Fern x Reader

By doingyourmom3000

9.5K 248 113

this dude needs more love๐Ÿคจโ˜๏ธ last chapter is from July 2021..started working on this again tho recently More

Stuff About This Fanfic
What happened..? part 1
What happened..? p.2
Do No Harm
Harm Still Has A Way
High Strangeness
Update ig??? idk just a AN
Adventure Time! Y/n and Fern addition
A Party, Part 1
A Party, Part 2
Whats going on?
im back๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿฝ
Patience St. Pim

Islands, The Invitation

565 19 7
By doingyourmom3000

OKAY ID LIKE TO START THIS BY SAYING TYSM FOR ALL THE SUPPORT???? this is literally my 3rd fanfic, i didn't expect there to be so much great feedback <3

ALSO MY STORY IS NO.1 IN THE FERN HASHTAG??1?2! WOW?? tysm guys [cry]

Okay! on with the story! hope you guys enjoy👍🏽



..."Mom! I wanna play outside with Consuelo!"

"Cool your jets! It is super dangerous outside."

There was a candy child playing with her stuffed animal at the beach. there were many of the candy citizens at the beach...honestly just enjoying their day.

Chocolate Berry was putting what seemed to be butter on Mr.Cupcake..
A candy cane man was at the beach under a umbrella minding his own business...but then...

"HELP!!" screamed the candy child as she was running away.
Mr.Cupcake and Chocolate Berry took notice right away, "What?" said Mr.Cupcake, "Oh! A scweam!!" Chocolate Berry soon said after
"HELPP!" the child was still running

"Well, now, what seems to be the trouble?" Mr.Cupcake asked confidently, "I saw something in the water!" the candy child said in a panic, "And I was like, 'No thanks!' " She then pushed the Mr.Cupcake and yelled,
"Out of my way, muffin man!!" and continued to run.

Mr.Cupcake immediately thought she was rude and immediately thought nothing of whatever the little girl saw.


Something rather strange then slowly started to emerge out of the water..
Mr.Cupcake was shocked.

"Transport for seeker XJ-7-7 'Strong' has arrived."

the strange....thing.....said as it started hovering over the water while robotic looking arms started coming out of it.

"Please verify identity as 'Strong.' "

"Oh! Trust me, I'm strong indeed!" Mr.Cupcake said in a rather confident voice.
He then started flexing "Pow, pow!!"

Those robotic arms then stretched to him and picked him up, "Eh? Not enough? You need to feel them guns?"


The robot then started to shake Mr.Cupcake and squeeze him, "Woah! Well, hello frisky!"
Mr.Cupcake then started giggling.

"Todd, i'm right here!" Chocolate berry said in a upset voice

"Identitying dangerous mutant. Initiating defensive mode."

The robot thing then shoved Mr.Cupcake into the sand

"Seeking human. Human, come home to safety."

The, what now looks like a ship, just began repeating the same thing about a human.

"Hey Jake, what do you think about this one?" Finn, Jake, and Y/n were just doing a little shopping at the candy kingdom..Finn currently had on a jacket that was big on him.

Jake laughed and said, "Great."
Y/n had a similar reaction.
"Guys we're gonna look SO great for this funeral" Jake said, still laughing

BMO then came running and happily started asking, " How do you like me bandeau!!? I was too embarrassed to get a bra fitting." BMO then started putting his hand on his..hip and continued, "I know they are professionals, but it's just too intimate."

"You look great BMO!!" Y/n said in aw, BMO just looked totally adorable.


"Settlement detected."

That ship from before had made its way to the Candy Kingdom.

"Continuing search for XJ-7-7."

The banana guards then started running out yelling, "Get him! Attack! Attack!"

"Hostile cylinders detected."
"Release countermeasures."


The ship released tinier version of itself then attached their selfs to the banana guards.

"Hostile cylinders immobilized."

Soon enough both gumball guardians came over to the ship

"Hostile bobbleheads."

The bubblegum guardians started shooting some sort of...laser at the ship but......


"Please do not turn your ship off during neutralization."

The ship then sent out a blue light type of thing that nocked out both gumball guardians.
The guardians fall caused multiple candy houses to break.

"Holy mud!?" yelled Finn

"What..?! That thing took out both gumball guardians like they were nothing?!?" Y/n said in confusion

Jake was holding BMO
    "BMO doesn't like it!"

"We gotta chop this thing into smashaghetti!" Jake said angrily
Finn then pulled out his sword and started running towards the ship

"YAAAAAAH!!!" Finn yelled, "I'll take you out with these hug nubs!"
"YAAAAAAH!!! I'll help you, Finn!" a banana guard said while running with Finn

The ship then grabbed the banana guard.."AAaH! Help me Finn!!" The ship then stuck the guard intk the ground

Finn stopped running and continued to hold up his sword while walking towards the ship

"Hostile cylinder neutralized."

Finn grunted then thought to himself,
You got this, Finn Mertens.
           You're a buff little bionic baby.

"Rush! RUUUUuuuuuuuUUsssshhh" Finn shouted as he held his sword higher and started running towards the ship. He then jumped but the ship's strange arms grabbed him and he dropped his sword.

"AAaahhh!" The ship was all squishing Finn.

"Human Identified."

The ship dropped Finn.

"Infant PG-8-7 'Mertens.' "

The ship had all the smaller versions of itself let go of the banana guards and put them away.


"Uh...You mean..me?" Finn questioned.

"You will assist this transport in locating seeker XJ-7-7."
"PG-8-7 'Mertens,' please climb aboard."
"Please come aboard. "
"Come on."

"Mertens? Wait, do you, like, know me?" Finn questioned as he walked towards the ship.
But before the ship could answer or he could do anything else, Jake punched the ship, Jake punched it....lots of times and Finn was just in shock while he watched.

"Got it! Great work distractin' 'em, Finn!" Jake said happily while Finn was just...suprised and thinking about whatever that COULD HAVE been about, or what he could have figured out.

Jake noticed Finns face as he finished shrinking and asked, "You okay, dude?"
"I feel like that ship might've been important." Finn explained, "But i'm fine."

"Holy shit...what just happened?!" Y/n asked while running up to Finn and Jake.

Jake was finishing a sentence by the time Y/n got to them.

BMO then came running to the ship, "Eeeeeeeeee-YAH!" BMO kicked the ship, "Ha! Ha! Once again BMO comes out on the top!" BMO gave one last kick and a peice of the ship broke off, causing a wire to plug into BMO.

"BMO?!" Jake yelled
Finn, Jake, and Y/n all ran to BMO.
"BMO, you okay?" Finn asked in a worried voice.

Jake turned BMO around and text started appearing, it read,

Signal received. XJ-7-7 request transport.

Then it showed a picture.


A picture of Susans?!

Everyone gasped and said her name at the same time.

Right after thaf happened Finn decided to go check on Susan in the hospital.


"Hey" Finn said as he waved

"Hi, Finn"

"Uh, Sorry again about my grass arm busting you up" Finn apologized
Susan accepted his apology and said, "It's okay. At the the time, Susan was gonna bust you up!"
She then asked while starting to sit up, "Where's Jake? Is he okay?"

"He's outside! He's bringing that ship over."
Susan was visibly confused, "The ship??"


Soon enough Finn and Susan walked outside to see the strange ship right outside of hospital.

"Oh. Ship."

BMO was still attached to the ship, but he was humming.

Princess Bubblegum was underneath the ship checking it out, while Y/n was sitting next to BMO.

Princess Bubblegum rolled out from under the ship, "How about it, Suze? Does any of this look familiar?"

Jake popped his head out of the ship and said, "Me and Finn took this whole bad block down ourselves!"
He continued to brag about it, "Took a bit of fanaglin', but I never hunt whaf I can't catch!"

A picture of Susan was showed up on BMO again

Susan walked into the ship and sat down in the chair. Susan then closed her eyes and tried to think, but right after her eyes shot open and she put her hand on her head.

She had put her hands back down and closed her eyes.

After a few seconds she took her cat hat off.

Susan then started rubbing where her chip used to be.
PB took notice and said, "Looking for this? I've been holding onto the remnants of your cranial implant since you kidnapped Finn and almost kilked Jake. Remember that?"
She then continued, "I'm running a comparative mass spec test now."


"Yep." PB said right after a ding went off.
        "Looks like both your implant and the ship have the same technology origin. Human technology."


A beep went off and BMO said, "Finished!"
    "Looks like BMO finally downloaded the ship's last commands." PB said as she turned to BMO.

"Signal received. Proceed to extraction point." BMO read, "Return Seek XJ-7-7 and cargo to Founders Island, home."
Once BMO finished it showed a map. Susan looked suprised.

"BMO, can you give up the print outs?" PB asked and of course BMO said, "Yes, okay. Printing." and printed them out.

"Hmm..." PB took a look at the maps, "Man, this island's way far out there."
Susan then said, "Susan needs to go back here." she then pointed at the paper she had, "To this island..Not sure why- Susan having crazy week."

"I dont know, Susan. It's so far." PB said in response, "Even I don't know what's out there." PB was unsure, but Finn was looking at a paper shile messing with his mouth.
"It's a pretty risky solo mission.."

Finn made up his mind and said, "Im going too." PB and Jake looked surprised, "I mean, we gotta find out where this ship cane from." PB looked down and Jake got out of ghe ship, "There could be more of of them- And if this is human-made, then there might be other humans on that island." Finn looked down and started rubbing his head once he finished.

"I mean, that would be cool to see, right?"

Jake raised his fist and yelled, "I'll come too!"
     "And so will we." BMO stated, but in response PB said, "No, we won't."

"I'll go with you guys!" Y/n said happily but Finn said, " Y/n, I think you should stay. OOO is definitely gonna need someone to watch over it while we're gone, maybe two people after i tell Fern. You understand, right?"

Y/n looked disappointed with his answer, "Yeah..I guess you're right, I mean we cant all leave"
Y/n then sat back down on the ground.

Finn did of course feel bad, but he didnt want them getting hurt..plus he thought Fern might need help watching over OOO.

"Well, it sounds like you're all determined. You should borrow my boat tho. This thing is trashed.

"We dont need a boat!" Jake said, " With a little imagination~" Jake Began to sing, " I can turn into anything that you could ever..." Jake was turning himself into a boat until..
"Uh yeah i lost focus. So PB can we borrow your boat?"



??? POV:

Y/n and Finn were up on the treehouse roof just sitting and having a drink, but there was of course a extra one just sitting there.

"Are you up here Fern?" As soon as Finn asked Fern kicked up through the leaves and was sitting next to Y/n.

"Hey, thanks for letting me crash on the roof. It's nice up here." Fern was looking at the sunset.
Y/n handed fern a cup and then Finn started talking, "Stay up here as long as you want! Also uh, I came up here to ask a favor. I might be gone for awhile on thid trip, see" Fern looked a little suprised, " and I need someone to, uh, cover for me here in OOO. Oh and you won't be working alone, Y/n is going to stay here too!"

Fern looked down, "Are you sure? I mean hero biz is your whole thing," he looked back up at Finn, " and whatever I am, I'm not you." he looked away again, hiding his face from them.

"You can just do your own thing with it. Like...If some huge gross monster is gonna do murder on a buncha innocents, uh, kill it!" Finn said, trying to encourage Fern, "But kill it you-styles. Just dont go nuts- Actually with Y/n here im sure they'll help you!" Finn smiled at him hoping that what he said was helpful.

"Okay, I can handle that." he pulled out his grass sword quickly the put it away. Fern then smiled at Finn as he got up,
     "No, thank you, Fern. And you too Y/n! Im sure that you two will make a great team."

"Well, I gotta go pack up." Finn then gave both Y/n and Fern a high-five, Fin tried to make some sort of handshake with Fern but it didn't exactly work out, Finn crossed his arms and Fern started rubbing the back of his head, "We should figure out a better thing.Eh let's figure out something better." Finn and Fern said both sentences at the same time.

Finn then left the top of the treehouse, leaving Fern and Y/n alone.

"Man..I bet going on adventures will be so fun!" Y/n already got over the fact that they can't go on the trip. They were thinking of all the fun things they could do with Fern. "You're right! It's definitely gonna be fun. I'll make sure of it!" Fern said confidently
"I can't wait! I mean i'll miss Finn, Jake, and Susan but it'll be nice to get to know you better"
Fern felt happy, he was almost always happy with Y/n. He felt lucky to already have a great friend like them. but this special happiness was short lived as jake called out, "OKAY, IM BACK FROM SAYING BYE TO LADY AND THE PUPS!"

"WE'RE COMING!!" Y/n yelled out as both people started to leave the roof of the treehouse.



"Finn, did you bring your nail clippers?" Jake asked as they walked, "Uh, I think so"
         "Cool because i forgot them"

As they were walking Finn stopped and looked at the treehouse.

"Bye treehouse!!" Finn said as he waved.

Fern, Jake, and Y/n were still walking until Y/n stopped and walked towards Finn since he was still looking at the treehouse.

When Finn turned back around he saw Y/n walking towards him and said, "Oh hey dude! what happened?"

"Oh uh, nothing really, I just wanted to ask how you're feeling about leaving OOO and stuff. So, how do you feel?" Y/n and Finn were walking as they talked.

"Well...I think i'm excited but scared at the same time? I dont know to be honest, I mean i'm happy that i'll see other humans but no one knows what its like there..it's gonna be a total mystery."

"Well whatevers there I'm sure you guys will be prepared-"  Y/n was honestly just trying to encourage Finn.

Soon enough they caught up to Jake and Fern and all of them were in the conversation. Sure Fern didnt really include himself as much but he talked way more to them than he had before.  Everyone was happy.



Susan was putting all the luggage into the boat with Jake while Finn, PB, Marceline, Fern, and Y/n were all talking.

"Thanks for seeing us off, guys" Finn said happily. "Yeah, Of course. It's my boat." PB said, "And we care about him, you dingus!" Marceline said a little angrily, "Come on!...Sorry, Marcy is up past her bedtime." PB sighed and said, "No, it's true." PB put her hand on Finns shoulder and continued, "I want you to be really careful out there."

Finn answered with, "Dont worry we've got Susan-" but PB cut him off and continued, "That's not what I mean. Finn, I get the sense that this trips more important to you than you let on. I mean, if you make it to that island, you might find out some pretty heavy stuff. About humans and where you came from..Even about yourself."


PB sighed and said, "Alls i'm saying is, you have to promise me- promise me- that you'll come home safe." the princess was being very serious right now.

"I.." Finn started, but before he could finish Fern jumped in and said, "Hi Bonnie!" Y/n was with him and said, "Hey guys!"

Finn and the princess both jumped as them saying hi was very random??

"I'm Fern." He was just introducing himself, "I kind of already know you." He shook her hand, "I have a lot of fuzzy half memories from when i was this guy!" Fern then turned to Finn and smiled.
    "Well, just keep the ones where she's our boss, and forget everything else."

"Finn!" Susan called out
     "Hey! Goodmorning!" Marcy said

"Boats loaded, ready to go!" Susan said as she walked towards them.
  Finn gave PB a hug while he tried to high-five Fern, but Fern accidentally hit him, "Ahh! I flinched!" Finn understood and said, "It's cool"
Y/n then gave Finn a hug and he of course hugged back, "Ima miss you dude, good luck on your adventure!"

Soon enough they got into the boat and Susan started pushing them out to sea.
"We'll be back soon, I promise!" Finn said while waving, Jake was waving with him and said, "Yeah, bye kids! Dont be naughty!"

Everyone waved back as Susan got onto the boat.
  "Bye!! Good luck!" PB yelled
"He'll be safe." she finished as she put her arm down.

Marcy turned to Fern and said, "Hey, aren't you the dude that totaled Starchy's motorcycle?" After hearing that Fern got slightly embarrassed and his cheecks went to a darker green.
  "Well uh, yes?" he answered.

"Well guys..I think they'll be alright"
Y/n said happily with a hint of worry in their voice. For some odd reason...they had a bad feeling.


ALRIGHT THATS ALL EVERYONE!! Hope you enjoyed [yummy]

I know Y/n wasnt as included but hopefully this is the only chapter like that [shock]

sorry for the long wait for this chapter btw!

WORDS: 3034

JUNE 13th

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