Run, Fight, Repeat

By BellaGrace568

28.6K 819 52

" I lunge forward at him hitting his groin with my knee then right between the eyes. As soon as I do, he cras... More

1 | Astrid
2 | Damon
3 | Astrid
4 | Damon
5 | Astrid
6 | Damon
7 | Astrid
8 | Damon
9 | Astrid
10 | Damon
11 | Astrid
12 | Damon
13 | Astrid
14 | Damon
16 | Damon
17 | Astrid
18 | Damon
19 | Rowan
20 | Astrid
21 | Damon
22 | Astrid
23 | Damon
24 | Astrid
25 | Coen
26 | Rowan
27 | Josh
28 | Astrid
29 | Damon
30 | Astrid
31 | Damon
32 | Astrid
33 | Damon
34 | Astrid

15 | Astrid

718 25 0
By BellaGrace568


- Friday, 11:41pm -

The tall man I am facing is towering over me as I cower in the corner of the ring. Coen told me to try my best with this one. And I am. But he is strong and fast. Not as fast as I am though. He grabs me by the next and holds me in the air. He squeezes my neck tight, I can't breath.

But just as I'm about to pass out the doors open violently, I don't look at my opponent. I take the opportunity to swing my legs over his arm and force him down onto the ground and put my arms around his neck tight and he passes out in seconds. The bell rings signaling my victory.

The ref takes my arm and holds it up. My head hangs in exhaustion. The fight lasted almost three hours. Almost three hours of fighting. Rowan better be satisfied. I look to him and he nods his head in approval. Cheers fill the room and that is when I look at the men at the door. It's Damon. What's he doing here? Did he find my car? He isn't looking my way thankfully. His eyes are fixed on Rowan.

I turn and Coen puts his hand on the small of my back and rushes me out of the ring and into my locker room. I collapse onto the floor. My phone pings in my locker. "Check it for me." I say to Coen.

"It's Rowan. He says 'good. You are free to go home for the night.'" Coen says.

"Reply with okay." I say breathing heavy.

Relief washes over me. Before he can change his mind, Coen helps me pack my stuff and I just put clothes over these ones. I cover my face and Coen walks me to my car.

We get to my car. "Are you going to be okay?" He asks me.

"I'll be fine. Call me if you need anything." I say as I buckle my seat belt.

"You too." He responds. "Sleep well." He says steppin my back from my car.

"Yup. Bye Coen." I say before rolling up my window. I back out and drive back to the camp. I drive slow and about an hour and fifteen minutes later I'm laying in my bed and I fall right asleep. 

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