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By Icy-Writer

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~~》After order 66, Rex drops Ahsoka off in a somewhat abandoned town in Coruscant to go into hiding. Now, she... More

1: The Man Behind The Mask
2: Meeting The Rebels
3: Giving A Hand
4: A Great Crash Landing
5: An Old Friend
6: The Untold Truth
7: The Truth Revealed
8: A Great Morning
9: The Misson
10: Captured
Authors note
11: The Grand Plan pt. 1
12: The Grand Plan pt. 2
13: A New Life
Authors note
Opinions and thoughts, (Next Book?)


568 19 4
By Icy-Writer

I stared at the helmets of the clones I buried. These were my men, and they were dead. I couldn't get over what had happened that day, it was a lot to take in. I knew the clones turned against the Jedi and most of them were killed, and then Chancellor Palpatine took control and created the empire. But I wondered if Order 66 wiped out all the Jedi, and if any survived. I wondered how this had happened, How could the clones whom we trusted our whole lives turn on us? I wondered what happened to my friends, to Obi-Wan, to Anakin, to Padme. And finally, I wondered how we couldn't tell Palpatine was the Sith lord to begin with.

One thing was certain, Rex and I were no longer safe wandering out-and-about with the empire in control. And neither were any remaining Jedi. We would have to go into hiding. I looked at my lightsabers, I  had to leave evidence that I was dead with the others. So I dropped my smaller lightsaber, turned around, and walked away. Like I did with the order, like I did with my life. Rex and I decided to split up, that way if one of us got found the other would be safe.

 Rex never told me where he was going, so I never knew where he went. But He dropped me off at a somewhat abandoned town In Coruscant (that I never learned the name of) and after that, It was all about survival. 

I never knew all the details of what happened that day, but I grieved over it ever since.                      





"My master, you wanted to see me?" I said as soon as the hologram call started. "Yes lord Vader," the emperor replied, his voice flickering in and out from the scrambled signal of the hologram. "What is it, master?" I said back, in hopes I would finally have another mission. Then the emperor responded,  interrupting my thoughts. "I have a mission for you. In an abandoned town in Coruscant, there are rumors that a Jedi has been hiding there. I want you to see if that is true" "Yes my master. I will go immediately" I replied. I was eager to go, as I was looking forward to finally having a task to busy myself with. "good," he said and the call ended. I stood up and walked to the control room. "Set course for Coruscant," I said to my pilots, and the ship blasted off into hyperspace. A sight I have seen for many different years, as many different people. And as I looked into it, memories came back to me. My first time seeing space after being a slave as a kid, to all the times I have been in space in the order. 'I'm not supposed to be here' I thought. But, yet again. I tucked all my memories into the deepest part of my mind and tried to forget about them. After all, I am Darth Vader... and if this is my destiny so be it.        



After it was clear of stormtroopers, I snuck out the front door and climbed up the ladder to the balcony. I did this every night. It felt like a tradition now. It helped me think better. Of the past, the present, and the future. I sighed and slumped on the railing watching the sunset. It always reminded me of All of the good times that I used to have when I was a kid. It also reminded me that somewhere, there is good in the world that will bring the world to peace.

I was hiding in an old warehouse on the east coast of Coruscant, knowing that the town was mostly abandoned so the empire wouldn't look there. Stormtroopers walked by once and a while, but it wasn't frequent that they walked near the part of town I was in.

After the last bit of the sun sunk Into the horizon, I climbed off the ladder and decided to get something to eat. I put my cloak on and walked into the main part of the small town. Mostly smugglers and bounty hunters lived here, so it was easy to blend in without anyone noticing. It was getting, late, and I hadn't gotten my serving of food for the second half of the day, so I decided to get in line at the closest food stand and get some soup. Once the wait was over and I had my soup, (mashed-up vegetables. yum...) I decided that I didn't want to stay there too long, so I walked back to the warehouse. When I got there I sat on the chair I had recently bought and ate it. I really didn't know how everyone tolerated this. it was so gross, but I shoved it down anyway. I had to get food somehow.

After I was done eating, I laid down on the bundle of blankets I called my bed. And slowly drifted off to sleep.

"You are under arrest my lord," said Master Windu pointing his lightsaber to Palpatine's face. "Anakin I told you it would come this I was right! The Jedi are taking over," said Chancellor Palpatine. "The impression of the Sith will never return," said Mace Windu "You have lost". "No no.... no... no...YOU WILL DIE!!!" the Emperor said as he cackled and he summoned lightning from his fingers. luckily, Windu blocked it with his lightsaber just in time. "he's a traitor," said Palpatine, "no HE'S the traitor," said Windu grunting with an effort to hold back the lighting.

"I have the power to save the one you love," said the Emperor. "don't listen to him Anakin AH," Windu said, struggling to hold the lighting."don't let him kill me," the Emperor said. "I can't hold it any longer I ... I .. I..I.....I'm too weak ANAKIN help me" he said as the lightning stopped and he fell to the ground.

"I'm going to end this once and for all," Windu said as he made his final move to kill Palpatine, "no you can't," a voice stopped the master . "he has to be put on trial," Anakin said. "He has complete control of the senate he's too dangerous to be left alive." said Master Windu as he swung his lightsaber at the chancellor but Anakin stood in his way and said, "No don't, it's not the Jedi way I need him!" Anakin pulled out his lightsaber, cut off Windu's arm, and pushed him out the window."Good" called the chancellor as Anakin was having major regrets. "what have I done," he said walking back. "you are fulfilling your destiny," the chancellor said. "you will now be known as Darth Vader" .......

"No!" I whispered in my sleep and woke up to discover it was just a dream. Well,  more like a nightmare to me. I had dreams often, but nothing like this. 'Not Anakin, he couldn't have possibly done something like this.' I thought. 'My master would never betray anyone, he can't be Darth Vader, the monster that is feared throughout the galaxy.'

 In the past, I told myself he was dead. Most of the Jedi were hunted down and killed by the empire, so it would make sense why I couldn't feel his presence through the force. 'No this can't be... it's not true!'  I thought. But I knew that the force had shown me the truth, even though I didn't believe it. I couldn't. But of all times to show me, why had the force decided to show me now?

A flood of sadness washed over me as I thought of my past with Anakin. 'I never should have left the order ' I sighed and laid my back against the wall, sorting out my troubles. But as I was thinking I heard faint voices headed toward the warehouse. I kept watch out the window. When the voices got closer I could make out 3 figures, all stormtroopers. 'Well that's weird  I thought.        'There is usually one stormtrooper on duty and he barely walks by this junky old warehouse.'  'Something seems a little weird around here, what if they found out where I've been hiding! .'  But, a few minutes later they started walking away from the warehouse, so I was safe. I overreacted. At least that's what I thought until I heard their conversation.

"Are you sure the Jedi is here lord Vader??" one troop said into his comm. I'm guessing he was the commander because he looked like he was leading the group. "yes, I am sure of it, if you find one, contact me immediately" Darth Vader replied in his cold tone. The commander got out his comm and said something I couldn't make out, and then hey! what a surprise, about twenty more stormtroopers arrived.

"OK troops listen up, we received orders from Lord Vader and are to be looking for a Jedi, search the perimeter, and if you find anything, let me know."  "SIR YES SIR" the troopers replied.

'I've got to get out of here before they find me' I panicked. I grabbed my lightsaber and some things I would need and searched around the room to find another exit besides the front door. 'Aha! A vent' I thought. It was a little rusty looking, but since there was no other way out, I decided it would have to do and climbed in. After that, I started to look for an exit.

After what seemed like forever, I finally found the exit that led outside. I jumped out of the vent and landed on the ground. I didn't see any stormtroopers yet so I started to carefully walk in the direction of my hidden ship, being cautious so any stormtroopers around wouldn't see me. I arrived at the place where I kept my ship, a hidden cave. Apparently, the empire found it when they were searching for me and now it was under investigation. There weren't that many stormtroopers in the cave, about ten or so. I could ambush them and get away, but then I would blow my cover. 'I can't hide forever'  I thought, and so I made a plan. 

It was almost dark, so some of the stormtroopers went away. 'Great, now there are only six stormtroopers!'  I thought. And no, I wasn't being sarcastic. I snuck up to the ship and knocked out two stormtroopers. The others turned around. I got out my lightsaber. Then I ran at three of them and did a roundhouse kick, and slashed them with my lightsaber. One was trying to escape,  but I wouldn't let him "cs57745 to commander we have a Jedi in sect-- AHHHHH!!!"      I put away my lightsaber and went inside the ship.' my cover is definitely blown now.' I thought as I made my way to the control room, started the ship, and lifted it off the ground; Preparing for take-off. As soon as I took off I heard a noise. Well, if I want to be more precise several noises. Tie fighters. I was expecting them to come but I didn't know they would be here this fast!

I was determined to get away and steered as fast and as high as I could to make it to the height where I could blast off to hyperspace. I saw the five tie fighters gaining on me but before I could put the rear deflector shields up and fight I was shot down. I heard lots of beeping coming from the ship. The hyperdrive was damaged and all the controls were shut down. I was going to crash. I steadied the ship the best I could and prepared for a crash landing. The obnoxious beeping finally came to a stop as I crashed on a grassy field. I got out of the ship finding most of everything to be broken, but the ship was still intact. 'My master would be proud'  I thought.

As I was observing the condition and wondering how on earth I was going to fix the ship or get a new one I heard marching behind me. Several guns clicked. 'So much for that getaway plan,'  I thought as I turned around to about forty Stormtroopers with their guns pointed at me.

"I'd suggest you surrender, we've got you surrounded," the commander said to me. "Never" I stated with a huge smirk on my face. I took out my lightsaber and ran forward, avoiding getting shot while I slashed through the big group of stormtroopers. They're not very smart, dumber than clones, but smarter than battle droids. So it's not too hard to get rid of them. I have to admit It was a bit harder with one lightsaber because I'm used to having two but still, it was better than nothing. Finally, I got through them all and relief ran through me as I killed the last stormtrooper. Now all I needed was to get a ship.

But as I was walking away I heard someone else behind me. I didn't turn around because I already knew who it was. Coldness. Darkness. Anger. Hate. A monster. Darth Vader.

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