Manan ff: Betrayal

Per Taekookv29

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This story is about two sisters Nandini and Mannat who really love each other a lot. But what will happen whe... Més

Character Sketch
Part 1

Part 2

792 64 294
Per Taekookv29

Ok so thank you so much for all the love on the last part. Though I have thought to post next part after Eid , but one of my friend requested me to post the next part as soon as possible. So vishakha this part is for you only.

Let's start


Nandini and Mannat were sitting on bed and were talking.

"You know Manik is a very good guy. He is like a diamond. You know he is a hero and you will be his heroine." Mannat said smilingly.

"I don't want a hero Mannat. And neither I want to be his heroine." Nandini said making bad face.

"And why is that so , why you don't want a hero?" Mannat said confused.

"Because hero's heroines always changes." Nandini said making bad face.

"Oh God , how do you think like this , but forget that you are really lucky to get a guy like Manik. So now on this thing Munh Meetha krwao." Mannat said changing the topic.

"And why should I?" Nandini said raising her eyebrows.

"Arey see a guy like Manik had come to see you and I am sure he will say yes too , to sweets are necessary." Mannat said.

"Arey it wasn't me who has went to see him , it was him. So you should ask him?" Nandini said describing the fact.

"Ok so that means you are ready for this alliance too." Mannat said suppressing her laugh.

"Arey when did I say this?" Nandini said being shocked.

"You said ask him for sweets , so it means now he will come here more ofternly , isn't it." Mannat said raising her eyebrows.

"Mannat you will be beaten badly from my hands." Nandini said and went near to beat him.

"Arey , arey girls what are you doing? Why have you make the house a zoo?" Shano said entering inside Nandini's room.

"Arey mom , I was saying that Nandini has really got a very good alliance. I mean Manik is a very good guy , he is handsome , rich and sweet." Mannat said getting happy for her sister.

"Yeah you are right , my daughter really deserve it." Shano said while sitting beside Nandini and side hugging him.

"Acha listen Mannat , when Mrs. Malhotra asked me for Nandini's number , I didn't find it good to give then Nandini's number so I have given them your number, so whenever they call just talk to them nicely , otherwise give phone to me." Shano said.

"Ok mom , I  am just excited for Nandini's marriage." Mannat said smiling.

"Mom the way she is getting excitedlet's just do one thing , let's get her married first , before me." Nandini said naughtily.

"You are right Nandini , but who will marry this talkative girl." Shano said.

"Don't worry mom about me , the one who wants to marry me will like me too. For now you just concentrate on Nandini." Mannat said dreamily.

"Oh God , nothing can happen to this girl." Shano said and went away from there.

"Nandini let's have girls talk." Mannat said to Nandini.

"You know what just go to your room and let me sleep too , tomorrow I have to go to office too." Nandini said laying on bed.

"You know what you are such a boring person." Mannat said while getting up from her bed making a bad face and then after throwing a pillow on her she went to her room.

After she left Nandini started thinking about Manik with a continuous smile on her lips.


"Ok so how was that guy." Navya said to Mannat next day when she was in her office.

"He was a good guy. He is handsome and sweet too. Yeah." Nandini said describing Manik while doing her office work too.

"Ohhh , but what do he do? How was his family? Tell me?" Navya said being curious.

"Arey , he is handling his dad's company and has only his mother in his house." Nandini said being busy.

"Ok so what is his ID?" Navya said.

"Navyaaaa , I am doing work yar. Stop this investigation of yours." Nandini said looking sternly towards Navya.

"Ok baba , I will search it by myself , you just tell me his name." Navya said picking up her phone.

"His name is Manik , now you will not say anything. I am making presentation." Nandini said.

"Arey but there are many IDs with this name. Tell me which one is his?" Navya said again nudging her.

"Arey the last one , now shut up." Nandini said glancing at her phone and than again she got busy in her phone.

"Arey wah he is really handsome han." Navya said looking at his profile.

After sometime when the office timings were over , Nandini was standing outside the office waiting for taxi while on the other side of the road Aryaman was looking at her from his car while waiting for his sister.

"Ok let's go." Navya said sitting in car.

"Ok , acha tell me Navya , is there many offices in this building?" Aryaman said.

"Yes , why are you asking?" Navya said confused.

"Nothing woh one of friend works over here. That's why." Aryaman said starting the car while Navya nodded her head.

"Waisy Bhai , wanna come with me for shopping?" Navya asked Aryaman.

"O comeon yar please forget me. I can't come with me. Once you start shopping you never stop." Aryaman said making a bad face.

"Its ok , once your time will come. When I will be married and then for you marriage you will have to go with mom on shopping." Navya said making bad face.

"May be I will get married before you. May be instead of me , you have to do my marriage's preparation." Aryaman said.

"Woohoo , my brother who used to say that he will not get married till next 5 years is now saying that may be he will get married  before me. Who's the girl? What is her address? Tell me ASAP." Navya said getting excited.

"Arey the girl whom name I don't know , how will I tell you about her address." Aryman said concentrating on driving.

"Matlb?" Navya said being confused.

"Means I have just seen her and I think that I love her." Aryaman said.

"Woohoo , that was something unexpected. Ok so do you need any help from me?" Navya said.

"Nope , I will manage by my own." Aryaman said shooking his head while Navya nodded her head.


"Hey tell me what do you want from her? Because neither she didn't even have a lot of money. Then what do you want from her?" Anupam said talking to Anurag.

"Anupam you know what I want." Anurag said smirking.

"Listen I think you should marry her." Anupam said talking about Mannat.

"Oh comeon dude , you know I will marry someone rich and more pretty." Anurag said smirking evily.

"Oh comeon , I know your standards which type of girls you date, ok." Anupam said making a bad face.

"Dude you know whatever Anurag wants he get from girls." Anurag said smiling.


When Nandini came from office Harshad was standing on the gate of her house.

"Harshad bhai what are you doing here?" Nandini said while Harshad made a bad face at word Bhai.

"Nandini I am your cousin why are you getting angry?" Harshad said getting angry.

"Then a cousin should behave like a cousin , you are always present in our house , don't you have work at your place." Nandini said or rather shouted.

"Forget it , I just tell you that don't believe Mrs. Bakhshi a lot because when yesterday when I met her to talk about Manik she said things which didn't satisfy me." Harshad said.

"Listen Harhad Bhai , my parents are alive to take my decisions, and to think about my good or bad. You don't need to worry about me." While saying this she went inside house.


At night Manik was sitting in his lawn and decided to call Mannat. He dialed her number.

On the other hand Mannat kicked up the call.

"How are you?" Manik said.

"Have your parents born you to ask from girls how are you. Shame on you." Mannat said getting angry.

"Arey listen......" Manik was about to tell her that he is Manik but Mannat cut him in between.

"No you listen Mr. if you will say one more thing , then I will break your all teeth by coming out from phone." Mannat said greeting her teeth.

"Arey Mannat listen , it's me......." Manik again tried to introduce himself but Mannat again cut him in between.

"Oooo , so now you k now my name too , listen if you again tried to call me then I will break your face I swear." Mannat said and cut the call. And then she mumbled "Stupid person."

While Manik again called her. Mannat after looking at the same number she got furious.

"Such a shameless and illiterate person you are , I told you don't call me but still......" Before she could complete Manik cut her in between.

"Arey it's me Manik." Manik said introducing himself.

"Oooo Manik it's you, I am sorry , I have told you a lot of things. Please don't tell this to mom." Mannat said making oops face.

"So you are that much afraid from your mom." Manik said smiling.

" No it's not like that , it's just that if you will say no to this marriage then mom will say that it all happened because of me." Mannat said making faces.

"Well there she is right. It will happen because of you only." Manik said.

"Huh , Matlb." Mannat said confused.

"I mean what if I say I will say no to your sister." Manik said.

"Listen Mr. if you want to say no to my sister than there is no need to be frank with me." Mannat said making faces and then was about to cut the call when Manik said.

"Arey you have again didn't listen completely I was saying that what if I want more beautiful girl than Nandini." Manik said.

"Its not possible , you can't find more good and beautiful girl than Nandini in this whole world." Mannat said again smiling.

"Well what if I say that I have found one. You." Manik said indirectly telling her about his liking towards her.

"Well it is , but still you have to marry my sister only. Now tell me is it YES from your side for this." Mannat said.

"Don't worry I will not say no to you." Manik said lovingly.

"Really , awww , thank you , thank you , thank you so much." Mannat said and then cut the call.

Nandini was passing nearby she held her arms and started twirling her while laughing.

"Arey Mannat what happened?" Nandini said confused.

"You know Manik called." Mannat said.

"What , have you called him?" Nandini said getting worried.

"Arey why will I call him. He called and you know what he said that he will not say no to this alliance." Mannat said while Nandini blushed.

"Ahaan now you blush and let me tell this to mom." Mannat said and ran from there to tell this to her mom.


Next day Manik was sitting in garden when Neyonika came near him.

"Manik what have you thought about Nandini. What should I tell them?" Neyonika said.

"Mom please sit here , I want to talk to you." Manik said making her sit on the chair.

"Is it about Nandini?" Neyonika said raising her eyebrow.

"Yes mom." Manik said.

"I knew it , you know the moment I have seen her I knew that she will be your bride. You know she is perfect for you." Neyonika said happily.

"Mom no doubt Nandini is a wonderful girl , she is amazing and she is the best....." Manik said but Neyonika cut him in between.

"See I knew it that you will love my choice. I will now only call Mrs. Bakhshi and tell her to say Yes to them." Neyonika said smiling profusely.

"Mom you will call Mrs. Bakhshi and will say Yes too , but not for Nandini for her elder sister Mannat." Manik said.

"Whatttttt.... are you mad? From where Mannat came?" Neyonika said shocked.

"Mom I really love Mannat please mom. And it's ok na. Please tell Mrs. Bakhshi to talk to het family." Manik said trying to make her agree.

"Manik they belong to a middle class family and in those family the parents always want their younger daughter to marry first then they think about their elders one. And besides what they will think that we have went to see Nandini and now we are saying Yes for Mannat." Neyonika said trying to make him understand.

"Mom please this is so old fashioned and besides that because of this will they never get Mannat married anyone before Nandini." Manik said adamant on his decision.

"Manik I don't know what is wrong with you , Nandini is more mature than Mannat , she is beautiful and very sweet girl then why you don't like her." Neyonika said.

"Mom love doesn't happen by thoughts. You just fell in love. And I am in love with Mannat. Please mom tell Mrs. Bakhshi to talk to her family for mine and Mannat's alliance." Manik said.

"Manik no means no and that's the end of discussion." Neyonika said dismissing the topic.


"Navya why you took leave today from office?" Nandini said talking to Navya on phone while she was in office.

"Nothing just wanted to have some rest so decided to take a leave and will do work from home." Navya said.

"Ooo , well then at least you should have tell me." Nandini said.

"Aww you are missing me , don't worry I will come at lunch time and then we both will have lunch together." Navya said suggesting.

"There is no need of it. If you have taken a leave for rest then do complete rest and besides let me leave in peace at least for one day." Nandini said while Navya replied "Nandiniiiiiiii"

"Ok tell me , you were working on Mr. Kapoor's file. Isn't it? I want it." Nandini said being serious.

"Oh shit , some working was remaining on it so I took it home. I am sorry." Navya said.

"Navya how can you do this." Nandini said shaking her head.

"Ok you don't worry let me think something that what should I do." Navya said.

After sometime Nandini was about to enter the lift to go home when suddenly Aryaman came out of lift with a life in his hand.

"Ahhh listen , I like you. Your name please." Aryaman said straight forwardly without bearing around the bush when he saw Nandini.

Nandini simply ignored him and was about to move forward to enter the lift when Aryaman tried to hold her arm.

"Excuse me , how dare you touch me. Listen I know people like you. You haven't seen a girl single and came to flirt but listen I am not that type of girl." Nandini said shouting a little.

"Listen its nothin........" Aryaman was about to say when Nandini cut him in between.

"Just shut up and get out of here or should I call the security." Nandini said while Aryaman lowered his head and went away from there and Nandini too.


Next day Mrs. Bakhshi was sitting in Malhotra mansion with Neyonika.

"See Mrs. Malhotra this is not done , it's been a lot of days now you should say your decision." Mrs. Bakhshi said.

"Actually Mrs. Bakhshi the thing is , I really like Nandini and adore her , but you know na how the kids are like these days , Manik said that he doesn't have any interest in Nandini." Neyonika said getting ashamed a little.

"I am sorry Mrs. Malhotra but before going to their house you should have talked to your son first. You have wasted my time." Mrs. Bakhshi said.

"I am sorry Mrs. Bakhshi but please say No to them from our side and look for some other girl for Manik." Neyonika said.

"Ok" Mrs. Bakshi said getting up and was about to go when Manik came there.

"Arey Mrs. Bakhshi." Manik said getting surprised to see her there.

"Hello , waisy dear I am sorry but if you were not interested in Nandini then you should have say No for this before only." Mrs. Bakhshi said.

"Mom you haven't told Mrs. Bakhshi about that." Manik said looking towards Neyonika.

"Shut up Manik it's not possible." Neyonika said strictly to Manik.

"Excuse me what's the matter please tell me." Mrs. Bakhshi said.

"Woh actually Mrs. Bakhshi he likes Nandini's elder sister Mannat and he want you to say for her alliance to him to her parents." Neyonika said lowering her head.

"Sorry beta this is not possible , they are a very respected family and they will never say Yes for it." While saying this Mrs. Bakhshi went away from there while Manik ran behind her.

"Mrs. Bakhshi please talk to her family and convince them , I will give you double the fee." Manik said.

"In love matters my fee become triple." Mrs. Bakhshi said smiling.

"Arey no tension Mrs. Bakhshi you just give me your account number and till tomorrow I will send money to your account. You just have to convince Mannat's family." Manik said smiling.

"Don't worry then and just think that they have said Yes , you just make you mom agreed." Mrs. Bakhshi said.

"Arey Mrs. Bakhshi, once they will say Yes , it will not at all be difficult for me to make my mom agreed." Manik said.

"Come Mrs. Bakhshi,  I will drop you." Manik said and then they both went towards his car to go.


Mannat was in university when Manik called her.

"Hey its Manik here." Manik said.

"I know I remeber your number." Mannat said.

"Ok , listen I want to meet you." Manik said.

"Why?" Mannat said getting confused.

"Nothing just wanna talk to you." Manik said.

"I think you should meet Nandini instead of me." Mannat said and cut the call then she mumbled "He is so strange."


Next day after University Mannat was sitting with Anurag in a restaurant.

"Mannat in two days I am going to UK for dad's project." Anurag informed her.

"When will you come?" Mannat said getting sad.

"Ahhh the project will end in four years but I will come in between too." Anurag said casually while Mannat shocked.

"What? No you are not going anywhere , say No to your dad." Mannat demanded.

"What? Mannat how could I, dad is trusting me with this big project how could I say no to him. And besides it's just 4 years." Anurag said.

"How will I wait for you 4 years. No you say no to your dad." Mannat said getting said.

Anurag picked up his phone , called his mom and told her to say no to his dad for this project from his side while Mannat started looking towards him lovingly.

"What of your father will get angry?" Mannat said.

"Its not possible they love me so much." Anurag said.

"Anurag I'm future what if they will say No for us I mean for me." Mannat said.

"Its not possible Mannat , they love me a lot. Infact I am worried that what if in future your parents will say No to me." Anurag said placing his hand on hers.

"Its not possible, I love you and I will make them agree at any cost." Mannat said.

They were talking when Manik entered the restaurant and he looked towards then while Mannat too looked towards him. Manik got sad and left from there immediately. While Mannat become nervous.

"Who was he? And why are you getting nervous?" Anurag said looking towards Mannat.

"He is the same guy who has come to see Nandini and I am nervous that what if he will tell about us in my family. And what if it will effect Nandini's life." Mannat said getting sad.

"Ok listen, do you have his number?" Anurag said while she nodded her head.

"Then do one thing call him and tell him that I am your cousin, ok." Anurag said.

"But I don't want to lie." Mannat said.

"Arey sometimes in order to save a relationship we have to tell a lie and besides that this lie will save four lives." Anurag said while she nodded her head.


Manik entered home and there he met Neyonika.

"Manik what happened? Neyonika said looking towards him.

"Mom tell Mrs. Bakhshi to say No to them both for Nandini and Mannat." Manik said and went inside his room while Neyonika was confused that what happened to him.

At night Manik was in his room and was thinking about when he saw her with that boy when Mannat called him.

"Hello" Manik said in uninterested tone.

"When you came today in restaurant why you didn't met me." Mannat said.

"Woh I thought may be you won't like it. And besides that you were busy with that boy so I thought not to disturb you. Waisy who was that boy?" Manik said.

"If you would have met me over there then I would have told you earlier , he is my friend , we study in same class , we were hungry so thought to have lunch together at restaurant." Mannat said.

"Are you sure?" Manik said smiling.

"Yes." Mannat said.

"Accha listen , you have just called me now to give me explanation. Does my opinion really matter that much to you?" Manik said when she was about to cut the call.

"The one with whom you have to make relations , their opinion do matters." Mannat said and cut the call while Manik smiled.


How's the update?

A few words for Nandini?

A few words for Mannat?

A few words for Manik?

A few words for Anurag?

A few words for Aryaman?


"Woh Mr and Mrs. Murthy , Malhotra's have said Yes but not for Nandini for Mannat." Mrs. Bakhshi said while Shano and Venktashe were shocked.


"I am really happy with this alliance." Mannat said while Shano was shocked.

Now what is this?

Malhotra's said for Mannat's alliance instead of Nandini's and Mannat is happy. How?

To know more wait for next part.

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I love you all so much stay awesome stay sweet

Thank you

Continua llegint

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