next door neighbors .

By tsspamms

245K 5.3K 15.9K

Maybe your neighbor was not who you made him out to be . you know the deal baby's mommas given you an eren S... More

drunk .
helping hand .
surprised .
vanillas pleasure .
him .
roomates .
jealousy .
mirrors .
truth .
greetings .
club .
3rd floor .
note .
floch and hitch .
plan .
movies .
confusion .
escalate .
left turn .
gone .
parents .
for nothing .
keeper .
toni messages ;)
hey.. hey..

wrong side of town .

8.4K 188 370
By tsspamms

( I'm literally in love with you guys, thanks for all the love and support you sent me on instagram for the last week. I love talking and laughing with you guys and yeah bitches enjoy <3 )

y/n POV~
You woke up still in the club room sleeping next to Eren. You wake him up signaling him that you guys should start heading home. Trying to get out of the bed to grab your clothes you collapse on impact. All you could hear is Eren laughing like someone was tickling him nonstop. "You can't walk y/n??", he said while wiping the tears off his face. "Stfu four eyes and help me.", you said crawling back onto the bed. As you guys are walking out you see Annie and Armin, Sasha and Connie and, Mikasa and Jean coming out of rooms too. I guess you guys all had the same motive last night.

"Oi good morning guys", Connie said happily. "Stfu Connie, such a morning person", Sasha said holding onto his arm. "Says the one who can barely walk, your just cranky because your hungry.", Connie said while throwing Sasha over his shoulder. "You guys wanna get breakfast at the bar?", Armin said while holding Annie bridal style. "Only if they have w-waffles", Annie said still half way sleep. "Eww pancakes over waffles anyday", Jean said while hold Mikasa like a child. "coffee and pain killers", Mikasa said burying her head into Jeans shoulder while trying to keep her legs around his waist. "yes pain killers", you said trying to hold onto Eren. "I didn't even do nothing severe least night y/n.", Eren said sliding you back up his back while laughing.

You guys make it to the bar successfully. All the girls were worn out, in pain, ready to eat and go home. The boys did the ordering and everyone began eating. "Oi ii was serious about those pain killers", you said looking at Eren. "Yeah now that I think about it there's a convenience store up the street.", Mikasa said while taking another sip of her coffee. "Yeah plus us girls can't walk right now thanks to you guys.", Sasha said trying to cut threw her steak and pancakes. "so how about you boys be a doll and go get them for us so we can at least walk to the car before we leave.", Annie said adding on. All the boys knew if they tried to object the situation, they would get nothing but attitude for the rest of the day. They looked at eachother in defeat and started walking over to get the pain killers.

Eren POV~
"It's to early in the morning for it to be this hot.", Armin said while walking with his hands in his pockets. "Look on the bright side the store is really at the next corner", Connie said basically skipping. "You really are a morning person, I feel bad for Sasha.", Eren said trailing in the back. "Oi Jeager, I didn't know you could do damage, I was almost positive y/n was going to be able to walk perfectly fine this morning.", Jean said while giggle to himself. "Jean notice how you just laughed at your own joke dipshit, your not funny.", Eren said while catching up to where Jean was. "Doesn't matter, all ik is that I put in better work then all of you guys last night.", Jean said crossing his arm. "yeah OK", Armin, Connie and Eren said at the same time.

"Real question is.. who's about to pay for these pain killers", Connie said while opening the store doors for everyone. "You guys know the drill, like back in the old days.", Eren said pulling out his fist. "Ohh so you wanna play this dirty huh", Armin said doing the same. "You guys get knocked out everytime but ok", Jean said following. "Don't cry for your mommy's when you lose", Connie said also following. "ready, on 3 we start", Eren said holding up his set. "right", Connie, Armin and Jean said at the same time. "1..2...3". "ROCK, PAPER, SCISSOR, SHOOT". "fuck", Connie said in defeat to Jean. "damn", Eren said in defeat to Armin. "welp go ahead Connie and Eren.", Armin said while smiling. "what fucking losers", Jean said laughing at his own joke again. "Ight on 3 buzz cut.", Eren said holding up his set. "whatever.", Connie said already knowing the out come. "1..2...3, ROCK, PAPER, SCISSOR, SHOOT". In the end Connie had to pay for the $3.99 pain killers in the convenience store.

"I think the lady was getting tried of us holing up the line", Armin said slightly laughing. "She was definitely ready to kick us ou-", before Eren could finish his sentence a black car pulled up beside the group. Eren, Armin, Connie and Jean all trained to go held onto their waist where their firearm was on them at all times.

The car window slide down just a crack to where you could only hear the persons voice. "You Jeager.", the person from inside the car said. "Who's askin", Eren said while clinching on his firearm. "Oi Floch this the guy.". "yeah". Another voice came from the back seat. Floch??, Eren thought to himself. "That's him alright still down bad as possible.", this time a woman's voice also sounding like it came from the back seat spoke. "Listen me and my boys are really trigger happy right now so how about you tell us wth you guys want.", Eren said getting irritated at this point. "You guys don't know your on the wrong side of town right now, but it's to early in the morning to be looking for trouble.. just stay safe yeah?". The car window sliding back up and drove off back into traffic.

"Wth was that", Connie said sliding his gun back in his pants. "Fr and who's Floch, Eren?", Armin said lifting down his shirt to cover his gun. "How the hell would ik", Eren said calming himself down. "wrong side of town", Connie said to himself. "From the looks of it were on Marly st Avenue", Armin said while looking at a near by street sign. "It's always something with you Jeager.", Jean said seriously. "yeah yeah, let's just get back to the girls before they start worrying.", Eren said while walking back into the club direction.

Eren knew exactly who Floch was and what he looked like but in the heat of time the windows were tinted and he could only go based off a "yeah", for the voice. Also that girl sounded familiar as well. Like any other situation he wanted to know exactly what just happened before things started to escalate. "stay safe my ass", Eren said to himself whiling entering the bar.

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