A Change Of Family (on Hiatus)

By Moonaline

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AU where a 5-year old Crusher is adopted by the Blaze Fam and is raised with them. Prompt from BATMM_PP. More

Lost And Rescued
Growing Up Together
Moving To Axle City 1
Moving To Axle City 2
Moving To Axle City 3
Epic Sail
The Jungle Horn
Truckball Team-Up
Mystery Bandit


542 7 59
By Moonaline

Note: Now, for some Blazington and Crickle scenes (hopefully lmao)

"Darington! Darington! Darington! Darington! Darington!"

The crowd cheered for the stunt truck's name as the Monster Dome was filled and lit up in excitement. An elite stunt track was lit up at the center of the dome, full of loops and jumps only the brave would face.

At his pit, Darington was practicing wildly with a cheer while Blaze and Pickle pushed a trampoline over.

"So... what's the trampoline for again?" Pickle asked.

"In case Darry needs it," Blaze replied.

"Oh, it's 'Darry' now, not Darington?" AJ teased.

"Sh-Shut up! It's just a nickname!" Blaze defended, cheeks darkening in embarrassment as Pickle laughed.

"A nickname that you've been calling him since day 2 of our stay," Crusher giggled as he drove over with his surprisingly-large first aid kit on his back.

"What's with the first-aid, Crush?" AJ questioned.

"Gabby's busy in her garage today, so she told me to watch out for Darington in case something happens," Crusher shrugged and set the first-aid kit down before eyeing the trampoline. "Okay, that trampoline isn't gonna be safe enough for him,"

"What makes you say that, big bro?" Blaze wondered.

"DARINGTOOOOOOOON!!!!!" The four turned to see Darington jump out of his pit and head over to the trampoline, jumping off of it before landing into a box of styrofoam head-first.

"Darry!" Blaze zoomed over to him. "You okay?"

"Pa-tooie!" Darington popped his head out and spat out some styrofoam. "Almost a perfect landing!"

The group laughed with him as the red truck helped the stunt truck out of the box. Darington spat out more styrofoam as his tires met the ground once more.

"Oh-ho-ho, thanks, B!" he beamed.

"Ooh, they have nicknames for each other!" Pickle whispered to the dark blue truck with a squeal.

"I know, right?" Crusher giggled.

AJ noticed this and held in his own laughter as he got off the driver seat and turned to the stunt truck. "So, Darington, are you ready to do your biggest trick ever?"

"You bet I am!" Darington nodded eagerly. "I've been waiting my whole life for... STUNTMANIAAAAA!!!!!"

He motioned to the track, and everyone gasped as they saw it's size and the amount of loops and jumps of the track.

"Woah..." Crusher chuckled nervously. "Now THAT'S what you call a safety hazard,"

"Stuntmania has the biggest stunt track ever built!" Blaze squealed. "It's a super track!"

"No one's ever ridden the super track before, until now!" Darington let out a cheer. "I'm gonna be the first Monster Machine in history to race through all those loops and jumps!"

Suddenly the lights dimmed. The stunt truck excitely grinned.

"It's showtiiiiiiime!!!" he cheered, seperating from the group. "Gotta go!"

"Good luck, Darry!" Blaze said with a grin and a wave.

"And be careful!" Crusher added before sighing. "Why do I even bother? This is a stunt, for crying out loud..."

"Ladies and gentletrucks," Bump spoke as he stood on the podium "put your tires together for the star of Stuntmania: the one, the only...DARINGTON!"

The crowd applauded as Darington made his entrance. Everyone erupted into cheers as the spotlight came onto him.

"Yeah! Whoa...!" he faced the audience with a happy smile. "Thank you! Thanks for comin', everyone! Whoo-hoo!"

Meanwhile, from his pit, Speedrick enviously watched as the stunt truck got all the attention.

"That's not fair!" he whined with a growl. "I wanna be the first one to ride the super track!" He then glanced over at Crusher, who was busy making sure his first aid-kit was still intact. "And when I do, lightning boy is DEFINITELY gonna want to go out with me!"

He turned around and reached into his inventions box. He searched for a while before smirking as he took out a small cylinder and set it on the ground.

"With a little cheating, I CAN ride the super track first!" he cackled before taking out a button and pressed it, causing the cylinder to pop out to become a mechanical boot. "A bouncy boot machine!"

The mechanical boot began to bounce around while kicking. Speedrick cackled as he watched it move out of his pit.

"My bouncy boot machine is gonna give Darington the boot!" he evilly laughed, watching as it bounced towards the unsuspecting stunt truck.

"Hold onto your hubcaps, folks!" Bump announced, not noticing the boot just yet. "Darington is about to ride the Stuntmania super track!"

"Ha-ha-ha!" Darington cheered, as did everyone else in the dome. "Yeah! Okay, everyone, here I GO!"

"But wait!" Bump gasped. "Something strange is comin' up behind him! I-i-it looks like some kind of...bouncy boot machine?"

Darington froze. "Bouncy boot ma-what?"

He barely had time to turn around when the machine suddenly kicked him out of the Monster Dome roof, far away with a blood-curdling scream.

"DARRY!" Blaze cried out, watching in horror as the stunt truck was kicked out.

"Oh, no!" Bump let out another gasp. "Darington has been booted away!"

Everyone else let out a horrified gasp. Speedrick huffed and drove front, proud of his cheat.

"Heeheeheehee... don't worry, everyone, don't worry!" he spoke proudly. "Now that Darington's gone, I will ride the super track!"


Everyone turned to see Blaze, extremely enraged as he drove over, with AJ dismounting and looking just as upset. Pickle was beside them, his tires crossed as he glared over at the white monster machine while Crusher discreetly drove over to the bouncy boot machine to mess with it. Speedrick gasped at the sight of the red truck.


"You cheated, Speedrick!" Blaze roared out. "You sent Darry away, so you could go on the super track first!"

"So, what if I did?" Speedrick huffed. "The important thing is, no one can stop me now!"

'I wouldn't be so sure about that.' Crusher smirked, patting the bouncy boot machine, which began to bounce towards the white truck.

"Uh... what about him?" Pickle pointed to the the machine with a smug look to return to the dark blue truck's smirk.

"What about... oh," Speedrick tensed when his own machine managed to snuck up on him. "Oh no,"

The bouncy boot machine kicked him out as well with a scream. Everyone else gasped at the turn of events.

"Oh, no!" Bump announced with a gasp. "Darington's gone! Speedrick's gone! Who's gonna ride the Stuntmania super track, now?!"

"It's Darington's trick!" AJ spoke as Crusher rejoined them. "He should get to ride the super track!"

"Then we've gotta find him and bring him back, before Speedrick gets there first!" Blaze spoke, his face full of determination. "And for that, we'll have to use Blazing Speed!"

Blaze and Crusher's spoilers flipped up to release their boosters. The booster stretched out towards Pickle, who lined up with them as they aimed out the Monster Dome entrance.

"Leeeet's Blaaaaaze!!!"

They sped out of the Monster Dome and zoomed through off, leaving contrails of red, blue and green as they made their way through the streets and out of the city. They soon stopped at a hill of green, which made AJ dismount.

"Hmm..." Crusher looked around. "Darington must've landed out there somewhere,"

"But where?" Pickle worriedly asked.

"He could be anywhere!" Blaze hissed, glancing around frantically.

Suddenly, AJ's watch beeped. The four gathered around to see Darington appear on the screen, shivering and looking very cold, whic caused everyone to gasp.

["B-B-B-Blaze? G-G-G-Guys?"] he shuddered, his teeth chattering. ["C-C-C-Can anyone hear me?"]

"We hear you, Darry!" Blaze cried out, eyebrows furrowing at the sight of the stunt truck. "Can you tell us where you are?!"

["W-W-W-Well, I'm not s-s-s-sure..."] Darington glanced around, still shivering. ["but...w-w-w-wherever I am, it's f-f-f-freezing cold!!"]

"Hang in there, Darington!" Crusher assured him. "We'll find you,"

"Darington said he's someplace cold..." Pickle thought as they hung up on the call. "That could be anywhere!"

"Let's use my visor to find the coldest place around," AJ offered, lowering his visor. "Hmm... look! I can see a snowy-capped mountain! It must be really cold!"

"Do you think Darry could be in there?" Blaze asked.

"I'll check. Visor, zoom in," AJ narrowed his eyes as his visor zoomed in at the mountain. "There's a cave on top of the mountain!" He zoomed in closer and gasped. "And Darington's inside!"

"Come on!" Blaze ushered them towards the mountain. "We've gotta hurry and get him out of there!"

Crusher and Pickle exchanged a glance as AJ reboarded. They soon took off and drove through the forest.

"Faster, guys, faster!" Blaze called out to them.

"Guess it's time to use some acceleration!" Crusher suggested.

"Yeah-heh!" AJ cheered, stepping hard on the gas pedal. "Acceleration!"

Blaze sped up and zoomed off. Crusher and Pickle followed after them, speeding up with a cheer.

Meanwhile, on the mountaintop, Speedrick groaned as he picked himself up.

"Ugh! I can't believe I got booted away by my own boot machine!" he whined with a hiss. "I have to get back to Stuntmania before Darington, so that I can ride the super track! Me, me, me!"

He slammed on the snow mid-tantrum, causing him to slip and stumble. He yelped as he began to roll down the mountain in a giant snowball.

Meanwhile, the group were approaching the mountain.

"Guys, look!" AJ pointed up. "There's the mountain!"

"And this path will lead us right up to the cave where Darington is," Crusher observed, motioning to the snowy path below them.

Just as they were heading up the path, they heard a strange baaing sound.

"Huh," Pickle looked around. "That was a weird sound,"

Just behind one of the rocks, a bighorn peeked out. As Blaze passed the said rock, the bighorn suddenly rammed onto him. It caused him to yelp as it sent him spinning to another nearby rock.

"Blaze! AJ!" Crusher and Pickle drove to them as the red truck slowly stood up, dizzy.

"Whoa!" AJ shook his head to get his head out of daze. "What was that?"

"I don't know," Blaze hissed. "but something just bumped me right in the bumper!"

There was another baaing, and the group turned with a gasp to see another bighorn appear from another rock.

"It's a bighorn!" Pickle let out a scream as he was bumped the other way. "WOAH!"

More bighorns came and began to bump each of them back down the path. The four cried out in surprise as they were forced down until they managed to skid their tires to a stop.

"Gaskets!" Crusher gritted his teeth. "Those bighorns are everywhere!"

"And they do NOT want us driving up their mountain," AJ sighed. "What do we do?"

They glanced back up and found one of the bighorns going back behind the big rock. Blaze gasped.

"Hey, look! That one's going back to his hiding place behind a really big rock!"

"And so is that guy!" Pickle pointed over to the other bighorn, who, indeed went over to hide behind another big rock.

"The bighorn trucks are so big, they have to hide behind the biggest rocks," Crusher chucklec. "So to keep away from them..."

"We need to stay away from the biggest rocks!" AJ finished with a smile.

They exchanged nods then slowly went up the path. They came to the first set of rocks they had passed by earlier. The one on the far right was the biggest, so they swerved out of the way to avoid it. Just as they did, the bighorn appeared and missed, causing it to let out a sad sound.

"Whew, we were right!" Blaze sighed in relief. "There WAS a bighorn back there,"

"More rocks ahead!" AJ called out.

They drove forward, still as cautious as earlier. The far left rock was the biggest, so they swerved out of the way to avoid it. Just as they did, the bighorn came out and missed again.

"Ha!" Crusher grinned. "Not today, bighorn!"

"Here come some more rocks!" Blaze warned them.

They all nodded and drove on. The far right was the biggest, so they avoided it by swerving away. The bighorn came out just as they avoided it, causing it to baa sadly.

"Ha, missed us!" Pickle cheered.

"There's only one more group of rocks," AJ told them.

They spotted the biggest rock on the far left and swerved away to avoid it. They missed the hidden bighorn, who let out a dejected baa. Finally, they reached the cave at the top.

"Look, guys!" AJ rejoiced. "There's the cave where Darington is!"

"All right!" Blaze let out a cheer and zoomed in immediately. "Let's go get him!"

"Looks like Romeo misses his Juliet," Pickle giggled.

"Hopefully it doesn't turn out the same as Romeo and Juliet, though," Crusher shrugged and drove in after his brother.

"Wait, didn't they get a happy ending?" Pickle's eyes widened before following after him. "Woah, hey, Crusher, wait! How does that book end???"

"Both died," Crusher grimaced as the green truck drove to his side before shuddering. "Which hopefully doesn't happen to us with all the cold,"

"Darry?! DARRY?!?" Blaze cried out into the cave, ignoring the cold. "DARRY?!? DARINGTOOON??!"

"Look, there he is!" AJ pointed down further, spotting a glimpse of the stunt truck's helmet.

"DARRY!" Blaze drove forward to the stunt truck, his expression of relief visible as Crusher and Pickle followed behind him.

"Guys!" Darington gasped in relief. "You made it! Aww, this is stupendous! I knew you guys would come and rescue me!"

"Aww," Blaze smiled and lightly blushed. "well, we're just glad you're okay, Darry,"

"Now let's hurry and get you back to Stuntmania, so you can ride the super track before Speedrick!" Crusher told him.

"I'm right behind you guys!" Darington cried out.

They all turned to leave the cave. The stunt truck attempted to follow but found himself stuck. The others realized that he wasn't following and drove back to him.

"Uh... Darington?" Pickle tilted his head. "Why aren't you following us?"

"Wha -- I-I-I don't know!" Darington strained, still trying to get himself to move. "I just s-s-sorta... can't move!"

Blaze, Crusher and Pickle drove closer to Darington to figure out the problem. AJ dismounted to help too, walking closer to find the stunt truck's rear end frozen in a big chunk of ice. He gasped.


"What's wro- oh no," Crusher's jaw dropped when he saw the problem as the other two gasped. "O~ kay, how did that happen?"

"What's the matter?" Darington asked, glancing at them worriedly.

"Darry, you're frozen in ice!" Blaze cried out.

"F-Frozen in ice?!" Darington looked at himself and gasped. "Oh, no! This is horrible!"

"Don't worry, Darington," Crusher assured him. "We'll find a way to get you out of there,"

"Hmm..." Pickle glanced over at the chunk of ice. "We've gotta find some way to melt that ice,"

"Right," AJ agreed. "and to do that, we need to heat it up somehow,"

"I know!" Blaze beamed. "We could melt the ice with a blast of super hot air. And we know a machine that blasts hot air: a hair dryer!"

Parts for the hair dryer materialized around him; the heating coil, the motor, and the fan. He grinned as he jumped to transform.

"I'm a Hot Air Blowin' Mmmmonster Machine!!"

"Wow!" AJ gasped. "Look at you, Blaze!"

"Hold on, Darry!" Blaze helped his little brother on him to help him aim the hair dryer. "This hair dryer is heating up and ready for action!"

He began to melt the ice. Slow but steady enough.

"Let me help, Blaze," Crusher offered, his inventing pouch glowing before a large hair dryer appeared on his back.

Both hair dryers were turned up the level, the hot air moving towards the chunk of ice. The ice began to melt faster and faster.

"It's working, guys!" Pickle cheered. "You're melting the ice into water!"

"Hey, look!" Darington lifted one of his back tires from the ice. "My tire is free!" He slowly began to lift the other with a cheer. "And my other one, too! Ha ha ha, you guys did it! I'm free!"

The group laughed as Blaze returned to normal while Crusher's hair dryer dismantled itself and returned to his bag.

"Thanks, you guys!" Darington hugged the red truck. "I really thought I was gonna be stuck there forever!"

"Aww," Blaze blushed deep with a smile, causing the others to snicker. "y-you're welcome, Darry. I'm just glad- er, WE'RE just glad that you're okay,"

Suddenly, a loud baa echoed out, shaking the cave. The four tensed before looking around.

"Boy, I wonder who made that sound," Darington hummed in thought.

"Wasn't me or AJ," Blaze said, exchanging a glance with AJ.

"Not us either," Crusher added as he and Pickle looked around.

"Huh, and it wasn't me," Darington looked behind him. "Sooo... it must've been that guy,"

"Wait, what guy?" Pickle gulped, and they all turned to see a bighorn twice as big as the ones the group saw.

"Lugnuts!" Blaze gasped. "That's the biggest bighorn I've ever seen!"

"Let's get outta here!!!" Darington cried out before they all zoomed out of the cave.

They screamed as the giant bighorn began to chase them. They managed to escape as it got stuck in the entrance before getting covered in snow. They cheered before turning to drive over to a cliff, skidding to a stop.

"This way, fellas!" Darington beamed as he jumped and slid down on one of the patches of ice. "Follow meeeeeeeee!!!"

"Ha ha ha! Yeah!" Blaze jumped on another to slide down, causing AJ to cheer.

"Let's do it!" Crusher went after his brothers with a cheer.

"Whoo-hoo!" Pickle laughed, going down with the last patch of ice.

The group cheered and laughed as they slid down the mountain. Soon, Pickle and the brothers landed on the ground with a thud, still laughing.

"Phew! What a ride!" Blaze giggled.

"Yeah, but... where'd Darington go?" Pickle asked, looking around.

"Wa-hoo!" the four turned to see Darington jump off the hill behind them. "DARINGT-AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" He yelped as he landed with a thud. "Ta-da!"

"Nice one, Darington!" Crusher chuckled.

"Yeah! High tire!" Blaze lifted his tire, and the two high-tired.

"A little longer, you two, and you'll be holding tires~" the dark blue truck teased, causing Pickle to snort and laugh.

"CRUSHER!" the red truck flushed red and hit his brother lightly on the shoulder as the stunt truck blushed.

"Uh, guys!" AJ called their attention. "Look up ahead!"

The group turned to see Speedrick descending down the mountain at top speed. Pickle gasped.

"It's Speedrick!"

"He's on his way back to Stuntmania!" Crusher hissed.

"But Speedrick can't ride the super track!" Darington cried out. "That's MY trick!"

"We've gotta hurry, Darry, and get you back there before Speedrick!" Blaze exclaimed with a nod. "We need a little acceleration!"

All monster machines revved their engines before they zoomed down the mountain as fast as they could.

Meanwhile, back in the Monster Dome, Bump was on the podium and was addressing to the crowd.

"Get those engines revving, folks! It's almost time for Stuntmania!" he spoke, causing a round of cheers and applauds. "Some lucky racer is gonna ride this amazing super track! But the question is, who's it gonna be? Will it be Speedrick? Or, will Darington get there first? Ha ha, well, buckle up, because we're about... to... find out!"

Meanwhile, Speedrick had already gone down the mountain and was zooming through the forest at top speed.

"~Stuntmania!~" he sang out in his awful singing voice. "~Stuntmania! I'm gonna ride the Stuntmania super traaaaaaaaack!~"

Suddenly, Blaze and Crusher's horns echoed from behind, and Speedrick turned to see them with Darington and Pickle on his tail. He snarled.

"No, NO!" he scowled. "I can't let Darington beat me to the super track! I've gotta make something to stop him!"

He took out a button and a box from out of nowhere and pressed the button. The box opened up to reveal a pogo-stick device with a boxing glove in place of the spring.

"An earthquaker maker!" he laughed evilly, skidding to a stop as he threw his machine on the ground behind the group. "That'll slow them down... and make me a big hero to lightning boy over there~"

The machine bounced on the ground behind the group, making it split open down the middle. A crack crawled too close to Darington, who looked down at it curiously.

"Oh, hey. I wonder what that is..."

"No, Darry!" Blaze called out to the stunt truck. "LOOK OUT!"

Suddenly, the crack splitted under the others, causing them all to yelp and jump out of the way.

"WHOAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Only poor Darington wasn't able to make it and was holding onto the ground to avoid falling in. "Oh, boy...!"

"HANG ON, DARRY!" Blaze, Crusher and Pickle launched their tow hooks to the stunt truck and pull him to safety.

"Phew!" Darington sighed in relief. "Thanks, guys!"

"Uh-oh!" AJ hissed as he pointed to the machine behind them. "That machine is making more cracks!"

"We've got to hurry- WOAH!" Crusher yelped as someone grabbed him with a tow hook and dragged him off. "GAH! HEY! LET GO!"

"Don't worry, lightning boy~" Speedrick smirked and zoomed backwards, dragging the dark blue truck with him. "I'll help you escape those cracks!"

"Hey!" Blaze growled. "We need to get Crusher back from Speedrick!"

"I think we should also get out of here before those cracks get us!" Darington cried out.

"Come on, guys, let's hurry!" AJ told them before stepping on the acceleration pedal, causing the three of them to zoom off after the large white truck.

Even as they did, the cracks were reaching them little by little.

"OH-HO, that crack is getting closer!!" Darington screamed.

"GAH!" Pickle joined in the screaming, trying to avoid the cracks as much as he can.

"We need to go faster!" Blaze exclaimed. "Accelerate!"

AJ lowered his visor and frowned at the speedometer. "We need to go faster! Our speed is 8, but if we wanna escape the cracks and catch up to Speedrick, we're gonna have to go on a speed of 13!"

"ACCELERATE!" Blaze, Darington and Pickle all yelled out before zooming forward with extra acceleration.

Soon, they managed to outdrive the cracks, which caused the earthquaker maker to bounce higher and harder.

"The earthquaker maker just made another crack!" Darington yelled out. "And it's moving even faster!"

"Hurry!" Pickle yelped. "It's getting closer!!"

"We need out speed to be 20!" AJ told them. "Time to accelerate!"

"ACCELERATE!" the trio cried out before zooming off with another boost of extra acceleration.

Finally, they escaped the cracks with ease. As they did, the earthquaker maker fell into one of the cracka and self-destructed itself.

"OH, YEAH!" Blaze whooped.

"Stuntmania, here we come!" Darington cheered.

"What about Crusher?!" Pickle cried out in worry.

"Don't worry, Pickle, Speedrick won't have him for long," Blaze grinned. "Come on! Let's go!"

Meanwhile, Speedrick managed to reach Axle City, still dragging an annoyed Crusher behind him as he zoomed.

"Stuntmania is just up ahead!" the large white truck cackled. "Looks like I'm gonna ride the super track first!"

"Don't be so sure, Speedrick." Crusher huffed. "Darington's gonna get there first, especially with my brother's help,"

"Psh, as if, lightning boy," Speedrick rolled his eyes with a smirk. "Besides, even if they do, I've got another trick off my sleeve. Let's see who your brother cares for more; you or that klutz of a stunt truck,"

Crusher growled. "You sick freak,"

"I know, right?" Speedrick laughed. "Nothing can possibly go wrong, now!"

Just as he said that, Blaze's horn echoed through the air, causing the white truck to shriek as Blaze, Pickle and Darington zoomed in front of him.

"Sorry, Speedrick, but you're not gonna steal Darry's trick like this!" the red truck said, turning to drive backwards. "Crush, hang on! I got you!"

He released his own tow hook and grabbed onto his brother. Speedrick scowled and skidded his tires to strengthen his grip.

"NO WAY!" he roared out. "It's your choice, Blaze! Either you let me do klutz truck's trick or I'm keeping lightning boy for myself!"

"Not today, you won't!" Darington drove over and released his tow hook, grabbing onto Crusher.

Pickle did the same, and the trio pulled as hard as they could, skidding their tires on the ground. Speedrick tried to oppose, but Crusher wasn't gonna let him win and pulled on the white truck's rope to release himself. Finally, the one hook gave away, flinging the dark blue truck towards the group while Speedrick was sent back to garbage bins with a yelp.

"Yeah-heh!" AJ let out a cheer.

"Take that, you big meanie!" Darington stuck out his tongue at the large white truck.

"Yes!" Crusher cheered. "You guys did it!"

"Crusher!" Pickle zoomed over to hug him. "You're okay!"

"Did Speedrick do anything?" Blaze asked.

"Nope, not yet," Crusher shook his head. "but let's not pay attention to that. We need to get Darington to the Monster Dome now!"

"Alright!" Darington flipped. "Let's go!"

Meanwhile, inside the Monster Dome, time had passed, but neither monster machine candidates were entering. Bump, looking discouraged, let out a sigh.

"Well, folks, I guess no one's gonna ride the Stuntmania super track,"

The crowd let out an aww. Just as everyone was about to take their leave, Bump noticed something coming closer to the Monster Dome and gasped.

"Hold on! Someone's coming! It's... DARINGTON!!!" At that cue, Blaze, Darington, Crusher and Pickle made their entrance. "HE'S BACK!"

The crowd cheered and whooped as the four monster machines approached the super track. AJ dismounted as Blaze faced the stunt truck with a beaming smile.

"Way to go, Darry!" he said. "Now you can finally ride the super track!"

"Thanks, guys!" Darington was also beaming as a light blush appeared on his cheeks. "But you know... I don't feel like doing the track all by myself anymore,"

"You don't?" Pickle looked surprised, as did the others.

"Why not, Darington?" AJ asked.

"Because, I wanna ride the super track with you guys!" Darington replied with an excited look on his face. "My best pals in the whole world! Come on, whaddya say?"

"Uhm... I'll pass," Pickle said, backing up. "The track looks took extreme for me,"

"And I've gotta be ready in case you literally break a tire, so I'll pass too," Crusher smirked before scooping AJ up from the ground. "And hell NO am I letting my little brother ride a track THAT extreme. Not sure if I've got enough bandages for any injuries he might get,"

"Ha-ha, Crusher!" AJ laughed but didn't oppose as they exchanged a wink.

"I'll do it, Darry!" Blaze accepted the offer, which caused the stunt truck to blush harder but beam up more. "Let's both ride the super track!"

He and Darington drove to the elevator, which lifted them up to the starting post of the track.

"And up they go!" Bump announced. "Darington and Blaze to the top of the super track!"

They soon reached the top and looked over at the big drop. They exchanged smiles as Crusher, Pickle and AJ cheered for them from below.

"Super track, here we GO!" Darington cried out, then they jumped down and took off.

"Aaaaaaand they're off!" Bump exclaimed as everyone cheered, especially the two. "There they go, side by side, through the loop-de-loops!"

"Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" Darington let out a cheer.

"WHOOOOOOOOOOO-HOO!" Blaze cheered with him as they zoomed.

"Comin' around the final turn, they're headed for...the flaming star!" Bump spoke. "Will they make it?!"

Everyone held their breaths as they watched. The duo managed to jump the ramp up to the flaming star. They passed through through at half-speed, causing the crowd to let out another cheer.

"YEEEEEEES!" Bump happily roared out.

"DARINGTOOOOOOOON!!!!!" the stunt truck cried out as they dropped and landed perfectly on the stand, with Darington almost losing his balance. "Whoa, whoa!"

"I gotcha!" Blaze grabbed him by the tire and pulled him close to keep him balanced. "You okay?"

"Uh..." Darington's eyes widened, cheeks flushing as he realized how close they were. "Y-Yeah... um, t-thanks, B,"

"THEY'VE DONE IT!" Bump's voice made them jump and turn back to the cheering crowd (who may or may not have been squealing and watching their moment). "THEY HAVE COMPLETED THE STUNTMANIA SUPER TRACK!"

Darington gasped and began to squeal. "We did it, B! We really did it!"

"We sure did, Darry!" Blaze beamed. "And we did it together!"

They high-tired as the fireworks went off. Crusher, Pickle and AJ zoomed over to them to congratulate them with laughter and cheers.

Meanwhile, Speedrick had snuck in after the group and had reached the starting post using the elevator. He growled at the sight of Blaze and Darington.

"Ohh... it's not fair!" he whined. "I wanted to do the jumps and the loop-de-loops and have everyone cheer for me! Me, Me - AAAAAAHHHHH!!!"

He soon screamed as he slipped and was sent backwards into the super track. He only managed to make it halfway and flew out of the loop-de-loops, crashing into a popcorn stand.

"Ugh..." he groaned, ruffling the popcorn out of his hair. "Dammit..." He picked himself up and glared daggers at the red truck nearby. "Mark my words, Blaze, I WILL get my vengeance on you for this! And lightning boy will be MINE!"

With that, he drove out of the Monster Dome without another word.


"Youch!" Darington yelped as Crusher brushed off the leftover snow crystals on his back tire while they all gathered in his pit after everyone in the Monster Dome had already left. "Man, I didn't even know I still could get frostbite from that ice. We drove a long way! I thought they would be gone!"

"Not with the amount of time you had being stuck to that ice," the dark blue truck shook his head.

"Well, on the bright side, at least you were able to do the trick before Speedrick could," Blaze assured the stunt truck, his tire on the other's.

"Yeah, thanks again, guys," Darington smiled.

"That should be the last of it," Crusher sighed in relief as he packed up his first aid kit. "Welp, we better get home before it gets dark,"

"Yeah!" Pickle agreed. "but before we go, hey, Crusher, can you check on something I found?"

"Hmm?" Crusher was confused until the green truck motioned to Blaze and Darington, which made his snort and nod. "Oh, alright, then. Hey, AJ, can you come with me? I might need some... help,"

AJ caught on quickly and nodded with a giggle as the three of them drove off to another pit, leaving the two alone. Blaze gulped, glaring at the trio for their scheme before turning to the stunt truck.

"Huh, that was... weird," Darington chuckled.

"Yeah..." Blaze cleared his throat, trying not to blush as he realized he was still holding the other's tire. "So, um, you... you did good- er, great! You did great out there, in the stunt and all, he he,"

"Th-Thanks," Darington smiled and lightly blushed. "You were great there too! Well, you were actually AMAZING! I mean, you saved me, more than once, then you did that awesome stunt with me... you are an awesome guy, B,"

Blaze was a stuttering mess but managed to smile. He was hesitant as he took a deep breath before he moved closer to the other, their faces close to one another as they both blushed a deep crimson red, darker than Blaze's color. Darington gulped as he stood where he was, his eyes turning half-dled as the red truck made a bold move to lean in closer.



Blaze slowly closed his eyes as he closed in the space between them, his lips meeting the other's. Darington's eyes widened, but he didn't pull away and leaned closer.

From aside, Crusher, Pickle and AJ grinned as they watched the two. AJ snapped a picture while Crusher and Pickle high-tire to their success.

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