Avatar- Legend of Lin

By lavifilms

130 10 0

The story cover is drawn by: @__HolyWoman__ This "fanfiction" is a story that I made up and in my own mind an... More

The Avengers (2008)
2012 The Avengers (part 2)
2014 Captain America The Winter Solider(part 3)
2014 Captain America The Winter Soldier(part 4)
2015 Age of Ultron (part 6)
Age of ultron (part 7)

2015 Age of Ultron (part 5)

14 1 0
By lavifilms

*Lin Pov*
It's been a year since that madness in DC, Steve and Nat introduced us to the other Avengers.
I'm 17 now and Tony offered me to stay at the Avengers tower, I said yes, Sam gave a death glare.
After like a week Steve called me and said that he needed me on a mission, of course I said yes, we needed to take down a hydra base and take the some septer from them.
We were all doing our thing, I got to meet the God of Thunder himself, Thor, he's an Idiot.
We were on the mission and Tony flew up to the hydra base and when he tried to get it he couldn't

Tony: "Shit!"

Steve: "Language!"

I chuckled at Steve saying 'Language' we were all doing our thing when Stark says

Tony: "Is no one gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said, Language?"
Me: "C'mon Stark, what did you expect from goodboy Steve?"

Steve: "I heard that!"

Me: "Good you were supposed to!"

Thor: "The kid is funny"

Me: "Don't call me kid, and thanks"

Clint and I ran down to a Bunker and Clint just stopped all of the sudden so I lost him. All of the sudden I hear someone say

"You didn't see that coming?"

I ran to where the Voice came from and I saw Clint on the ground

Me: "Dude what are you doing on the ground"

Clint: "I fell!"

I run to that Bunker dogging all the shots that they're shooting at me and I earthbend a hil to where that Bunker was, killing everyone in there and outside of it.
We go to the next Bunker when I felt someone come at me, really fast. As he or she ran towards me, he pushed me to the ground.

"Are you ok beautiful?"

"Who the hell are you?"

He kept running in circles around me to annoy me, I stood up annoyed and I concentrated a little bit more on the earth and when I knew where he was and which way he was going to go I earthbend a little stone to make him fall, it worked.

Me: "Try not to fall next time, and for your concern, I'm fine" I gave him a fake smile.

That guy: "Wow"

Me: "Guy's there is some type of enhanced, male"

I looked down at that guy and I noticed he was starting.

Me: "What's your problem pal?"

Unknown: "Oh nothing" He smirked

Steve: "I got in!"

Tony: "Great join the party Rodgers"

Steve: "There's another enhanced, female"

Me: "Great, two of them"

I looked down and the guy was gone I whisper to myself "Shit"

Nat: "At long is lasting a little long guys"

Me: "How did you say that so fast Nat? Oh and I lost Clint"

Nat: "I found Clint we should get going, he's hurt, and someone take care of that Bunker please" The Hulk went to destroy the Bunker
Nat: "Thank you"

Me: "Is Clint ok?"

Nat: "Not really, we really have to go"

Me: "Thor cam you take Clint to the get? Nat go calm the Hulk down, we'll meet you at the get, and Stark do you have the septer?"

Tony over the ear piece: "I got the septer!"

Me: "Great now get out of there! Steve where are you?"

Steve: "On my way now"

Me: "OK let's go"

*At the get*
Tony: "You're a great leader kid"

Me: "Thank you, and-"

Steve: "Don't call her kid, she hates it."

Me: "What he said"

We arrive at the Avengers tower, Doctor Helen Cho and her assistants take Clint. I go to my room and change when I get back I go to Clint.

Me: "Hey Clint how are you? And doctor may I ask what you're doing to him?"

Nat, Bruce walk in and right after them is Stark with some drinks

Nat: "You sure he's going to be okay? Pretending to need this guy really brings the team together"

Dr. Cho: "There's no possibility of deterioration. The nano-molecular functionality is instantaneous. His cells don't know they're bonding with simulacrum"

Bruce: "She's creating tissue."

Dr. Cho: "If you brought him to my lab, the regeneration Cradle could do this in twenty minutes"

Tony: "Oh, he's flatlining. Call it, Time?"

Clint: "No, no, no. I'm going to live forever. I'm gonna be made of plastic"

Tony: *hands all of us a drink* "Here are your beverages"

Dr. Cho: "You'll be made of you, Mr. Barton. Your own girlfriend won't be able to tell the difference"

Clint: "Well, I don't have a girlfriend" *looks at Nat*

Dr. Cho: "That I can't fix"

I laughed at what Dr. Cho said, when Steve walked in,

Steve: "Hey Lin, did you call Sam, he said you should call him after the mission"

Me: "Omg I forgot, thanks for reminding me Steve!"

I go on the balcony and call Sam
*on the call with Sam* (Sam's text over the phone is sam)

"Hey kid, how are you are you hurt?"

"I'm fine Sam, everyone is, except Clint"

"What happened? Did you beat someone up?"

"Yea I did, and Clint got shot but he's getting treatment from dr. Cho right now, anyways There was this guy that pushed me and than annoyed me, he was enhanced, he was very fast but somehow my earthbendending was so good, and I made him fall it was the most badass moment ever, he called me 'beautiful' and he wouldn't stop staring at me, it was kinda creepy, but he got away"

"From what I heard I think he might like you, what's his name? And why was he fighting against you and not with you?"

"I don't know his name I didn't ask, and he fought us because he was with hydra oh and Steve got beat up by a girl- an enhanced one, but still"

"No way" *he laughs* "I'm glad your fine, I really am, anything on metal arm guy?"

"No and I don't want to talk about him, ok enough about me and more about home, what happened there how is Sarah? And the boys?"

"Their fine, we're fine, everything is fine."

"I'm glad, oh and Steve asked if you wanna come to the party Stark is throwing this weekend?"

"Yea sure I'll be there"

"Tell Sarah and the boys hi from me! But I have to go now Steve is calling me over to him talk to you later and see you on Saturday, byeeeee"

"Byeee and be safe!"

"You too!"

I hang up.
*Saturday at Tony's party*
I'm staying with Nat, Bruce came up to her and started talking to her. I went to get a drink. She was flirting with Bruce as I got myself a drink. After they stopped talking, Bruce left the bar because Steve called him,I looked at her with a shocked face

Nat: "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Me: "I didn't know you liked Bruce, I really thought you liked Steve"

Nat: "What? No? Steve? He's just a friend"

Me: "Pffftt for sure"

Nat: "OK Cupid, what about your love life? Anyone interesting?"

Me: "Oh noo, I'm still young I still have time to find someone, you on the other hand-"

Nat: "Did you just call me old?"

Be both laugh and have a good time, I see that Sam was chilling with Steve and everything was perfect, after like 30 minutes most of the guests went some except for, Tony, Steve, Nat, Thor, Clint, Hill, Dr. Cho, Rhodes and I.
Clint was making fun of Thors hammer

Clint: *mockingly& "wHoEvEr pICks iT uP sHaLl hAvE iT's pOWEr"

Thor: "C'mon, be my guest"

Clint tried to pick up Mjölnir, but he couldn't do it.

Clint: "What the hell is this?"

We all laugh then Tony stands up.

Tony: "So if I pick this up I basically, rule Asgard?"

He tries to pick it up, also fails

Tony: "Hold up"

He gets his Iron Man hand thingi and, still fails him and Rhodes try it together, but they still can't do it.
Bruce tries


Everyone was shocked/confused
Steve goes to try it, and I saw it move.

Steve: "Girls come on, Avatar, try it!"

Nat: "No thanks, that not a question I need answerd, Lin try it!"

Lin: "I wouldn't-"

Everyone: "Do it, Do it do it"

Lin: "Alright"

I stand up and I put my hand on the hammer, and I stared faking it, I saw Thor smiling and I thought 'ok I'm gonna make that smile fade away'

Lin: "Okay for real now"

I picked it up and gave it to Thor, I saw Thors smile fade away as I was standing there with Mjölnir in my hand. Everyone was so happy for me and everyone started screaming

Thor: "Wow kid, you really are amazing" He started clapping and than took Mjölnir

Tony: "So how can she pick it up and we can't?"

Nat: "Maybe you guys aren't strong enough" She said making fun of them.

Thor: "That's a good theory, but I have a better one, you're all not worthy, except Lin"

Clint: "That's Bullshit"

Hill: "Steve! He said the bad language word"

Steve: "Did you tell Everyone that?" Looks at Tony.

We all had a good laugh until we heard someone talking

"Of course you guys are not worthy, you're all killers!"

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