Fading Into Darkness [ON HOLD]

By BackFromHell

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After disobeying their parents' rules and crashing a party, twin sisters Bella and Paige are sent to St. Forr... More

Chapter 1: Paige
Chapter 2: Bella
Chapter 3: Paige
Chapter 4: Bella
Chapter 5: Paige
Chapter 6: Bella
Chapter 7: Halloween [Part 1] Paige
Chapter 7: Halloween [Part 2] Bella

Chapter 7: Halloween [Part 3] Paige

319 13 5
By BackFromHell

I'm sorry it's a late update again :( This is the third part of the Halloween chapter. I hope you enjoy it. There will be one more part of the Halloween chapter and Then I'll move on to Chapter 8 :D

Do not forget to comment and vote and if you really like it you can always fan me :D

Also, if you have time, please check out my short story "Secrets". I would really appreciate what you think about it and it's also my first ever romance story that I have written :)

Anyways... on to the story.





E N J O Y :D


Chapter 7: Halloween (Part 3)

-Paige's POV-

Sick. That's how I felt. My body shivered hysterically as tears brimmed down my face, refusing to stop. I tried to blink them back; however it seemed to make it worse. My stomach churned uncomfortably and my hands trembled with great vigour. Time had seemed to freeze, leaving me wallowing in tears. My body appeared to have stopped functioning. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, and I couldn't breathe. All I could do was stare hopelessly at the scene in front of me...


(A few minutes before)

Walking down the dark, musty corridors sent unwanted chills down my spine. I still hadn't got used to the eerie feeling that the school discharged. I could still faintly hear the music from the party in the background. I groaned in discomfort. I had enough of the party.

After Spencer had revealed his story on why he hated Jake, I had reluctantly trudged back into the auditorium. However, as soon as I entered, the blasting music made me squirm. My head had abruptly started to hurt. So as soon as I entered, I left. Before leaving, I risked a glance at Kiara, who joyfully continued dancing and Jake, who was still situated next to the drinks, and still wore a scowl on his face.

I hadn't seen Spencer for the rest of the night. I first decided to go to the boys' dormitory and talk to him. However, I wasn't sure if he was actually there. So I continued my tour through the corridors, in slight hope that I would run into him. However, I was unsuccessful so far.

My mind then wondered off to Bella. She had detention today. She probably couldn't still be there, could she? Detentions were only meant to be for an hour long. Without another thought, I began to make my way towards her the classroom which she was supposed to be in. I reached there shortly, luckily not getting lost. I gently turned the door knob and opened the creaky door. I popped my head through the door, hoping to see my grouchy sister slumped on a chair.

"However the sight I saw was completely different and not too pleasant either. Jones was stood furiously in the room, her face resembling a pure red tomato, with her hands placed on her hips. She looked pissed. Before I could cautiously sneak away, Jones snapped her head in my direction. I was surprised she didn't sprain it!

"Bella!" She gave an enraged yell and stomped over to me, fully opening the door. "I told you stay right here!" She yelled. I was at loss of words. Did she think I was Bella? I groaned involuntary.

"I'm no-" I started.

"You cannot skip detention like that!" She barked with her face glowing redder, if that's possible.

"I didn't." I said as she observed me.

"Did you attend the party?" She asked, as if she was accusing me of a great crime. She quirked a brow and folded her slim arms across her chest.

"Yes," I honestly answered, frustration now bubbling up inside of me. "But I'm not-"

"You are in so much trouble!" She roared. "You're coming to my office now!"

"I'm not Bella!" I swiftly said, raising my voice slightly.

Her cheeks flushed red once again. Her eyes faintly narrowed. She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it afterwards. I had to subdue the smirk which was threatening to come out.

"Where is Bella, then?" Jones asked, giving me a condemning stare.

"I don't know." I said honestly. "I came here to see if she was here."

"Well, Ms Perkins. If you see your sister, make sure to tell her that she is in big trouble!" Jones seethed. I nodded as she stormed out of the classroom. I sighed in relief. Talking to her made me feel like I was in prison and being questioned by the police officers. She was one scary woman.

I then hurriedly ambled away and once again began to saunter around the corridors. A question then popped up into my head. Where was Bella? I strongly doubted that she was in our dorm room. Actually, I was pretty surprised that she even decided to bunk off detention. That was not like her.

I could remember in out old school, she hadn't had one detention. What frustrated me the most was that she never even told me how she got it. Did she beat up some poor person for giving her a rude comment or did she badmouth a teacher.

All of a sudden, an ear-splitting scream pierced my ears, sending jolts down my spine. I froze instinctively as the scream echoed in my mind. Another excruciating scream then followed, lasting longer and much more loudly. Impulsively, my feet sprang into action and I sprinted towards the scream. The piercing shattering screams seem to spot. The silent that now enveloped me made my skin crawl. My boots made annoying noises. The boisterous music from the party now ceased to reach my ears. I could hear my heart fanatically beat.

I came to halt as my eyes landed on a sight which I implored I never see. I covered my mouth with my hands as I let out a gasp. My heart seemed to impede beating for a split second. My eyes widened in great shock as anguish ripped through my body. Tears now threatened to spill, however I grudgingly was determined to hold them at bay. My throat painfully constricted. I was fully aware that my body was shaking. I let my hands fall limply by my side. I let out a deafening shriek.

I felt week. My body felt numb. The tears now freely streamed down my face. I limply fell to my knees.

Sick. That's how I felt. My body shivered hysterically as tears brimmed down my face, refusing to stop. I tried to blink them back; however it seemed to make it worse. My stomach churned uncomfortably and my hands trembled with great vigour. Time had seemed to freeze, leaving me wallowing in tears. My body appeared to have stopped functioning. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, and I couldn't breathe. All I could do was stare hopelessly at the scene in front of me...

On the floor, there lay Sam. Her neck had twisted in a bizarre way, making me sick to my stomach. Her eyes were still wide open, dead and hollow. It almost seemed like she was staring at me, however the emptiness that occupied her eyes said otherwise.Her mouth still was open and I could still hear her painful screams ricochet in my mind. Blood oozed out of her head, leaving a puddle of crimson, red blood. Most her hair was dwelled on the floor, leaving only a few strands still left on her head. Her legs stuck out in different angles. My stomach once again twisted.

I slowly moved towards her and took hold of her hand. I could feel my hands suddenly feel sticky. I swiftly let go, blood now splattered on my hand. I felt nauseous. The tears continued to fall, no matter how much I tried to prevent them.

I felt a sudden presence. Wiping my still flowing tears, I twisted my head around to see the person, fear settling in. My bleary eyes landed on Spencer. His mask was still clutched in his hand which fell limply by his side. His face was painted with horror. I looked into his eyes which held fear, terror and shock. He was completely flabbergasted. He was so still that I almost though he was a statue. His were eyes on the Sam's lifeless body.

"S-sp-pen-cer." I croaked, words finally escaping my lips. However, as soon as I heard my voice, I winced. I sounded like I hadn't spoken for years. My voice was hoarse and unsteady.

He slowly approached me, his eyes still fixated on Sam. I could see him slightly tremble, his eyes glazed with unshed tears. As soon as he knelt down next to me, I completely lost it. I flung my arms around him, sobbing uncontrollably on his shoulder. My head painfully erupted like a volcano. I wanted disappear from here and wished I never witnessed this gruesome sight. Spencer instinctively wrapped his arms around me, rubbing my back, soothingly. However, it did not help.

Who would do that to someone? Just by a glance at Sam, I could tell that this was no accident. Someone had brutally murdered her, in a school! I felt utter and total revulsion towards whoever did this. What had Sam done to be a victim in this cruel joke? It was absolutely inhumane.

I gripped on to Spencer tighter, anger now seeping in. My body stiffened. Who the hell would do this? I could feel my blood boil at the rage that now infiltrated me. I could imagine an unmasked person give a haughty snigger, proud of his actions. I clenched my jaw at the sight. The tears had now finally settled and my face was contorted in anger. This was just outrageous!

"Are you okay?" Spencer's soft voice said, giving me a sense of comfort. I laboriously nodded and gave a sniff.

"Are you?" I asked back, my voice now sounding a hundred times worse than it already was. I cringed in dislike. I sounded so bad! He didn't answer, but I was vaguely sure that he faintly nodded. I felt Spencer shift. He reached his hand out and took hold of Sam's hand, the same hand that I had held. He slightly turned it over so that now the palm of her hand was facing us.

I gave a yelp in surprise. On her hand, probably etched with glass, was my name written on it. My heart beat which had seemed to return to its original pace, sped up again. I was once again shaking. Spencer immediately let go of me, staring deep into my eyes. Shock and despair was blatantly written in his eyes, as well a flash of accusation. Did he blame me for her death? I swiftly shook my head, answering his unasked question. My tears once again spilled.

"I-I..." I started to say, however no more word seem to come out.

"Why is your..." He trailed off, however I understood his questions. He wanted to ask why my name was engraved on her hand. The answer was, I had no idea. Why would someone deliberately write my name on it? Or, it could be some other Paige. I tried to reason. However all answers seem to point at me. Was someone trying to frame me?

I took a glimpse of Spencer. He was confused beyond belief. I couldn't blame him, even I was extremely baffled.

Suddenly, fear overwhelmed me. What if the person was now after me? That thought invaded my mind and coursed through it. I shook in trepidation. Was this person a student? Or maybe it was a teacher? Why would anyone even do this? Spencer had seemed to sense my dread and instantly understood what was haunting my mind. He came close to me and once again, pulled me in an embrace.

I melted at his touch. I wanted to stay in his embrace forever. The fear slowly drained away and instead my stomach churned in content. Sam's dead body and the murderer left my mind for a second. But it was only a second, because the dread and horror once again enclosed me, leaving me utterly frightened.

"What is going on here?" A shrill voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I jumped away from Spencer to stare at Jones with dread and horror. Her face was the mixture of someone just seeing a ghost and lion staring at its prey. I cowered at her look.

"Headmistress Jones," Spencer began. "We can explain."

"EXPLAIN?" She roared like a menacing lion. "WHY IS ONE OF MY STUDENT DEAD ON THE FLOOR?"She looked absolutely furious. Her face was filled with red blotchy spots, her breathing was uneven. Spencer quickly jumped to his feet.

"We don't know. We saw her like this when we came." Spencer explained. Jones had then seemed to notice something.

"Why is your name on her hand?" She questioned, her eyes blazing in anger. I recoiled at her look. "Is this some kind of Joke?" She uttered, completely livid. I shook my head, words dying in my throat.

"No!" Spencer instantly said.

"And how do you know. She could have done it before you came! Is this some sick Joke to you?" She asked again, staring at me. "Writing your name on a dead student." Her voice cracked at during the end of her sentence. I suddenly felt guilty, like I had done a great felony.

"I was with her." Spencer swiftly said. I stared at him, shocked. "She couldn't have done it. I would know if she did." He lied. Jones seemed to believe him.

I stared back at Sam; her lifeless body making me shiver, unnervingly. Reality then crashed over me like a cold bucket of water. Sam was dead. She no longer was breathing, and I may be the next victim on the murderer's list...


This is not one of my best works; however, I'm quite content with it. I hope you liked it. Remember to comment and vote!!! I would really love some feedback :D

So, what do you think about Sam's death? It was quite unexpected, wasn't it? You'll know more about it in the next part.

Who do you think killed Sam?

And once again, if you have time please check out my short story "Secrets" :D I would really appreciate it. Thank you for reading.




T E L L O T H E R S =D

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