By _RainySummer_

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Kihyun, an artist who's going through a rough time after his breakup with Minhyuk. Hyunwoo, a writer with sev... More

A new life
Every day, small emotions start to bud
Of books, blowjobs and massage
I can't stop the feeling, oh my
The S in Shownu is for Satan
The safest place in the world
The much needed muse
How To Be A Straight Man: Do Not Ask Kihyun, He Doesn't Know
Skin Against Skin(Your Body On My Mind)
How To Enter Heaven: Just Kiss Hyunwoo(You'll Have To Step Over Kihyun First)
Love, A Thing That Makes You Fly
The Sound Of Our Heartbeat(In Unison)

The last day of my old life

290 19 1
By _RainySummer_

The rain was streaming down the streets, covering the city with grief. It was a sad, rainy day, weeping in melancholy. Kihyun remembered, albeit bitterly, days on the station platform drawing passers-by. The sun once lit up the sky and happy faces, filled with joy at the idea of reuniting with loved ones. Or those full of ambition who felt animated by a sudden force and crazy dreams, which nevertheless seemed to them achievable. Kihyun was only happy to draw, to keep track of these strangers. It was on this day that, illuminating, a man left the last train. He was tall, blond, and smiled so sweetly that Kihyun's breath stopped. Their gazes met, and the smile he loved so much was then given to him. From this hand, he became the muse of the artist who finally felt animated by this force that he did not understand before. He made his most beautiful paintings, lived his most beautiful moments in the company of the one who became his lover. Love, although beautiful and magical, was falling apart day by day, slowly slipped away until its death. The sunny days of happiness turned stormy and cloudy. The illuminated smiles faded and the house was filled with tears and cries. Despite all this, Kihyun was still an artist; and like any artist, was a hopeless romantic. He hoped for a fairytale life that never came. Even on that dark day, he continued to hope that Minhyuk would come back for him, preventing him from taking the last train to a place he didn't even know the name of.


"I'm leaving," he had told Minhyuk the night before. The only thing he had in return was his own echo. Minhyuk was reading on the couch "Tomorrow."

The blonde did not even lift his head, as if he were completely immersed in this rumors magazine. If he was actually, well, their relationship was in the worst state that Kihyun thought. He wanted to scream at him, to beg him PLEASE SAY SOMETHING! DON'T GIVE UP SO EASILY!


But Minhyuk didn't seem to care. Kihyun purchased his ticket with a bitter taste in his mouth.

Kihyun didn't even know where he was going, to be honest. He didn't care, he just needed to go away; for himself and Minhyuk. He needed to draw again, to get up and become the person he was before. But how to forget that incredible feeling of being loved and happy? Kihyun almost didn't want to move on. Wanted to keep lying to himself that his relationship hadn't been dead for many months now. 

A loud sigh escaped his lips as he saw the train arrive. The rain was soaking his body, his only bag all wet now. Kihyun left with almost nothing, only what he really needed. 

When the train stopped and opened its doors, Kihyun entered it. There was almost no one and he took place next to the window. He was watching the rainfall on the window, little drops creating imaginary patterns. Kihyun had his fun tracing them, absorbed in his task until a deep voice resonated in his ears.

《May I sit here?》

The man was tall, very tall and muscled, yet had a defined face and the softest look the artists had ever seen on anyone. His hair was a shade of dark black which reminded him of a raven. His cheeks were also slightly rosy from the cold rain and Kihyun noted that he had been smart enough to bring an umbrella-unlike him. Even through his clothes, the way his body was shaped seemed to be sculpted by the gods themselves, so delicate yet rough and manly. And the way, god, the way his eyes held the softest and most comforting gaze he had ever seen. Kihyun already had an idea of what perfect shade of brown he could use to draw the stranger.

"May I?..."

At this moment, Kihyun snapped out of his thoughts and noticed he took way too long to answer. Cool, now he looked like a weirdo.

"Oh, sure!"

Idle, the artist wondered if the tall man in front of him was some kind of teacher. The way he talked was very…Literate.

"Thank you."

A soft smile spread on his lips as he sat next to Kihyun. Then, two thoughts arose in his mind. First, why did he sit next to him while there were so many places on the train? Second, his voice was so soothing. Now, Kihyun didn't know anymore if he was a radio animator or a university teacher. Then, the train started moving, a calm atmosphere taking place.

"Need this, maybe?"

The beautiful stranger was handing him a towel. Kihyun was surprised by the gesture, but kind of touched too. A slight smile took place on his lips too.

"Yes, thank you."

As he was drying his wet body, Kihyun grew curious. He wanted to know where they were heading.

"Where are we heading?"

The tall man seemed surprised, yet smiled softly. He was amused, a slight smirk on his lips.

"So you're on a train who goes you don't know where?"

Kihyun definitely felt stupid now, because this was indeed a bad idea. He needed to go elsewhere, but he should've thought about where first. Yeah, that was stupid and he cringed internally at himself.

Great, now I look like a dumbass. That's why you're always alone, Kihyun.

The raven-haired boy didn't look like he was judging Kihyun, rather just being amused. Nevertheless, the smaller boy was all red and tried to come up with an excuse. He could think of none.

"Hmm...Yeah. I guess..."

The man next to Kihyun laughed, such an angelic sound that he could hear all day. 

"Wanna end up like Trisha MacFarland?"

Kihyun's face fell in surprise and the taller's face fell too in understanding and a bit of disappointment.

"Sorry, forgot people don't always get my books reference-"

Kihyun quickly cut him, a smile on his lips and eyes shining a bit. He then grinned.

"Hmm, who knows, at least you'll be able to testify about my disappearance. Let's just hope I won't hallucinate."

The raven-haired man's eyes shined too like a light had been lighted up in him. Something very powerful, a passion that could be easily seen through his gaze. Something that moved something in Kihyun, remembered him of his own passion for drawing.

"Wait you know what I'm talking about??"

He was so beautiful, Kihyun thought. He was like a child in a candy shop, looked so excited and happy at the idea of Kihyun getting his reference. The latter thought it was absolutely adorable.

"Of course I do, The girl who loved Tom Gordon is actually my favorite book."

The smile on the stranger's lips got wider, his eyes shining even more. He seemed so pleased and happy. Kihyun couldn't stop his heart from beating a bit faster.

"Me too!!"

Kihyun couldn't help smiling wider than he did in a while. The travel was long but pleasant, conversation flowing so easily between the two of them. Kihyun hadn't had so much fun in a long while talking to someone; he always had difficulty talking to people after all. His strong social anxiety seemed to not overwhelm him for once. Kihyun learned the stranger's name: Hyunwoo. But, as the train was announced to be arriving soon, Kihyun remembered he still didn't know where he was going.

"Hey, where are we going?"

Hyunwoo smiled, still a bit amused.

"Jeonju. I guess you don't really have any plans there considering you didn't even know where you were going?"

Kihyun shook his head no. He really didn't know what to do, or even where he was going. He didn't know Jeonju at all, had never been there, yet he thought that it at least could make a good place to draw at least-He knew Jeonju was kind of countryside. Though, one question kept going on and on in his mind: Where would he go? He couldn't just...Sleep in the streets. That'd be pretty crappy and not very smart. He should've thought before going to a random place…

"I guess that means no. You don't have a place to stay?"

Again, he shook his head no while biting his lip. Ah, now he was anxious. He didn't want to sleep outside in an unknown city with only one bag and not much money on him! He would eventually die if he did nothing!

"Maybe you could show me a hostel? Something like that?"

Kihyun didn't have much money; you don't gain much being a recently graduated art student. Nonetheless, it was better to sleep in a hostel some nights before finding a solution than sleeping in the streets.

Hyunwoo seemed to think. Kihyun guessed he knew the city as he knew where he was going, and wondering why he was going there. Maybe it was his hometown.

"You said you draw, right?"

Kihyun nodded, not really knowing where Hyunwoo was going. He wasn't a really good artist...Or at least he thought. And it had been so long since he last touched a pen, he didn't know if he could actually draw anymore.

"You told me you had difficulty finding inspiration lately. Come with me. I'm going to my childhood home, it's kind of far in the forest and very quiet. I'm going there to write, I'm a writer. So it could be a win-win situation-You can draw and I can write and it's quiet. I don't want you to sleep in the streets."

Kihyun wasn't really surprised to hear that Hyunwoo was a writer-It fit with his soft, calm, thoughtful personality. Though, Kihyun was struck by the sudden proposal. Hyunwoo, a stranger he met on a train 3 hours ago, was proposing him to come with him to his own house in the woods for his own good? Either he was a psychopath or he was too sweet for this world.

Kihyun preferred to think he was sweet. It fit more. Also, he couldn't refuse the proposal; that was it, or the streets for god knows how long. It couldn't be that bad. Forgetting his heartbreak in a forest, painting would maybe work.

"Okay, yeah, that sounds good if you're sure." Kihyun smiled softly. Hyunwoo shared the smile back.

"I am."


Meanwhile, the rain was still hitting the window. It was sweeter now, comforting. Kihyun had a strange feeling his life would change from now on. Who knows what could happen with a stranger in the middle of the forest?

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