Wings of Fire Lemons | Rare P...

By violetrose84

62.5K 357 2.2K

Uncommon, rare, or non-existent pairings will be posted here. Slow updates. I don't take requests. More

Winter x Glory
Turtle x Icicle
Clay x Moon
Fem!Deathbringer x Addax
Strongwings x Glory
Snowfall x Riptide
Flame x Fem!Turtle
Blaze x Cirrus
Peacemaker x Fem!Jade Winglet
Narwhal x Moon

Tsunami x Peregrine

3.6K 19 83
By violetrose84

Tsunami stretched her wings, her legs, and every part of her body as she got off her bed after an amazing sleep. The Seawing teacher rarely got those, as the stress from running a school weighed heavily on her every single day. As such, whenever she did get a good night's sleep, she always woke up in a good mood, prepared to tackle whatever problems were thrown at her that day. 

Tsunami stood tall, breathing deeply after her little morning routine. Confidence filled her body as she walked toward the exit of her sleeping cave, ready to begin the new day. She opened the creaky wooden door, and stepped out into the hallways of Jade Mountain Academy. It was early in the morning, so the halls were quiet, with only a few early birds roaming around. Smiling to herself, Tsunami began to head to her classroom, content to enjoy some peace and quiet. 

Spirits high, Tsunami turned a corner, and those high spirits were instantly wiped out when she spotted a certain Skywing walking down the hall, a playful expression on his face.

"Hey teacher!" Peregrine greeted, waving at her. Tsunami growled softly, annoyance bubbling up within her.

"Peregrine." She replied coldly. Out of all the students in JMA, Peregrine was the most annoying one, at least to her. The Skywing was one of the older students, being seven years old. Unfortunately, he was also one of the flirtier ones, too, as evidenced by the fact that he hit on Tsunami daily, much to her displeasure. 

The princess remembered when she had first met Peregrine, on JMA's opening day. As she stood inside the Great Hall, greeting students, he had walked up to her, determination in his stance. When he reached her, Peregrine opened his mouth, and proceeded to say something that Tsunami would never, ever forget in her entire life.

"Hey, did it hurt when you fell from the sky? Because you're an angel."

Tsunami was utterly, completely speechless when those words came out of his mouth, and into her ears. She stared at the Skywing for a good few moments, who was starting to get uncomfortable by the awkward silence.

"What's your name?" Tsunami eventually asked, quietly. 

"Err, it's Peregrine, ma'am." He responded. Tsunami hummed as she looked through her papers.

"Alright, Peregrine. Your cave is down that hall, the second one on the right." Peregrine nodded.

"Got it." He then started to walk away, casting a nervous glance toward the Seawing.

"Oh! Peregrine! I almost forgot something. Come here for a moment, will you?" Tsunami suddenly called out. Peregrine turned around, surprised, before a grin broke out onto his face.

"Yes?" He replied, hopeful. Tsunami waited until he was close enough, and without warning, grabbed the Skywing roughly, bringing his head close to hers.

"Listen to me you little shit, and listen well. You ever say, you ever THINK about flirting with me again, and I'll pull your tongue out, and shove it up your ass so far it ends up in your stomach!" Tsunami growled, glaring at Peregrine as she uttered the threat.

The student looked nervous. "O-of course." He stuttered out. Tsunami then let the brat go, content that she scared him enough. She was about to continue with her work, when Peregrine turned around at the last second.

"See you later, beautiful!" He said, before running off at full speed. Tsunami stared after him.

"...I'm going to kill him."

Tsunami shook her head slightly, clearing her head of that memory. She glared at the shorter dragon, not wanting to deal with his antics.

"Got to say, I was having a pretty bad start to my day," the Skywing started. He then shot a cheeky grin at Tsunami. "Then I saw you."

Tsunami groaned, rubbing her temples. Though she would never admit it, she found Peregrine's flirts a little endearing, annoying as they were. "What are you doing up this early?" She asked him.

Peregrine grinned again. "To see your pretty face, of course!" At Tsunami's deadpan expression though, he hastily corrected himself.

"Uh, I... err..." Tsunami narrowed her eyes.

"Just spit it out."

"I... need help with my homework." Peregrine eventually admitted. Surprise filled Tsunami for a quick moment, before it was replaced with amusement.

"That's it?" She questioned, disbelieving. "You woke up this early just for homework help? Why didn't you ask your winglet?"

"Because," Peregrine began. "I made a bet with them, that if I get perfect scores on all my homework for a week, they have to do my bidding for a whole day!" 

Tsunami rolled her eyes. Of course it was a stupid reason like that.

Peregrine looked at her, hope in his eyes. "So, will you help me?" He pleaded.

Tsunami thought about it for a moment, debating whether she wanted to help him or not. Eventually, she decided.

"Ugh, fine." She grumpily agreed, her teacher side winning out. "Let's head to my classroom."


Later that day, when school had begun, Peregrine had a smug look on his face as he walked into class with the homework Tsunami had helped him with. The Seawing princess was one hundred percent certain that every question was correct, so when Peregrine came out of class with a sad expression on his face, Tsunami was suspicious. 

"What is it?" She asked. Peregrine looked at her, guilty.

"...I didn't get a perfect score." He admitted. Tsunami stared at him, in shock.

"What? How?" She demanded. "Did I get something wrong?" Peregrine looked down at the floor, somehow looking even more guilty.

"No. I..." He trailed off.


"...I forgot to write my name."


Tsunami stretched her wings, her legs, and every part of her body as she got off her bed after a good sleep. The Seawing was content, as for once, there were no rowdy students she had to deal with yesterday. It was relatively peaceful, and she climbed into bed with no stress in her mind.

Tsunami walked toward her door, ready to start the day. She exited her cave, and stepped into the quiet halls of Jade Mountain Academy. 

Spirits high, Tsunami turned a corner, and those spirits stayed high when she spotted a certain Skywing walking down the hall.

"Hi teacher!" Peregrine called out. 

"Hey, Peregrine." Tsunami replied. "Waking up early again?"

"Yup, couldn't wait to see my favourite teacher!" He grinned at her. "Speaking of which, you look really beautiful today, you know that?"

Tsunami rolled her eyes, but couldn't stop the faint tinge of red that appeared on her cheeks. Luckily, Peregrine didn't seem to notice it.

"Alright, what do you really want?" Tsunami asked. "I highly doubt that even you would wake up this early just to see me."

Peregrine held his talons up in surrender. "Okay okay, fine, you got me. I need your help again." He confessed.

Tsunami sighed. "What do you need? Did you make another bet again?" Peregrine scowled at the reminder.

"Of course not!" He grumbled. "My winglet still makes fun of me about it to this day."

Tsunami grinned. "And for good reason, too." That earned a glare from the Skywing.

"Whatever. Anyways, I need your help because I have to get into the history classroom," he explained. Tsunami raised a curious eyebrow at this.

"And why is that?" Peregrine hesitated before answering.

"...I forgot a scroll in there. And I was supposed to return it to the library yesterday," he admitted. Tsunami grimaced.

"Yeah, Starflight's gonna kill you if he finds out. He's super protective of his scrolls." She turned to Peregrine. "How did you forget it anyways? It's not like students here have to carry around a lot of things. Usually they just have homework, and even then there isn't a lot." 

A sheepish expression formed on Peregrine's face. "Would you believe me if I said that I lost it because I was busy thinking about you?"

Tsunami groaned, shaking her head. "Honestly? No." Peregrine grinned.

"Great! Then that's the reason. It's totally not because I dropped it while shooting spitballs at Webs while his back was turned. Nope, not at all." Tsunami stared at him.



"Oh look! We're at the history classroom. Awesome!" Peregrine quickly changed topics, sprinting ahead. Tsunami stared after him, before smiling, shaking her head fondly.

Tsunami went up to the door, where Peregrine was waiting nervously. She pulled out a set of keys from the satchel she was wearing, and unlocked the door, the creak of the wood echoing down the hall when she opened it.

Tsunami didn't visit the history cave often, mostly because Webs was the teacher there. She thought the grumpy old Seawing was boring, and awful to be around, and since he spent a lot of time in the cave, she avoided it whenever she could.

Tsunami followed Peregrine into the cave, and watched as he began looking around on the floor for the scroll. Her eyes followed him as he bent down under desks, where there was a lot of trash thrown around. The Seawing sighed. She really needed to yell at the students to clean up after themselves soon.

Peregrine kept walking around, looking for his scroll. Eventually, after a minute, his eyes lit up as he spotted it.

"Found it teacher!" He cried. Before he went to pick it up, however, a brilliant idea popped into his head. He smirked to himself as he imagined Tsunami's reaction to it.

Walking up to where the scroll was located: in the middle of a bunch of junk, Peregrine made sure Tsunami was watching him, before bending over and raising his ass as high as he could, his muscled behind on full view as he picked up the piece of parchment. Peregrine snuck a glance at his teacher, who was staring at him wide eyed and blushing.

"Like what you see, teach?" He teased.

"Yes," She immediately responded. Her face then got even redder as she realized what she just blurted out. "I-I mean no! I mean of course not! I mean what the hell do you think you're doing?" She spluttered. Peregrine laughed.

"What? You don't like the show?"

Embarrassed from having been caught staring, Tsunami tried to retort and failed, before giving up, muttering a few curses as she stormed out of the cave. Peregrine followed her out soon after, satisfied that he managed to catch the fierce Seawing off guard.

Tsunami grumbled to herself as she stomped over to her classroom. "This is the last time I'm helping him."


Tsunami attempted to stretch her wings, her legs, and every part of her body as she got off her bed after a good sleep, but instead of a satisfying crack of her bones, she let out a gasp as a familiar raging heat rose up within her.

No no no! Shit, how could I forget about this?! 

Tsunami panicked, panting heavily as the heat rose up again, this time flaring up from her lower regions instead.

Argh, I can't believe I forgot about the heat season!

Like every dragon in Pyrrhia, Tsunami went through her heat cycle once every year. For the Seawings, they had their heat close to the end of summer, when things were beginning to cool down. Usually Tsunami was ready for it, and planned ahead, taking leave until it was over. Unfortunately though, this year had been a hectic one, and she forgot about it until it had already started up.

The Seawing princess moaned, as she struggled to head to the door. She needed to tell one of her friends what was going on, and leave JMA before any student saw her.

As she reached the door, she opened it, and quickly closed it back as familiar talon steps echoed down the hallway.

Are you fucking serious? Of course he had to wake up early today of all days! Tsunami growled quietly, the heat slowly becoming more and more unbearable. Against her better judgement, she tentatively brought her talon down toward the source of her problems, and immediately regretted it when a moan escaped her lips as she rubbed a claw over her folds.

"Teacher?" Tsunami heard Peregrine calling out from right next to the door. "Are... you awake?"

Tsunami was seriously tempted to just tell the Skywing to get lost, but bit her tongue as to not let out another unwanted sound. She racked her brain, trying to figure out what to do, when a simple solution suddenly presented itself.

Tsunami's cheeks turned completely red.

What?! What is wrong with me? How could I even think about that...? With Peregrine?! 

Tsunami immediately tried to wipe out that thought from even attempting to manifest itself in her mind. Unfortunately, her body had other plans, as when it flared up again, the thought passed through her brain again. This time however, she didn't dismiss it as fast, and considered it for a moment.

He does have a nice ass. She thought, before scowling, annoyed that she could even consider that. 

Eventually, Tsunami finally got the courage to get up and tell Peregrine to leave, when suddenly, a wave of pleasure exploded within her body, her dripping entrance now at unbearable levels of heat. She had to give it her all had not to make a sound.

"Huh, guess you're asleep then." It seemed Peregrine was tired of waiting.

Fuck it.

Tsunami stood up, and opened the door just as Peregrine was turning to leave. He grinned when he saw her, but it slowly faded away as he noticed her 'condition'.

Tsunami took one look at Peregrine, and instead of seeing an annoying, flirty student, she saw a handsome, muscular Skywing male, a perfect choice for a mate.

I hate the heat season.

"Uh, teacher? Are you alr-?"

"Get in. Now." Tsunami interrupted him, grabbing the Skywing's arm and yanking him inside her room, closing the door after. Peregrine stumbled, surprised.

"Hey! What'd you do that for?" He demanded. Concern then formed on his face as he took a good look at Tsunami, noting her strained expression, her heavy pants, and the very suspicious puddle on the floor. "Oh! Uh, are you... okay?"

"I'm in heat." Wasting no time, Tsunami got straight to the point. She smirked slightly as Peregrine's face, with his red scales somehow managed to get even redder. The Skywing spluttered, as he tried to process what he just heard.

"What-! You're in- you- what!?" 

Tsunami took a deep breath, resisting the urge to tackle the dragon and fuck him until she couldn't move anymore. 

"I'm. In. Heat." She repeated. Clearly he didn't get the message, as Peregrine was still confused and embarrassed.

"But- but why are you telling me this?" Tsunami rolled her eyes.

"Peregrine, stop floundering around for one second, and use your brain. I just pulled you into my room, my private room, and told you that I'm in heat. Now, why do you think I'm telling you this?" Peregrine stared for a moment longer, before realization dawned on his face.

"You... you want me to... do it with you?" He said incredulously. Tsunami huffed, twitching impatiently.

"Don't get the wrong idea. You're just the first dragon I saw."


"Listen, are you gonna fuck me or not?" She snapped. 

Normally, Tsunami wouldn't have been so aggressive. But with her heat, and the fact that an eligible male was right in front of her, it was impossible to stay calm.

"Alright, fine. If you say so- OOF!" Peregrine was knocked off his talons as Tsunami barreled into him, pinning him to the floor. The Seawing princess licked her lips, before slamming her mouth to his, in an intense kiss.

"Mmmm~" Tsunami moaned, as Peregrine melted into the kiss, the smack of their lips encouraging them.

Tsunami shuddered, as Peregrine licked her bottom lip, requesting permission to go further. She eagerly obliged, her tongue slipping out and meeting his. She gripped and squeezed Peregrine's large arms, as he wrapped his own around her body, one around her neck, and one trailing her sides. She jerked her hips a bit, as she suddenly felt something poking her from behind, no doubt it was Peregrine's erection growing.

Eventually, after a few more seconds of making out, Tsunami had had enough. She pulled away, a thin trail of saliva still connecting them, and panted as she caught her breath. She then moved down Peregrine's body, until she could see his cock.

"I bet you've been wanting to do this for a while, haven't you?" She teased, brushing a claw on his tip. A gasp escaped from the Skywing. "How naughty~"

Peregrine cried out in pleasure, as Tsunami proceeded to wrap her talon around his thick member, pumping up and down slowly. As she continued, his cock grew more and more slick as pre-cum coated the pink flesh, Tsunami speeding up the slicker it was.

After it became extremely slippery, Tsunami stopped pumping the large member, satisfied that it was sufficiently lubricated. She climbed back onto Peregrine, lining up her entrance with his dick, the tip rubbing against her folds. The Skywing placed his talons on her sides to steady her, as Tsunami placed her own talons on the ground beside his head.

"You ready?" Peregrine asked. 

His question was answered as Tsunami slammed down onto him, his entire length filling her tight, hot pussy. They both let out moans of pleasure as she sat on his member, her walls stretching to accommodate his size.

After a few moments, Tsunami began moving upwards again, beginning a slow pace as she rode the smaller dragon. Peregrine let out noises of pleasure as the Seawing princess rolled her hips, her warm walls massaging his cock. He slid his talons up and down her curves, feeling every inch of her amazing body.

"Hah~ Ah~!" Tsunami's breathing sped up as her own hips sped up. She began riding Peregrine faster and faster, instinct taking over as his large member filled and rubbed against her walls. She cried out in ecstasy, as Peregrine moved his talons down from her sides to her hips, grabbing the soft flesh. He began pressing down whenever she went down, and humped his crotch upwards so he could thrust into her even harder. Tsunami's tongue lolled out of her mouth as her pussy was pounded, and she wrapped her arms around Peregrine's neck as his member slid in and out of her.

His thrusts becoming faster and more inconsistent, Tsunami could feel Peregrine reaching his limit. Her own climax was coming soon too, as she could feel her walls tightening even further around his length. 

Eventually, Tsunami reached her climax, and in an amazing scene, she screamed to the sky in pleasure as pure ecstasy filled every part of her body. And also, with one final slam, Peregrine buried his member as deep as he could within Tsunami before pulling out at the last moment, his cum erupting from his cock like a fountain. Tsunami could feel his warm fluid spraying onto her behind, her thighs and her stomach, the sensation causing her to sigh in content. After he finished, Tsunami rolled off of Peregrine, laying next to him on her back.

The two lied there in comfortable silence for a while, as they recovered. A minute later, Peregrine turned his head, looking over at her.

"...We're gonna be late for class, aren't we?"

Tsunami laughed, flipping over so she could wrap her arms and wings around the Skywing, and rested her head on top of his.

"That's fine by me."

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