Rise of the Uchiha | Male Rea...

By DrThonk

480K 12.1K 7.8K

After the Great War between the Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels, your clan; The Uchiha Clan, was completely... More

Prologue: The Last Uchiha
Chapter 1: New Life, Same Dreams
Chapter 2: Fresh Faces & New Allies
Chapter 3: Tsukuyomi
Chapter 4: An Offer
Chapter 5: A New Recruit to Team Tobi
Chapter 6: Road to Riser
Chapter 7: Fear Me
Team Tobi (Updated)
Chapter 8: New Home
Chapter 9: Amaterasu
Chapter 10: Now Is The Time
Chapter 11: Eternal Sight
Chapter 12: Battle for Kuoh
Chapter 13: Pool Day
Chapter 14: Decisions
Chapter 15: Akeno's Affection
Chapter 16: Leaders Summit
Chapter 17: A Trip to Hell
Chapter 18: A Sage's Will
Chapter 19: Sage Mode!
Chapter 20: Home Sweet Home
Chapter 21: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 23: Revelations
Chapter 24: Into The Darkness
Chapter 25: On The Horizon
Chapter 26: Awakened
Chapter 27: A Declaration of War
Chapter 28: War Plans
Chapter 29: The Battle of Kyoto
Chapter 30: Meet the Beasts
Chapter 31: The Gates vs The Lion
Chapter 32: Planetary Devastation
Chapter 33: Homefront
Chapter 34: Tobi vs The Alliance
Chapter 35: The Invasion of Hell
Chapter 36: Power of Kurama
Chapter 37: Behind The Mask
Chapter 38: Old Friend
Chapter 39: Y/N vs Vali
Chapter 40: Saṃsāra Eye
Chapter 41: Climax of the War
Chapter 42: Reunion
Chapter 43: Born Again
Chapter 44: Birth of The Ten-Tails Jinchuriki
Chapter 45: The Dark Side
Chapter 46: Clash Of Wills
Chapter 47: Troubled Mind

Chapter 22: Tobi vs Issei

8.1K 217 118
By DrThonk

A/N: Aren't y'all special, getting a double upload in the span of a couple hours, lucky you. Memes aside this will be the last chapter I can upload until at least Thursday or Friday so I hope this will tie you over until the next chapter which is gonna be VERY important lore wise. Anyways, enjoy the chapter amingos.



Azazel: If we defeat you here, will we finally achieve peace?

Azazel and Sirzechs were hovering above battlefield talking to what looks like a small black haired girl who talked with no emotion.

???: Impossible. You cannot defeat me.

Azazel: Though you have immense power, you show no interest in the world.

Sirzechs: So why are you leading a brigade of terrorists now?

The girl stared up to the sky.

???: A world of silence. I would like to return to the Dimensional Gap that is my home and reclaim that silence. That is all.

Azazel: (The Dimensional Gap, now I remember...)

Vali POV:

Currently Vali, Arthur and Bikou were traveling through the Dimensional Gap enclosed in a sphere created by Caliburn.

Bikou: Hey, Vali. Is it really here? In this Dimensional Gap?

Vali: We'll definitely find it.

I gazed off outside as I felt a ripple of draconic power across space.

Vali: (Issei Hyoudou.)

Bikou: What's wrong?

Vali: Change of plans. We're going to the underworld.

Bikou: Why are we going so suddenly?

Vali: My rival has just reached a new height of power.

Third Person POV:

Back on the battlefield, Issei was now fully transformed into his dragon form as he dwarfed over Tobi as he just stood there looking up at the roaring transformed devil. The ORC was a ways away looking on in horror at the transformation their friend hand underwent.

Rias: Issei!

Issei locked his eyes on Tobi as blew steam out from his mouth before charging straight at him. He was much faster in this form as Tobi realized that quickly as he teleported away causing Issei to crash through the wall that Tobi was in front of. Issei turned around to see Tobi standing on one of pillars that was still standing.

Tobi: How quaint. Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu.

Water bursted up from the ground underneath Tobi and formed into that of a wyrm before it launched straight at Issei but as it hit him something unexpected happened.

Ddraig: Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide!

As Ddraig chanted this out the water dragon slowly turned into nothing as Issei stood there.

Tobi: Divine Dividing, now that was unexpected.

Koneko: That power.

Kiba: That's the power Issei stole from Vali.

Tobi: This is sure to be an interesting fight, Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu.

Tobi blew a stream of hot flames from his mouth as Issei delivered his own attack in the form of a giant beam of energy shooting out of his own mouth. Tobi saw the attack dwarf his fireball and teleported away before the attack completely consumed him and returned to the battlefield this time standing on a piece of the destroyed temple.

Tobi: (He's much stronger in this form, I'm only beating around the bush to find where he stands in terms of power but I have to be careful. One wrong move and it could be my last.)

Issei flapped his wings and roared as his red aura shot out of body and delivered shockwaves farther than expects as even the various mountains would shake.

Tobi: So this is the Dragon of Domination?

Out of the corner of his eye Tobi could see a tiny speck named Gasper ready to freeze him in time but he went intangible so he couldn't.

Tobi: (He will definitely make things harder if I plan on going all out against Issei.)

He looked back up at Issei as he opened a covering on his chest revealing a green orb.

Ddraig: Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost!

Akeno: This is bad! If we stay here, we'll also...

Kiba: President! Let's retreat for now!

Rias: Issei.

Kiba: President! I'm sorry!

Kiba grabbed Rias as rest of the ORC unfurled their wings and flew away.

Ddraig: Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Longinus Smasher!

The orb shined a furiously bright green now as a giant beam of energy shot out of Issei's chest destroying everything in its path as it made its way to Tobi. Tobi was prepared for it but quite soon he realized something that would change everything going forward.

Tobi: (My five minutes, shit!)

Tobi was hit with the full brunt of the attack as the beam devoured him and and created a giant smoke cloud. The battlefield had transformed itself into a crater now from the sheer force of the attack. The smoke cleared for Tobi to be still standing with his cloak a bit ribbed from the attack as well as his mask becoming cracked around some of the edges.

Tobi: (If I didn't have that to shield myself, I would be a dead man right now. Right on Issei, right on.)

Issei roared out as he shot a red beam of energy out of his mouth and into the sky while subsequently releasing shards of green energy from his chest as they went spiraling all around. The ORC was only barely able to keep the barrier blocking them from the attack up.

Gasper: Is standing by and watching all that we can do?

Xenovia: What should we do? What will make Issei change back?

Kiba: Guys, I think... I think we should trust Tobi.

Akeno: I regretfully agree....

Rias: Kiba, Akeno, what are you two saying?! You want us to trust the same man who murdered Asia and turned Issei into "that"?!

Akeno: I do understand why we shouldn't trust him but, remember all the way back when we found him with Irina?

Rias nodded.

Akeno: He warned of us of Kokabiel's attack on the school which was correct and he left with saying one more thing to you.

Rias: And what was that?

Akeno: "I may be many things to you Rias, but, I'm no liar."

Rias was slowly starting to understand the reasoning of her Queen and Knight.

Kiba: Tobi said that he isn't a monster so I find it hard to believe that he would save Asia just to kill her moments later. He could've let me die but he saved me, the same thing with Irina back then and he even saved Issei from Riser all the way back during their bout. I don't like him using her if that's the case to cause Issei to transform into that, but it's better than her being dead.

Akeno: Even if it is a small sliver of chance our assumption is correct, I believe Asia could still be alive. just in his hands.

Rias understood finally.

Rias: Tobi does everything for a purpose, is that what you're saying?

Kiba: Precisely.

Akeno: If he wanted to test the extent of Issei's power, I couldn't think of a better way to do it than seemingly "killing" Asia in front of his eyes.

Rias: Perhaps, you are right....

???: As I thought, it's the Juggernaut Drive.

Vali stepped out of a portal that had opened behind them.

Rias: White Dragon Emperor?!

Vali: I simply came to observe since I felt the change in Issei Hyoudou. Is that him? It looks like he had an incomplete transformation.

Rias: Is there a way to return him to normal?

Vali: Well, he's in an incomplete state. There's a chance he'll change back, and a chance he'll use his entire life force until he dies.

Arthur: Either way, his life is in danger.

Arthur and Bikou emerged from behind Vali.

Rias unfurled her wings.

Rias: I know I can get through to Issei and he should be able to regain his self-control.

Vali: Simply approaching him will kill you. I won't stop you, though.

Kiba: I'll go!

Xenovia: Me too!

Rias: I will go alone!

Kiba: President!

Rias launched off soaring towards Issei.

Rias: (It's just like you said Y/N, I have to be willing to put the past behind me.)

Tobi jumped off the ground as Issei brought his fist down on top of him. He kicked off his arm and landed on a nearby pillar. Issei looked over at him and roared.

Tobi: (I'm at a very big disadvantage right now, if only I could use my Susanoo without revealing who I truly am.)

Issei flew straight towards Tobi as he jumped off the pillar and above Issei.

Tobi: Wind Style: Divine Down Current.

Tobi slid his hands past each other as it created a vortex of wind so powerful it lifted Issei off the ground before throwing him to the side. Tobi landed and smirked before that quickly changed to a frown once he saw Rias going straight to Issei.

Tobi: (Dammit Rias!)

Tobi teleported away while Rias called out to Issei as he looked over at her before firing a beam of energy. Rias' eyes shrouded in fear as the attack drew close to her as she was grabbed before being pulled downwards and into Tobi's arms as he landed on the floor with her.

Tobi: Why are you here?

Rias: Get your hands off of me!

Rias kicked out of Tobi's arms as she stood her ground.

Rias: Thanks to you Issei has turned into that thing!

She pointed back at Issei who was getting up from Tobi's attack.

Tobi: How was I supposed to know that would be the reaction I would get from him?

Rias: And what the hell did you do with Asia?!

Tobi was about to answer but he saw Issei fully standing now and ready to charge.

Tobi: Behind me now!

Tobi stepped in front of Rias as she stayed in her place. Tobi slammed his hands together and interlocked his fingers.

Tobi: Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergence!

With those words giant trees started to sprout out of the ground as they enveloped Issei. These trees were a lot more powerful than the average tree as they pierced Issei making him roar in pain. Eventually he was strung up in the trees as he thrashed around tried to escape. The sight was something to see, it could almost be seen as a, God Tree.

Tobi: Get out of here, I won't save you next time.

Tobi went to jump off but was grabbed by Rias.

Rias: You won't hurt him anymore!

Tobi having been fed up with her spun around and grabbed her throat before slamming her into the ground making her cough and place her hands on his arm trying to release herself.

Tobi: Let me make one thing clear, I am not your friend. You will touch and make demands of me.

He released Rias from his grasp as he stood back up as she was coughing at the return of air.

Tobi: He will kill you if you get too close. Go back to your friends and watch the fireworks from afar.

Tobi turned back around and jumped off. In the air he created three shadow clones as they all surrounded Issei while standing on pillars of the earth that sprouted out of the ground.

Tobi: Time to see the extent of that armor.

Tobi and his shadow clones all undid their masks a bit.

Tobi: Fire Style: Majestic Demolisher Flame!

Tobi and his clones blew out concentrated beams of fire that erupted into a raging inferno once reaching Issei as he roared in pain. The original Tobi decided to push the limits of Issei even more. One of the Tobi's generated wind around him and with a slash concentrated all the flames directly on Issei before the main Tobi spiced things up.

Tobi: Amaterasu!!

The flames ignited into a black and purple color mixture as they exploded before turning into smoke.

The other Tobi's dispersed as the main one looked on in curiousness to see if Issei survived and to his surprise Issei was still standing albeit in a charred and crisped husked dragon body as he struggled to even stand before falling down on one knee. Vali saw what had happened and smirked at the sight. Issei eventually managed to get to his feet again and looked up at Tobi who just smirked under his mask.

Tobi: I have to say, your will is even comparable to mine, perhaps even greater. I thought for sure that would have been enough to kill you but I guess I was wrong but, it ends here. The conditions have been met.

Back with ORC they could only look on at Tobi as he completely obliterated Issei.

Bikou: That... was some attack...

Arthur: Almost unimaginable.

Akeno: What kind of power is this?

Xenovia: H-He's too strong...

Vali: I'd get a good look on this fight, what you're seeing is two real warriors fighting, almost like a battle of titans.

Gasper: G-Guys, can it storm down in hell?

They all looked up and to Gasper words storm clouds were forming quickly above them.

Koneko: No, it can't.

Vali: How very interesting indeed.

The storm clouds started crackling with lightning as they grew even more wilder by the second. Tobi looked down on Issei as lighting had started to generate in his hand.

Tobi: With this technique, lightning will strike down from the heavens, and all I have to do is guide its power straight through your skull.

The lightning grew even more rampant.

Akeno: This lightning, it's on a scale I've never seen before.

Vali: That's because only gods are capable of a feat like this. This man is remarkable, he has even tamed lightning.

Tobi lifted his hand into the air as Issei roared at him and started to generate a powerful blast from his mouth.

Tobi: The name of this technique is "Kirin."

As he uttered those words a loud scream could be heard from above the clouds, it carried so much power is echoed throughout the entirety of the battlefield, even the others that were far away heard it.

Sirzechs: Azazel, what is that?!

Sirzechs pointed to the storm cloud were the sound generated from.

Azazel: I have no idea.

After a couple more seconds a gigantic lightning dragon descended from the clouds as it showed it's glory to everyone.

Gasper: W-What is that?!

Bikou: Is that a, dragon?!

???: Yes it is.

They all turned around to see the little girl standing right next to Vali now.

Vali: So you showed up huh Ophis?

Ophis: When something as extraordinary as this happens, it certainly requires my attention.

Vali: What do you think of this show of monumental power.

Ophis: He is strong, but nothing special, almost reminds me of you. However, I do find it quite pristine that he is capable of such a feat.

Vali: Do you plan to take action?

Ophis: It is not my place to take action on him.

Vali: I see.

The dragon roared once more as everyone felt the strength of its voice.

Tobi: If you survive this, you'll have earned respect.

Issei was almost done charging his attack as Tobi stood ready for it.

Tobi: With the thunderclap, begone.

Tobi threw his hand in the direction of Issei as the dragon flew back into the clouds before re emerging and flying directly down at Issei as he also unleashed his attack but was dwarfed in comparison as the bright light enveloped both of them. The lightning struck the ground in such force that it completely obliterated the area Issei and Tobi we're at. Ophis created a barrier around the everyone as Rias had arrived back with them just in time. The attack sent shockwaves across the battlefield as even people who were miles away felt the force of Kirin. They could only look on in awe as the light was so bright it may have been a star. After half a minute or so the light cleared as everyone released their arms down from their eyes after shielding them from the blast. The devastation was immense, the place was unnoticeable as silence bestowed upon them all except for the girl.

Ophis: I retract my earlier statement, he has potential.

Tobi warped himself back onto the field and in front of a charred dragon body of Issei as it all crumbled away leaving his normal body in clear view. Tobi walked over to Issei as he sucked him into his eye as warped himself away with him. The smoke cleared for everyone to see that Issei and Tobi were both gone.

Kiba: Where did they go?

Koneko: Don't tell me that was a suicide attack.

???: I have too much to do here before I will allow myself to die.

They all turned around as Tobi emerged from the his signature swirl.

Vali: That was quite the attack and to bat you don't even seem tired in the slightest.

Tobi: It doesn't take a lot of me to do that, all I do is guide it. Anyways, I come bearing gifts for you as I'm done using them.

Tobi warped Issei and Asia in front of them all to see. 

Rias: Issei, Asia!

Rias rushed over to hug them as they were both waking up from the events that unfolded. Xenovia followed in tow to hug Asia who was her best friend as everyone else was relieved to see them both safe.

Tobi: Well, time is precious. So, until we meet again, I bid you all farewell.

Tobi went to warp himself away but was stopped.

Issei: Wait!

Tobi: What is it?

Issei: Why d-didn't you kill me or Asia?

They all looked in Tobi's way awaiting his response. To be honest, he didn't have a response at the moment. He could've killed them both so easily after capturing Asia and defeating Issei, hell he could've killed them all if he wanted to but, he couldn't. Y/N has thought for all his life since his mother died, was this his true destiny, bearing the pain of his clan and avenging them by destroying those of the current age or listening to what the toad's told him, to bring balance to the world instead of destroying it. It was almost like two sides of himself were at war together within him. A battle between good and evil. A clash between a Will of Fire and a Curse of Hatred. Tobi didn't answer them as he warped himself away leaving them to ponder what he would have said. They all embraced each other after Tobi had left as Xenovia cried into Asia.

Vali: Issei Hyoudou. Look at this.

Issei turned around and walked over to Vali.

Vali: That's what I wanted to see.

A giant tear and space formed and from it emerged a hulking dragon that looked like the size of a city.

Vali: He is often called Dragon of Dragons, the true Red Dragon God Emperor, Great Red.

Issei: Great Red. Dragon of Dragons.

Vali: He chooses to live in the Dimensional Gap and flies around for all eternity in there.

Everyone else looked on in awe at the sight of the dragon floating through the sky.

Vali: That is Ophis' purpose. And my goal is to defeat him.

Issei: Goal?

Vali reached up and crushed his hand in the direction of Great Red.

Vali: I want to become the true White Dragon Emperor. The White Dragon God Emperor. Some day, I'll take down the Great Red.

Ophis: Great Red, been a while.

They all looked over Ophis who appeared once again on a rock to the side of them.

Ophis: One day, I will obtain silence again.

Vali: Well, I must be off. That was quite the show you put on, even if you did lose.

Issei: Hey!

Vali: *chuckles* Until next time Issei Hyoudou.

Vali walked away with Arthur and Bikou as they disappeared into a portal as Ophis disappeared in her own matter alongside them.

Rias: Now that everyone is here, I think we should get home.

Issei: *sighs* Now that I remember it, I should've taken that luck Y/N gave me.

The all just laughed at his comment as they also waved to Rossweisse and Irina who were arriving from the air. They all embraced each other once more as the same orange masked Uchiha looked on from afar. He took his off to reveal his face with his still bandaged eye and his hair waving in the breeze.

Y/N: One day, I will have to do what is necessary.

He looked at his hand before squeezing it.

Y/N: I must forge ahead and do what is required.

He put his mask back on and locked it in place.

Tobi: Soon, this world will beg for mercy from the Uchiha.

He delivered those last words to himself before he warped away.



Next Chapter: Revelations 

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