Return to Love-YA Romance

By AuthorLynnHubbard

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Return to Love-YA Romance Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12

8 0 0
By AuthorLynnHubbard

Monday came much too quickly. Joanie groaned as she forced her feet out from under the warm covers into the cold air. She quickly dressed and showered. She was surprised to find Brad at the kitchen table working on a mixing bowl full of cereal. She went over and felt his forehead with her hand.

“Nope no fever. Maybe you’re just delirious.”

Brad looked over at his charge annoyed. “For your information Missy I happen to have a job interview this morning.”

“Really? Where?” Joanie asked surprised.

“At the Miller Theater.”

“That’s great! If you get it can you get me free passes?”

Brad shrugged. “I’ll see what I can do.”

Joanie realizing the time grabbed a banana and ran for the door she stopped to yell back good luck as she headed over to Kate’s house. On the way to school, Joanie told her about Brad’s job.

“That would be too cool. Do you really think he would take us?” Kate asked excitedly. “I love going into the city. I just hate crossing over the bridge.”

“Probably. He’s been nice lately. It’s kinda scary maybe he’s been cloned.”

The girls headed into the school and were surprised to see kids pointing and whispering at them. Joanie glanced over at Kate and saw that she noticed it too.

“What’s up?” Kate asked, and Joanie just shrugged.

Suddenly an arm went around her shoulders, and she jumped in surprise. Chris grinned down at her as he bent down and whispered in her ear. “I know you’re just playing hard to get.” He said as he held up the slam book. Joanie regaining her senses grabbed the book with one hand and elbowed Chris hard in the ribs with the other one. She tossed the book to Kate who grabbed it and ran into the girl’s bathroom to destroy it. Chris doubled over but was able to grab Joanie's arm and force her against a locker.

Joanie more angry than scared glared at him as her mind reeled with ways of escape. She looked around, and her hopes fell as she realized that Chris’s football buddies were surrounding them. She tried to kick him, but he side stepped and just moved closer to her. “What the hell do you want?” Joanie asked her eyes flashing.


Suddenly the bell rang and Chris released her almost dropping her to the ground. He smiled. “Later.” And he strutted off down the hallway with his friends.

“Are you ok?” Kate asked grabbing her friends arm.

Joanie didn’t trust herself to speak she just nodded her head. The second bell rang and Kate gave her a quick hug before running for her locker. Joanie sighed and headed for the gym. She made it to the locker room and forced herself to take deep breaths to calm down. The rest of the morning passed uneventful, and Joanie was thankful. She met Kate for lunch. They noticed that Jane and Sally were sitting at their usual spot with Chris and Co. Thinking quickly Joanie turned and headed towards a different direction she motioned for Kate to follow her.

“Hey Chad.” She called as she and Kate came up to his table. He nodded to his friend Jack to scoot over and Joanie and Kate thankfully sat down. Chad smiled over at the girls.

 “Rough morning?” He asked.

“I don’t wanna talk about it.” Joanie mumbled through bites of sandwich. She wanted to eat and get out of there as quickly as possible.

“You want me to take him out just say the word.” Chad said under his breath as he looked over in Chris’ direction.

Joanie smiled. “I would love to see that, but he isn’t worth the trouble. ‘Side’s he just wants the attention. I can handle him.”

Chad grinned at her. “Good ‘cause he’s coming over here.”

“Hey babe, why are you hanging around these punks?” Chris asked looking down on them. He rested his hands on Joanie’s shoulders.

“Because they're better company than you are.” She got to her feet facing him. She had to tilt her head back to look up at him. “You stay away from me and my friends. If you ever lay a finger on me again, you’ll regret it.”

Chris only laughed at the little spit fire in front of him. She barely came up to his shoulders yet here she was issuing orders. She had some nerve. Laughing he reached out and touched her shoulder with one finger. She grabbed his hand, and twisted it behind his back, as hard as she could. She buckled his knee, and he went down to the ground, hard. His astonished friends could only stare open mouthed.

Joanie leaned over and whispered so only Chris could hear. “Touch me again and you’ll lose more than your pride.” She quickly rose to her feet and headed towards the building leaving a flabbergasted Kate running to keep up. She followed her into the girl’s room where Joanie sat down in the corner shaking.

“Are you okay? Where the heck did you learn how to do that?” Kate asked.

Joanie forced a smile. “The head mistress at the academy insisted that all her girls learn self defense. I got an ‘A’ in it.”

“That's so neat! If he bothers you again, all you have to do is karate chop him, right?”

“Wrong.” Joanie sighed. “I caught him off guard this time. He won’t let that happen again. Hopefully he got the message and will leave me alone.”

“Hopefully.” Kate added as the bell rang. The two girls headed off to their classes neither one convinced.

Joanie barely slipped into her class as the last bell rung. She hurried over to her seat avoiding everyone’s eyes. But she could still feel them watching her. Jane leaned over and whispered to her. “You’re an idiot! All he wants to do is go out with you. How bad could that be?”

Joanie ignored her and tried to concentrate on the teacher. She should have never done that, especially in front of Chad. He’d probably tell Eric. What would he think of her then? Most guys went for the weak and helpless type. Course Eric wasn’t like most guys.

“Miss Caldwell? Are you with us today?” Mr. Redmond asked as the class snickered.

Joanie looked up embarrassed and nodded yes. She was relieved when he left it at that. Looking at Mr. Redmond she remembered that someone had put him in the slam book. She wondered who it was and how Chris had gotten hold of it.

The day finally ended, and Joanie walked to her locker more cautious than usual. Kate was waiting for her, and she was surprised to see Chad there also.

“Thought you might want some company.” Chad offered as she looked at him questioning.

Joanie hesitated. “Thanks Chad but you can’t be with me all the time. I’ll be okay.”

“You’d better be, or Eric will kill me if anything happens to you.” He nodded and headed off.

Joanie blushed just at the mention of Eric’s name. She turned her attention to her locker and stowed her things. Her social studies teacher had given them a research paper for homework. She had ’till Monday to work on it, but it was going to be hard finding a way over to the library. Kate was in her class maybe they could go together. On the way, they chatted about the day’s events.

“I can’t believe his nerve! He’s such a jerk you should have broke his arm.” Kate muttered.

“Well if I did that we’d probably lose the rest of the season. He is our quarterback ya know.” Joanie added sarcastically.

“Well when Eric finds out I bet he’ll do worse than that.”

“You think so? I mean I barely know him.” Joanie moaned.

Kate shook her head. “You should see the way he was looking at you in the car. When he asked us for a ride all he did, was look at you! He kissed you for Pete’s sake.”

Joanie smiled at the memory. “I hope your right Kate. I hope your right.”

They passed Kate’s house and Kate hesitated. “Maybe I should walk you home. I mean just in case.”

“Don’t be silly! It’s freezing out here, and it’s way out your way. I’ll be fine.” Joanie said more confidently than she felt.

“All right but call me when you get home!!” Kate yelled running inside out of the cold.

Joanie quickly walked the rest of the way home. She jumped at every sound and every car that came up beside her. She finally reached her home and let herself inside. She locked the door behind her and called Kate. She sat down at the kitchen table and started her homework. She heard a knock at the door, and she froze. She grabbed a kitchen knife and headed towards the door.

“Who is it?” She yelled.

“It’s me! Open the dang door.  Why is the dead bolt locked?”

Recognizing her brother’s voice, she quickly put the knife on the table, unlocked the dead bolt, and opened the door.

“Hey Brad did you get the job?” She asked casually although her heart was still pumping hard.

Brad didn’t seem to notice her odd behavior. He told her he did get it and that he could get two people in but only during the week.

“That’s great Brad! When are you taking me and Kate?” Joanie asked excitedly.

Brad looked annoyed. “Well I guess I could take you this Wednesday. You two can ride in with me after school, but you’ll have to stay until I get off at ten.”

She squealed and hugged him hard. “You’re the best Brad!”

“I know, I know.”

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