?"

Alice then brought out an object from her bag, it was a book and showed it.

Y/n:"what is it?"

Alice:"i don't know, my senior just asked me to go to the city library and grab this book."

Y/n:"ok then, I'll follow you."

As alice walked y/n followed behind, after walking the school ground they finally reached an old building. Suddenly the doors opened revealing a red haired woman with a bunch of people behind her.

Alice:"oh rias! I got the book you wanted."

Rias:"thanks, alice!"

As rias walked forward to grab the book that's when y/n felt the same energy he felt fighting that tentacle monster. Immediately y/n fired his chains of heaven and pulled alice back.

Alice:"y-y/n! What're you doing!"

Y/n:"stay behind me"

Y/n then made more chains as they moved around y/n.

Rias:"what are you? And why did you do that.."

Y/n:"tell me rias, are you like that monster?"

Rias:"monster? What monster?"

Y/n:"the monster east of the city near the factory area ok kuoh"

Rias:"wait,are you the one that killed it?"

Y/n:"you dodged my questions twice now, and are asking me the questions. It seems you won't answer me straight and so i will make you!"

Immediately the chains fired faster than a bullet but rias destroyed them with some sort of destructive magic, y/n then used age of babylon and created a sword and charged at rias.

Then two of the people standing beside rias approached in front of her.

Kiba:"i am knight of rias gremory, if you walk further i will not hesitate to attack!"

Koneko:"and i am koneko, rook."

Y/n:"hmm....chess pieces? No matter if your master wont answer me straight i have no choice!"

Then kiba attacked, swinging his sword left to right and right to left but y/n's defence wasn't easily broken as he dodged and countered kiba's attacks when y/n finally overcame kiba he kicked kiba to the side sneding him to the ground. Immediately the chains swarmed around kiba completely making him immobile.

Koneko then closed in as she kicked
Y/n, at first y/n was shocked such a small body could make such force and so he did not underestimate koneko as she threw her punches and kicks y/n made it so he dodged or defended against her attacks.

As this was happening, the black haired woman beside rias sprouted wings and flew to the skies, when y/n saw this he immediately chained koneko's legs.


Immediately y/n punched koneko in the stomach making koneko fell to the ground As she flinched in pain, suddenly the black haired woman fired lightning from her hands which y/n dodged. After doing so he noticed the woman changed clothes and so y/n did the same.

At first the black haired woman was suprised but she shook her thoughts and introduced herself.

Akeno:"i am akeno priestess of thunder, and queen of rias gremory..."

Y/n:"i am y/n, i am a person, i think"

Akeno:"nice to meet you y/n,now let me see your pleasured face~"

She then fired more lightning at y/n but he dodged them, bolt after bolt akeno missed, y/n then formed his hand to a blade and rushed akeno. As y/n got close he thrusts his blade hand and manages to scratch akeno, he then kicked her effectively breaking akeno's wings sending her to the ground.

Now that was left is rias, as y/n flew down and faced rias she was furious.

Rias:"i am rias gremory heiress to the house gremory of the devil faction, and you angered me y/n!"

Rias then fired destruction beams at y/n as he dodged them, blast after blast rias missed.

Rias:"are you from the heaven faction? I detect whenever you create those weapons and that chains and when your hands become blades made of pure energy i feel tiny traces of holy energy from them."

Y/n:"i do not belong to any faction, and you rias.... Has not answered my question yet!"

Immediately y/n fired the chains of heaven and immobilized rias, he then closed the distance and punched rias in the stomach, rias felt as if all the air from her lungs just got released.

Y/n then created a blade again and pointed it at rias's neck.

Y/n:"tell me what are you?"

Rias:"i told you im a devil! From house gremory and u attacked me you'll pay for harming my friends"

Y/n then looked at Alice who was looking at y/n intensively but he knew alice was saying don't do it.

Y/n:"sigh* it seems i am wrong for attacking you miss gremory..."

Y/n then released rias and anyone else binded by the chains.

Y/n then bowed,and explained why he attacked them.

Rias:"i see, so that's why you attacked us..."

Y/n:"please forgive me..."

Rias:"i don't know if i can,you still hurt my friends..."

Y/n:"hmmm, how bout a one day contract?"

Rias:"A one day contract?"

Y/n:"yes, I exchange my freedom for Servitude in one day for you to forgive me for i have done..."

Rias:"and i guess I'm the one who decides whenever this contract is activated?"

Y/n nodded no.

Y/n:"the contract will immediately activate whenever you would ask me for help."

Rias:"now, y/n i need to wipe Alice's memories of the fight. Plus she knows what we are now."

Alice:"don't worry i wont ell anywone, afterall i kept y/n's secret..."

Rias:"ok then..."

Y/n and Alice then left and went home.

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