A Beautiful Demon (Demon Slay...

By resevoir315

149K 3.9K 853

In pursuit of their goals, Y/N heads out to become a Demon Slayer. However, after meeting a girl named Nezuko... More

The House In The Woods [1]
Nezuko [2]
A Perspective Change [3]
Goodbye | Thank You [4]
Tetsuo Nakatomi [5]
Final Selection [6]
Unforeseen Events [ 7]
Death | Hero [8]
Ever Loved? [10]
Departure [11]
Beatdown [12]
Mitsuri Kanroji [13]
The Hashira [14]
The Butterfly Girls [15]
Total Concentration Constant [16]
Sayonara [17]
Demon In The Box [18]
Hashira Struggle [19]
My Sword [20]
Nezuko Reuinion [21]
I Love You, Nezuko [22]
Calm Before The Storm [23]
Sleeping Beauty [24]
Blind Rage [25]
Final Farewell [26]
Through Nezuko's Eyes [27]
10th Hashira [28]
What Was Missing [29]
Nightmarish Scenario [30]
Faker Battle [31]
Kissed Me [32]
New Hashira Summoning [33]
Walk With Shinobu [34]
Tsuguko Search [35]
Devastating Death [36]
Grief And Sorrow [37]
Christmas Short [Special]
Move Forward [38]
Tengen Uzui [39]
Until Next Time [40] (FINALE)
Book 2 Update:

Aftermath [9]

3.9K 109 11
By resevoir315

Girl: He's a real hero.

The girl Tetsuo carried up kept telling me that. She'd woken up and was having a 1-on-1 conversation with me while Tesla and Jazz looked after Tetsuo.

Girl: Walk with me?

I looked down at Tetsuo. He was still awake, but I could tell his body was throbbing in pain and every small touch Tesla made to his body had him wanting to scream. Jazz looked over at me with her usual look of boredom and annoyance. Despite her face, she did seem to be worried about Tetsuo.

**Maybe that's just her resting face. She just always looks so mad**

Jazz nodded at me. She'd overheard what the girl said to me and was letting me know it'd be alright to go and that Tetsuo was in good hands.

Y/N: Okay...

The girl and I started to walk. She was moving slow and fighting back a limp. I thought she was fine but looks like she was injured too.

Girl: That boy, Tetsuo... He saved my life. I couldn't fight anymore... There were too many demons. It was like they were only attacking us.

Y/N: What happened to you two?

Girl: I couldn't go on any longer and I collapsed. I'm not used to so much back-to-back fighting. But he didn't stop.

She paused for a second.

Girl: He tried to make me get up, but I couldn't. I was losing consciousness, but he kept trying to tell me, 'get up! Just run if you have to! Don't give up here!'

She clenched her fists out of frustration. Whatever she was about to say was upsetting to her.

Y/N: Then?

Girl: I couldn't move no matter how hard I tried. I told him to leave me. I said I came to the Final Selection prepared to die. He didn't even hesitate before he said, 'there's a difference between fighting prepared to die and fighting TO die!'

**I'd never heard Tetsuo say something as intense as that, but I've seen him get serious, so I believe it**

Girl: He picked me up and started to run as fast as he could. I blacked out in his arms, so I don't know what happened after that, but we made it here alive, so...

She turned around and looked back at Tetsuo.

Girl: He saved my life. He's a real hero.

I could feel an aura of regret coming off of her. She still had her fists clenched and she wouldn't look up at me.

Y/N: What's your name? I'm Y/N.

Girl: Momo... Katayama Momo.

Y/N: You're alive and here, Momo. What's making you so upset.

Momo: I'm- Not...

She stumbled over her own words as she tried to lie about how she was feeling. I stared at her. She was clenching her teeth while staring down at the ground. Her fists were also still balled.

Y/N: You're so tense. You're the one who wanted to talk to me. Something's bothering you so let's talk.

She slowly unclenched her fists and jaw, but she kept her head down.

Momo: Should I be here?

Y/N: What?

Droplets started to fall from her lowered face onto the dirt below. At first, I thought she was just breaking out in a cold sweat, but her voice gave away she was crying.

Momo: I only made it this far because you and he just so happened to be passing by in the mountain.

Her voice was giving out on her as she tried to speak and the tears fell more and more.

Momo: My friends, my brother... None of them made it through and neither should I have. If you and he just came sooner, we all could've made it-

She cut off her own sentence. She likely felt that she was shifting the blame onto me and Tetsuo. I didn't take it personally because I knew what it felt like to lose friends and loved ones, but she regretted snapping at me like that.

Momo: I'm sorry it's not your fault. But... I didn't make it through Final Selection... I was carried. All I did was pass out

I didn't know how to respond to what she was saying. I decided it was more fitting to just stay quiet and let her get it all out. She didn't even know me, but she desperately needed somebody to spill her emotions too.

Momo: I'm ashamed to even call myself a Slayer.

She clenched her fists again and was still looking down.

**How do I comfort her? What do I say? She's going through it right now. I don't want to overstep my boundaries, but...**

I moved closer to her and wrapped her in a hug. She needed somebody to cry on and I was the only one here.

Y/N: It doesn't matter how you got here. It matters that you got here. If you're disappointed in yourself, use that as motivation to get stronger.

She didn't say anything. She heard me, but she was still mourning the deaths of her friends and brother. No matter what I said, it wouldn't get through to her until she cooled off.

Y/N: Your friends and brother will be with you every step of the way. They'll be watching over you.

I felt her shaking in my arms as she cried. She was feeling a mixture of sadness, anger, and disappointment in herself. Some time to cry, rant, and my embrace is all I could offer her right now.

**To see this girl so broken. So hurt and so desperate for help... I hate it. It makes me so sad. I despise demons. This is all their fault. I'll kill every single demon I meet. I don't want anybody to go through what I did... What this girl is going through. Nobody else needs to suffer. I'll kill them all.**

???#1: Congratulations.

???#2: We're pleased to see that you're safe.

The 2 children caught me off guard as they started talking. I felt Momo's shaking calm down. I let go of her and she backed up to wipe her eyes. She looked at me.

Momo: Thank you.

I smiled at her. I knew she was still upset, but she deeply appreciated me being there.

Y/N: No proble-

???#2: We shall issue you all uniforms.

I looked over at Tetsuo, Tesla, and Jazz. Tetsuo was up on his feet, but he couldn't carry himself so he had Jazz and Tesla supporting him. They started moving over closer to the 2 people talking. I and Momo started walking over.

???#1: We will take your measurements, after which your rank will be engraved.

They went on to explain the ranking system in the Demon Slayer Corps.

**So I'll be starting at Mizunoto. I really made it.**

I didn't care about moving up in the Demon Slayer Corps ranks. I just wanted the resources that came with joining the Slayers. My true goal wasn't prestige, but to destroy demons.

???Boy: Can we move this along?

One of the boys started to talk. It wasn't the boy with tattered clothes and long black hair. It was the other boy who I hadn't seen before. He had short dark blue hair that was almost black. He wore a plain brown haori over his black clothing. Despite 7 days in the mountain, the boy didn't seem too injured or tired.

???Boy: I've got places to be...

He had a look of impatience on his face. It felt like he was more disgusted than angry. He seemed to hold himself up on a pedestal. He likely felt annoyed that he was sharing this moment with the rest of us.

**Maybe I'm overthinking, but this guy's a snob...**

Everybody looked at him except the twin children and the other long-haired boy who didn't really seem to care about him. Nobody said anything as he waited for a response. The two twins began to speak again, completely ignoring him.

???#1: Today, we will let you choose the ore for your swords.

???#2: However, the swords will take around ten days to complete.

The boy was upset and took it personally that the twins ignored him, so he decided to further instigate.

SnobbyBoy: What the h*ll? It took 7 days to even get here and the swords still aren't ready?

Momo: Your sword can never be premade. A sword is made for its user. It has to be special to you.

He turned and grimaced at Momo in disgust.

SnobbyBoy: What? I couldn't hear you over the sound of your sniffing. Try saying that again, but without crying this time.

Y/N: She wasn't being condescending you son of a-

Jazz dropped Tetsuo's arm and moved towards the boy.

Jazz: Do you wanna make it off this mountain alive?

SnobbyBoy: What's that? A challenge?

Jazz: A warning.

Tesla: Jazz-

The other boy with long black hair laid down again.

TiredBoy: Can you all relax? I'm just trying to get this over with so I can take a nap.

SnobbyBoy: I can help you go to sleep.

The long-haired boy didn't care about what this other guy was saying. He yawned and blinked slowly. His slow movements were similar to that of a sloth, but he spoke with confidence in his deep voice.

SnobbyBoy: What do you want-

???#2: Are you all done yet?

One of the twins clapped.

???#1: Firstly.

A bunch of birds came flying out of the woods. They got closer and I realized they were crows

???#2: We'll be issuing you all your own Kasugai Crow.

The crows each landed on one person. My crow landed on my shoulder and started looking me all over.

???#1: These Kasugai Crows can be used primarily for communication.

I looked around at everybody else. Everyone had similar-looking crows, but I didn't understand what they meant by "used for communication".

**What are these birds, like carrier pigeons?**

???#2: Now we'll have you pick your ores for your swords.

SnobbyBoy: It's about time. Hurry up...

One of the twins pulled a cloth off of a table. It revealed a bunch of ores that all looked similar. I supported Tetsuo's arm that Jazz dropped as we all moved closer to the table.

???#1: Now then, please select an ore.

They stared at us as they waited for us to choose ores. I didn't know which one to pick. They all looked the same.

**Are some of them fake, or are they all real? Is this a part of the test? How are we supposed to know which are the right ones.**

One of the twins picked up an ore from the table and showed it to us.

???#1: The steel of your sword that will annihilate demons and protect you will be of your own choosing.

The impatient boy from before stomped up to the table and grabbed an ore.

SnobbyBoy: Here... Make my sword...

He held it out towards the twin children, but they just stared at him and then looked back to the rest of us waiting for us all to choose.

SnobbyBoy: I said here!

???#1: Wait for everyone.

???#2: Patience is a virtue.

He clenched his teeth and dripped his arm.

SnobbyBoy: Will you all come on already?!

Jazz looked at the table

Jazz: These things all look the same.

TiredBoy: Whatever works works.

The long-haired boy yawned as he grabbed one of the ores off the table. I didn't understand how he concluded that was a good one. Tetsuo unwrapped his arm from me and Tesla then slowly moved into the table. He took an ore off of it and examined it.

Tetsuo: This one.

He limped back over to me and Tesla with the ore in hand.

Y/N: How do you know that's a good one?

Tetsuo: I don't know. It just caught my eye.

**Caught your eye, huh? Maybe I should try the same thing**

Tesla: Excuse me.

Tesla moved up to the table and stared at the ores. She looked at them all for a bit before taking one.

Tesla: This one'll do.

Jazz: Screw it. Give me this one.

Jazz followed after Tesla and grabbed one of the ores.

Momo went up after Tesla and Jazz stepped away and grabbed one.

Momo: This will do.

All eyes were on me now as I was the only one yet to take an ore.

SnobbyBoy: What are you waiting for? Move...

I pinched my eyes and put my hand up in his direction.

Y/N: Shut... Up... Please...

SnobbyBoy: Make me?

Jazz: Gladly.

I stepped between them as I approached the table to choose an ore. Tetsuo said one of them just caught his eye, but they all looked the same to me. I decided I'd just grab a random one and get it over with. I reached for an ore and picked it up. It was kind of heavy, but they did say it was an ore, so it was to be expected.

**Should this one be good? As far as I know, they're all real, right?**

The crow perched on my shoulder pecked my neck.

Y/N: Ow?! What the heck?

I rubbed my neck and looked at the crow. It stared me straight in the eyes and almost looked like it shook its head 'no'. I put the ore back down, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw something sparkling. I turned my head to look, and it was an ore sparkling under the sun's rays. If there was ever a sign I needed, that was it.

**That's the one.**

It was the ore that one of the twins had picked up before. The sun was shining down and making it sparkle in their hand.

Y/N: That one.

I pointed at the ore they were holding. They smiled at my decision. A smile was the first sign of emotions that either of these children had shown so far. I was confident in my choice.

???#1: Very well.

???#2: You have all chosen your ores and received your crows.

???#1: We will now be taking your measurements for your uniforms.

We spent the next 30 minutes to an hour getting our bodies measured so that we could receive our uniforms. After our measurements were taken, we were given bags that had the uniforms inside.

???#2: We'll be taking your ores now.

???#1: Bring them all up here.

Everybody brought their ores up and left them with the kids. I didn't need to bring mine seeing as they already had it.

Y/N: Hey, I have a question.

???#1: Yes?

???#2: Yes?

SnobbyBoy: Oh my lord, come on...

I ignored that boy. He always had something to complain about. I took my blade off my back and showed it to them.

Y/N: If possible, can my new sword be modeled after this one?

???#1: We've already taken that into consideration.

???#2: Your swords will be made in the same style as your current ones. Even the unique ones.

They looked at Tetsuo. He did have a unique weapon with his dagger, so they were taking his into consideration too.

???#1: However, they may take longer to complete.

Y/N: That's fine. Thank you.

The twins began to collect everyone's ores and walk off in a different direction.

SnobbyBoy: Are we finally done here? I'm leaving.

He took his bag with his uniform inside and headed through another gate that leads down to the bottom of the other side of the mountain. We all watched him leave before anybody else made a move. The tired-looking boy slowly headed off down the path.

TiredBoy: See ya.

He waved back slowly and disappeared down the trail. Momo walked up to me before leaving. She grabbed my hand and cupped it in hers. I could tell she was still infuriated and mourning the loss of her allies, but she was going to use their deaths as motivation to get better.

Momo: Thank you again, Y/N. I'll be praying for your safety in your travels. May we meet again.

Y/N: I'm wishing you well too.

She let go of my hand and got down in front of Tetsuo.

Momo: I am in your debt, Tetsuo. Thank you for not giving up on me and protecting me. Next time we meet, I'll be strong enough to return the favor. I will be forever thankful for what you did for me.

Tetsuo: Don't sweat it.

She bowed to each other person still remaining before she headed down the trail and vanished into the woods. Now it was just me, Tetsuo, Jazz, and Tesla left. I looked at Tesla and Jazz.

Y/N: Wanna head down together?

Tesla: Oh, yeah sure.

Jazz: Whatever.

We supported Tetsuo as we all headed down the trail. It was a pretty straightforward path down to the bottom with minimal turns.

Y/N: So you two are off to go work on yourselves if I remember correctly?

Tesla: Yeah. We're likely going to head home until our swords are done.

Jazz: That's just more time to train. Physically and mentally.

Y/N: Good decision.

Jazz: Your buddy here needs to do the same.

She gestured to Tetsuo.

Tetsuo: Yeah, yeah. I know... Especially if this blood thingy is gonna make demons target me more often.

Y/N: Tetsuo, you've never been attacked by demons that frequently? I mean, it's not like your blood type JUST became marechi.

Tetsuo: I always just thought it was bad luck on my part. I never thought anything of it.

Tesla: Well be careful now that you know. Don't go anywhere you might be at risk.

Jazz: She's saying don't be reckless.

Jazz had a very rough way of saying things, but I knew she cared. She was genuinely telling Tetsuo to stay out of trouble.

???#1: Hello again, Mizunoto.

We all got startled and looked over to the left to see one of the twins from before standing there. She was standing on a side-path from the main one we were walking.

???#1: Mizunoto Tetsuo and Mizunoto Y/N. You are much too injured to travel. Come with me.

Tetsuo: Huh?

I looked at Tesla. She seemed like the most intelligent between the 4 of us, so I was hoping she'd know what was going on. She shrugged.

???#1: We have a place for you to rest until you are able to travel again. Follow me.

She turned around and headed down the path without even waiting for us to walk over.

Tetsuo: Well, we don't wanna disobey orders right after becoming a Demon Slayer.

Y/N: First impressions are key.

Tetsuo decides to fight through his fatigue and take his arms off of me and Tesla. Tesla walked over to Jazz.

Y/N: You good?

Tetsuo: Yeah, I'm good.

We looked over at Tesla and Jazz.

Y/N: So I guess this is where we part ways?

Tesla: We'll meet again I'm sure of it.

I looked at the crow still resting on my shoulder.

Y/N: They said these birds are used for communicating. How do we like, exchange contacts with these things?

Tesla: The crows are always in touch with each other. If you need to contact somebody, just tell your crow.

Y/N: I see.

**No I didn't.**

Y/N: Well then we'll be wishing you well.

Tetsuo and I bowed to them. Tesla came over and hugged me then hugged Tetsuo.

Y/N: Um?

Tesla: Hugging is how we greet people and how we say 'bye' where we're from.

Tetsuo: Oh, okay.

Tetsuo looked up at Jazz who was standing off with her arms crossed. He squinted his eyes a little and smirked.

Tetsuo: Well, bring it in.

**This guy is such a troll.**

Jazz: In your dreams, Perv.

He winced as he dropped his arms. He was still fighting a lot of pain, but he really wanted to push Jazz's buttons.

Jazz: You ready?

Tesla walked back over to regroup with Jazz as Tetsuo and I prepared to branch off the path.

Tesla: Bye, Dulzura. Tetsuo.

Jazz and Tesla headed off down the hill. Jazz put up a peace sign with her fingers as they walked off. Tetsuo and I started walking off down the path the twin girl had gone down. I started to feel a sharp pain in my sides.

**Maybe I'm a lot more injured than I think. I should've kept Tesla's needles in longer.**

Tetsuo: I don't know about you, but I feel so powerful right now.

Y/N: Powerful with all those injuries?

Tetsuo: Aye, I'm walking on my own again.

Y/N: I'm messing with you. I know what you mean. Nothing's really changed, but I just feel so much stronger after all of that.

Tetsuo: Exactly.

We walked down the trail until we saw a large gate and the twin girl standing in front of it.

???#1: As Demon Slayers, you have access to safe houses like this one.

The gate had a golden wisteria crest on the front of it.

???#1: You will have access to food, water, bedding, and clothes for as long as you stay.

Y/N: Wow not bad.

???#1: Seeing as you two are injured, you may rest here until you are better, however, these safe houses are not to be taken advantage of to neglect your duties.

Tetsuo: Cool. But can I ask you something, uh... Miss?

???#1: What is it?

Tetsuo: How are our swords going to be delivered to us? I mean, we're all going our separate ways so...

???#1: Your Kasugai Crow serves not only as a means for communication, but also acts as a flare. As long as your crow is alive, we will be able to find you and you will be able to find us.

I didn't really understand it in detail, but I guess it made sense. They could probably track these crows wherever they went like Tesla was implying before. The girl opened the gate to the house and walked inside. Tetsuo and I stood outside the gate for a little bit taking in the sight. Inside there were beautiful, colorful flowers all over and bright green grass. There was a zen garden with a fountain and benches next to it. The house itself was pretty big too, but the garden outside was the most aesthetically pleasing to me.

Tetsuo: This is crazy.

**Speaking of crazy...**

Y/N: Hey, Tetsuo...

Tetsuo: What's up?

Y/N: That's what I was about to ask.

I pointed at his head.

Y/N: What's up with your hair?

His hair had been exposed since his durag was taken off during the Final Selection. It was much longer than it would've seemed when he had his hair covered. It was light white and kind of silver and it spiked backwards on his head. He ran his hand through his hair and smiled.

Tetsuo: Surprised?

Y/N: To say the least.

Tetsuo: I don't dislike it. I just keep it covered to keep my hair out of my face.

Y/N: Well that makes sense than.

We walked through the gate and it closed behind us. The atmosphere inside those walls felt much different than outside. The inside felt more safe. Even when the mountain was surrounded by Wisteria, there was something about this house that felt better. A woman and 2 children appeared at the front of the house to greet the twin girl who was guiding us. They waved when they saw us approaching.

Female: Welcome, Slayers. I hope you're able to find rest here until your injuries are all better. Welcome to our home. Our doors are opened to you always. Please, come inside and take it easy

Until You've Recovered

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