chapter two: meeting

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I sat there, holding his shirt to my nose just a little confused.

"Roommate?" I tilted my head.

"I mean yeah, we've been looking for another person to come live with us!" Sal nervously continued "and we were talking the other day and Larry brought up the idea of you! Even though we hadn't met you yet"

He played with the grass below him as I looked to Larry.

My eyes scanned his bare chest, and if it wasn't for the shirt covering my face, he would see the blush that enveloped it.

He was honestly really hot.

Larry simply snickered noticing my stare, making me come out of my thoughts.

Though, Sal kept going "but we were going to wait a little longer more since we didn't even talk to you. But I guess if Larry is so eager to have you-"

"Yeah, that would be really awesome actually" I admitted.

I did want to get out of my house. Not that I didn't enjoy living with my mom, I just needed a good change, you know? I've been here for years so, why not?

And on top of that, I didn't have many friends around here to begin with.

"Wait really?" Larry quirked "are you sure?"

I rolled my eyes and took the shirt off my face, still bleeding just a bit but not as much as I had been. "Yes, are you sure? You think you can handle living with me?"

"Oh my fuck I love this energy" Larry stood up and stretched his body. Stop staring oh my god. "This is gonna be great!"

Sal threw his hands in the air and I earned a big "WOO!" from him.

I guess I didn't realize how much I did match their energy. We just rolled down a hill together! Of course I matched their energy.

"So like when?" I asked

"Well when do you want to?"

I thought a moment and smiled "how about tomorrow?"


They agreed.

Why did they agree? I have no fucking clue.

I basically couldn't sleep that night and I was so so stoked for the next morning.

When I went home, I told my mom all about it. She was really happy and excited for me, even if she was slightly sketched out since I had just said yes to moving in with complete strangers on the day I met them.

She was proud that I was making friends my age, but also kind of... confused ? Honestly, I was too.

But the two of them brought something really great out in me.

My mom wasn't telling me no, but she would only allow me to do so on one condition.

She had to meet these people.

And that was... interesting to say the least.

She wasn't protective for the most part, she just was a little nervous about me moving into a house with four strangers. All of them being guys, but two of them are gay from what they told me.

She had a lot of questions, asking about their families and hobbies. Even questioning Sals prosthetic to which he explained what it was, and my mother profusely apologized.

He didn't seem to mind those questions. Just didn't want to go into detail, which I fully respect.

She admired them both for having single parents growing up and helping them out, as my dad left her a long while back.

Larry was an absolute sweetheart to her that night. He complimented her constantly, and even made her laugh by bringing a card that he made saying 'thank you for letting us keep your daughter :) she's cool'

It was overall a good time, and by the end of it, she felt more than comfortable letting me stay with the two people that were in our house.

As soon as they left though, she looked at me with a raised eyebrow and her arms were crossed "So that Larry one, huh?"

My eyes widened and I turned to her "M-mom!"

"What! I'm just saying!"

And not too long after, she helped me pack my stuff and get it ready for the move tomorrow.

I was really going to miss her, but this felt really right for me. Plus isn't wasn't too far!

For a decent amount of time Ive longed to have friends like these. Ones that would stick by me and just enjoy the little moments in each day.

Where I felt accepted and loved no matter what.

Some time had passed since i moved in. I met Todd and Neil who were so kind and welcoming. I couldn't ask for better roommates honestly.

I even met Sals cat!

We spent a lot of time together, doing so many things to get to know each other more and more.

I learned about Larry's mom, and Sals dad. What it was like before Sal had moved here, and the crazy shit that went down in the apartment complex they lived in.

I almost couldn't believe it.

There were so many stories and so many layers to uncover with these people

And soon, I came to the really obvious conclusion that this was the best decision I had ever made.

letting you go ( larry x reader )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن