Date on Rent

By flowbutterfly

2.1K 185 26

Manik's little sister is getting married and now his parents are hell bent that he should get married too. T... More

||Date on rent||
Chapter1: Reel or Real
Chapter3: Meant to be

Chapter2: Mixed up Orders

577 51 10
By flowbutterfly

I can slay any project wait slay? Adya ruined me. Darn her. I love her but also hate her. Damn she get on my nerves.

I'm a confident person but
I'm not going to lie my social anxiety is acting up.

My eyes rake the surroundings where I'm sitting in a small vintage cafe. The beige walls, vinyl record and the vintage posters adorned the walls.

The smell of caffeine hit my nostrils but I refrained myself to order anything. Well until Rhea arrives.

My fake date. Ah!

I'm not exactly a fan of big fancy places not exactly my thing so I chose this cafe near my work place.

I only half expect this too work because is it just me or this idea is totally crazy?

I fixed the meeting with Rhea yesterday. I asked if we could do  brunch she said yes. The agency gave me her number or work number I don't know.

The conversation did not last for more than two minutes all professional. That's right we are going to keep it very professional and orderly. No strings. Safe and nice.

Okay it's bothering me but h in Rhea that's not logical right? I mean no offense to any Rhea but what happened to good ol' Ria or Riya.

I should shut up.

I checked the time and it's twelve thirty she should be here if she's professional because I left my very important meeting for this date. A Not Date.

My leg bounced up and down when a voice made me halt my action.

"Hi" I looked up and this girl is clearly not Rhea.

"I'm sorry I'm late and you're Manik right?" She huffed across me.

Wait what now?

I'm pretty sure my order got mixed up with someone else.

Okay I should stop talking like they are things I'm gonna buy from Amazon.

This girl is 5'1 not 5'8 literally so much shorter than deepika. And she doesn't have high cheek bones but little chubby cheeks that I would squish if she wasn't a stranger.

"I am but I think there's a misunderstanding," I finally stuttered some words out after I stared at her like a moron.

"No there isn't" She cleared her throat and took a seat opposite to me.
Okay stranger make yourself comfortable.

"Actually Rhea got this family emergency had to leave for home so I'm covering up for her. Lucky for me you're my only client.  Wow this either comes out like a business deal or like an escort service there's no in between." She rambled on without giving me a chance to speak.

I was going to ask when she interrupted again.

"Just a second I'm going to order real quick." She signed to waiter to take her order.
"Can I get an iced caramel machiatto with extra whipped cream and a tiramisu?" She ordered without looking at the menu.

Well the pastries were on display asking to get eaten.

And my arteries got blocked just by listening to her order.

"It's early I need my coffee." She let a tired sigh out and I feel her because I'm a black coffee junky.

She looked at me expectedly.

"What do you want to order?" She asked politely.

"Nothi---" She interrupted me. Again.

"He'll take chicken or something thanks" she quickly ordered and dismissed the waiter.

Wasn't it a free country?

"What if I was a vegetarian?" My eyes narrowed in slits.

"You can never go wrong with chicken besides you do look like you eat a dozen eggs in a day. Damn look at those muscles." She genuinely complimented me and my cheeks heated up. Damnit.

"Do you always word vomit?" Not rude at all.

"I'm just gonna ignore your tone and tell you yes. What's the point of keeping everything inside!" She shrugged and well I liked her theory but I could never.

I'd probably lose millions if I ever speak my mind.

My every move is safe and calculated well unlike her's. But you do you girl.

"So I booked someone else and you showed up I mean are you sure....?"

"That I am capable? Yes but if you want you can also book someone else. Whatever makes you comfortable." She said with a smile and I don't have a heart to send her back.

Also its kind of an emergency. I'm on a tick tock clock.

Rhea was everything my parents would like but she's different. What's her name again?

"Ah! I didn't get your name" 

"Oh sorry hi I'm Nandini Murthy" She extended her hand for me to shake.
I took her hand and shook for two seconds. Her chunky bracelets made dingly sound.

"No I'm okay with you taking her place and it's an emergency anyway so I don't mind." I shrugged and the waiter came with our food.

Chicken fingers. Naice.

"Do you need anything I'm sorry I ordered for you!" She looked at me apologetically and I shook my head.

Well too late girly.

"So tell me about your emergency" She asked after slurping from her coffee.

"My parents are forcing me to get married and I don't want to so I accidentally slipped that I do have a girlfriend so here we are." I explained with a lot of unnecessary gestures with my hands.

"Why don't you want to get married?" She asked me like every other human I know.

I think of a reason that doesn't sound lame.

"I'm just in a really good place professionaly don't want to fuck it up because of a girl." I explained and ate my chicken finger casually but from inside I think it's stupid and shouldn't have said that out loud.

She nodded in understanding.

No judgement what?

That's a first.

I never really fit in at my home it's not like my parents did not pay me any attention or anything but the feeling where someone gets you was never there.

So I concentrated on my degree and then on my work. I worked my ass off and got into the biggest firm. It all paid off and I'm content in life right now.

"Anyway fake marriage doesn't include in the contract you know." She chuckled.

"It may" I shrugged and she chocked on her coffee, eyes became so big.


"Kidding" She visible relaxed and narrowed her eyes at me.

"So when are we meeting your parents?" She crossed her arms on the table.

She's pretty small as compared to me. I love her pin straight raven hair and the cute sundress. Cute? What the fuck.

I cleared my throat snapping out.

"Actually there's a problem." I rubbed the back of my head and she raised her brows questioning.

"My sister is getting married so I basically need you on every function or whatever wedding stuff is going on."

"Can't we have one customer one date policy." She mentioned with a straight face and my lips thinned.

I knew it was too good to be true.

"But I can do two for you because we caused inconvenience." She took a bite of her tiramisu automatically closing her eyes in ecstasy.

I don't mind at all so I'll take whatever I'm getting.

Her eyes widened a little I must have been staring at her like a creep. She pushed her plate forward for me to take a bite but I refused politely and she frowned.


"You must be a monster to say no to tiramisu" She mumbled and I laughed.

"I just don't want an early heart attack" I said sipping water.

"Health freak. Boring." She teased.

She's easy going everyone will like her.

"Listen I really need you it's a life and death situation" At this point I was ready to fall at her feet.

I never beg to anyone but this is an emergency. My fragile ego is lying on the floor.

"I am not available on weekends and I absolutely cannot do three days straight I've other bookings too." She tried to convince but we weren't able to find a common ground.

"I will pay you more" My voice increased desperation catching up to me.
"Six thousand for each date." I quickly said what came to my mind.

"My normal fee is ten" She squints her eyes at me like having this conversation with me is insulting.

And ten thousand per date for few hours?

I am changing professions.

"Fine twenty." Numbers and negotiation is my territory. So I'm sure this will work.

I put the offer on the table. Honestly that sound very offending but I don't know how else to convince her.

Her expressions changed.

Anger? Frustration? Who knows?

She did not speak for a whole minute.

I did offend her.

I was going to apologise when she spoke up.

"Fine" Her voice so low that I thought I imagined it.

But before I could think about it my smile widened. I probably look like someone from a toothpaste ad.

"Thank you so much Nandini you don't know how much this means to me. I promise to adjust as much as I can according to your schedule."
I promised her and she nodded.

Her expression like she ate something bitter. I cannot comfort her because I needed her desperately and offering her double money is what's gonna take then so be it.

"So tell me what's my role is going to be? A little background would help me a lot." She slurped her coffee I mean ice because she finished it. Her mood comparatively improved. Thank god.

"You've to impress my mom and dad just impress them and I'd probably kiss the ground you walk on." I fiddled with my hands she threw her head laughing.

Like the infectious laugh that will make you happy too.

Oh hell no.

I'm not going to that lane.

"Oh I will charm their pants off don't worry." She teased and my grin widened.

"I will send their names and pictures for your help if that makes it easier?" I suggested because of course I wouldn't want to go to a stranger's house unprepared.

"Yes of course that will help me thanks. When are we attending this wedding function?" Her fingers tapped on the table.

"Thursday it's a party I have no idea for what but yeah a gathering." It's a party marking the beginning of the wedding shenanigans.

It doesn't make any sense but to my family it does.

"You're such a guy Manik. No idea what's going on just dress up and show up." She snorted and I grinned because she's right.

"So the deal is on?" Timbre sounding casual but my fingers were crossed underneath the table.

"Yes of course but as I said two dates only." She exclaimed like this is non negotiable.

"We will see." I smirked and my lip curled. Her scowl made me grin wider.

"Manik i----" I cut her off.

"Shush shush shhh" Her scowl deepened making her cheeks more puffy. Cute.

Stop Manik.

This is a professional meeting.

"Aren't we done now?" I changed the topic and she knew what I was doing but she let it go.

"Okay when is this party because we have a lot to prepare also contracts to sign you can consult a lawyer or you can contact our company's lawyer too. Does that sound okay?" She rambled on quickly and I nodded in understanding.

Contracts that makes sense.

"You have to meet me before we start our false charade so it leaves no room for mistakes." Her voice level headed and in a professional stance. And I like it. No bullshit just work.

"Got it I'll text you to meet?" I asked taking my phone out. "Here punch your numbers" She took it her trimmed manicured fingers punching the numbers.

She gave it back and I called her so she gets my number too when she calls the waiter.

"Hey can I get one iced coffee to go?" She politely asked.

My stomach could never.

"I won't survive the day without coffee" She clarified when she saw me frowning. "Are you judging me again?" She raised her brows in a challenge.

She gave me that 'say one more word and you'll be on my bad side kinda look'.

"No Nandini I just care about your heart you know. You're too pretty to die young." I gave a teasing smile.
Oh my god why did I say that? Earth swallow me now.

Fortunately she just rolled her eyes smiling.

Her order came along with the bill before I could reach for it she snatched it placing her card.

"Hey I'll pay I called you here." I am not going to let a lady pay in my presence and specially not this lady.

"Nah it's on me today think of it as me making up for the issue." She explained.

Well it's not exactly an issue when I'm the lucky one here.

"We will split up please" I pleaded because I'm not comfortable with someone else paying for me.

"There's always a next time Manik" She jibe at me assuring that there will definitely a next time.

"You're definitely not paying next time this was one time and don't worry about the mess up you're not bad yourself." We walked out of the cafe together and she glanced at me and beamed.

"Oh! to please you Mr Malhotra" She made a whole show with that dramatic accent and hand gestures.

Okay our whole dynamic is just teasing each other.

"Oh the pleasing will continue don't worry." I shot back.
"Should I drop you somewhere?" I asked as we reached where my car was parked.

"Nah I'll take a taxi see you when again?" She asked trying to remember but I never mentioned when.

"Tomorrow I'll text you is that okay?''

"Yes okay" She waved me farewell and flagged a taxi.

I saw her retreating figure.

Well this date on rent is not that bad.


Nandini's entry and the instant attraction. Ah!
Cannot wait to write their fake dating relationship.

Q:What is the one trope y'all don't like?
-For me it's love triangles I cannot stand them and find them very unnecessary.
Also Best friends to Lovers. Very hypocrite of me because I wrote Best friends? XD!

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