Unaware (Fred Weasley)

By thelittlethings20

123K 2.9K 4.8K

18+ content: Amelia Pearson has always been classified as the DUFF between her best friends, Fred and George... More

Author's note
Character List
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 24

1.7K 53 101
By thelittlethings20

A/N: I rewrote this chapter seven times and I am still not satisfied with it. I hope you enjoy it, nevertheless. This chapter contains content (towards the end) that may trigger some readers. 

The heavy downfall of the snow came soon enough, dressing up the high trees of the Forbidden Forest as white fairytale beings in a wintry landscape.

It became quickly obvious, however, that the snow was not the only downfall of the season as the soft fall of the flakes quickly transcended into a full-blown blizzard.

Excitement was the only thing roaming around the castle after the announcement of the Yule Ball, and I finally understood what my parents had meant when they said I wouldn't want to come back for Christmas. The only downside was that I didn't have a dress yet, but Anika and Nadia made plans for all of us to go shopping in the upcoming Hogsmeade weekend.

The anticipation of the Ball, nevertheless, was not enough to bring my spirits from the amount of school work I had to get done, nor the fact that I believed my biological mother was haunting me in my dreams. And it was definitely not enough to make me eager for my upcoming potions class.

Although I would typically enjoy a good potions lesson, it had quickly become my least favourite class as we shared it with the Slytherins. Having the class with Avery was bad enough, but now that Adrian acknowledged me, and Mireille had joined the class, it was becoming my worst nightmare.

Simply being in their presence irked my skin and constantly drove me on edge. Especially the way Adrian would eye me, and Mireille and Avery would eye Fred.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't little illy milly."

Speaking of the devil.

I knew that little vile voice anywhere. I rolled my eyes at the unwanted companion that had decided to join me on my way to potions.

"Davis isn't around to come to your defense this time." A different revolting voice from my other side. Instead of answering, I continued looking forward and ignoring both girls.

"How did someone like you, manage to snag both Davis and Weasley, hm?" Avery asked, her voice alone making me irritated out of my mind.

"I can't even fathom how someone so hot can date someone so...yuck. Especially when he is a pureblood." Mireille snarked. The way she always spoke about Fred drove me insane and I had to restrain myself from doing anything to her as we neared the potions classroom, and I knew Snape would favourite them over me.

"I think he deserves someone better. Another pureblood, like perhaps Mireille, not a nasty mudblood." Avery said, making me flinch at her choice of words, as no one had said that to me in a very long time.

"Well, it's a good thing that no one asked for your opinion, isn't it?" I kept myself composed, not raising my voice, but keeping it firm to get the point across; that I wasn't going to stoop to their level and fight back like they wanted me to.

I took my usual spot, keeping an eye on both girls as they started to gossip with Pucey. Shortly after, the twins came in with Lee, each taking their respective seats and waiting until we finally heard Snape's monotone voice, greeting us.

"Good afternoon." He walked to the front of the class, slamming his book onto the table.

"Following some unfortunate events," Snape glared at George and Fred, "I will be assigning everyone partners that you will be working with for the rest of the term." Everyone collectively groaned at Snape's revelation and I couldn't help but jokingly glare at the twins. I was positive that his decision was based on last week's events when the twins begged to be partnered together and ended up causing an explosion in the middle of class.

"Alright, Mr. George Weasley with Mr. Montague, Mr. Jordan with Ms. Warrington." Snape took out a list from his desk and began reading, "Mr. Pucey with Ms. Pearson, Mr. Fred Weasley with Ms. Santiago." Snape continued calling out names, but it was as if my brain had shut down. This was the worst pairing that could have happened.

"Are you okay?" Fred nudged my stomach.

"Yeah, I am fine." I replied but it wasn't fine.

"Do you want to talk to Snape about it? I kind of don't want you working with that scumbag."

"No, it's fine." I force a smile, "I don't want to make him even madder, and he would probably embarrass me if I told him."

Fred hesitantly nodded his head before he grabbed his things.

"Good luck, my love, I will be keeping an eye out, just in case."

"Pay attention to the assignment Fred." I chuckled at his overprotectiveness but was thankful for it regardless.

"I will see you after class, darling." Fred whispered before he made his way to his assigned station and I went to mine.

"Hey, Freddie." I heard Mireille give him a flirty greeting.

"Sup." I smiled at the curt answer he gave her. While I didn't trust either of the girls, I did trust Fred and I knew he wouldn't do anything.

"Hello, gorgeous." Pucey greeted me as he sat down beside me, his hand inching slowly to my thigh.

"Pucey." I greeted, grabbing his hand and placing it on the table in front of us. "I would appreciate it if you didn't try to touch me while my boyfriend is in the same room."

"So, what you are saying is I can touch you if your boyfriend isn't in the same room?" Adrian had a sickening smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh, God, no. Ew. I don't ever want you touching me." I replied, already exhausted from the class.

"We'll see about that, gorgeous, no one can resist me for too long." He muttered before we started working on the assignment.

My mood did not improve whatsoever throughout the class. In fact, it only seemed to dampen, since Adrian thought he was a master at potions and continued arguing with me about everything. He also kept trying to touch me, whether it was my arm, my thigh, or my hand; he kept trying to find an excuse to touch me.

"Your boyfriend doesn't seem to care too much that I am touching you." Pucey pointed out after I had scolded him once more. Silence overcame our station because I didn't have a rebuttal for him and I was tired of the back and forth bickering. I hated to admit it, but he was kind of right.

I thought that I wouldn't be the only one having a rough time with my partner, but Fred seemed to be enjoying his time. 

Although Fred was extremely cold towards Mireille in the beginning, I was surprised to hear her apologize for her behaviour during the summer, which I suppose made him tolerate her a little more. But she didn't stop there. She started making jokes. 

And Fred Weasley can't resist jokes. 

I could hear him begin to warm up to her until eventually, they were laughing together about something they had done.

"We make a great team, Freddie." Mireille spoke sweetly.

"Yeah, we do. I didn't think we would be able to brew a perfect potion." Fred chuckled.

By the end of class, all energy was drained from my body, both from Pucey and Fred's behaviours, obviously for totally different reasons.

"Hey, love, how was it? Did Pucey bother you?" A pang pierced through my chest at his broken assurance. He didn't keep an eye out and as much as I felt uncomfortable about the situation, he seemed so happy. I didn't want to aggravate him and cause him to start a fight with Pucey when he had just done so well in Snape's class.

"It was fine. You know how Pucey is." I shrugged, as we made our way out of the dungeons.

"How about you? You seemed to have had fun." Fred seemed to be embarrassed by my words.

"Yeah, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. She apologized for how she acted in the summer." Fred rubbed the back of his head as he spoke.

"Funny, she didn't apologize to me." I replied quietly.

"What did you say?" Fred asked.

"Oh, nothing, I just said I am tired."

"Oi! Fred, are you coming?" George yelled from far, as he and Lee waited for Fred and me to finish up.

"Are you sure it's just that?" Fred furrowed his eyebrows, ignoring his brother, unconvinced by my response.

"Yeah, the class just drained me. I think I am going to take a hot shower before dinner, maybe go to the library because it's quiet." I replied, forcing a reassuring smile onto my face.

Fred guiltily glanced at George, then back at me.

"You can go with them, Fre-" I was about to say Freddie, but Mireille's overuse of the name, in the past hour, rendered it sickening to my ears. "My love." I quickly corrected, hoping he didn't catch on.

"Are you sure? Because I can stay with you if you need me to."

"I am positive, go have fun." I smiled once more, and Fred finally seemed satisfied with my answer.

"I will see you at dinner." He leaned, pecking my lips gently, before bolting to join his twin and their best friend.

"Who are we at?"

After I had taken a shower, I found myself making my way to the library but unlike what I told Fred, I wasn't going there to find a quiet place.

My temples, for the second time of the day, were aching at the sight in front of me; papers and papers sprawled out on the library floor as Ethan, Nadia and I sorted through pureblood family trees in the hopes of finding out my real parents.

Professor Moody continued to pester me about the immunity I supposedly possessed, but he did end up being useful for something. He accidentally let slip that my biological parents must be from a strong old pureblood family, most likely one of the sacred ones, and when I asked him who he thought it was, he brushed the subject away. Evidently, he probably had an inclination about the subject but for some reason did not want to reveal too much about it.

"The Flints." Ethan replied, rubbing his eyes.

"Ew, I would not want to be related to Marcus Flint." Nadia scrunched her nose.

"Who is that?" Ethan asked, confused.

"This Slytherin kid, he was two years older than us, so you might have seen him last year. He has really bad teeth. Kinda looks like he was always mad."

"Ohhh, I know who you are talking about." Ethan replied, "Yeah I wouldn't want to be related to him either." He shuddered slightly at the thought of it.

"I feel like this is useless. How am I going to be sure if I am related to any of these people?" I groaned.

"What about the Blacks?" Nadia asked.

"I would rather kill myself."

"What? Why? According to this book, they are the oldest and greatest wizarding family in Great Britain."

"Because it would mean I am second cousins with my boyfriend and I would rather avoid incest if that's possible." My statement caused Ethan to pretend vomit over the floor.

"Maybe we should look for someone who has immunity in their family tree?" Nadia suggested.

"Nadia! You are absolutely brilliant!" I exclaimed, "But maybe we need to look for someone who was skilled in controlling other people's minds."

"That could be a lot of people." Ethan pointed out, "For instance, Bellatrix Lestrange is very skilled in occlumency but so is Dumbledore." He read out of the book in his hands.

"But occlumency isn't controlling someone's mind, it's blocking others from viewing yours."

"So we are looking for someone who was skilled in Legilimency?"

"So...the sorting hat?" Ethan suppressed a laugh as I hit his arm.

"Haha, you are so funny." I fake laughed, as Ethan and Nadia started laughing together.

"Okay, I think that's enough searching for one day." I yawned, tired from the number of names we went through.

"Yeah, I agree, I say we regroup tomorrow afternoon to go question the sorting hat on its ancestors." Ethan and I both stared at Nadia for approximately a minute, registering what she had just said, before all three of us burst out laughing, earning us a loud shush from Mrs. Pince.

I leaned my head against Ethan's shoulders to relieve some of the tension pounding in my head.

"I just don't understand why you don't want to tell Fred." Nadia spoke.

"Because it'll make him worried for no reason." I replied. There was no denying that I didn't feel guilty about the situation, but I wasn't ready to drag him into this mess.

"But he's your boyfriend. And he's probably going to be mad that you didn't tell him that you are looking for your biological parents. Especially when you told us." Ethan said.

"I know, I know." I groaned, "I will probably end up telling him, I just need to find a good time to do it."

"Amelia, we both know when you say that, you aren't going to be doing it anytime soon." Nadia pointed out.

"Well, there is no point in worrying him, when I don't even know anything about the situation. When there is something worth telling him, I will tell him." I huffed. I was already annoyed with myself about the situation, I didn't need my friends to pester me about it.

"Alright, we'll let it go, but you have to tell him before he finds out from someone else."

"Who's going to tell him? The only people that know what's going on are the both of you. And you aren't going to tell him, are you?" Panic rose slightly in my voice.

"Of course not!" Nadia rushed out, "We just think it would be best if he was involved in the process."

"Did you hear that?" I asked, suddenly much more aware of my surroundings, as I heard some rustling on the other side of the bookshelf.

"It's the library, Amelia, it isn't reserved for us." Ethan said sarcastically, but nonetheless, his statement made me feel more at ease.

"Yeah, sorry, you are right, I don't know what's gotten into me."


The first thing I noticed over the next couple of days was that Fred was acting weird. I couldn't help but feel that he was slowly drifting away from me, and I didn't know why. One day everything was fine, and the next it was as if he had become upset with me, but every time I would ask him what was wrong, he would reply with a forced smile and a simple "Nothing".

The second thing I noticed was how Moody was lurking around me much more often, but I couldn't give it too much thought as I had my own problems to deal with.

Breakfast in the Great Hall used to be my favorite time of the day. Nothing but the serene quietness for the first hour, with the sun shining through the windows, that is until rowdy teenagers begin to fill the room. Including my boyfriend.

"Good morning." Fred sat down beside me.

"Good morning, my love." I gave him a gentle smile as he started piling food on his plate.

"How did you sleep?" I asked, closing my book for the moment.

"Fine." He replied curtly.

Odd. I thought to myself.

"That's good. Do you want to have a study date later this evening?" I asked, trying to reignite the conversation.

"I sort of have plans."

"Plans with who? I feel like we never hang out anymore."

"Maybe if you spent less time in the library, we would be able to." Fred ignored my question. I tried my best to ignore the pang that pierced through my heart.

Just at that moment, Mireille and Avery entered the Great Hall, but what made my stomach plummet further down was the fact that she smiled and waved in our direction, and Fred waved back, plastering a genuine smile on his face.

"Since when are you buddies with the snakes?" I pointed out, annoyed that he was so friendly with them when they were clearly up to something vile.

"Don't you think it's a little mean that you are calling them snakes?" Fred finally turned to face me, but unlike a few seconds ago, there was no smile on his face.

"Well, no, considering that's their house emblem." I snorted. "All of a sudden you are best friends with Slytherins?" I was confused by his behaviour, as he wasn't usually friendly with any of the Slytherins.

"Well, they are not all mean. Mireille's pretty chill." I could feel my heart shatter at his words.

"She was so mean to me during the summer." I pointed out, hoping he didn't forget that incident. "She is still very mean and rude to me."

"Oh, get over yourself Amelia, she apologized, not everyone is out trying to get you." I couldn't fathom what Fred was saying.

"She might have apologized to you, but she didn't say shit to me. And I am the one that she insulted." Fred glanced at me. I don't know if it was my imagination, but a glimmer of guilt passed through his eyes.

"Yeah, well maybe if you didn't act so stuck up, she would've apologized." I didn't think my heart could sink any lower than it already has.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you speaking to me like that."

"Nothing's wrong. I am speaking to you normally."

"No you aren't, you are being a royal dick." I said getting up from my spot.

"Amelia, wait." Fred's hand grabbed onto mine before I got the chance to move away further.

"What?" I spat. I didn't know if you could see how hurt I was, but I didn't care. He was being a ass for no reason.

"I am sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me." A guilty expression definitely washed over his face this time.

"I think it's a little too late for a sorry." I replied, pulling my hand away from him and walking out of the Great Hall.

I hate fighting with Fred more than anything, especially when there was no apparent reason. Because that meant he isn't communicating his feelings, and I can't read minds to guess his problem.

"Amelia!" Someone yelled out my name. I turned around to see Cedric making his way towards me.

"Hey, Cedric." I replied rather gloomily.

"What's wrong?" He asked in concern.

"Nothing, just some problems with Fred."

"Anything I can help with?"

"No, no I am sure we'll be fine." I forced a smile.

"Well, I just wanted to say thank you for helping me out with Cho." We started walking in the direction of transfiguration.

"Don't even stress about it, how did it go?"

"Bloody fantastic, we are going to Hogsmeade together next weekend. She's going to get her dress for the ball and I think I will ask her to be my date then."

With everything going on, I had completely forgotten about the ball. I didn't have a dress and although Fred and I are dating, it would still be nice to be officially asked.

"That's great! I am so happy for you." And I genuinely was. Cedric was a great guy, who deserved someone just as great.

"Yeah, so I owe you one. Anything you need, I am there."

"That's sweet Ced, but I didn't even do anything, I just guided you in the right direction."

"No, no, without you I wouldn't have had the balls to ask her out. So, is there anything you need help with?"

"Why so eager to become even, what if I need the favour in a few years?" I asked.

"Alright, well when you need a favour, let me know."

"I was just teasing, I actually might need your help for something."

"What is it?"

"You can't tell anyone tho."

"I promise I won't tell anyone." Cedric rolled his eyes.

"I've been looking into finding out who my biological parents are, and I could use a set of extra hands."

"Yeah, of course. Just tell me when and where."

"Tomorrow night at the library. I've been searching with Nadia and Ethan."

"What about Fred?"

"I haven't told him yet because it's...." I didn't know how to describe the situation that I was in the middle of. "Complicated." I finally decided to say. Cedric simply nodded his head as we took our seats in the class.

If I hated potions before, then there were no words to describe the resentment I had for it now. Mireille's laughter was like a ripple in a still pond, causing Fred's laugh to radiate throughout the class, while I was enduring the most miserable time of my life.

"Lighten up, sunshine. It wouldn't hurt you to crack a smile every once in a while." Adrian said, taking me away from my thoughts, as we worked on our potion.

"Shut up." I glared at him.

"Mhmm...feisty just how I like them."

"Please, Adrian, can you just be fucking quiet!" I accidentally snapped a little too loudly, which seemed to have gotten the attention of some of my classmates, including Fred, and Professor Snape.

"Language, Ms. Pearson." Snape said coldly, causing Adrian to snicker beside me.

"Is there anything funny you would like to share, Mr. Pucey?" Snape turned his attention towards him.

"No, nothing at all, Sir." Adrian straightened himself and wiped his smile off of his face.

I took out my water bottle, taking a sip to cool myself down enough to finish the assignment, then I got back to work. As much as Adrian annoys me, I've never snapped like that before and I had no explanation for why it happened.

As the class progressed, images of the nagging voice began invading my mind and I found myself becoming angrier by the second. Several times I had to take a seat  to calm myself down from breaking our potions equipment. It was becoming overwhelmingly stuffy in the classroom and I needed to leave for a breath of fresh air, even if it was for a few seconds.

"Professor, may I be excused to go to the washroom?" My hand shot up in the air, to which Snap gave a curt nod, allowing me to leave the classroom.

I could feel my judgment becoming clouded, and not in a good way. I needed to scream, to break something, to hurt someone, even if it was myself. All I could see was red as I finally entered the girl's washrooms. My hands found the cool surface of the skin, taming my flaming skin from exploding.

I opened the tap, letting the water run for a bit before splashing it all over my face. The nagging voice in my head only intensified, shrieking out my name and trashing around my mind. I took a few deep breaths, staring at my reflection, which looked nothing like me; it seemed that my mind was merging my face with someone else's but I didn't know who the other person was.

"What's happening to me?" I whispered to myself.

You are discovering your true, full potential. The anger that resides in you is going to fuel you.

"Go away." I said a little bit louder this time.

I am never going to go away, I am forever going to be a part of you. Until we meet that is.

"Go away, go away, go away." I screamed, wanting the voice to vanish forever.

I will be back soon for you.

And just like that silence had returned to my thoughts.

What the fuck just happened? My mind was going into overdrive. I needed to tell Fred, there was no way I could pretend this wasn't a problem any longer. I wasn't even sure what was going on anymore but I knew I needed help.

I made my way back to class as my stuff was still there and there were twenty minutes left.

"Took you long enough, I had to do everything on my own." Adrian complained but I had no more energy to argue with him and my throat felt like it was closing up from the lack of hydration. I finished the rest of my water bottle.

The bell rang soon enough and I quickly packed my things, as I urgently needed to speak to Fred. I turned around and saw that he was still conversing with Mireille, but I made my way over to their station.

"Hey, love. Are you ready?" I asked, noticing Mireille's sly smirk towards me.

"Um, yeah, I was just finishing something up with Mireille." He answered, but he didn't move from his spot.

"Oh, well, I kind of need to talk to you about something." I awkwardly said once I realized that he wasn't planning on leaving quite yet.

"You can talk to me about it during dinner, no? Or even later in the common room." He replied, barely acknowledging me. I wasn't going to lie and say that it didn't hurt how he was prioritizing speaking to Mireille over me. I knew that she was nice to him but she was still mean to me.

"Well, it's kind of urgent." I insisted.

"Amelia, can't you see I am kind of in the middle of something?" Fred snapped at me. I furrowed my brows in confusion at his bluntness

"Yeah, alright. Sorry that I bothered you." I mumbled and headed towards the door. I didn't know what had gotten into him; he'd never been so hostile towards me without a reason and it was stressing me out.

What if he was becoming more interested in Mireille? This is your fault, you aren't good enough for him. He's tired of you. He wants to break up with you. You did something wrong. You don't deserve him.

Today was definitely not my day, I thought to myself, as I pushed all my worries to the back of my head so that I could concentrate on the rest of my classes.

Fred and I didn't speak for the rest of the day or the day after. Every time I would try to talk to him, he would simply walk away or completely ignore me. So, I had given up.

I found myself seeking comfort in the library, behind several bookshelves, waiting for my friends to come. I had gotten a head start, eliminating more pureblood names that I didn't think I was related to. The voice in my head seemed to indicate that it was evil, which only means that my biological parents are magical blood supremacists, so my options were narrowed down.

"Hey, Lou Lou." Ethan said as Nadia followed him.

"Lou Lou?" I asked, confused with the new nickname.

"Yeah, you said I can't call you babes."

"Loulou actually means pearl in Arabic." Nadia pointed out.

"See perfect for you." Ethan flashed me a smile.

"Yeah but Lou Lou has nothing to do with my name?"

"Um, yes it does. Amelia. Mel. Lou Lou."

"Your logic is flawed, Davis." Cedric had just shown up.

"Who invited Pretty boy? This is supposed to be my alone time with my girls." Ethan said, making me roll my eyes.

"We aren't your girls, Ethan. We each respectively have our own boyfriends." Nadia pointed out.

"I was friends with you both before you got into your relationships, which means you were my girls before you were theirs." Ethan explained.

"I invited Cedric. I figured we could use some extra help." I interrupted Ethan before he got too carried away.

"Yes, let's invite Cedric instead of your boyfriend and mine. No offense, Cedric."

"None taken." Cedric said, taking a seat beside Ethan, on the opposite side of Nadia and me.

"Holy shit." Ethan breathed, once I finished explaining what happened the day before, during class.


"What does this mean? Maybe you need to speak to Dumbledore." Nadia suggested.

"What am I supposed to say? Hey Dumbledore, I keep hearing these voices in my head and they are telling me to do things? They'll think I am losing my mind."

"But Amelia, what are we going to be able to do?" Cedric asked.

"I don't know. I just want to at least figure out who my biological parents are, and we can go from there." I grumbled, already annoyed at the endless possibilities.

"So this is what you've been doing in the library?"

My heart dropped.

This cannot be happening right now.

"You promised you would tell me." Fred came out from behind the bookshelf, a hurt expression latched onto his face.

"Fred..." I got up from my spot.

"Forget it, Amelia." He turned and started walking outside of the library.

"Does this mean we aren't going to do any researching tonight?"

"Shut up, Ethan."

I didn't look back at my friends as I started following Fred, but his long legs proved to be a huge advantage.

"Fred, please." I yelled after him but he didn't look back. I saw him make his way to the astronomy tower. I did my best to keep up with him.

I finally caught up to him but he had locked the classroom door.

"Fred, please. Can we just talk?" I asked.


"You know I can unlock the door, using magic, so please just let me in so we can talk about this."


"Alohomora." I cast, causing the door to swiftly unlock but it continued not to budge, which led me to assume that Fred was leaning against the door.

"Fred, please. You can't be angry with me. It's what I was trying to tell you earlier but you've been ignoring me."


My mind was spiraling out of control. This was my fault. I let the greatest thing in my life slip through my fingers.

"Fred, please." I whispered, tears threatening to spill at any moment.

"Leave me alone, Amelia."

"Can we just talk about it?"

I was once again met with silence, but just when I was about to give up, I heard shuffling on the other side, indicating that Fred had moved. I pushed the door, thankful that it opened, and locked it as soon as I had entered.

I moved closer towards Fred, so I was directly standing behind him. I could hear every breath that escaped his lips and although I couldn't see his face, I could imagine the look in his eyes, which broke my heart to pieces.

"When were you going to fucking tell me that you've been looking for your biological parents?" Fred asked. I stayed quiet. I haven't thought through what I was going to say.

"You obviously didn't have a problem telling other people." Fred turned around so he was facing me, and I wish he hadn't. His features were livid and I don't think I could ever recover from seeing him this mad.

"I just didn't want you to get worried about nothing."

"Worried about nothing? Are you insane? You are my girlfriend for bloody sakes." Fred's voice increasingly got louder.

"Yeah, well recently, it hasn't been feeling like that. It feels like you are pushing me away and you don't want anything to do with me. I tried to tell you more than once in the past couple of days, but you've been ignoring me." I replied quietly.

"Maybe if you didn't wait two weeks to fucking tell me, I wouldn't be pushing you away."

"I wanted to tell you, I just-" Realization struck me like a truck. "How do you know it was two weeks ago that I started looking?"

"I didn't. It was a lucky guess." Fred shifted uncomfortably.

"Lucky guess my ass, Fred. How the fuck did you know that?" I asked again. I watched as something changed in his expression, he no longer was mad; he was guilty.

"I overheard you in the library that day."

The shuffling

I knew I wasn't crazy.

"Why didn't you just confront me then?" I asked, bewildered that he knew this whole time but didn't say anything. Fred hesitated before answering.

"Because I was with Mireille that day." My heart shattered.

"Why were you with her?"

"She asked me to work on our potions assignment since we are partners and all."

"And why didn't you just tell me you were with her?"


"Because what Fred?" This couldn't be happening. My nightmares couldn't be coming true.

"Because I don't have to tell you what I am doing for every single fucking second of the day, Amelia." Fred raised his voice.

"I am not asking you to tell me what you are doing every single second of the day. Why didn't you tell me you hung out with her? Especially when she's done nothing but treat me like absolute fucking shit. I don't trust her or her intentions." I began to get mad as well.

"Don't you trust me? Why are you worried if you trust me?"

"What? Who the fuck brought that up? I just said I don't trust her."

"Yeah, but if you trust me you wouldn't be worried. Because I am not that kind of guy and I thought you would know that."

"I do trust you, Fred!"

"Then fucking act like it."

"How can I, when you just told me that you've been seeing her behind my back? Why did you feel the need to hide that you've been hanging out with her? I would have rather you be honest with me than to make me question our relationship."

"Ohhhh, like you've been completely honest and truthful with me."

"That's different, I am not going around with a girl that hates my guts."

"Yeah but you've been spending an awful lot of time with Ethan and Cedric."

"They are both my friends! And they both respect our relationship. Unlike that bitch."

"What has she done to make you think that she's going to come in between us? Hm?"

"She literally calls you hot to my face every single chance she gets. In potions the other day, she said you deserve to be with someone who's a pureblood."

"You are letting her get under your skin."

"So why would you want to hang out with someone who threatens your relationship?!"

"She's nice to me and we are potions partners, what do you want me to do about it?"

"Because she's trying to get into your pants. Adrian is my fucking potions partner but you don't see me trying to sneak around with him."

"That's different, Pucey is a horrible person in general."

"So is Mireille!!! But you're so blinded by her attitude towards you that you don't notice how she treats others." 

"That's ridiculous, Amelia!" 

"Is it ridiculous?!"

"Yes it is." 

"Why didn't you tell me then? Why did you hide it from me?" 

"Why don't you trust me?" 

"This has nothing to do with me not trusting you. Get that through your thick head, Fred. Why did you feel the need to hide that from me?" My throat was becoming scratchy from all the yelling, and I didn't know how long we could keep going before someone heard us.

"Why did you feel the need to hide the fact that you were looking for your biological parents from me?" 

"Because I didn't want to tell you that the reason I started looking for them to begin with was because I was having repetitive nightmares about you cheating on me and a woman at the back of my head, who I think is my mother, is the reason for those nightmares!"

"Well your dreams fucking came true."

"What?" Whatever anger had built up within me suddenly vanished and I backed away from Fred. 

"You heard me." 

Piece by piece, I felt my heart fleet away from my body, and there was nothing I could do about it to make it stay.

"She kissed me. And I didn't stop her." Fred became much quieter as well. I couldn't wrap my head around what he was saying. 

"It's why I've been so distant. I couldn't bear the thought of you finding out. I wanted you to break up with me because I was scared. I don't even know why I didn't pull away from her; I don't like her at all. I love you and I will never be able to forgive myself." 

"You...you just spent the last ten minutes arguing about why I should trust you." 

"I know." Fred looked down at his feet. Shock consumed my body and it was like I had no real reaction time. 

"I hate you." I whispered, which made him look back at me with painful eyes. 

"You don't mean that." Tears began to stream down my face. 

"I hate you." I said much louder this time. 

"You don't fucking mean that, come on. Come on!" Fred banged his hands on the desk. 

"This is your fault, Fred. We are over." 

That was the second downfall of the season. 

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