Graffiti Art --Delinquent Eve...

By IkusenIshiyama

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Eve, you disgusting rat. How dare you come within a close proximity to me with your ghetto background. My fat... More

Graffiti Art --Part 1--
Graffiti Art --Part 2--
Graffiti Art --Part 3--
Graffiti Art --Part 4--
Graffiti Art --Part 6--

Graffiti Art --Part 5--

134 9 6
By IkusenIshiyama

My mother woke me up with a jolt. "{First Name}! How did you get these?"

 My vision cleared as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. She waved the two drawings I stole from Eve last night in my face.

"Mom, I can explain."

"No need! You're ghetto friend is one of the Outsiders, huh," she concluded. Then she pulled me into a hug. "Oh my! I am so proud of you! You found our vandal! Now we get to put him behind bars!"

I suddenly realized the situation. My mom must have dug through my backpack and found them. Now she knows. "Mom, wait..."

"What is it? Do you know the other members?"

I did. But I didn't want to tell her. At this point I already realized the damage I've done to Eve. I hesitated.

"You do know them, huh?"

"N-no! Mom, I swear I don't."

After that answer, she looked suspicious. "I told your father, he's at work already. But, he already told the police department."

I look at my analog clock and it read 9:37 a.m. Saturday. Oh no. I can't warn Eve in time.

Maybe I was too late.

"What did the police do?"

"I heard that they already arrested him."

I anxiously looked around, ready to panic. They got Eve and it's all my fault.

"Why the long face, {First Name}? Be happy! You did it!"

She finally left the bedroom and I dashed out of my bedroom into the bathroom. I speedily threw some clothes on and snuck out of the mansion. I bolted into Tokyo Ghetto. Alone. I sprinted all the way to Eve's apartment complex and saw his father with a crying woman outside the building. She's probably his mother.

"Excuse me? You're Eve's father... and mother?"

They nodded, he responded, "Yes, I remember you, {First Name}."

I stopped and caught my breath. "Where's Eve? What happened?"

"They took him," his mother croaked between sobs.

The world stopped. He really is gone. An officer walks out the building with jumbo evidence bags full with spray cans. "Your son? A delinquent." He said before walking off across the street to a lone police car. Eve wasn't in the back seat. He's gone.

"I'm sorry. I just heard about this-"

They both smiled at me. They didn't know that it was me who ratted Eve out. "It's okay," the father said.

"I'll check on Ten," the mother responded.

The father followed her inside; leaving me outside.

I threw my hands on my head and panted. My mind flooded with thoughts about Eve. It's my fault that he got caught. What if I never looked down from the desk? Why did I take the drawings home?

I straightened my back and looked up at the partly cloudy sky. By noon the sun will peek out of the clouds like nothing fucked up ever happened.

What was I thinking?

Then it hit me.

I would've wanted this if I hadn't changed. My mother thinks I want this. My father is probably going to praise me for this. I don't actually want this. Eve's life is ruined because of me.

With shaky legs I trudged through the ghetto and into the city, bustling with people unaware that someone who became important to me was taken. I went untouched and uninterrupted, looking for the nearest police station. Maybe that's where's he's being detained. I pulled put my phone to look up where the nearest center was, but apparently near meant far. It'll take nearly two hours to go to the Tokyo Police Department. And what if he's not being detained there but he's somewhere else? My thumb hovered over the call button with the department's phone number. I clicked it and my heart pounded once an automated voice introduced the facility.

"If you are reporting a crime or in a medical emergency, please hand up and call 110. Press 1 to speak to a representative. Press 2 for directions to this building. Press 3 for visiting hours."

I hesitated and pressed 1 and automatically regretted the decision. I should have pressed 3, maybe? I panicked and a male with a calm voice picked up.

"Officer Natsushiro Takaaki."

"Hello officer, uh. I'm looking for someone who got arrested this morning?"

"State their full name, age, and occupation, miss."

"Oh, yes. Um... Eve, he's 16, a high school student?"

I heard a keyboard clicking and a long pause. "Eve, born May twenty-third, currently attends Fujioka academy?"

"Yes! That's him! Is he being detained there?"

"No, miss. He is being detained currently in the Tokyo Detention Center at Katsushika."

Bingo. "Okay, uh. Thank you so much, Officer Takaaki." I hung up before he can say anything else and I looked up where this detention center was. It's still a two hour commute by train. But it's all or nothing- just to see him. I led myself to the station and I heard someone call out to me.

"{First Name}!" I look behind me but saw no one through a crowd of people. "{First Name}!"

I stand looking like a deer in headlights toward the origin of the voice, then I found him. "Soraru?" I walked towards him and closed the gap between us, "what are you doing here?"

"Better yet, what are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for a friend. My English project partner. He got arrested and I need to get to him."

Soraru scowled at me. "Why?"

I was speechless. What was I supposed to say? That I liked him? "Because I have to apologize to him. And it's really important to me that I do so."

He just nodded. "Your mom sent me to find you. She's worried and confused and is demanding that you go back."

"You see... I can't."

"I know that."

"Then why are you telling me this?"

He looked at a car parked of the far right entrance of the station. "Need a ride?"

My face broke out of its gloomy façade and I smiled uneasily. "Are you sure?"

"Very. Now where is your friend detained?"


Once we were in his car, he input the address of the detention center and we started off.

"Isn't this kid from the ghetto?

"Yes, I know. But he's different."

"That's what people say when they're in love with a gangster."

My heart skipped a beat. How did he know? "What?"

"If you're wondering how I know, I've been in similar shoes like yours."


He shifted in his seat and sighed. "Well I fell I love with a 'gangster.'" My eyes widened at him while his were fixed on the road. "I dated him when I was a first year. We technically kept it a secret because of obvious reasons like my unapprovingly mean parents and money." He laughed, "Why money you ask? He was poor and I was rich. My parents hated people like him, but he was times two. They broke us up and I never saw him again. They instilled heterosexuality in me and tried to pick out rich girls for me. When they met you, they thought you were prefect for me."

"Huh? Wait, didn't you date that one girl in our second year, and the other two girls from history class?"

"Well, yes, but actually no," he answered. "I used them for a cover for my sexuality. I seemed like a playboy in the process, but I guess it's what my mom and dad wanted."

"You don't have to do what they say."

"I know. Same for you."

We stayed silent for a few minutes. "I'll be moving out when I turn eighteen," he says.

I was surprised at his statement. "Wait-"

"I mean it. I'll find him again. I miss him so much and once I find him, I'll move us to America or somewhere in Europe. Away from my parents. I'll disappear with no warning, but at least you'll know. Don't tell anyone."

"It's safe with me."

We went back to regular conversation in a daze and we were there in no time. He let me get out the car and head to the building while he tried to find a place to park. When I entered, I saw the receptionist sitting at the front desk.

"Good morning," she greeted with a smile.

"Hello. May I visit someone?"

Her smile turned into a frown. "I'm afraid that you cannot visit anyone today."


She pointed to a large poster behind her.

Visiting Hours. Monday thru Friday 11:00am – 6:00pm.


"I'm sorry."

I stood there ashamed. And took at seat, waiting for Soraru. When he walked in and found me, he approached me. "What happened?"

My head hurt from tears welling up in my eyes, and they decided to fall. "Soraru, I feel so ashamed. I did this to him. I put him here. I want to see him and tell him I'm sorry before I lose it."

Soraru took the seat beside me and asked if he could hug me. I said yes. The woman at the desk looked on at us with woe. "Young lady, I can make an exception. We'll make this a 'scheduled visit.'"

I wiped my tears away and croaked. "Really?"

"Yes. You and the young man. Who are you visiting?"


She opened a door and checked at catalog. "Cell K69."

"Thank you so much!" I led myself and Soraru inside and looked for Eve.

When we found him, he was sitting cross-legged on his cot, reading a book. I guess he heard our footsteps when he turned our direction and smiled wide at me. He shut the book and ran to the bars. I also rushed to meet him. He stuck out his arm to reach my face and I put his hand on my cheek. I was on the verge of crying again.

"[First Name], I didn't think you'd come."

"I had to, Eve. It's my fault you're here."

He only nodded. "Yes, I know."

My heart once again skipped a beat. He knew? "How?"

He put his hand on my other cheek. "When I woke up with the police hovering over me, they told me I was going to go to hell. And that Ms. [Last Name] found the evidence of the vandalized walls and turned it in."

I looked down in shame. "I'm sorry, Eve. I really am. I didn't mean-"

"We're young and dumb. Rich and broke."

"I'll get you out, I promise."

"I'll go to trial."

"I'll find a lawyer for you, I'll pay bail, anything!"

He took back his hands and put them in his pockets. "You can't. I won't let you. I did things that I have to be responsible for." Eve sighed. "But to be honest I just don't want to be a burden to you or your family."

I shook my head and held the bars. "Look, I have the money. I'll move us out of this town, this country. You can be an artist in France or the United States. When we get old enough."

"We met a couple weeks ago and you're already planning a future with me. I love the way you dream. I have a family I care about, though. I can't."

"Say," said Soraru from behind me. "We'll bail you out, we'll help your family. Last of all, we'll find you a place you can express your art on legally."

Eve looked surprised when he spoke.

"It may sound like a lot to promise, but I know [First Name] loves you, and she would do anything to get you out. I'll help, too." Soraru held out his hand, waiting for Eve to respond.

Eve shook it. "Alright... who are you?"

"Soraru, a friend."

He jolted at the name. "I know you!"

"You do?" Soraru looked confused.

"Mafumafu? Does his name ring any bells?"

"How do you know about him?"

"He's a friend of mine," Eve explained. "He told me about how your family split you up. He misses you. He wants you back."

Soraru looked at me with bright eyes. "We have to get this boy out of here," he smiled. "We have to go. Hey buddy, hold still."

He was leaving the place and I stayed behind for a few minutes. "Eve, we'll come back. I promise Soraru and I will help you."

Eve smiled at me one more time. 

"Thank you, [First Name]," he turns back to his cot and get his book. He pulls out a couple sheets of paper filled with writing. He hands it to me. "Read it when you have time."

I took the papers and headed out. I kept looking back at him, his eyes never being taken off me until I was out of sight. I thanked the receptionist at the front desk and met Soraru back in his car.

"Time to finally use daddy's money for a good thing."

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