Emerald Assassin X Avengers (...

By millb321

886K 25.4K 5.6K

"What's that on your shirt...?" "Would you believe me if I said red paint?" "Is it paint?" "...yes?" Meet... More

Bonus scene #1
Bonus scene #2
Bonus scene #3
Bonus scene #5
New Book!!!

Bonus scene #4

5.8K 207 63
By millb321


This chapter is really long so put y'alls seatbelts on.

Ashlyn's pov:

"Come on Ash, it's not that bad I swear,"

Ash was standing outside Midtown High School, the school that Peter and Maya attended. How the hell the two had convinced her to try it out was beyond her, but somehow, they had. Students were walking past them through the doors as the bell rang. Tony Stark had made a few calls to the school so that Ash would have the same schedule as Maya, who had taken the same advanced classes as Peter.

"Come on, we're going to be late," Peter said as he put his hand in Ash's and pulled her with him as he walked up the steps to the entrance of the school.

"So what do we have first?" Ash asked hesitantly, she didn't really want to know.

"AP calculus," Maya said happily.

Ash's eyes widened.

She would rather fight the group of assassins trying to kill her again than attend that class.

Walking through the doors of the classroom was an experience Ash hadn't been looking forward to either. The last time she had attended school was in the 7th grade for an undercover mission and she hadn't had the best experience.

She knew important stuff like fighting, she didn't need to know anything else.

Maya and Peter wanted to sit in the front of the classroom but after Ash threatened to leave, they agreed to sit in the back.

"Good morning class,"

The teacher, Mrs. Collins, was a middle-aged woman. Her hair was in an extremely tight bun that made Ash's head hurt just looking at it.

"Today we will be reviewing implicit differentiation."

Ash raised an eyebrow, was that even a thing?

She was definitely gonna fail this class.

"Take out your notebooks and do the equation on the board"

Ash took out the notebook that she had in her backpack. She opened it to a random page and looked at the board.

What In The Actual Heck Was This?!

(She would've used "hell" but she had spent the last month with Steve and he was kinda rubbing off on her)

Maya and Peter immediately got to work but Ash was completely confused.

She decided not to waste her time trying to figure out what the heck she was supposed to do, and instead just copy off Maya.

"Okay class, would anyone like to explain to me how they got their answer?"

Maya, who had realized Ash had copied off her but hadn't said anything, decided it would be funny to elbow Ash in the stomach.

"Ow!" Ash hissed

"Ashlyn, thank you for volunteering"

Oh crap...


Maya, Peter, and Ash were walking down the hallways of their school on their way to their next class. Ash was definitely traumatized from that math class and vowed never to attend it again because God, that was embarrassing. It was even worse when Ash looked down at the little slip of paper that showed their schedule.

AP Calculus

AP Biology

AP World History


AP Spanish

AP Literature


AP Computer Science


The number of AP classes the other two were taking almost made Ash sick.

Maya led Ash to a lab table in the back of the classroom while Peter went to go sit with his friend Ted... Fred? Zed? Ash hadn't actually been paying attention when he told her. Her focus instead was on what was placed on the lab tables.


Dead frogs...

Oh great

They were doing dissection.

"Ash, you've literally killed hundreds of people, the frog's already dead anyways"

Ash had absolutely refused to cut the frog open.

"But I still feel bad" She muttered, keeping her eyes on the animal, who seemed to be staring back at her... creepy.

Maya rolled her eyes.


The bell rang to show the beginning of lunch.

Ash sighed out in relief, finally.

They had spent brunch in the library since Maya and Peter insisted on finishing the Spanish project their teacher had assigned to them.

The three of them walked into the cafeteria, Peter was to Ash's left and Maya was to Ash's right.

Maya led them to a lunch line where they got their food and then to a table in the back where two people were already sitting.

"Ash this is Ned, and this is MJ" Maya explained.

Ohhhhhh, so Ned was his name... oops.

"Nice to meet you Ash" Ned gave her a smile which Ash returned.

"Peter talks a lot about you." the girl, MJ stated from behind the book she was reading.

Ash glanced at Peter only to see him blush and rub the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I didn't realize when you said you wanted to go to school.... That you meant this," Ash held up the slice of pizza she had gotten from the cafeteria. The pizza sagged slightly when she held it up and grease was practically dripping onto the plate.

"I came for the education, not the food" Maya defended as she sat down.

"Education my ass, you're probably smarter than all the teachers combined," Ash muttered as she also sat down. Maya just smiled and shook her head.

"So you're the newest Avenger?" Asked Ned excitedly.

Ash looked to Peter who nodded in approval.

"They know about me being Spider-Man, and The Avengers." He explained.

"Can you do the-" Ned did a weird thing with his hand that kinda looked like he was trying to swat away a fly. Ash raised an eyebrow and he sighed.

"You know, like the-" He put a smile on his face and then covered his face with his hands, when he removed his face, he was frowning. MJ snorted and patted him on the back.

"You mean, change my appearance?" Ash asked and he nodded enthusiastically.
"Ned, you could have just said that." Peter scolded and Ned shrugged.

Ash looked around to make sure nobody was looking at them and then turned back to the group. Even MJ had removed her book from her face to watch. Ash then turned invisible for a few moments before reappearing. Ned gasped and started clapping.

"That's awesome!"

Ash smiled at him. She wasn't going to touch the pizza so instead, she decided on playing with the jello.


After lunch, they went to computer science where Ash spent the entire class racing MJ in a video game she had found online.

After computer science was PE, probably the only class Ash would actually be good at.

Ash, Peter, and Maya were all sitting together on the bleachers while a video of Captain America played in front of them, talking about rules or whatever.

Ash cringed every time Steve started talking, it was a good thing none of the other students knew that this was her dad.

Why the hell would Steve agree to do something like this?

(She decided the word "hell" was okay since she was currently mad at Steve)

Ash made a mental note to tease him about it when she got back to the tower.

"And today, we are going to be doing some relay races, get into groups of three," called the PE teacher whose name, Ash didn't bother to remember.

"Hey, yo Parker!" Both Ash and Peter turned at the sound of the voice. It was a boy, who looked about their age. It was obvious the boy had tried to part his hair but to Ash, it kinda looked like a mop.

"What do you want, Flash?" Asked Peter, Ash picked up on the annoyance laced in his voice.

"Ooo who's this?" Flash asked, ignoring Peter and looking at Ash "Did little Parker get himself a girlfriend?" He asked in a mocking voice.

Ash just then remembered why she didn't like teenage boys, well Peter was okay, and Ned seemed fine, but everyone else was trash.

"Leave Flash" Maya warned.

"Oh come on Maya don't be like that, you know you want me."

Ash snorted, that was quite literally the funniest thing she'd heard all day.

"You think that's funny new girl?" Flash shot at her.

"Yeah," Ash said with a small giggle "I do"

Flash took a few steps toward her but Peter stood in his way.

"Leave Flash," Peter said.

Flash opened his mouth, probably to refuse, but right at that moment, the teacher blew his whistle to tell each group to stand in a line and he went back to his "friends". Their first task was to run to the bar and do twenty pull-ups. When they finished twenty, they would run back to their group, and then the next person would go.

The whistle blew and Ash ran up to the bar. Maya had reminded her not to let anyone know she had powers so Ash made sure to run especially slow so that the other idiots would be able to catch up. She reached the bar and started doing her pullups. She could see the other's struggling but honestly, Ash would have fallen asleep doing them.

Was this all they did in PE? This was way too easy.

Ash finished her pullups way ahead of everyone else so she put on a fake look of exhaustion and ran back to her group.

"Ash you're supposed to go slow" Maya scolded her.

"I was going slow, everyone else just needs to go faster."

Ash watched as Peter did his pull-ups. She could tell that he was also not going to his full extent but she enjoyed the show nonetheless.


The relay race went on a few rounds and Ash, Maya, and Peter were obviously in the lead. Maya reminded them that it might seem suspicious if they were too fast so they let a different team finish before them, much to Ash's distaste. She wasn't used to purposefully letting others beat her. It felt weird.

Ash and Maya entered the locker rooms, Ash was wearing a slight pout because they didn't win the stupid relay race.

"You didn't tell me Flash liked you" Ash mentioned as she folded her gym clothes into her backpack.

"Doesn't really matter, not like I'll ever let that happen anyways" She answered.

"He's a jerk," Ash agreed.

"And I don't think I'm ready yet. Not after-" Maya stopped and Ash looked up from her backpack.

Ash put a reassuring hand on her shoulder and Maya gave her a small smile.

"Besides," Ash said in a business-like tone "None of these boys are good enough for you."


A man named Happy Hogan had driven the three back to the tower. Apparently, he was always their chauffeur but Ash got the impression he didn't want to be there.

"Hey Ash, how was your first day of school?" Asked Steve from the couch as Ash walked into the living room.

"It was good" Ash threw her backpack to the side

Yes, she literally threw it.

"But it'll never happen again"

She plopped down on the couch next to him.

Steve sighed

"Whatever you want kid."


I looked through my sister's calc binder for some inspiration and implicit differentiation sounded the scariest lol 

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