Love for Two

By bialiens

21.1K 499 87

Hetalia couple one shots that are lowkey a mess of heartbreak but also happiness More

The Abrupt Return of Feliks
Fluent in Spanish
Snowy Dreams
Coffee Shop Memories
50 Days Apart
So We Meet Again
Not An Object
Once Forgotten
Space Race
An Artist & His Lover
Buy the Stars with Sex
Unlikely Happenings
Cracks in the Garden
When the Sun Met the Moon
ER Issues
road trip to destiny
Everything He Wouldn't Say
A Model and a Dream
Come to Italy with Me
The Temptation & How it Ruins Alfred
Anxiously Awaiting His Return
Modern Heartbreak
How to Flirt With Your Angry Neighbor

Breath and Rethink

1K 23 1
By bialiens

[60's Diner AU] [Fem Italy]

"Kiku, let's head down to the diner! Luddy has his shift!" Felicia, a small Italian girl, suggested to her friend. 

"Okay, it couldn't hurt. Plus, I'd like a smoothie." Kiku replied, smiling a touch at his friend's enthusiasm. 

As they walked Felicia sang a song about Germany and Kiku told her to stop, she was too loud for him that day. As they approached the diner they saw Ludwig's familiar handwriting, he'd written the specials board that day. Felicia stopped to admire his cursive and they walked in. Felicia blushed slightly as she saw her German friend in his uniform, she had a massive crush on him and had since her second year of high school. 

"Hiya Ludwig!" She called, she fluttered her eyelashes and smiled widely.

"Hm? Oh! Yeah, hi Feli." He called back smiling. He was less enthused than she.

 Kiku smiled watching his two friends. The ever sweet Felicia Vargas and the gruff Ludwig. The two had been best friends since early high school, and now it being their second year in college, romance was trying to happen. Unfortunately, they weren't good at communicating. They'd met Kiku their third year of high school and the three had all gone to the same college together. 

"Ludwig, Kiku and I would like strawberry smoothies." Felicia was saying.

Kiku glanced up hearing his name. 

"Yeah, that would be nice." Kiku agreed

"Okay, I'll get right on that." Ludwig grimaced.

Ludwig walked off to begin making smoothies. Felicia turned to Kiku in distress.

"Do I even have a chance with him?" She hissed.

 "Of course! You are pretty and kind..." Kiku trailed off, maybe Felicia didn't have a chance, maybe she was right.. He shook off his moment of doubt. "Ludwig would be honored to date you, I'm sure." 

"You fucking faltered." She hissed.

"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. I got distracted."

She smiled at Kiku then thanked him with a hug, "thanks Kiku!" \

Felicia was so easy to please.......

Ludwig returned and handed them their smoothies. "I get off at 4:15, see you on campus then." He said with a tight smile.

They nodded and left. 

Walking back, Felicia was almost silent and Kiku was grateful for the peace. He wasn't 100% sure if Ludwig would ask out Felicia. He certainly hoped, but couldn't be sure. He chose to ignore the doubting part of him and instead focused on the homework he had to do. They two reached campus by the time Kiku snapped out of his thoughts, parting their separate ways Kiku went to his dorm to do homework. 

At 4:15pm sharp Ludwig left his job. He started a brisk walk back to campus deep in thought. The walk was short so he soon arrived moments later. Today was the day he'd ask Felicia out. He started to her dorm before remembering he had a lot of homework then he'd talk to Felicia. 

As he passed, he saw her using a pay phone. She was probably to talk to her sister or someone. 

He shrugged it off and entered his dorm. 

"Kiku, I'm back." 

"Hey." Kiku called from his top bunk. 

Ludwig went over to start on some work but Kiku asked, "why haven't you asked Felicia out?"

 "Excuse me?" Ludwig asked, startled.

"Why have you asked Felicia out?" Kiku repeated slightly irritated.

 "I- I err, don't know..." Ludwig admitted.

 Kiku sighed before saying, "she doubts you ever will." 

Ludwig nodded, "when should I ask her out?"


Ludwig sighed and started on the homework.

Day in day out Ludwig would say he was planning on asking her out and Kiku would tell Felicia, who for a time believed it. But, the last year of college Felicia stopped caring. She met a nice guy, started dating him but ended it merely months later. 

She was still best friends with Ludwig but figured nothing more would happen. Ludwig still worked for the diner but everything was different.

Graduation day came and as they stood with their diplomas in hand, Ludwig turned to Felicia. "Feli, I now know how much I'm in love with you. Would you do me the honor of becoming mine forever?" 

Felicia was stunned. Was that a proposal?

She gasped audibly, "that's cheesy as shit. But yes of course!" 

They kissed and a cheer went up. 

"I've waited far too long for that." Felicia murmured. "Luddy, you kept saying we'd talk later and later was graduation day?" 

Ludwig laughed, "Sorry it took so long..." 

She frowned, "sorry? That's all? Y-you kept me waiting for a sorry and will you be mine forever type thing?!" 

Felicia realized she was mad at Ludwig.

"What do you mean?" Ludwig was confused now. 

 "Sorry isn't enough right now." Felicia snapped and walked off, Ludwig followed but knew it was useless. 

"Kiku should I try again later?" He asked. Kiku shook his head, his heart felt heavy.

Felicia had been so in love and now she was so hurt and upset. 

"Lovinia." She called. 


Felicia twirled the pay phone cord in her hand, "Ludwig-" Felicia began.

"What did he do?! You're sobbing." 

Felicia gathered her courage. "He Told me he loved me and apologized for keeping me waiting. But the thing is, I waited so long I don't love him anymore." 

Lovinia sighed, she was pretty pissed, this wasn't suppose to happen to Felicia.

"Just, breath. Calm down, rethink. Maybe, he was to shy-" a long pause ensued, "Sorry I've got to run." Lovinia hung up. 

Felicia though of what her sister had told her. 

She slowly returned to look for Ludwig, "Sorry I snapped. I-I just don't know if I still care about you, romantically." 

He nodded, "sorry isn't enough but I'll say it anyway, sorry Felicia Vargas." 

She nodded, and they went to find Kiku holding hands.

 "This is a start isn't it?" Felicia asked.

"Of course, it's a better one than before."

A/N: Hey guys!

Sorry this was so blah, it wasn't very good and I'm sorry. I will be posting another Gerita one later. I have a cycle and this happens to be the last one in that cycle. Again, super sorry for the sucky Gerita one shot.

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