letting you go ( larry x read...

By vibelord2324

16.3K 531 1.5K

(This story is loosely based on the game! nothing is exact of course, but the characters are the same and obv... More

chapter two: meeting
chapter three: heights
chapter four: rain
chapter five: confident
chapter six: party
chapter seven: jacket
chapter eight: mom

chapter one: nosebleed

4K 100 481
By vibelord2324


I saved the old chapters so they STILL exist, so if I ever wanna pick them up again I'm totally able to! So no worries with that :))

I really hope you guys like this as much so dooo, and don't hesitate to comment a whole bunch cause they always make me laugh and they make me so happy!!!

Anyways here's the same disclaimer as before:

HELLO! I wanted to just come and reiterate here something I put in the description of this book but some may not have seen!

so because this is a book about Larry, I want to make it clear there will more or less be more steamy or yknow inappropriate themes in some chapters. no I don't plan on going extremely into detail with them (unless you guys DESPERATELY WOULD LIKE THAT BUT I ALSO AM NERVOUS AHXHDH) but there will be moments that are more,
s e x u a l

So please if that's out of your comfort level, don't hesitate to stop reading. I wouldn't take any offense to it if it' s just not your cup of (Addison) tea!

So just keep that in mind if you continue on because I never wanna put anyone in an uncomfy position while reading something! ❤️
So anyways...


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

It all started with a simple nosebleed a few months ago.

I sat at the park, with my legs crossed on the bench that I sat at.

It was a nice place that I frequently found myself in, especially since my childhood was mainly spent here. I was homeschooled so to get myself out of the house, she allowed me to walk to the park whenever I wanted.

Not many people really came around, but I would occasionally see a blue haired guy with a little girl running around or holding hands with him and just having a good time.

He seemed a little different, mainly because of his mask he wore. But I'd never judge anyone before I met them.

And the kid was pretty adorable.

After a little while, I started to see this long haired guy with brown hair start to join the two of them.

He really looked like he didn't wanna be there. Constantly was dragging his feet and groaning almost the whole time.

And he's pretty cute. I won't lie.

One random day, he made eye contact with me and I stiffened up in my seat.

He gave me a little wave so I subtly waved back.

I'm not used to people interacting with me at the park.

After that small exchange, he started to come to the park more and more with the other two.

Always giving me a little wave, but nothing more.

Soon it became something I genuinely looked forward to every day. I'd yell to my mom that I'd be heading to the park at exactly 2 pm and get in my comfy little bench spot.

Some days the kid was there, but other days it was only the blue haired one and the other guy.

On this particular day, that was the case.

The two of them walked their normal path, the taller one gave me a bigger wave than he has in the past. I did the same as the blue hair kid elbowed his side, earning a shove.

I'm not usually nervous, or not usually talkative I suppose. But something in me wanted to change that with these two.

But boy was I absolutely fucking nervous.

I got up from my seat and took small steps to get over to them. The Larry guy almost seemed panicked as the mask one was almost vibrating with excitement.

"I'm (Y/N)" I stated, almost out of breath.

"I'm Sal, or Sally Face. Whichever you'd wanna call me." He reached his hand out and I shook it, shooting him a small smile. "This is Larry!"

I looked to him and he locked eyes with me, clearing his throat "hey, nice to finally meet you"

I giggled and smiled "you too, you guys always seem like you have so much fun!"

"Wanna join us today?" Sal squeaked. "We were about to go roll down the hill a little bit over there-"

"Dude!" Larry coughed "that makes us sound so lame"

"Wait really! Bet! that sounds like so much fun!" I happily accepted the offer. This made Larry raise an eyebrow, forming a wide grin on his face.

"Bet?" He snickered.

"Yeah like... like bet I'm down!" I clarified.

"You're weird. I like you" he crossed his arms, making me smile wider than I have in a long time.

We took a little walk, it wasn't far so I wasn't complaining. They asked me a little bit, just to kind of get to know me. How old I was, my favorite color, and all those other deep, dark life questions.

"So why have we only seen you here before? Wouldn't you have gone to our school?" Larry questioned, his hands stuffed in his pocket.

I shook my head and looked up to him "nah, i was homeschooled. It's only me and my mom so she just found the time to educate me! she worked the nights so she liked having more time to spend with me, instead of never seeing each other. It was kinda our bonding moments"

"Oh no way! It was just me and my mom too," he admitted "Well until this loser moved into town"

"Hey!" Sal yelled while chuckling "I don't control my dad! I didn't set them up!"

Oh, so they're step brothers? That's kinda sweet. They seemed really close and I just thought they were best friends. Now they're family! That's really wholesome.

We finally made it to our destination. It was a decently sized hill, but wow I haven't played around like this since I was a kid!

"Ladies first," Sal did a little curtsy towards me and gestured down the hill.

I didn't get the chance to go before Larry pushed him and Sal ended up rolling down the hill first.

"Y-YOU FUCKING D-DICK!" He screamed while laughing and holding his hands to his face, er- mask.

It seems like this isn't the first time they've done this.

I sat on the ground and Larry did the same and shot me some hilarious finger guns. "See you at the bottom m'lady"

He did this weird twist with his body to get some extra speed in his movements. He rocketed down the hill at maximum speed, making me laugh hysterically.

The noises and curses coming out of him were on the brink of being inhuman.

Before he finished down the hill I laid myself down gently, feeling the itchy grass surround my body before I did my best to hurl myself down.

I started screaming at the top of my lungs, but I heard Larry cheering loudly for me and briefly caught glimpses of Sal clapping.

I made it to the bottom finally, landing only a few feet beside the two of them. My brain felt so dizzy as I sat up with the brightest smile on my face.

"Let's do that again!" I suggested happily, making Larry run up to me and pull me off the ground. I stumbled a bit cause I was still jarred from all the spinning. "AH fuck I'm so dizzy!"

"Alright then-" he turned around "jump up, you'll be better by the time you're back up there!"

My jaw dropped and I squealed as I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck happily. He adjusted my body and started up the hill as I shut my eyes.

He carried me with ease despite how much I was afraid it wouldn't have worked. He was hella strong and I didn't even realize until now.

Sal followed behind us happily as he set me down in the familiar grass.

"You wanna go first this time?" Sal asked all giddy, gripping the grass in his hands.

I nodded "hell yeah!!!"

We continued the cycle a few more times. It was filled with screams, happiness, and pure child-like moments.

We probably would've gone longer if I didn't hit the bottom and notice something.

A wet substance fell down and dripped onto my hand, making me bring it up and try to cover it a bit.

Larry hit the bottom, and looked at me, confused at first, but then worry flashed in his eyes. "Oh shit, you alright (Y/N)?"

My nose was bleeding heavily, but I wasn't too worried.

I nodded and leaned forward, trying my best to not get it onto any of my clothes.

It was dripping a lot ans I just was hoping it would stop soon "it happens sometimes. Might be allergies or something? The grass is lame and the spinning probably didn't help it" I giggled.

Sal was out of breath as I saw him jogging over to us. Did he land like a mile away or something?

"Jeez, do you have a tissue or anything?" He asked Larry and he shook his head.

"Uhh... here-" Larry pursed his lips to his side and took his shirt off. My eyes widened as he held it below my face, making me flinch back.

"Dude, I don't wanna get this on your shirt!" I yelled.

"No really, it's fine. I have like 20 of these" He held the shirt closer to my face, offering me an area that wasn't completely covered in grass stains.

"Yeah he literally owns an unlimited supply" Sal joked, making me nod

It's better than nothing.

I held it to my face and the material soaked it up pretty quickly. It didn't immediately stop or anything, but it wasn't about to drip on me anymore so I was happy.

"So um... wanna be our roommate?"

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