merder/dempeo one shots

By merderstapes

84.6K 1.5K 473

‼️dempeo/merder one shots More

The twisted car accident
The twisted car accident P2
a surprise visit
Telling Derek
multiple one-shots (3)
"forget it, you dont love me"
"I need time to think"
Dereks reaction
''you're the worst mom''
''get out!''
''hi remember me?''
''he is leaving.''
''Don't touch her!''
''I'm not that hungry''
''Meet me there''
''MY BABY...''
Ellen Degeneres
Dereks office (M)
''Meredith, I am so sorry'' 𝟏 𝐱 𝟎𝟗
"Hayes, do you like him?"
''charge 300!''
y/n in love
seperation anxiety
the best call I ever made
his shirt
Dr grey. Your husband is here.
My beautiful little girl

"I- I can't lose her too Miranda"

1.5K 40 6
By merderstapes

Zola pov:

I'm walking from the library to Mrs. Janet' classroom when I smell something weird. Like something got burned, almost everyone is gone already it's late but I had to study for my test so I stayed.

It can't be a science test, there are no classes anymore. Why does it smell like this? I walk up to the bathroom when I hear this sound. It sounds like something is burning away. I walk in the direction of the sound when suddenly the fire alarm goes off.

Smoke is making its way through the school quick. I hear someone yell but I don't know where it's coming from. "Help" I walk to the classroom where I think it is coming from.

The classroom is red from the flames. The door won't open. "Is someone in here?" I yell. "Yes" I hear in some kind of whisper. I take my keychain with a glass breaker and break the glass in the door.

I climb through it while I put my shirt over my nose and mouth to not inhale too much of the smoke. "Where are you?" I say coughing. "Th- the desk" I run to the front of the classroom and see someone sitting against the wall.

It's Mrs. Janet. I walk up to her and grab her arm. I grab the coat that's laying on her chair and put it in front of her nose. I lift her up and pull her out the room. If anything happens to me now, she's hopeless.

I feel myself getting dizzy so I start to run as fast as I can with her leaning on me. I open the door and we get outside, an ambulance is already there and just when I'm about to sit down everything gets black.

Grey-Sloan Memorial pov:

"Incoming trauma fire at a high school, not a lot of victims, one teacher and one student. The teacher has inhaled a lot of smoke but the student saved her. He or she is a hero, make sure the teacher is stable and then give all the care to the student. He or she passed out while walking outside. Let's go people." Bailey yells through the ER.

We walk outside and I see two ambulances coming our way with the sirens on. They stop in front of us and I walk to the first one. I open the doors. "What do we got?" "38 year old woman, teacher at the high school, was saved by the student, inhaled a lot of smoke and says she feels a sting in her chest." "Okay, let's get her inside, trauma bay 1. Hey Altman, woman suffers from chest pain."

She walks with her inside and I get to the second ambulance. "Shepherd you can't be here." "What? Why?" "You just can't." "You can't just throw me off a case Bailey." "If it's family, damn right I can."

"If it's family? What are you talking about?" "You haven't heard yet?" "No, no I haven't, Bailey who is it?" "It's Zola" "wh-what?" "She was the student Derek." "She was the student" I repeat whispering.

"Shepherd get inside and see if you can help the teacher." "No no no, she doesn't have any brain damage." "Well then get into the waiting room, we're doing everything we can." "I- I can't lose her Miranda. I already lost Meredith a few months ago."

"I know Derek. We're giving her the best care, get inside." I throw one quick glance towards the ambulance where everyone is working on my daughter.

I walk inside and get to the tunnels. I still come there sometimes to talk to Meredith. I slide down the wall and just sit there. "Hey Mer, I hope you're doing okay up there. Zola saved her teacher today. She's a hero Mer. Just like you. I hope you're proud of me, I'm trying- I'm trying without you but it's hard and now our daughter is in the ER." I hear someone coming my way. "I love you Mer." I say quickly.

"Shepherd?" "Hm?" "What are you doing here?" "I was talking to Mer." "Oh, are you okay?" Owen asks. "No- I- I can't lose Zola too, Hunt. I just can't." "I know- I know, she will be okay, she only has some burns and she is still unconscious because she inhaled that many smoke. But she will be okay."

"You don't know how far the burns have spread already." "Avery is working on it right now. We will hear something soon. Come on, get out of your scrubs and into your street clothes so you can sit with her when you're allowed."

I nod and stand up. I walk to the attending' lounge and change. I want to walk to the ER but I can't. I get into the waiting room and sit down. I keep thinking about what could happen when someone walks up to me.

"Shepherd?" "huh, yeah?" "Zola is asking for you!" "She is awake?!" "She is. Trauma bay 3" I jump up and run to the ER. I stand in front of the door and open it.

She is laying there so fragile and hurt. When our eyes lock I see tears well up in her eyes. "oh Zozo, I'm here, I'm here." I walk up to her and give her a kiss on her forehead. "It hurts dad, it hurts so bad." "I know Zozo, I know, Jackson will make it all better soon. You're a hero Zo, just like your mom."

"How- how is Mrs, Janet?" "She is okay honey, she is okay, she just inhaled a lot of smoke." "Good, that's- good."

The next day I wake up and see Zola still asleep. There is a knock on the door. It opens and Mrs. Janet walks in. "Hi" she whispers. "Hi, how are you?" "I'm good now. The smoke is all gone and I haven't been coughing in hours, the ache in my chest is gone too. So I'm great. How is she?"

"Yesterday was terrible, especially when Dr. Avery had to clean her burns. It was screaming and a lot of crying and I couldn't even hug her. I felt terrible but when she was wrapped in a lot of bandages I got in behind her and she fell asleep in my arms. She has slept through the night without any pain, so we will have to wait till she wakes up to see how she's doing."

"I'm awake" Zola says in a raspy voice. "Hi honey, how are you feeling?" "Just a little bit uncomfortable with these bandages but other then that I'm fine I think." "Honest-fine or mom-fine?" "Honest-fine dad. I promise." "Okay" I say.

"I'm sorry Zola." Her teacher says. "Don't be sorry. I chose to go in there. I'm glad I did though. You're still alive." "I am, thank you Zola, thank you so much." "Of course."

"You're a hero." she says before she walks away. "Dad?" "Yeah?" "Are you- okay?" she asks. I look at her and think about my answer. "I thought I lost you too Zo, I can't lose you too. But I'm okay now. I'm okay." I say.

"I'm here, I'm still here. I love you" "I love you too Zozo. I love you too, so much."

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