The King's Devotion

By ishtararahman

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Xason Anderson. My name was enough for everyone to get down on their knees and plead for their lives. Everyon... More

Chap 1 - Hatred
Chap 2 - Tried
Chap 3 - Smoke
Chap 4 - Piece
Chap 5 - Broken Glass
Chap 6 - Angry bird
Chap 7 - Control
Chap 8 - Queen
Chap 9 - Disappointed
Chap 10 - Jace Williams
Chap 11 - Queen (II)
Chap 12 - Choked
Chap 13 - Smack
Chap 14 - Demands
Chap 15 - Urgency
Chap 16 - Pain
Chap 17 - Stay
Chap 18 - Familiar
Chap 19 - Stitches
Chap 20 - Regret
Chap 21 - Blue eyes
Chap 22 - Trouble
Chap 23 - Blue Margarita
Chap 24 - Freedom
Chap 26 - Date
Chap 27 - Gift
Chap 28 - Red Window

Chap 25 - War

577 25 8
By ishtararahman

I scribbled down the changes that needed to take place to increase the income of the pack and maintain everything smoothly. The telephone rang interrupting the silence of the room. I picked it up and answered.


"Alpha Athena, Alpha Xason speaking." His husky voice sounded through the phone and I felt my insides churn.

"Yes, how may I help you?" I asked with curiosity in my heart. What happened that made him call me?

"I would like to go through the details of the contract that we had agreed on. You had called yesterday but I was caught up in work." He explained the situation and for some reason I felt disappointment fill my heart. I was expecting him to say something else. What? I don't know but anything other than business talks.

"Sure." I replied back dryly staring out of the window seeing the bright sun out and about.

"I am out for some work. After that, I will come to your pack today."

"Fine." With that, I cut the call. I leaned back on the chair and heaved a sigh.

What was I expecting?

Getting rid of my irrelevant thoughts, I focused on the work at hand. The interesting thing was what scene would happen after he came here. Hopefully, I won't die. Then with a much distracted mind, I finished my work and went to have lunch. The dining area was buzzing with pack members and staff who hurriedly brought in the dishes. I entered the space to hear only silence as everyone rushed to their seats. I went and sat on my chair and motioned the servants to start serving. Hayden and Eyana were present too. Hayden sat on my right and Eyana on my left. The smell was incredibly good and I could feel my mouth water. Without much delay, I started with lasagna and within seconds my stomach was full with lasagna, wedges and sandwiches. As always, the food tasted great. Soon enough, the second batch joined in and teenagers along with children greeted me. Some children even stopped by to talk for which their parents apologized feeling embarrassed due to their child's questions. I assured them that it was fine and after an hour or so lunch was finally done.

I went up to my room and dropped on the bed feeling fatigue attack me. The only thought running through my mind was that Xason was coming and how I would make him tell the truth. The suspense was too much but eventually I felt asleep while overthinking.

"Athena, wake up." Someone nudge me interrupting my sleep. I hummed in response too sleepy to wake up.

"Alpha Xason is here. Wake up." Hayden's spoke and I rolled on my back. Opening my eyes, I saw Hayden's hazy form.

"Get up." I stretched like a cat that made him laugh. Throwing the covers off, I reluctantly walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I peed and brushed my teeth. I fixed the bird's nest on top of my head and went to my office where he was. My heartbeat increased in anticipation as I neared my office. Why? I don't know. I would be seeing him after a long time. With butterflies in my stomach, I twisted the knob and entered the room.

Instantly, his intense grey eyes met with mine. I sucked in a breath seeing him seated on the chair with his hair slicked back with gel that glistened under light. He wore a baby blue shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbow and black pants. His lip piercing was back on show. I checked him out shamelessly and so did he.

Why does he always look so hot?

He is my mate after all. Raima bragged and I scoffed internally.

"Good to see you, Alpha Xason." I greeted and closed the door behind me.

"Likewise." He replied as I sat down on the chair so that I was facing him. He looked as handsome as ever. Always does. The sexual tension was prominent in the air but I was determined to overcome it.

"So, what did you wanna talk about?" I straight forwardly asked without beating around the bush. He relaxed back into the seat staring at me like a hawk.

"I talked with council and they have agreed to reduce your tax payment by 50 percent but they will not completely dismiss it. The land one is not possible and they have denied it straight away. So, I cannot help you with that." He explained the details and I leaned back into the chair. I knew the free land one was impossible but still I had proposed that in case it got approved.

"I thought I made it clear that I want my tax payment to be cancelled fully." I raised my eyebrow and his expression turned from relaxed to grave.

"That's not possible. I have talked with the council but they directly rejected this condition. Take it or leave it."

"I think I'll take it." I suggestively looked at him. The corner of his lips slightly tilted up as mischief reflected in his eyes and I felt mine do the same.

Alpha. Henry, the in charge of patrol called out.

Yes. I replied instantly hearing his voice.






On my way.


With that, I jumped up from the chair and jogged to the border leaving a confused Xason behind.



What the fuck were rogues doing in my land?




How dare they come again? Raima growled out matching my temper.

Soon enough, I reached the sight following the rogues smell. In front of me laid two dead body with their necks snapped and one was on the way of getting its neck snapped.

"Stop." I yelled at Henry who was in his wolf form holding the rogue down. Hearing my command, he growled at the rogue and moved back still in his wolf form.

"Take him to the dungeons." With that, I left as he bowed his head in submission. I didn't bother to look at the rogue but I knew that he was in his human form. He would be having the time of his life now.

Hayden. I called him on my way to the pack house.


Take care of Xason. The deals are done. Show him out. I ordered as I neared the pack house. My blood was boiling with anger. Didn't those rogues know not to enter my territory? Why are they so desperate to die?


Roger that, Alpha. He cut off the connection. The pack members shut up as soon as I entered sensing my anger. Everyone's heads were bowed as I walked past them underground to the dungeons. He was probably here by now. Henry would not delay this considering I would eat his brain out if he did so. They very well knew what to do and what not to do.

Opening the steel doors of the dungeon, I walked in following Henry's scent which lead me to a cell with the rogue tied to a chair. He opened the door for me to enter and I finally took a look at the rogue.

He had dirty blonde hair with green eyes. Like the previous rogue, he had a lean built body with dirt and bruises covering him. He was only wearing shorts which were probably provided by Henry. How pathetic he looked with fear in his eyes. I smirked seeing his condition. I felt my inner beast awaken at the sight in front of me. How long it had been since I took out some frustration.

I walked closer to get a closer look as he cowered back into the seat. Without any delay, I punched him on the face feeling his jaw crack. He groaned in pain but did not say a word.

"What brought you here?" I asked placing my hands on the arms of the chair. He looked at me with fear in his eyes but there was no hesitation. His fearful eyes stared directly at mine. My anger spiked up upon receiving no response. Another punch was thrown at him followed by several others.

"Will you speak up or do I need to treat you more nicely?" I hissed in anger as he continued to groan in pain. Not even a please had left his mouth. Sweat covered my body along with his blood on my knuckles. His nose and jaw were broken. His lips were split apart at the right corner from where blood was gushing out like a river. 

The disrespect got me and i imagined my claws on my right hand and soon enough it transformed into it. His eyes widened in fear and he opened and closed his mouth like a fish. He was following someone's order. I was sure of it now but whose. I ran my claws along the length of his chest. He screamed in pain as the skin on his chest teared open.

"Please. Don't do this!" He screamed again in agony as I repeated my actions. A smirk graced my face upon hearing his voice. Now we are talking.

"I wouldn't have to if you had just spoken up. Now, whose command are you following?" I questioned stepping with my heart racing a mile per second. I could hear my heartbeat in the pin drop silence.

"Please, leave me." He begged with tears running out from the side of his eyes. I scoffed at his words and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Will you spill it or not? I do not have the time to waste on you." I spat out feeling my skin crawl with anger and heat.

"May I help you?" A familiar deep voice spoke up. I turned around to see Xason standing outside the cell. Henry bowed his head in respect and Xason nodded his head in response. Hayden stood beside him with a helpless look on his face. His eyes were pleading me not to yell at him when I raised my eyebrow in question.

"Henry." I motioned him to open the door and he obediently did. Xason entered the cell while Hayden stayed put.

"You may leave." Henry and Hayden bowed their heads before leaving me alone with Xason. He looked at the rogue who looked like he would shit his pants. I smirked seeing his condition.

Now he realizes what trouble he got himself into.

I picked up the disinfectant from the table that was on the right. The cell was the cliche type with a bulb hanging from the ceiling and a table on which all the necessary things required were present. Most of the cells were empty as all rogues were killed. I opened the cap and just then his screaming started.

"No! No! Don't do this. It's not my fault." He shook his body trying to detangle his hands and arms. He violently shook his head as if that would stop me. The chair creaked as he did so.

"You should have thought of that before." I stated making my way to him. Xason stood still watching the scene unfold.

"No! Please! I beg you. Please." He choked a sob at the end and the satisfaction that brought me was indescribable. Reaching closer, I tilted the bottle slightly so that the liquid dropped on his chest. He screamed at the top of his lungs as the liquid burned his flesh. The sound resonating through the entire space. I smiled devilishly hearing his screams. They were satisfactory.


This is what rogues deserved.


I emptied only half of the bottle and he looked half dead by then. The colour had left his face making him look pale and almost dead but his stubbornness was still there. Xason came forward as I stopped for a break. He looked at me giving a 'let me take a turn' look. I backed away a bit so that the rogue was facing him. I watched with curiosity as he stared at the rogue who avoided his eyes.

"Look at me." His husky voice commanded and his eyes snapped to Xason's in a flick of a second. I watched the scene unfold in front of me as Xason stared directly in his eyes.

“What’s your name?” Xason questioned using his authoritative voice. The rogue looked at him directly in his eyes which made me question his courage.

“Elliot.” He answered at once making me frown.

“Who commanded you to attack this pack?”


“Eric who?”

“I don’t know.” The rogue looked hypnotized as he answered the questions Xason threw at him.

What is happening?

My head was pounding like a drum hearing their conversation. Was it Xason’s authority that was making him answer the questions or was it something else? Xason was bend with his hands supporting his figure which was fixated on the arms of the chair. The rogue looked like he was in some kind of trance. Like he was not in sense. My eyes widened in shock when I realized that Xason was controlling the rogue’s mind. Something that he was famous for.


Controlling rogues.


“Why did you attack this pack?” Another question was asked and the answer was instant. It made my stomach churn and my muscles stiff.

“To let them know about it.” Xason looked perplexed and shocked hearing his answer. We both were expecting him to say that he attacked for food and goods but it seemed there was much more to it.

“About what?” I interrupted their conversation stepping forward as Xason straightened his posture. I stood beside him looking at the rogue who was not in his sense.

“About the war that they are about to face.”

“What war?” My voice became hard as I heard his answers.

“The war of the century. Many will die and rogues will come into power. The king will be killed and his mate will be taken into captive.” Xason stiffened upon hearing this. We both turned to face each other. His brows were furrowed as he looked at me. He faced the rogue.

“How will this happen? Who is leading this war?” Power boomed through his voice as he clenched his fists. His wolf was probably getting mad hearing this specific answer from the rogue. I lightly touched his fist in order to calm him. He unclenched his fist at once and intertwined his fingers with mine. Sparks shot through my arm and I had to resist the urge to lean closer to him. My hand felt tiny compared to his large ones which completely engulfed mine.

“Eric is leading this war. Only he knows the plan.”

“Why will he start a war?” I asked curiously feeling confusion fill my brain.

“He wants to kill the king. He wants to be more powerful.”

“How will he kill the king?”

“I don’t know.” The still in trance rogue answered looking at Xason. We shared a look and I immediately mined linked Hayden.


At the dungeons. Now!




Yes, Alpha.



Within a few seconds, the sound of hurried footsteps could be heard and it wasn’t long until Hayden reached the cell. He entered the cell perplexed at the scene of us holding hands.

“I want you to keep this rogue alive. No harm should come to him. Inject him with wolfsbane to prevent him contacting anyone. Tie him with silver chains. I want two guards on guard here 24/7. No breaks except for lunch and dinner and even then two guards should be assigned to be on guard. Any mistakes and that person will have to face my wrath. Is that clear?” I commanded which caused Hayden to bow his head in submission.

“Yes, Alpha.”

“You may leave now and tell one of the guards to immediately come here.” With that, he left closing the cell door behind him.

I turned to face a groaning rogue who was probably now in his sense. He groaned in pain as the light irked him. He probably has a headache.

“You called me, Alpha?” A voice spoke from behind us. I turned around to see a guard. I made motion to step out of the cell and Xason followed me still holding my hand.

“Keep an eye on him.” He bowed his head and I walked away with Xason walking beside him. A thousand questions were running through my mind with no answers.

“Was the rogue telling the truth?” I asked as we neared the entrance door of the dungeons.


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