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By isadorahstories

16.1K 307 44

Italian girl, Sofia Bianco, was born into wealth. Sadly her mother passed away and since then things haven't... More

Am I going to die?
You're Lying!
Patience, my love.
You don't mess with a Bianco!
Guess who's back!
When Two Worlds Collide.
Guns And Roses.
Family Affairs.
Secrets Are What Get You Killed.
Time Will Tell.
I Said I Love You.
Old Habits Become Routine Part:1
Old Habits Become Routine Part:2
You Complete Me.
Mrs. Mafia.
I Trusted You.
The Queen & Her King(s)?
Happier Than Ever

One Last Ride

706 10 8
By isadorahstories


"Everything looks good here, hun! The baby is healthy and growing. Querían saber el género hoy?" Doctor Gonzalez asked as she examined Sofia's sonogram.
(Did you guys want to know the gender today)

Sofia looks at Matteo with confusion. "What did she ask?" She whispers with confusion to him.
Matteo giggles. "sí, sí, Doctor. Realmente nos encantaría!" He replies to Doctor Gonzalez.
( Yes, yes, Doctor. We would really love to)

"Ai, ella no habla español I see?" The Doctor asked as she grinned.
(She doesn't speak Spanish I see?)

(I'm afraid not, Miss)
"Me temo que no, señorita." Matteo quietly laughs as he looks back at Sofia.

"Congratulations, it looks like you're having a girl!" Doctor Gonzalez said as she looked at Sofia's sonogram for a second time.

"HAH! I was right." Sofia exclaimed as she smiled with her fists in the air.

No response...

"Matteo?" She asked.

Sofia looked over to Matteo to see him wiping the gentle tears from his eyes. He had never felt this much joy in his life! He didn't care what the gender was of the baby, all he cared about at that moment was that he was going to be a father. He couldn't help but to think of the first time he and Sofia had met, how incredibly messy and dangerous it was. How they got from there to here, together as a couple having a little baby girl. Matteo knew his father would be so proud of him.

"Are you crying?" She asked.

"I'm just so happy. I love you mi Reina." Matteo smiled while holding her hand. Sofia gripped on tight to his hand and held it with love and warmth.

"Did you want any pictures today?" Doctor Gonzalez asked.

"Yes please!" They both answered.

"Okay now, remember to keep taking your daily vitamins. Keep an eye out for lots of movement as you now transition into your third trimester." Doctor Gonzalez reminded as she wiped the gel off of Sofia's stomach.

Matteo had ordered someone to bring around the car to the front of the doctor's office so Sofia would feel more comfortable. They had still been living in Mexico away from Victoria, away from everything. They wanted to stay safe and eventually build a home there for their family.

"Come in close babe." Matteo asked, leaning in towards Sofia smiling, while holding his phone up for a photo. Sofia held up her sonogram photo reading "It's a girl!" and smiled.

"Now Aléjandria will see just how happy we were in this moment, knowing what we knew." Matteo says holding his smile. This was a moment they'd cherish forever!

"Aléjandria?" Sofia asked as her nose scrunched up with confusion, along with a grin. "You've been thinking about names now huh?"

"I was thinking of asking you what you thought of it. Aléjandro was my father's name, as you know,  and when I thought we were having a boy, I thought of honouring him by naming my son after my father. Now that we're having a girl, I'm more excited to modify it into a more feminine way. Aléjandria sounds so beautiful and has an "ia" ending, which includes you in it also. This name would match her so perfectly." Matteo boasted with emotion.

"Wow, I-I-I don't know what to say. That is such a beautiful name and has such an emotional, loving backstory... I love it, baby!" Sofia stuttered as she looked down to rub her stomach.
"I wish I could have been able to meet your father, Matteo. The way you talk about him, I just know he was a good person." Sofia continued.

Their love story was starting to grow with new editions to their lives. The love that the two of them share is very hard to find in a world of judgement and ignorance. living in Mexico brought back that feeling of family and home for Matteo.  He remembered his loving childhood and family growing up, and couldn't help but to feel it being replaced with his new family. The new feeling of family, which was Sofia and their baby girl. Everything couldn't be more perfect...
Suddenly, Sofia's phone started to ring.

"Camilla?" She asked confused. "What the hell-." She continued.

"Sofia, I'm so sorry you have to forgive me! I didn't have a choice, he wouldn't let me!" Camilla screamed with fear. It sounded like she was running from something, maybe someone?


"Woah, what are you talking about? Slow down, Camilla. Just tell me what's wrong, I haven't heard from you in years!" I said pressing my phone on speaker so Matteo could hear too.

"What's going on?" Matteo mouthed to me confused.

"You're not safe right now, where you are. H-h he's coming!" Camilla whispered heavily.

"Who Camilla, who's coming?" I asked aggressively as I turn my head to Matteo. My eyes widened and my heart started to race.

"YOU'RE HURTING ME, AHHHH!" Camilla screeched in pain. "Sit still." A familiar man's voice replied grunting. It sounded as if he was holding her still?

"Where have I heard that voice from before?.... Oh my god!" I gasp as soon as I realized.

I suddenly had a loss of words. The look on Matteo's face, I had never seen before. I had never seen him so scared in the years that I've known him. His face filled with pure worry and fear. We didn't have to say anything for me to know who Camilla was talking about.

"GO SOFIA, RUN!" Were Camilla's last words.

*BANG* *line disconnects*

"Oh my god, Camilla!!" I yell as I felt a stab to the heart, heavy tears building up in my eyes. "What did she do to deserve this?" I asked myself, over and over again. I look at Matteo as he pressed his foot on the gas peddle a little harder, speeding faster in a hurry.

"When is this going to end because I can't take it anymore," I asked.

"I don't know, my love," Matteo replies...

"How are we going to raise a child in a life of danger, a life of running?" I sighed as I start rubbing my stomach.

"Look, Camilla must have been involved in Sebastian's plan somehow, I know it's hard to hear but Camilla could have been spying on you this whole time."

*Sofia's phone rings again*

"It's Camilla? What the fuck?" I gasp holding the phone to Matteo.

"Put it on speaker."

"Camilla?" I ask while my hands started to shake.

"Nope. Why don't you take a wild guess as to who this is? I'll give you five seconds, though I doubt it'll take you that long." Sebastian laughed as he spoke in a British accent. "One, two, three-. Okay, the suspense is too much, it's your favourite ex! Surprise, yeah I'm alive... Hey Matteo! I'm assuming he's with you?"

"Oh, so you're British now Sebastian?" Matteo scoffed as he rolled his eyes on the other end of the phone.

"Ahh, so I was right!" Sebastian says as he smacked his lips together. "If you want Camie back home safe and sound, I suggest you be a good boy Matteo and come meet me for a little 'bro to bro' chat?" He interrupted us before we could speak. "I'll text you the location."

*line disconnected*


"Son of a bitch!" Matteo whispers.

"Listen I know it's not safe to do but we can't just sit here and let her die!" Sofia said as she started hyperventilating.

"Sofia, are you on drugs? I'm not letting you go out there with me while you're pregnant. We have more to lose now, I won't let you go." Matteo insisted.

"This is my fight too, Téo. I'll wear a disguise, I'll even sit in the car outside of the location, I will do anything necessary. I am coming with you, I'm not letting MY best friend die because of our mess!" They argued...

"I love you but this is stupid. LISTEN TO YOURSELF SOFIA! Listen to how you are willing to put not just yours, but our daughter's life in danger. I can lose you guys, I can't lose anyone else."

"I know. I realize what I'm saying is insane,  I understand the risks. I'll stay hidden, nobody will need to know it's me. Think about it... does Sebastian really think you're going to show up without any type of backup?"

"You will be in all black. You are to wear a black ski mask and gloves, I'll give you a gun to hold also. Unless I am defenceless, do not fire. Understand?" Matteo demanded. "Stay out of sight."

On the trip there, Sofia's leg never stopped shaking. Her eyes were beet red from stress and panic. They thought they had escaped all of the danger once Matteo had gotten rid of Sebastian, Sofia and Matteo could raise their daughter with peace and happiness.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Sofia asked slightly turning her exhausted head towards Matteo.

"He'd be pretty stupid to lay a hand on her." He replied not looking back.

"You didn't answer the question."

"I know."


"Sofia, baby wake up," Matteo said quietly as he nudged her shoulder. "It's time."

She threw on her disguise, took a deep breath and got out of the car...

"Hey my little girl, Mommy's got to do something pretty dangerous. But I promise you, this will all be over soon and your Daddy and I will be able to hold you in our arms. Everything is going to be alright." Sofia whispered to her stomach as she entered the building.

"I'm here Sebastian, now WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!" Matteo yelled as his voice echoed throughout the warehouse.

"Yes, yes very exciting. I'm back!" Sebastian exaggerates while entering the space.

"Sebastian." Sofia whispered as she huffed his name under her breath. Matteo pushes Sofia behind him. He hid Sofia and her stomach away from Sebastian to hide the fact that she was pregnant.

"Protecting one of your mafia bitches now are we Matteo? Did you get sick of Sofia?" Sebastian asked as he creepily paced.

Matteo's mind was scrambled. He had two choices to make to protect himself and Sofia. He knew what he did was dangerous, but didn't want Sebastian to think he was scared of him. Matteo ran up to Sebastian and looked him dead in the eyes, pointed his finger and said: "Talk about her again and I'll kill you!"

"Oh?" Sebastian giggles. "Make sure I'm really dead this time, mkay?"

"Okay, enough of your stupid little games now Sebastian. Where is Camilla?!" Matteo asked as he built up his aggression with each word that came out.

"Ah...yes...Camilla Parker. I honestly don't know where she is to be quite honest." Sebastian lied with an evil smirk.

   Sofia looks at Sebastian, then at Matteo. She hesitates to move for a moment with complete shock, then holds her stomach as a sharp pain glides through it. She quickly falls to the ground on her knees yelling in pain. "Ugh!" She groaned with discomfort. The pain was an add-on to the lack of patients she had towards Sebastian. "Where...the fuck...is...she!?" Sofia grunted as she took long pauses in between her words.
"What happened? what's wrong?" Matteo asks frantically as he hugged Sofia. "I-I-Is the baby okay?" He continues almost lifting her mask so he could calm her down.

"Ah, what do we have here?" Sebastian asked as he slowly walks closer towards Matteo.
"Get the fuck away, Sebastian!" Matteo yells, defending Sofia. "This was such a mistake letting you come with me, I should have kept you home." He continued to whisper in her ear.

"No, I'm fine. Let's just get Camilla and then get the fuck out of here." Sofia replied holding his face to hers. She turns around towards the nearest door and started to run towards it. One hand under her stomach, the other pacing front to back. "Shit!" she whispers, forgetting she wasn't supposed to show her baby bump.

"Now where do you think you're going, huh?" Sebastian asks as he clicks his gun towards her, releasing the safety. He was clueless as to who the real identity hid under the black cotton ski mask.

"Sebastian, I swear to god do anything to her and I'll have you wish you never started this whole charade in the first place!" Matteo yells as he runs up towards Sebastian, shoving him back. He stared him down right in the eyes until Sebastian backed off.

"Now why would you care- Unless... oh, another surprise?!" Sebastian continues as he notices Sofia's baby bump. "Oh look at this!" He laughs with his hands on his knees. "Of course, Sofia! How have I been so blind!" He continues to laugh.
"You brought your obviously PREGNANT girlfriend out to our little chat? I knew you were stupid but, brother... THIS IS JUST BRILLIANT!"

"Oh my god, ugh you kill me sometimes. Pun intended." He winks.
"The plan was to get you here and kill you, none of these extra games you've been adding on. Pretty straight forward,  no?." Sebastian says releasing the gun's safety, and pointing towards Matteo.


"Oh my god! NO MATTEO!" Sofia yelled as she jumped in front of Matteo.

"Yep, that should do it." Sebastian sighs. "Alright, good luck with...that."

Sebastian casually clears out...

Sofia dropped her gun and threw off her ski mask, exposing her face, to save the love of her life. In that same heartbeat, everything moved in slow motion. The fear, the anger, the devastation consumed the hearts and time froze. She sadly enough wasn't thinking of the fact that she was pregnant. All she knew was that she had to save him. Matteo didn't want this life for her, he didn't want her in this exact situation. As the bullet moved through the thick air, Matteo could see that she was going to risk hers and their child's life for his. Right as she was in the air for him, Matteo knew the odds of her dying. He got up and shielded her exposed body with his, catching her as he hugged her body. He was also willing to risk his life for hers, the love of his life.

"Matteo NO!" Sofia cried with agony as the bullet hit Matteo's back, scraping his heart. She ran to him and held his head up as he tried to breathe.

"No, no, no you can't leave me!" she screamed as she cried hysterically, trying to catch her own breath.

"Marry me." Matteo whispered as he coughed on his own blood.

"What?" Sofia asked as heavy tears fell from her face.

"I said... marry me." The sound of his last breath leaving his body, left Sofia broken. As if her body had just collapsed onto a hard floor, and shattered into a thousand pieces. He was dead, laying there in her arms as she held him tight. She looked up into the sky and screamed at the top of her lungs, her arms shaking as she held his face to hers. "Goodbye, my love." She says kissing him goodbye. "It's okay, you can go now."

(present time :) )hehe did I trick you guys?)

And that was how your father's and my story went. It was like a rollercoaster driving out of control, but an adventure ride worth taking. You were our happy ending mi Reina.

My little angel always, Aléjandria.



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