A God Arrives to Change Remna...

Da Gry167

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Gryphon Light (the recently appointed "god of the multiverse") decides to test test his new powers properly b... Altro

Gryphon light's data/bio
Gryphon's other assets
The beginning
The plan begins
The shining beacon...FINALLY
The wicked witch knows
Meet up / THAT BIRD IS HUGE / 5 MAN?!
Giving the spartan a boost. / A gods grace.
Cute kitty / volume 1 end
Volume two start / No strings / Pro "tech" t
Persona.../ Barely threatening / Grooving
So you guys don't get too confused
Dance till you're dead / Trippin / Unto The Breach/ Volume 2 end
Volume 3 start / FIGHT! / Show em what's poppin / Idiots...
Illusions / Bass Boost / Demons in suits
Candlelight / Fuck Fate! / It's Time / all hands on deck
What is destiny to a god? / V3 end / V4 start / Step by step
Steppin on the beat / Run Run/ Family eh?
Menagerie, a backhanded insult / over the edge / Didn't i kill you?
Beatdown / Time to talk / Two step
Gearing for a fight / There you are... / The strike team's first fight
Vol. 5 start / Haven / Dread it / unforseen consequences
Light a fire / I've seen that bird before... / Guess who's back
Together / Plan in Action / Color
Fight time again / The Vault / Raven is Badass / Haven's fate
Monsters on a Train. / Tell the Truth! / I Hate Tragic Love Stories.
Where secrets get you / Too Quiet / Don't Sleep
The First Reaper / Reunite / They Won't Mind If We Borrow It.
Stealth Mission / Grand Theft Airship / Fighting Titans
Azure Eclipse / Worst. Kingdom. Ever. / You aren't cuffing me.
1k reads!!!
The Roaring Fog / Sterling Ravens / King's Court Reunited
Dream Team / Merc Werk / To The Battlefield
How We Met/Putting an end to things Pt.1
Putting an end to things Pt.2 / Short Epilogue: The truth and The Arcana

Apprehended / Aces / Road Trip

39 0 0
Da Gry167




Ruby Rose gazes out the window of the police airship as it flies over Mantle, then turns and looks at her friends. Nora Valkyrie chews at the bolas restraining her wrists, while Gryphon light-Pendragon Artoria Light-Pendragon, And Jeanne d'Arc, sit silently, the only sounds being Nora's growling and the muffled chattering of the guards piloting the ship.

Ruby: Where do you think they're taking us?

Qrow Branwen: I'm gonna go with jail.

Neo: (text) I still can't believe that fishing pole guy took us out like it was nothing.

Weiss Schnee: Welcome to Atlas. Those were Ironwood's Ace Operatives.

Gryphon: Yet, they were smart enough to back down when we prepped to fight back, that or they're just cowards.

An unfamiliar man sitting with the group finally speaks up.

Forest: Hmm? You guys had a run-in with the Ace-Ops? And pretty boy here made em' back off? Ironwood must really have a bone to pick with you.

Weiss: (rolling her eyes) They're not that big of a deal.

Forest: Not that big of a deal!? The Ace-Ops are the elite-of-elite military Huntsmen and Ironwood's personal attack dogs.

Gryphon: (mutters) Ironwood needs better trainers.

Nora: So they got you too, huh?

Forest: Pfft! I wouldn't let myself get caught by them. I'm here because I've been speaking out against Atlas' exploitation of Mantle, and General Ironwood is trying to silence me.

Pilot: You threw a brick at her ship!

Forest: (proudly) It's worth it if it gets people talking about our cause!

The pilot sighs in annoyance.

Blake Belladonna: "Our cause"?

Forest: Yes, the fight for better conditions in Mantle! Lead by the charismatic, talented, lovely Robyn Hill and her Happy Huntresses!

Gryphon: Huntresses you say? (Jeanne elbows him in the ribs) OW! That was just a joke!

The main pilot presses a button, causing the window between the cab and the back of the ship to begin slowly closing. Forest notices this, stands up and begins frantically shouting to the window so the guards can hear him.

Forest: They were all top Atlas Academy graduates, who could've signed up for the military, but Robyn and the Huntresses chose to stay in Mantle. She's gunning for a seat on the Kingdom's council, and when she gets it, she's gonna put an end to Ironwood's tyranny!

Oscar Pine: Happy... Huntresses?

Yang Xiao Long: Is that their real name?

Weiss: Don't you think "tyranny's" a little dramatic?

Forest turns around to respond and looks surprised upon realizing who had just spoken.

Forest: Easy to say for a Schnee heiress, living comfortably up in Atlas.

Gryphon: Watch your tone! That's my Schnee heiress you're talking to.

Weiss becomes redder than Ruby's cape and she looks at Artoria, who's suppressing a laugh.

The airship finally makes it up to the City of Atlas, and Ruby looks out at the city in awe, while Nora is once again chewing her restraints, Gryphon gently karate chops her head, causing her to stop.

Ruby: Whoa, it's gorgeous up here!

Ruby's comment causes Jeanne and Nora to leave their seats and look out the window with her.

Weiss: Don't let that fool you.

Forest: (looking at Weiss) Hm?

Forest stands from his seat and looks outside.

Forest: This isn't the police station.

Qrow: It's... Atlas Academy.

Gryphon: Never wanted to be here again.

Ruby: Been here before G?

Weiss: You do remember that he's richer than most people in atlas, right?

Yang: How did we forget that?

Gryphon: Prolly cause me flaunting my money is gonna get me nowhere.

Weiss: What makes you say that?

Gryphon: Back in my world what made me strong was my ability, my connections, my drive, and my brains.

Nora: I just realized you've never told us about your world, we just assumed you were from atlas, so why do you never talk about it?

Gryphon looks at the readers before turning his attention back to the group.

Gryphon: (smugly) Spoilers.

The others in the ship groan collectively as the ship docks on a landing pad in front of Atlas Academy and is met by a pair of guards, who open the ship's rear double doors to let Team RWBY, Team MTVSE, Oscar and Qrow exit. Ruby gazes up at the towering academy while more guards line up along the path leading to the building.

Ruby: I guess we will be seeing the General. For better or worse.

The group heads up to the school while Forest watches in confusion and curiosity from the airship.

Artoria: So, what's the plan here?

Gryphon: Keep your guards up.

The group finds themselves riding a rising elevator inside the academy with their wrists still restrained, accompanied by guards.

One of the guards looks over his shoulder at them.

Blake: (quietly) We'll follow your lead, Gryphon.

Gryphon smiles but then starts to look irritated as he knows what's coming. The elevator beeps as it arrives at its destination, and the guards escort the group out into a hallway and down a flight of stairs. They arrive in a room just as Ironwood walks through, speaking to someone else.

Ironwood: I swear if I have to sit through one more council meeting like that...

He turns toward a small flight of stairs on his way to his office, accompanied by Winter Schnee and Penny Polendina. The latter notices the group and stops with a gasp.

Penny: Yay, you're here!

Gryphon: Heya Penn.

His greeting catches Ironwood and Winter's attention, causing them to stop and look. Weiss steps out from behind Gryphon and approaches them.

Weiss: Winter.

Winter gasps lightly in surprise, and the sisters' reunion is quickly interrupted by Nora leaning in and holding up her bound wrists, grinning and waving her fingers.

Nora: Anyone wanna give us a hand with these?

Winter takes a moment to collect herself, returning to her usual stern demeanor and addressing the guards.

Winter: You have ten seconds to take those off before I start hurting you.

Gryphon: That's my snowflake.

She blushes and almost cracks a smile but shakes them both off as the guards removed the others' cuffs.

Guard 1: Sorry!

Guard 2: Please, let us help you!

Guard 1: Forgive us!

The bolases fall to the floor, giving off a purple glow and retracting the ropes before emitting a beep noise.

Ironwood: Why weren't you cuffed, Gryphon?

Gryphon: You wanted your guard puppies to cuff me? The one I assumed was their leader said you wanted to see me and left me be.

Ironwood begins thinking to himself as the others enter the room and he then addressed everyone in the room, dodging Gryphon's question and making Gryphon suspicious.

Ironwood: It is so good to see all of you.

Yang: (massaging her wrist) Our reception didn't really convey that.

Ironwood: (sighs) I sincerely regret how you were treated by my team.

Qrow rolls his eyes with a small huff. Ironwood walks behind his desk to sit down, and Penny and Winter take positions standing at either side of the desk.

Ironwood: When a rogue airship entered our airspace, it raised some... red flags. We assumed the ship was stolen.

Ruby: Stolen?

Ruby laughs awkwardly, before taking an apologetic tone.

Ruby: Okay, yeah, it was stolen.

Gryphon: Professionally, might I add.

Ironwood's eyes widen in surprise. He then smiles, and his shoulders move a tiny bit with a silent chuckle. Winter, meanwhile, finds no humor in the situation and begins scolding Weiss.

Winter: You stole an Atlas airship?

Weiss watches with a frown as Winter approaches her.

Winter: What were you thinking!? You might've been shot down! How unbelievably irresponsib--

Weiss surprises and interrupts Winter by hugging her.

Weiss: I'm sorry I worried you. But we did what we had to do.

Winter: I...

Gryphon: If you want to blame us for taking extreme measures blame Cordovin.

Winter sighs and hugs back, calming down.

Winter: I suppose I understand, and I'll look into it Gryphon.

She then turns her head to glare at Qrow.

Winter: But I cannot believe that you allowed this to happen, Qrow.

Qrow: You try stopping these kids when they have their mind set on something. Speaking of which... (looking at Ironwood) We have some important information for you that's... confidential.

Winter returns to her position beside Ironwood's desk.

Penny: (moving beside Ironwood) Oh, is it about the Relics?

Winter: (moving to Ironwood's other side) Or perhaps the Winter Maiden?

Qrow: (surprised) You told them?

Ironwood: Hm.

Ironwood stands from his desk and retrieves the Relic of Knowledge from a drawer, making it grow to its normal size as he holds it up. Gryphon narrows his eyes, figuring that he was probably going to ask Jinn how to kill Salem before his team arrived.

Ironwood: Did you really think you were the only one who got to work on a new plan after Beacon? WIth Ozpin gone, I needed my own team of people I could trust. So yes, I told them. The Ace-Ops too. Which is why I'm so glad you're here... with this. (gesturing to the Relic) Until now, I believed it was impossible to truly turn the tide against Salem. Oz has pushed her back, has kept victory out of her claws, but she will keep returning stronger and stronger... unless we destroy her.

He places the Relic atop his desk, while Ruby looks deep in thought.

Ruby: But... what about the Atlas Relic?

Ironwood: You mean the Staff of Creation?

Penny: It's safe inside the Vault!

Qrow: And the Winter Maiden?

Winter: She is secure and in stable condition.

Yang: Stable condition? What does that--

Qrow: She's, uh, not exactly a spring chicken.

Ironwood: I know how this all looks. Recalling my military? The embargo? I probably don't seem the most trustworthy right now.

Gryphon, Artoria, And Jeanne: Understatement.

Blake: Then why continue it?

Nora: The people of Mantle are hurting!

Ironwood: I needed to ensure Salem couldn't infiltrate Atlas. And I wanted my military here, protecting my people.

Gryphon: (mutters) Too bad that won't work for shit.

Jeanne dons her iconic malevolent smirk and glare in response to Gryphon's utterances

Yang: But it's not protecting them! It's making everyone hate you.

Ironwood: It's a price I'm willing to pay.

Ironwood reaches over to a glowing panel of buttons on his desk and taps a button that resembles a table emitting light from its surface.

Ironwood: Just as you all have been entrusted with the knowledge of Salem's existence, I need you all to trust me. I have a plan.

Shutters come down outside the windows, darkening the room. A circle in the center of the floor bearing Atlas' emblem begins to rise up, prompting Ruby and Oscar to step off of it. As Ironwood talks and makes his way over to it, the circle continues to rise and transforms into a table.

Ironwood: Ozpin believed the best way to fight Salem was to do so in secret. Whether that was the right choice or not isn't for me to say. But we find ourselves in a position of needing, well, a new approach.

Gryphon: What are you suggesting, General?

Ironwood brings out a tiny remote and presses a button, activating a hologram display of Amity Colosseum, which hovers above the table.

Jaune: That's... Amity Colosseum.

Oscar: Where the Vytal Festival is held?

Ironwood: Indeed. When Beacon fell and everyone on Remnant lost contact with one another, I knew our current system was outdated. Amity was built to bring the nations together, and it will serve that purpose once again.

He presses the button again, and the hologram Amity Colosseum gains an antenna atop it. Ruby and her friends stare at the hologram and look at each other.

Penny: Isn't it great? We're not going to just replace Beacon Tower. Building a new tower on top of Amity Colosseum will re-establish global communications!

Winter: By launching the tower high into the atmosphere, our scientists believe we can create a sort of... satellite out of reach of the Grimm and capable of maintaining global communications even if we were to lose another tower.

Ruby: That is great.

Qrow: James... you don't need the entire military for this.

Ironwood: I will for the next part, where I finally tell the people about Salem.

Gryphon: Handling the panic.

Ironwood: Yes, panic is inevitable, and panic brings Grimm. But I believe we are ready. Once Atlas has come to grips with the fight ahead, I'll use Amity Tower to spread the message to all of Remnant.

Weiss: But everything will fall apart. Grimm will be everywhere!

Winter: You're right, but Atlas is willing and prepared to assist.

Ironwood: Trying to hide the truth from the world will eventually kill us all.

Ironwood presses a button on his remote, and the hologram disappears, the table transforms and recedes into the floor and the shutters pull away from the windows.

Qrow: Oz spent his whole life, many lives, keeping this secret.

Ironwood: I know. But since Beacon, things have changed.

Gryphon: (mutters) when she gets here I'll end all of this, so the planning is useless but you do you.

Ironwood begins heading back to his desk.

Ironwood: Without him here to guide us, all I can do is use my best judgment.

Behind him, Oscar shifts uncomfortably. As if sensing something, Ironwood stops and looks back.

Ironwood: What is it?

Oscar: Actually, Oz isn't completely gone.

Qrow: Uh, Oscar here is... is the next Ozpin.

Ironwood: Oz?

Smiling, Ironwood quickly and eagerly approaches Oscar, who looks nervous.

Ironwood: I'm so glad you're here. I didn't think you--

Oscar puts his hands up and interrupts Ironwood, as the latter crouches to Oscar's level.

Oscar: Not quite. He's kind of, um, gone... at the moment.

Ironwood's smile fades, and he lowers his head.

Ironwood: That's not normal. (looking back up) How did he--

Gryphon: Die? Cinder. How did he vanish? When we got into a train crash he stopped talking.

Ironwood: That's the worst news yet. (rising to his feet) Did you learn anything from him about the Relics before...?

Ruby: He told us the lamp can answer three questions. But all the questions were used up already.

Blake and Yang look at each other.

Ironwood: Right, right.

Ironwood walks back behind his desk and stares out the window.

Ironwood: Ozpin told us that too, once upon a time. (turning to face them) At least we have you, Oscar. You're safe here in Atlas. Maybe together we can figure out how to bring Ozpin back.

Oscar: (grinning) Thank you, sir. (stands at attention) I mean, uh, general. Uh, Ironwood? (smiling awkwardly)

Ironwood picks up the Relic of Knowledge, walks over to Ruby and offers it to her.

Ruby: You're giving it back to me?

Ironwood: After what happened with the Ace-Ops, I don't want you to think I'm keeping anything from you, especially something as important as this. For the time being, I think it's safest with the people who brought it here.

He hands her the Relic.

Ruby: Um, thank you.

Gryphon: Keep it close Rosie.

She shrinks the Relic and hooks it onto her belt, exchanging a look with Gryphon.

Ironwood: We must work together if we're to fight Salem and win. Now, if you're all on board...

Ruby thinks it over for a few seconds, then looks at Ironwood.

Ruby: Tell us how we can help.

Ironwood: Good, because getting the Amity Tower ready to launch won't be easy. (walking back to his desk) But first, I think we need to get those weapons of yours up to our standards.

A hologram screen appears, showing footage of Blake drawing her broken katana before their fight against the Sabyrs in Mantle. Blake reacts with embarrassment, Gryphon pets her head to comfort her and she purrs quietly and leans into it.

Winter: Remember, this is Atlas. While assisting the military, we will provide you with the best equipment our scientists can devise.

Gryphon: (whispers) Where my L-Tech gang at? *Artoria, Gryphon, and Jeanne fist bump at the same time*.

Nora: Ooh!

Ren: Really?

Yang: (fist in the air) Yeah!

Upon exiting Ironwood's office, the group encounters the Ace-Ops once more.

Marrow Amin: So, that was the second time I got banned. Then there was the third time when--

Clover: Alright, cut the chatter.

On one wall in the room, there is a hologram displaying Atlas Academy News.

The first bulletin explains that the administration restroom is closed due to flooding from a "decimated toilet", followed by instructions to use the upper barracks restroom instead while the administration restroom is being repaired.

The second bulletin is about an upcoming "monthly all-hands meeting", during which they will honor Penny as employee of the month and show the results for a competition that was held. The bulletin also says that Ironwood holds open office hours once a month and to reach out to Stephanie Santiago to schedule a 15-minute slot with him.

The third bulletin reads as follows:


Come join to watch the results of Robyn Hill versus Jacques Schnee
Free food and drink in the Main Atrium of the Academy"

As Gryphon and his friends walk down the stairs, the Ace-Ops approach them.

Clover: I'd like to sincerely apologize for the miscommunication down in Mantle. We didn't intend to--

Suddenly, Elm Ederne pushes her way past Clover and Marrow and begins frantically shaking Gryphon's hand.

Elm: I feel so bad, honestly! If we had known who you were, we'd be laughing over a hot meal right now and--

Partway through her second sentence, Elm lets go of the now-disturbed Gryphon's hand.

Gryphon: Yeah, everything's cool but you still aren't cuffing me.

Weiss: I mean, you could have asked us some questions first.

Marrow: Questions are for the weak. But we're all on the same team now. Not that I'm happy about it.

Marrow crosses his arms and soon realizes that his tail is wagging. He reaches back and grabs it, much to Harriet's amusement.

Clover: We just wanted to say we're sorry. And that we're looking forward to working with you on our next mission. You might be students, but you've been fighting just as hard as we have, if not harder.

Harriet: Exactly why I'm looking forward to seeing what you kids can do.

Gryphon: Kids? I'm older than all of you nerds.

Artoria: (half whisper) Gryphon (she elbows him) just be silent.

Gryphon: Fine.

Vine Zeki: Not everything's a competition, Hare.

Penny enters the room and slides in front of Ruby, throwing her hands up in excitement.

Penny: C'mon! Let me show you around campus.

She enthusiastically marches away, with Ruby and friends following her. Ironwood exits his office just as Qrow begins to walk away from the stairs in front of the office.

Ironwood: Qrow.

Qrow stops and turns around, and Ironwood descends the stairs and approaches him.

Ironwood: I meant it when I said it was good to see you again.

Qrow: (awkwardly) Uh, yeah, you too.

Ironwood steps forward and hugs Qrow, who looks confused at first but then hugs back with a smile and an eye roll. Elsewhere in the school, Penny leads Team RWBY, Team MTVSE and Oscar through various hallways, while the group becomes more and more tired as the tour goes on.

Penny: So that way's the cafeteria, and that way is the training rooms. Oh, and over there are the classrooms!

Ruby stretches, yawning loudly. The group comes to a stop, with everyone looking exhausted. Nora leans against Ren, asleep on her feet.

Ruby: This all looks great, Penny. But where are we staying?

Penny: Remember, you're in Atlas now. As the most well-funded school on Remnant, every teen at Atlas Academy gets their own room! And if that wasn't enough--

Ren: So we're staying in the dorms?

Penny: (with an excited dance and hop) It'll be just like Beacon again!

Nora collapses to the floor.

Down in Mantle, it has begun raining. Ironwood and Winter's broadcast videos continue to play on screens around the city.

Ironwood: The Kingdom of Atlas will remain strong, and it will remain safe. That is my promise.

Gryphon: *sigh* Empty promises get us nowhere James.

Carrying a bag and an umbrella, with a set of new rings on his fingers, Arthur Watts walks along a sidewalk while talking to Tyrian Callows through a communication device that is placed in his ear.

Watts: For the last time, a singular hideout makes us susceptible to discovery.

Watts hacks the traffic post across the street to change it to allow pedestrians to cross as he walks across the street.

Tyrian: But what if we're seen? What if we're recognized?

Watts: We stay mobile.

The sound of multiple stabbings can be heard over the communication device.

Tyrian: We're walking around a city with a thousand eyes.

Watts changes another traffic signal and crosses the street without pause, causing cars to come screeching to a halt.

Watts: (sighs) While cybersecurity has been stepped up in Atlas, as usual, none of the code was updated in Mantle.

He walks across another street, hacking another system to make a blockade of posts rise up from the road, which a car crashes into as it swerves to go around him.

Woman: Oh no! Gosh! (running to check on the driver) Are you okay!?

Tyrian: (chuckling) That certainly sounds useful.

Watts: It should be.

Watts pauses and presses his thumb to one of his rings, which glows cyan. All nearby security cameras power down.

Watts: I helped write that code, after all.

Muffled screaming is heard from inside a building, while the camera next to its door powers down. The door opens, and Tyrian steps out, shutting the door behind him with a happy sigh.

Tyrian: Well, I suppose we all have our talents.

Tyrian walks away down an alley, while a pool of blood flows out from under the door. The blood slowly makes its way into the view of the hacked security camera.


A strong wind blows snow across the cloudy sky while three Mantas fly together.

Clover: All right, gather 'round. Our mission today is to secure the launch site for the Amity Communications Tower.

Sometime prior to flying in the Mantas, Clover stands in front of the central table in James Ironwood's office, looking at a hologram screen that displays mission details.

Clover: The designated area is an abandoned Dust mine. Since its closure, the Grimm have moved in.

The screen displays a mission overview, a photograph of Huntsmen battling a Geist, a menu, a map of an area in the Kingdom of Atlas, a list of Active Huntsmen and a list of Ace Operatives. The mission overview says:

"Reported Petra Gigas near Huntsman Post North. Huntsmen secured area but were unable to eliminate Petra Gigas. The Grimm was seen retreating to abandoned SDC Mines No. 2 located in Zone 3. No casualties were reported, three Huntsmen suffered minor injuries.

Recommended Course of Action: Send in ACE Operatives to clear SDC mine No. 2."

The menu options are "Open Case Reports", "Mission Board", "Personnel Files", "Zoning Details", "Ace Operatives" and "Atlas Huntsmen".

The map displays that "Zone 1", in the very south of the map, is cleared. "Zone 2" is in the southwestern portion of the map, with "Huntsman Post West" located in its northeastern area. "Zone 3" is the northern section of the map. "Huntsman Post North" is located slightly southeast from "SDC Mines 2", and to the northeast of the mines is "Aurora Pass".

The Active Huntsmen listed are the members of Team RWBY and Team MTVSE

Two more copies of this screen are hovering above the table, being viewed by Qrow Branwen, Ruby Rose and Gryphon Light.

Clover: The good news is all that untouched Dust is still down there, too. Science team says they'll need it for the first phase of their launch.


Pietro: Apologies for the mess and for holding onto your weapons for so long.

Pietro enters a laboratory, followed by Teams RWBY and MTVSE

Pietro: The upgrades you requested were, uh... well, they were more than I anticipated. (laughs)


Clover: Atlas military Huntsmen are already hard at work clearing out the surrounding tundra. But recon has identified a powerful Geist that's managed to evade destruction and take several lives.

Uniformed Huntsmen are seen gunning down Grimm while the three Mantas fly past overhead.

Clover: After we increased our numbers, the Geist was smart enough to retreat into the mine itself, meaning it's old and extremely dangerous.

Clover withdraws a compact Scroll and presses a button, causing the photograph of Huntsmen battling the Petra Gigas to take up the entirety of each screen.

Clover: This is our target.


Pietro: Your new weapons and armor should be as requested, but I also took the liberty of reviewing your combat footage from the Vytal Festival Tournament.

Teams RWBY and MTVSE stand in front of a series of narrow shelves, each of which have cases on them. Nora Valkyrie shifts eagerly on her feet, letting out an excited giggle as she snatches up her case. Everyone else calmly picks up their cases except for Gryphon, Artoria, and Jeanne.

Pietro: There's some additional enhancements I'd like to suggest. Oh, but for now, these should serve you well enough.

Ruby opens her case and smiles. Nora opens her case and looks amazed, pupils dilating and eyes shimmering from her excitement.

Gryphon looks over the teams and smiles at their childlike reactions before he returns to a conversation between himself, The King of Knights, and the Dragon Witch.

Artoria: Gryphon says that this final battle will be on the horizon soon, he also said something about a giant whale?

Jeanne: I don't care for all that nonsense, I am more concerned with teaching those fools who serve her the price for their faith.

Gryphon: You're starting to sound like your old self again Jeanne, i kinda like it.

Jeanne: For you your majesty, I'll become whatever you want~, but you can't blame me for returning to my roots when a war is on the horizon! The anticipation is unbearable!

Ruby walks over to the group while they continue to conversate.

Ruby: Hey Gryphon, are you guys coming with us on the mission to the quarry?

Gryphon was about to respond with "yes" until he remembered the case and Aoi's whereabouts.

Gryphon: No actually.

Ruby: Woah really?! But if you were there that mission would be nothing!

Gryphon: Sorry Rosie, but i know you and the others can handle this mission, I believe in you.

Gryphon cups her cheeks in his hands and gives her a gentle kiss, which makes Jeanne growl quietly while Artoria has an almost invisible smile on her face.

Ruby: I- o-okay yeah we can do this, I'll make you make you proud stud!

She gives him a hug and runs back over to the others.

Jeanne: Mast- I mean Gryphon, Where are my kisses?! Or shall i take them by force~?

Gryphon: Don't think i forgot about you.

Instead of being gentle like normal, Gryphon grabs collar of her jacket and pulls her into a deep, aggressive kiss that she melts into instantly as she grabs the collar of his shirt and pulls him in deeper, they both separate after a moment.

Jeanne: Hah~ hah~ you sure know how to make a girl feel special M- Gryphon.

Gryphon: Anything for you Jeanne, but if you want to call me master so badly we can form a contract.

Jeanne: Really?! YES, let's do it!!


Gryphon eyes the command seals on his chest as team RWBY's manta takes off in the direction. He buttons up his shirt as Tae calls him on his phone.

Tae: Hanna told me you needed a vehicle so I went and accessed the L-Tech autopilot in your car and brought it outside for you. I also went and picked up Beel and Judgement while i was at it.

Gryphon: Thanks Doc, I'll keep you updated if we find Aoi.

Tae: Copy that, I'll see you later.

She hangs up and Gryphon walks back into the academy building, making his way towards the entrance where Artoria and Jeanne are waiting, as he walks through the schools halls he hears students whispering about him.

Random dude: (hushed) Woah, It's actually him! The guy from the vytal festival!

Random girl: (hushed) Yeah, It really is!he's super handsome too!

Random girl2: (hushed) But did you see those girls he was with before? I wouldn't wanna mess with them, especially the one with the braided hair, i feel like she could light me on fire just by glaring at me.

Gryphon chuckles to himself and as he gets closer to the entrance a voice calls out to him.

Ironwood: Ah, there you are Gryphon!

Ugh, James again.

Gryphon: To what do i owe the pleasure general?

Ironwood: I was going to talk to you in private but seeing as this is urgent for you i needed to tell you that Aoi Shinomiya, Light Technologies' head of R&D, went missing not too long after the fall of Beacon. We haven't been able to find anything regarding her whereabouts but i assure you.

Gryphon: Thanks for telling me but you can leave the search to me and my team.

Ironwood: Ar- Are you certain she hasn't-

Gryphon: I know what you're gonna say and don't you dare say it! I've know Aoi since we were kids and i know she would never side with Salem, she's smart enough to know there wouldn't be any value in doing so.

Ironwood: I'm sorry if I offended you but I'm only being cautious since we don't know who to trust anymore.

Gryphon: Mabye you should keep an eye on your scientists who spend lots of time outside atlas and mantle, fired or otherwise.

Gryphon walks out of the school leaving James to mull over his words.

When Gryphon arrives outside he whistles as he sees the car Tae brought for the three of them, catching both Jeanne's and Artoria's attention.

Gryphon: Gawd Dayum! How have i never seen this sleek ass ride before!? And it hovers?!? Aoi has been holding out on me!

Jeanne: Indeed Master and not only that but now that you and I have entered a contract I've been feeling ten times as powerful as before and i can see the command seals peaking through your shirt as well.

Artoria: Perhaps we should enter a contract as well?

Gryphon: I'll let you decide on that but first we need to reach the Silver wing mercenaries' base, where Aoi said she'd be.

The pods on the sides of the vehicle open to reveal two passenger seats.

Gryphon: Time to go and meet up with the rest of the crew ladies!

As the other two get into the passenger seats Gryphon hops up into the driver's seat as the car's engine hums to life.

Gryphon examines the inside of the driver's cabin carefully, noting the screen in front of him that seems to act as a communicator, GPS, radio, and radar, he also notices a port specifically designed for his and only his phone to be plugged into.

Gryphon takes out his phone, he looks it over and notices the port he's intended to use.

Gryphon: She never misses a thing, I shouldn't even be surprised at this point.

The car roars to life properly and a portal opens up in front of it displaying an open plain covered in flowing green grass.

Gryphon smirks as he plugs in his phone while the GPS and radio activate, a song begins to play that was most likely preset by Aoi.

(Play the one up top if you wanna listen while you read)

(If you guys have better ideas for Gryphon's theme song don't hesitate to shout them at me.)

Gryphon: Never misses. Ever. Now, let's ride!

Gryphon drives through the portal and the GPS chimes, beginning navigation.


It's an hour of driving later and Gryphon is still jamming to the same song when Jeanne's face appears on the communicator screen.

Jeanne: Hey Master, when we reach this mercenary hideout what are we going to do there?

Gryphon: Quite simple, the rest of my allies from my world have to be gathered there and when we arrive we're going to return to Atlas and prepare for war.

Jeanne: I can't wait to display my hatred for all to see!

Gryphon: Speaking of that, I'll need to modify your NP.

Jeanne: You mean to change it so that I don't sacrifice my life while using it? I'm grateful to have such a considerate master.

Gryphon: I won't be losing either of you during this fight.

Jeanne: I would never fall to weaklings such as these.

Gryphon: I'd expect no less from my precious Dragon Witch.

Jeanne blushes and disconnects from the call.

Gryphon: Cute.

Gryphon notices a town nearby looks especially large but what truly draws his attention is the Burger King nonchalantly sitting there as if it was normal.

Gryphon: Hey ladies.

Artoria and Jeanne's faces appear in the communicator's screen

Both: Hm?

Gryphon: Anyone want Burgers?

Both: Huh?!?


The three of them are seen sitting inside Burger King eating bacon kings. Artoria has a look of ecstasy on her face as she chews her food greatly confusing Gryphon, Jeanne sits and eats with a neutral expression but you could tell she's happy about the food.

When they finish they get ready to get back on the road but a man runs by while screaming which catches their attention.

Civilian: The Grimm are here, RUN!!

The trio look in the direction he came from to see several alpha beowolves and two ursa majors acting like generals leading an army.

Gryphon: There goes our break, Artoria I want you to dismantle the opposition, Jeanne I need you to defend me while I support Artoria from afar.

Artora/ Jeanne: Alright!/ Okay Master!

Gryphon opens a portal and retrieves a sniper rifle from it.

the portal closes and Gryphon drops to a knee and sights in on a Beowolf about eat a civilian. Gryphon activates his blood red aura and pulls the trigger firing a glowing red bullet that turns the beowolf into a aerosol upon making contact with it.

Gryphon: Begin operation!

Both: Right!

Artoria rushes into the fray hacking and slashing Grimm while Jeanne stand close to Gryphon, defending him, as Gryphon picks off Grimm who get too close to civilians. As Gryphon takes the head off of another Grimm he notices Artoria pull a gun from a holster he never noticed.

It was then that he realized Artoria was both rider class and saber class which sparked a million questions in his head.

Gryphon shakes his head and focuses on one of the Ursa Major generals trying to get the drop on Artoria and blows it's head off with sniper fire.

Gryphon's concentration is broken by Jeanne's upset tone.

Jeanne: Ugh Master, there are more of these mindless things behind us.

Gryphon looks behind to see an army of regular Beowolves.

Gryphon: *Sigh* Jeanne, go watch Artoria's back.

Jeanne: Hm. Very well, i know you can handle yourself but if you get hurt I'll be pissed!

Gryphon chuckles as the two run in opposite directions, Jeanne to aid Artoria and Gryphon to impede the ambush at their backs.

Gryphon stops in front of the army of Grimm as they charge in slow motion and he begins to unleash another noble phantasm.

The sky goes dark red and the clouds fill with red lightning.


"Without fail!"

Gryphon floats into the air as a portal opens below him and millions of snipers like the ones he's been using emerge from it and surround him.

"I am prepared to expose corpses to the Infinite Worlds. God of the Existence's roaring command!"

The army of weapons face themselves towards the approaching enemies.

"this is the Cosmic God's Infinite Worlds!!"

All of the guns open fire on the enemies, obliterating them on contact.

As Jeanne strikes down the last alpha on their side she looks over to see Gryphon's Noble Phantasm at work, her eyes focus on Gryphon himself who is floating there facing the horde of enemies with an uncharacteristically twisted smirk on his face, making her blush.

As the gunfire dies out and all the guns vanish from sight, Gryphon lands back on the ground calmly.

Jeanne: Master!

Gryphon turns to face Jeanne who's running up to him while blushing.

Gryphon: Yes Jeanne? Is something wrong?

Jeanne: Oh I don't know, Maybe the fact that you could use any servant class' Noble Phantasm and you DIDN'T TELL ME!

Gryphon: You never asked.


Artoria walks up as civilians begin exiting their hiding spots and homes.

Artoria: She does have a point Gryphon, you should have told us.

Gryphon: I guess, but we've wasted too much time here already so let's get back to the car.

Both: Alright


Gryphon is seen looking at the GPS while the car drives on autopilot.

He changes the destination and the car turns and follows the instructions and not long after Artoria's voice comes through the comms.

Artoria: Isn't beacon in the direction were heading? Why are we headed there?

Gryphon: I'm gonna find beacon's relic really quick and then were gonna do the same when we get to Shade Academy before meeting up with the Aoi and the SW mercs.

Jeanne bored tone of voice comes over the comms next.

Jeanne: This seem fruitless, Don't we need a maiden to access the vault?

Gryphon: We do have one, she's just been getting rested and prepared in the "Tower".

Beacon or what's left of it comes into view.

Jeanne: I'm still upset that you called us AFTER the fun part had already happened.

Gryphon: You'll get plenty of chances to kill while we're here Jeanne.

Artoria: And speaking of "The Tower", Why aren't we using it to get where we need to be?

Gryphon: Artoria Light-Pendragon, are you saying you aren't enjoying the road trip?

Artoria: I would never say something like that! I'm just asking about why we aren't being more efficient with our time.

Gryphon: That answer is simple. I've already calculated the exact amount of time we'll use getting the relics and meeting up with the mercs.


We find find our ridiculously powerful trio walking through the ruined and empty streets of Vale and making their way towards beacon.

Gryphon: This place is truly beyond repair.

Artoria: Yeah, but should the actually manage to clear out all of the Grimm they could make this place habitable again.

Gryphon: I think that might take a while but it's definitely possible.

Jeanne: Say, Master?

Gryphon: Hm?

Jeanne: What will you do with those relics when we find them?

Gryphon: Using them as weapons before keeping them in my treasury.

Artoria: As trophies?

Gryphon: Dunno, I may use them for something after this war is over.

Jeanne: Hmm...

As the trio get closer to beacon Gryphon reminisced of his time here with izanami.

The three are staring at the remains of the elevator, the normal way to get into beacon's vault.

Gryphon: Guess we're using portals to get in.

Without anymore warning Gryphon opens a portal and walks through it, leaving it open for the other two who follow behind him without hesitation.

Walking through the long hallway Jeanne pipes up.

Jeanne: Ugh, this is so boring! How long is this gonna take master?

Gryphon: Were literally standing on top of it.

Jeanne: Wha-

The symbol on the floor opens up to reveal the relic of choice imbedded in stone. Gryphon talks while he removes the crown from the floor.

Gryphon: Ozpin had the foresight to remove the relic from its vault before amber was attacked and incapacitated so thanks to that our job is ten times easier.

Gryphon places the crown on his head and imagines Salem and in his mind he sees a blurry view of Salem, realizing the crown is being blocked by magic, Gryphon  empowers the crown with his own magic and the view of Salem clears to reveal her sitting on her throne while staring at a picture of a recently taken picture of Gryphon in atlas, when she feels familiar eyes watching her a small but easily noticable ,due to her white skin, blush appears on her face and the crown losses sight of her. Gryphon chuckles to himself before taking off the crown and putting it in a small portal to store it for later.

Jeanne: What'd you see Master?

Gryphon: Just Salem but that unimportant, let's fast travel back to the car and head to shade quickly.

Another portal opens up to reveal the car and what looks like a bunch of white fang stragglers who were eyeing it up but now have their attention on the portal. Gryphon steps through the portal to look at the startled WF members who seem to know who he is. One of the fang members who seems to be oblivious to who he is steps up to Gryphon with no fear.

WF1:  You must be the owner of this vehicle, sorry human but we'll be taking this to our leader.

One of the other Faunus chimes in to warn him while the others are silent and extremely wary of Gryphon, who's expression isn't very neutral anymore.

WF2: W-Wait a minute squad leader, this was the man we were warned about! Th-The one who beat Adam!

WF1: This man? HA! Our "leader" must be some kind of coward if he was beaten by this human wea-!


A gunshot rings out and the WF grunt stares in horror at the hole in his squad leader's chest and can see the gun responsible in Gryphon's hand.

Gryphon lets out a malevolent chuckle reminiscent of Jeanne alter's laugh.

Gryphon: "Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer."

As the leader falls to the ground Gryphon finishes his sentence.

Gryphon: But me? (The body hits the ground and Gryphon's jacket glows as he examines his gun) I'm not a fan of taking my time.

WF2: W-wait please!! I DON'T WANNA DIE!!

Gryphon: If that the case then you kids better run far far away or better yet, go join up with the Silver Wings, they'll keep you safe.

WF2: You're really gonna let us go and do you really think the Silver Wings will take in ex-white fang members?

Gryphon: Yes and yes, now if you'll excuse me my friends and i have somewhere to be.

Gryphon walks over to his car to see Jeanne and Artoria on the other side of it standing next to Artoria's cuirassier.

Jeanne: Was thinking you were gonna gonna kill them all for a second there Master, i have to admit that would have left a bad taste in my mouth. (Artoria looks at her) I know, it surprised me too!

Gryphon: I'm not senseless enough to kill a bunch of kids being led by some fool, but what's up with the cuirassier Artoria?

Artoria: It's rather cramped in those side seats so Jeanne and i are gonna follow close behind on the bike instead.

Gryphon: If you're gonna do that you should take these so you can call me from outside the car.

He tosses the two ring like devices that change into earpieces when twisted.

Gryphon: Aoi named these RIINGS after the first iteration went "out of style" so to speak. You can fold it so it turns into an earpiece you can talk with.

Artoria: Always prepared, aren't you My King.

Jeanne: My Master never overlooks even the smallest detail, as expected.

Gryphon: Thanks for the sweet words you two but now's the time to hit the road.

As Gryphon prepares to hop inside the car his phone rings so he disconnects it from the computer inside the car and puts it on speaker so Jeanne and Artoria can hear.

A voice Gryphon recognizes immediately speaks through the phone.

???: Gryphon? You there?

Gryphon: Pyrr! You're up and moving around?

Pyrrha: Yes. At first i was stuck thinking about the lives I couldn't save and how I couldn't master this power but not too long ago a group of people arrived in your ship, Hanna and Miss Takemi seemed to know them and one of the women had white hair.

Gryphon: Hmm... They must be from an alternate version of myself's timeline. I'm on my way to you Pyrrha so sit tight.

Pyrrha: Alright then, I'll see you soon.

Gryphon hangs up and addresses his companions.

Gryphon: Change of plans, we're going back up to the tower and flying our way to the our destinations.

A portal opens and Gene pokes her head through.

Gene: The hanger is ready for yo- WOAH nice car!

Gryphon: Thank Aoi when we see her again.

Gene: Aoi is in RWBY?!?

Gryphon: Remember when you said you learned how to jump dimensional planes just to see me here.

Gene: Yeah why?

Gryphon: I think you may have accidentally dragged the others from our world with you.


Gryphon: It was a blessing in disguise actually cause we met Cass and Dez before we fought the leviathan.

Gene: Yeah Cass and Desmona came to the ship for a little while after you left before going somewhere else and i felt my powers going haywire around that time.

Gryphon: If you wanna know what happened you'll have to take a look at the footage the invizi-cam took.

Gene: How do i keep forgetting about that tiny camera...never mind it is invisible.

The portal widens and Gryphon drives into the portal and arrives in the tower's hanger with Artoria and Jeanne in tow.

When Gryphon parks and disembarked his vehicle he was immediately enveloped in a hug from Gene.

Gene: *sighs dreamily* I missed this.

Gryphon: Glad to see you again Genie.

Gene: Lets get to the bridge you have some visitors.

Gryphon: Jeanne, Artoria, feel free to hang out wherever.

Both: We'll be going with you.

Gryphon:...suit yourselves.


Gryphon arrives on the bridge of his ship he is met with a series of familiar faces who he has and hasn't met yet.

???: There you are, My Teacher!

Hearing the voice of the white haired emperor of Adrestia triggers images of memories he hasn't even experienced yet.

A sword.

A dagger.

A white dragon.

Two burning flags.

A coffin wrapped in chains.

And a ring.

Gryphon smiles while reliving the memories of an alternate version of himself's time in Garreg Mach Monastery.

Gryphon: El!

Edelgard runs over to Gryphon and wraps her arms around him in a tight hug which he returns quickly.

Edelgard: It's been so long since we've seen each other professor! Or are you more comfortable with My Love instead?

Dorothea: My my, who knew our Edie could be a flirt~. Don't forget we're married to him too ya know.

Petra: Agreed, and thanks to the books the professor left for me I'm able to speak the language of Fódlan with complete accuracy!

Bernadetta: Look professor! I managed to get over my fear of being outside but I'm still working on my fear of people and speaking of which...

Bern quickly moves behind Gryphon and peeks over at the sheer amount of people in the room.

Gryphon: It's nice to see you girls again but what brings you by? Last I checked i set you all up with an office job in L Tech.

Sothis floats up to Gryphon and huffs in his face.

Sothis: While that is true, you could have given us some actual work to do! I mean all we do in there is mess around and talk.

Rhea chimes in.

Rhea: That's true mother, but we are still being paid to "work" so i have no complaints about it, it's actually rather fun being so casual with people who used to be students in the monastery.

Sothis: I...suppose you have a point.

Rhea: And you shouldn't be complaining when you are our boss and Gryphon is your boss.

Sothis: Ehh....

Gryphon: Where's leonie?

Rhea: She'll be her momentarily, she should just be putting Lysithia and Marianne in charge of holding the fort while we're here.

Gryphon: You know what, I've just realized something.

Gryphon moves over to the front of the ship where he can see everyone who basically lives in the Tower.

Gryphon: We need more space, we're running out of room in the ship.

Tae Takemi calls out to him from the pilot's seat.

Tae: Yeah, I noticed it earlier but i never wanted to mention it seeing as you were focused on fighting.

Gryphon: I've been preparing something for this occasion, Doc land us in a completely clear plateau somewhere?

Tae: Get comfy cause the next clear landing space isn't for an hour or two.

???: Fine by me, that just means i get to spar with the professor again.

Gryphon: Leonie? How did you-

???2: She's rather good at stealth, so much so that i may teach her dark magic soon hehe...

Leonie: Not sure if that's my forte tharja.

Tharja: Nonsense, you'll have a knack for it, I'm sure of it.

Gryphon: You might as well give it up Leonie, once he mind is mad up she is literally unstoppable.

Tharja: Exactly, so don't even try hehe...


Gryphon is keeping bern company since she's still a nervous bean while El and Sothis sits and talks for them both.

Gryphon: You okay bern?

Bernadetta: I'll be okay if you say close, professor.

Edelgard: Indeed, his presence really does have a calming effect.

Sothis: I expect nothing less really.

Everyone in their separate groups continue to talk before the ship shakes, meaning they've landed.

Tae: (over loudspeaker) Alright, Gryphon it's to show us this new trick up your sleeve.

Gryphon: Sure thing Doc. *he turns to everyone else in the room* Anybody who wants to come outside and watch or you could stay inside.

Gryphon walks out of the Tower's hanger bay and out into wide open plains with a majority of the people following behind him.

Gryphon runs a little ahead from the group and stands in a perfectly flat space and yells back to the group.

Gryphon: If you want the best view you should stop right there!!

The group stops and the girls talk amongst themselves.

Artoria: What an interesting man we've married.

Leonie: You're telling me, that guy is always doing something crazy, but that's why i love him.

Dorothea: Agreed, and i had no idea he was royalty let alone a king!

Rhea and Edelgard: That is our darling professor indeed.

Jeanne: Master never told me he could teach.

Edelgard: Master?

Artoria: Jeanne and i are what are called heroic spirits and Jeanne and Gryphon have entered a contract so Gryphon supplies Jeanne with power and in exchange Jeanne has to listen to his orders.

The small talk stops when the ground begins to shake and everyone looks in Gryphon's direction, the area around them fills with fog and the sounds of beating wings as Gryphon's voice rings out clear as day.


"Close the gates... prepare to move."

The sky darkens as the sound of castle gates closing comes from the mist surrounding them.

"Let me show you the castle that no being catches. The Disappearing Kingdom of Dragons ──Spire of Obsidian!!"

The fog clears slightly to reveal the silhouette of a giant black castle as the sounds of Dragons rejoicing echoes through the clearing mist.

"Let yourself become ashes in the wake of my subjects' flames. Hmhm... hahahaha!"

Gryphon calms down before looking at the group of ladies.

Gryphon: Now, Let's get moving

Shall we?

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