Graffiti Art --Part 5--

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My mother woke me up with a jolt. "{First Name}! How did you get these?"

 My vision cleared as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. She waved the two drawings I stole from Eve last night in my face.

"Mom, I can explain."

"No need! You're ghetto friend is one of the Outsiders, huh," she concluded. Then she pulled me into a hug. "Oh my! I am so proud of you! You found our vandal! Now we get to put him behind bars!"

I suddenly realized the situation. My mom must have dug through my backpack and found them. Now she knows. "Mom, wait..."

"What is it? Do you know the other members?"

I did. But I didn't want to tell her. At this point I already realized the damage I've done to Eve. I hesitated.

"You do know them, huh?"

"N-no! Mom, I swear I don't."

After that answer, she looked suspicious. "I told your father, he's at work already. But, he already told the police department."

I look at my analog clock and it read 9:37 a.m. Saturday. Oh no. I can't warn Eve in time.

Maybe I was too late.

"What did the police do?"

"I heard that they already arrested him."

I anxiously looked around, ready to panic. They got Eve and it's all my fault.

"Why the long face, {First Name}? Be happy! You did it!"

She finally left the bedroom and I dashed out of my bedroom into the bathroom. I speedily threw some clothes on and snuck out of the mansion. I bolted into Tokyo Ghetto. Alone. I sprinted all the way to Eve's apartment complex and saw his father with a crying woman outside the building. She's probably his mother.

"Excuse me? You're Eve's father... and mother?"

They nodded, he responded, "Yes, I remember you, {First Name}."

I stopped and caught my breath. "Where's Eve? What happened?"

"They took him," his mother croaked between sobs.

The world stopped. He really is gone. An officer walks out the building with jumbo evidence bags full with spray cans. "Your son? A delinquent." He said before walking off across the street to a lone police car. Eve wasn't in the back seat. He's gone.

"I'm sorry. I just heard about this-"

They both smiled at me. They didn't know that it was me who ratted Eve out. "It's okay," the father said.

"I'll check on Ten," the mother responded.

The father followed her inside; leaving me outside.

I threw my hands on my head and panted. My mind flooded with thoughts about Eve. It's my fault that he got caught. What if I never looked down from the desk? Why did I take the drawings home?

I straightened my back and looked up at the partly cloudy sky. By noon the sun will peek out of the clouds like nothing fucked up ever happened.

What was I thinking?

Then it hit me.

I would've wanted this if I hadn't changed. My mother thinks I want this. My father is probably going to praise me for this. I don't actually want this. Eve's life is ruined because of me.

With shaky legs I trudged through the ghetto and into the city, bustling with people unaware that someone who became important to me was taken. I went untouched and uninterrupted, looking for the nearest police station. Maybe that's where's he's being detained. I pulled put my phone to look up where the nearest center was, but apparently near meant far. It'll take nearly two hours to go to the Tokyo Police Department. And what if he's not being detained there but he's somewhere else? My thumb hovered over the call button with the department's phone number. I clicked it and my heart pounded once an automated voice introduced the facility.

Graffiti Art --Delinquent Eve x Reader--Where stories live. Discover now