A Change Of Family (on Hiatus)

By Moonaline

4.8K 59 159

AU where a 5-year old Crusher is adopted by the Blaze Fam and is raised with them. Prompt from BATMM_PP. More

Lost And Rescued
Growing Up Together
Moving To Axle City 1
Moving To Axle City 2
Moving To Axle City 3
The Jungle Horn
Truckball Team-Up
Mystery Bandit

Epic Sail

328 5 23
By Moonaline

Note: I'm not writing all of the eps. Just the ones that have... flair. Enjoy!

Blaze, AJ, Crusher, Pickle, Gabby and Stripes let out a cheer as they sped through the water in their sailboat of red, orange, lavender and blue. Crusher was at the steering, securing that they don't sail in the wrong direction. By his side, Blaze stood with a grin.

"Okay, crew!" he called out to them. "The wind is blowing this way. Let's turn the sail!"

"Aye aye, Captain Blaze!" AJ nodded with a salute. "Pull the mainsheet rope!"

"Yah!/Rawwr!" Gabby, Pickle and Stripes saluted and laughed as they turned the sail to the opposite side.

The wind blew their boat across the other part of the sea. Crusher laughed, also turning the steering to get in control of the wind while the others cheered.

"Well, it looks like the wind's calm today," the dark blue truck sighed in relief.

"This boat is amazing!" Gabby cried out.

"Of course it is!" Pickle squealed. "Crusher made it!"

"I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE THE CRUSHER, THE YOUNGEST INVENTOR OF ALL THE TIME, IS HERE!" Stripes yelled out, causing the dark blue truck to cringe.

"Oof!" Blaze laughed. "Man, Stripes, that was louder than Darry and Starla's when they found out, and you already knew it before them---"

"Wait, I DIDN'T!" Gabby gasped. "I DIDN'T EVEN RECOGNIZE HIM! WHAT?!"

"C-Come on, guys," Crusher cleared his throat, catching their attention. "can I NOT be a popular inventor for a day or two? Let me just be Crusher, your friend,"

"Yeah, guys," Blaze agreed with a nod. "Crusher's got a tons of fans when it comes to his inventions, and he doesn't really want anymore,"

"Alright, alright," Stripes nodded with a sigh. "But still, this sailboat's amazing! How do you guys make it go so fast?"

"The sailboat moves fast because it's powered by the wind," Crusher told them, motioning to the wind blowing against their sails.

"The wind?" Gabby and Stripes looked surprised.

"Yeah. It's using wind power," AJ confirmed with a nod.

"Wind has the power to push things. See?" Blaze explained further. "When wind blows against the sail, it pushes our boat forward through the water. That's wind power,"

"Wind power? Rawwr, I like it!" Stripes grinned.

Pickle nodded in agreement as they continued on with their ride, laughing and cheering as they sailed through the sea. Just as they did, a familiar voice from nearby came and spoiled their day.

"~My sailboat is the be-est! Yeah, yeah!~"

"Oh no..." Pickle groaned at the awful singing voice, as did Stripes, Crusher and Blaze. "It's-"

"~It sails so fast, 'cause I'm the best sailer in the whole ocean!~" they all turned to see Speedrick hoisting up his sail on his silver and maroon sailboat with an automatic hoisting mechanism.

"Speedrick," Blaze sighed before putting up a smile to act friendly. "Ahoy, Speedrick! Need some help?"

"Ha! I don't need help!" Speedrick scoffed. "My boat's one of a kind, all automatic, no work needed! Besides, my boat is way faster than yours, Blaze!"

"It's also my boat, idiot," Crusher deadpanned.

"And I don't know, Speedrick," Stripes smirked. "This boat is pretty fast!"

"Oh, yeah? Well then, let's have a race!" Speedrick returned the smirk, eyes landing on Crusher. "And I've got a pretty good idea what else I could win from winning it...~"

Crusher rolled his eyes and focused his view back to the front. Pickle glared daggers at the large white truck, prompting Blaze and AJ to hold him back, even when the red truck himself gritted his teeth. Only Stripes and Gabby were oblivious to the exchange.

"Okay!" the tiger truck agreed. "You're on!"

Blaze stared at him in disbelief, but before he could clarify what Speedrick wanted, Crusher held him back with a smirk and a wink. He reached for the sailboat's rope and folded the sails then he turned to the larger white truck.

"Sure! Sounds like fun!" he said. "Come on, let's line up!"

Speedrick's eyes lit up as he lined up with the other boat. Blaze and AJ didn't look comfortable with the arrangement, but another wink from their brother calmed them down. Pickle just ignored the larger truck and drove beside the dark blue truck, confident with his decision as Stripes went beside Blaze and AJ.

"Okay, racers!" Gabby held out a flag, moving to the front of the boat. "On your marks...get set... SAIL!"

Crusher released their sail, causing the next gust of wind to blow them forward powerfully. Their boat sent the other boat back, causing Speedrick to yelp and get knocked back as the others cheered. The white truck snarled and picked himself up before smirking.

"I ain't losing to those..." Speedrick snickered. "Well, looks like there's only one thing I can do to win this race: cheat!" He drove to the back of his boat and took out a machine. "A wild wave maker! This thing's gonna knock Blaze's boat right outta my way, and I'll win and take what's mine!"

He threw it down at the water, and it landed with a splash. He then took out a remote and pressed the red button. The wild wave maker started to make really big waves, which shook the boat a little. Speedrick cackled.

"That oughta stop Blaze!"

Truth be told, the huge waves began to shake Crusher and Blaze's boat, causing them to gasp.

"Whoa!... Whoa!" AJ, Gabby, Stripes, and Pickle hung onto the mast while Blaze went behind Crusher, who was gripping tightly to the steering as he tried to get the boat under control.

"Where did all these waves come from?!" the dark blue truck cried out with a hiss.

Gabby turned around and gasped. "It's Speedrick! He's making all these waves!"

"Of course..." Pickle grumbled.

"It's working!" Speedrick let out a cheer. "But I want these waves to be even bigger, bigger, bigger!!!"

He pressed the button repeatedly until it began to malfunction. Speedrick gulped, backing up as the remote broke.

"Uh... uh-oh," Speedrick turned to see his machine causing larger waves. "Oh, shoot, WAIT, TOO BIG- WHOOOOAAAA!!!!!"

He screamed as his boat was lifted by a giant wave towards Crusher and Blaze's boat. The crew gasped as they watched the wave move towards them.

"HANG ON, CREW!" Blaze warned them as he grabbed Crusher to pry him off the steering.

They grabbed onto the mast with the others, all of them screaming as their boat was lifted up by the huge wave. The wave threw them towards an island, throwing Speedrick's boat on one side while beaching the other boat on the other side. Soon, the waves calmed as the group gathered themselves up from what had just happened.

"Phew," AJ sighed in relief.

"Rawr!" Stripes growled and shook the sand off himself.

"Whoa," Blaze's eyes widened as he looked around. "We must have landed on a tropical island,"

"Uh-oh!" Pickle gasped. "Guys, look! Our sailboat's broken!"

The group turned and gasped to see the boat nearby, covered in seaweed and all broken up. Crusher drove forward and narrowed his eyes at their broken boat to analyze it before frowning.

"Pickle's right," he sighed. "Our sailboat's missing some really important pieces," He went around it to get a closer look. "We're missing the mast, we're missing the mainsheet, we're missing the steering... oh wait, here it is," He lifted the steering and set it down. "Oh, and worst of all... we're missing the sail!"

"Uh-oh!" Gabby let out a gasp. "Without those pieces, we can't use wind power!"

"That means we can't sail home!" Stripes cried out.

"Don't worry, guys," Blaze assured them. "Crusher and I'll figure out a way to get us home. Hey, Gabby, if we can find the missing pieces, can you fix our sailboat?"

"You bet I can!" Gabby nodded. "I can fix anything!"

"Here's the model to help," Crusher offered a blueprint to the mechanic.

"Thanks, Crusher!" Gabby smiled and set the blueprint as she took out her tools.

"Great!" Blaze beamed as AJ hopped onto his driver's seat. "Then let's go find those sailboat pieces!"

Him, Pickle, Crusher and Stripes cheered as they turned to start their search. They zoomed deeper into the island, heading towards the jungle.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the island, Speedrick was also shipwrecked.

"Yuck! Ick!" he shook off the seaweed from himself, yelping when his hair sprouted out messily and full of sand. "NO! Not my hair! Anything but my hair! Argh! I will make Blaze and his little friends pay for this!"

He shook the sand off of his hair and attempted to smoothen it down as he looked around and found his boat. It was also broken and missing a lot of parts.

"My sailboat is broken!" he whined. "Argh! I don't wanna work to fix it! But I wanna get home before Blaze does!"

He groaned and dragged himself around the beach, trying to find the pieces he need while trying not to get sand above his tires. He soon found a chunk of the boat's hull, causing him to sigh in relief.

"Oh, good, one part down- Hey!" Speedrick growled as the board moved when he tried to grab it. "What?!" He tried to grab it again, but he got the same result, causing him to snarl. "Ack! Who's doing that?!?"

The board was lifted, and a little crab popped out. Speedrick snarled and snatched the part.

"That's mine, little pest! And you can't have it!" he stuck out his tongue at the crab before mocking it. "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, you can't have it! You're nothing but an itty-bitty little- YOW!" he yelped when the crab pinched him at the nose. "STOP PINCHING ME, YOU BLASTED LITTLE PEST! OWOWOWOWOWOWOW! OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!"

He shook the crab off and drove away with a scowl. The crab giggled before slipping away.

Meanwhile, Crusher, Blaze, Pickle and Stripes were deep in the jungle in mid-search.

"Hmm..." Blaze looked around. "the mast to our sailboat has to be around here somewhere..."

They all stopped for a while, with AJ hopping out of the red truck's driver seat. Crusher hummed in thought, glancing around before turning to the tiger truck.

"Stripes, can you use your tiger sense to help us find it?" he asked.

"You've got it!" Stripes nodded and sniffed the air. "Ooh! I'm picking up a scent!"

He sniffed and drove forward to follow the scent. The others followed behind him as they made their way towards a cliff.

"The mast is somewhere over... there!" Stripes pointed to a big pool of green goo separating another portion of the island.

"There it is!" Pickle cried out, pointing to the mast stuck between two trees on the other side. "On that cliff way over there!"

"Yeesh," Blaze grimaced as he looked down at the goo. "How are we gonna get there without falling into that goo?"

"I can do it!" Stripes volunteered with a grin. "I'm great at jumping! I'll just jump from rock to rock! Watch this!" He stood back, his claws popping out from his tires. "Tiger claws! Rawwr!"

He proceeded to jump. Unfortunately, he couldn't make it to the rock and was left dangling over the edge of the cliff.

"Uh-oh! I didn't make it!" the tiger truck growled with a scream. "Raaaaawwwwrrrr!!! I'm slipping! AHHHHH!!!!"

"Hang on, Stripes!!" Blaze, Crusher and Pickle released their tow hooks and pulled him back to safety. "Gotcha!"

"You okay, Stripes?" AJ asked, walking over to him.

"Yeah," Stripes sighed. "It's just... I know I can make it if I had a little more power,"

Suddenly, the wind started to blow. Crusher glanced up at it before his eyes lit up.

"I know!" he turned to the tiger truck. "Stripes, you can use wind power!" Seeing the tiger truck's bewildered face, he explained further. "If you wait until the wind is blowing, it can push you, and help you jump farther!"

"I like it!" Stripes grinned excitedly. "But how will I know if the wind is blowing fast enough?"

"Ooh! This can tell us!" AJ took out a device. "It's an anemometer!"

"A... what now?" Stripes tilted his head.

"An anemometer measures how fast the wind is blowing," Blaze cleared out. "And the faster the wind blows, the more power it has to push you,"

The wind started to blow against them again. The anemometer began to spin, the speedcounter going up to a number.

"Huh," Pickle took a look at it. "Right now, it says the wind speed is 2,"

"But to push Stripes over to the rock, my visor said that the wind speed needs to be 6," AJ told them.

"Let's wait a while," Crusher said. "The wind's picking up,"

As he spoke, the wing began to blow harder and stronger. The anemometer spun faster now as the speedcounter slowly moved up. The group watched as Stripes stood, ready to jump. As soon as the number moved to 6, Blaze beamed.

"You can jump now, Stripes!"

"Rrrrrraaaaaawwwwwrrrrrrr!!!" Stripes leaped and made it to the rock successfully. "I made it! I felt the wind pushing me!" He then looked up and gulped. "Uh-oh, but the next rock is really far away!"

"Hmm..." AJ lowered his visor down again. "To get to the next rock, Stripes needs to jump when the wind speed is 10,"

More wind came blowing towards them. The anemometer spun fast again and increased it's speedcounter.

"Are we this lucky to have been stranded in an island during a windy day?" Pickle wondered.

"Nah, we chose to sail today because it's gonna be windy day," Crusher shook his head, taking out the screen to his weather scanner. "Being beached, however, is something I didn't predict..."

"It's 10 now, Stripes!" Blaze called out. "Jump!"

"Rrrrrrraaaaawwwwwrrrrrr!!!!!" Stripes made the jump, landing on the rock with ease.

"All right!" Blaze cheered.

"Yippee!" Pickle also cheered. "Go, Stripes, go!"

"Just one more jump to go!" AJ pointed out.

"Uh...guys?" Stripes glanced up at the rock then down at the goo. "This is the biggest jump yet! And I do NOT wanna land in that bubbling goo!"

"Don't worry, buddy! We'll help you!" Blaze assured him.

"Stripes is gonna need an even bigger push from the wind to reach that rock," Crusher told him.

"Crusher's right," AJ agreed, glancing at his visor. "To make it to the other side, he needs to jump when the wind speed is 16!"

More wind came, and the anemometer spun even faster. The group watched as the speedcounter went up little by little until it reached the exact number.

"Jump, Stripes!"

"RRRRRRAAAAAAAWWWWWWRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!" Stripes made the final jump and reached the other side, where the mast was. "Ha-ha! It worked! I got the mast!"

"Yeah!" AJ cried out.

"Way to go, Stripes!" Crusher cheered.

"RRRRRAAAAAWWWWRRRR!!!" Stripes held the mast and used it to pole vault back down to the others. "Whoo-hoo!"

"Nice jump!" Blaze high-tired with the tiger truck.

"Thanks, guys," Stripes smiled. "Now, let's take this mast to Gabby, so she can put it back on the sailboat!"

They turned around and zoomed off, heading out of the jungle and towards the beach, where Gabby was waiting for them.

Meanwhile, Speedrick was fitting the broken pieces to his own boat back into place. His hair was all messy, which he was loathing, but he ignored for the moment, eager to get back to Axle City and away from the island.

"Come on... get... in... there! Ha ha!" he set the piece in, but it came off and smacked him, causing him to fall. "Whoaoa!! Argh! Damn piece won't stand still! Ugh, this is why I hate working..."

He wiped the sweat off his forehead and smoothened his hair back before turning to look for another piece of his boat. He didn't want to bother searching the jungle- he was never risking leaves and bird feathers on his hair just to find boat pieces, so he searched the beach he was in until he found a piece on the palm tree.

"Ooh...goody!" Speedrick smirked and proceeded to shake the palm tree. "Come on down, you damn piece!"

Just as he did, however, the crab from earlier came down from the tree instead of the piece. It pinched him in the nose, causing him to yelp.


Speedrick shook the crab off before driving away with a scowl. He glared down at the crab, who laughed at his misfortune.

"Shut up, you little pest!" he scowled. "Ugh, first Blaze then this damn crab..."

Meanwhile, Blaze, Crusher, Pickle and Stripes were back in the jungle in search for their mainsheet rope. Stripes was leading and sniffing around for a lead.

"Guys, hold up!" he spoke, causing the group to stop. "I smell something!"

"What is it, Stripes?" Blaze asked.

"I think it's..." Stripes took another sniff. "Our rope!"

"There it is!" AJ pointed to a set of trees, where the rope revealed itself when the wind blew some leaves off of it. "The mainsheet is up in that tree!"

"Let's go get it!" Pickle cried out, but before he could drive forward, a monkey came from out of nowhere and swung to the tree.

The monkey glanced at the rope and grabbed it then he hurried away with it, jumping and swinging away.

"Oh, no!" Stripes gasped. "That monkey just grabbed it! And now he's getting away!"

"Don't worry, Stripes," Crusher assured him. "Blaze and I can catch that monkey,"

"Yeah!" Blaze agreed with an excited grin.

Their rears flipped up, and their boosters popped out, igniting with blue flames. They glanced at each other with a nod before crouching down, their boosters igniting red-gold and lavender-blue.

"Leeeeet's Blaze!!"

They zoomed off and chased after the monkey. The monkey spotted them and sped up, hurrying down a giant vine.

"Look!" AJ pointed over. "The monkey is sliding down that vine!"

"Then we better follow!" Crusher jumped onto the vine.

"HANG ON, AJ!" Blaze followed after his brother, both of them cheering as they slid down to follow after the mischievious little monkey.

Soon, they came to a stop when they saw the vine split.

"Uh-oh," Crusher frowned. "The vine splits in different directions, and we don't know which way the monkey went!"

"Let's use my visor to figure out which way to go," AJ offered, lowering his visor. "My visor says the monkey slid down the vine with two loops,"

"So that's where we'll have to go!" Blaze nodded.

The brothers slid down the loops with a cheer. They soon found the monkey, who was rushing further ahead.

"Look, there's the monkey!" Crusher cried out, zooming to the front. "C'mon!" Just as he did, they came upon another split, prompting both of them to skid to a stop. "Gaskets! Another split!"

"Which way did he go this time, AJ?" Blaze asked, looking up at their little brother.

"This time, the monkey slid down the vine that has a loop and a zigzag," AJ informed them before pointing to the vine. "That one over there!"

"Here we GO!" Blaze took the lead this time, zooming down with AJ. "Whoooo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!"

Crusher chuckled and followed behind, letting out his own cheer as they both rode down the vine. They soon reached the bottom and found the monkey next to a cliff. Blaze gasped.

"There's the monkey with our mainsheet!"

The monkey turned to them, lowering the mainsheet down and making sad noises. The brothers exchanged a sad glance.

"Uh-oh. He looks sad," AJ pointed out.

"Yeah," Blaze nodded in agreement. "He's trying to get something from that hole, but he can't reach it,"

Crusher looked down the cliff, and his eyes lit up in realization. "It's his banana!" He turned to the monkey and patted it's head gently. "Don't worry, monkey. We'll help you get your banana, right, guys?"

"Right," Blaze smiled and gave a nod. "Ready, AJ?"

AJ nodded as he hooked Blaze's tow hook to his belt. "Ready!"

"Be careful!" Crusher told him as he watched their little brother hop down to get the banana.

"I will! Don't worry!" AJ spoke as he reached down before grabbing the banana. "Got it!" He slowly climbed back up, hopping on the ground then he turned to the monkey. "Here you go, little fella,"

The monkey rejoiced, taking the banana into his arms. AJ laughed as he was hugged by the giggling monkey.

"Aww. You're welcome," the kid smiled and ruffled it's head. "Now, can we please have our mainsheet back? We need it for our sailboat,"

The monkey nodded and lets out an affirmative sound. AJ grinned and gently took the rope.

"Thanks, monkey,"

The monkey leapt happily before leaving. AJ giggled as he stood up and held out the rope.

"Now, let's get this back to Gabby, Pickle and Stripes," Crusher suggested.

"Good idea," Blaze gave a smile and a nod before they all turned to rejoin their friends and fix their sailboat.

Back on the beach, Gabby, Pickle and Stripes were fixing the boat some more.

"Hey, guys!" Crusher called out to them. "We got the mainsheet!"

"All right!" Stripes cheered as AJ got off of Blaze's driver seat.

"Yippee!" Pickle clapped his tires happily.

"Nice work, you guys!" Gabby smiled and gently got the rope from them. "Now, let's reattach it to our boat,"

"That means there's only one piece left to find: the sail," Crusher told them, motioning to the blueprint in his tires as Gabby attached the mainsheet back to their sailboat. "That'll give our boat wind power,"

Suddenly, the wind picked up. Just as it did, the sail flew over their heads.

"Guys, look!" Stripes's jaw dropped. "There's our sail!"

"Lugnuts! It's blowing away!" Blaze hissed. "Come on, we're gonna need everyone's help to catch that sail!"

Gabby and AJ nodded before hopping onto Blaze's driver seat then the whole group sped off to catch up with their sail.

Meanwhile, Speedrick was repairing his sailboat poorly.

"Yes!" he cried out in victor, thinking that his boat was stable enough to float. "My boat is almost fixed! All it needs now is the sail!"

He looked around and found the sail on the sand, with the crab sleeping under it. He huffed and grabbed the sail, pulling on it hard.

"GIVE ME THAT!" he yelled out, but the crab was stubborn and wouldn't give, causing the sail to suddenly rip at the white truck's strength. "Oh, no! That damn pest made me rip it! My sail is ruined! How could this day get any worse!?!?"

The crab huffed and pinched him for the third time. Speedrick yelped and shook the crab off him. The crab giggled before crawling away. The white truck glared at it as he watched it leave.

"Great! Now what?!" he roared out, stomping the ground.

Suddenly, the wind picked up, and he looked up to see the sail to Blaze and Crusher's boat fly over his head. His eyes lit up before smirking.

"Well, well, isn't this my lucky day?" he then zoomed off after the sail in an attempt to catch it.

Meanwhile, in the jungle, Crusher, Blaze, Pickle and Stripes were following their sail when it landed on top of a mountain.

"Look!" AJ pointed to the sail. "There it is!"

"We need to get it down!" Pickle cried out.

"You wish!" the group looked over to Speedrick already starting to climb the mountain.

"Speedrick?!" Stripes yelled out.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Gabby demanded.

"I'm gonna get that sail! Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh!" Speedrick cackled.

"You can't take out sail!" AJ cried out.

"I can and I WILL!" Speedrick chuckled before stopping and smirking down at them. "Well, unless we can make a compromise~"

"What kind of compromise?" Stripes narrowed his eyes at him.

"WE WILL NOT COMPROMISE WITH WHATEVER YOU'RE THINKING OF!" Pickle roared out, causing the tiger truck and the mechanic jump at his angry tone.

"Aw, too bad then," Speedrick snickered as he turned and drove off.

"What was that about?" Gabby asked as she and AJ dismounted.

"Speedrick wants a date with Crusher," AJ replied with a growl. "As if we're gonna let him after almost harassing him at that alley way weeks ago,"

"We have gotta get up that mountain before he does!" Blaze hissed. "But how?"

Suddenly, the wind blew against them. Crusher's eyes lit up at the feeling of the wind.

"Hey, I know!" he told them. "We can get to the sail super fast if we use wind power!"

"Great idea!" Pickle cheered. "But how?"

"We can use a kite," AJ suggested. "Kites use wind power to push them high in the sky,"

"But where are we gonna get a kite?" Stripes asked.

"Crusher and I can BE kites!" Blaze beamed.

Crusher nodded as the parts they needed suddenly materialized around them; the flying line, the reel, the frame and the cover. The brothers let out a cheer as they jumped and transformed.

"We are Kite-Flying Mmmmonster Machines!!"

"Whoa!" Stripes gasped.

"You guys make awesome kites!" Gabby said.

"Thanks, guys!" Blaze grinned "Now grab onto those reels!"

AJ and Pickle held onto Crusher's reel while Gabby and Stripes held onto Blaze's. The wind blew against them once more, and the brothers soared up into the air with a cheer.

"It's working!" Gabby cried out. "The wind is pushing you guys higher!"

"Whoo-hoo!" Blaze let out another cheer, causing Crusher to laugh as they flew towards the mountain.

Speedrick was cackling to himself as he was almost to the top.

"Finally, that sail is all mine!" he spoke, but just as he did, Blaze and Crusher flew over him. "WHAT?!"

"See ya around, Speedrick!" Blaze grinned as he and his brother soared up and grabbed the sail.

"NO! NOT FAIR!" Speedrick growled, his eyes up at the duo before he slammed into a palm tree, causing coconuts to drop and hit him on the hood. "I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS, BLAZE!"

"Is it just me?" Blaze rolled his eyes as they were turned and reeled down by their friends.

"His favoritism for me is creepy," Crusher gagged. "Bet he'll be obssessed for years,"

"I have a feeling that's gonna be accurate," Blaze sighed as their tires touched the ground. "Hey, guys! We got the sail!"

"Raaaawr!! That was amazing, guys!" Stripes cheered.

"Totally awesome!" Pickle agreed with a beaming grin.

"Thanks," Crusher smiled as the brothers detransformed back into Monster Machines.

"Now, let's put this sail back on our boat so we can all go home!" Blaze said as Gabby and AJ hopped back on him.

Truth be told, pretty soon, their boat was fixed and was floating back on the water. Gabby and Pickle raised the sail, allowing the wind to push against it.

"Ta-da!" the mechanic grinned. "Our boat is fixed!"

"Nice work, Gabby!" Blaze said.

"Yeah!" Stripes gave a nod of agreement. "Now we can sail back to Axle City!"


"Oh boy..." Pickle groaned. "Here comes..."

"Guess what, slowpokes?" the group turned to see Speedrick sailing on his wrecked-looking sailboat, covered in seaweed while a pair of giant pants was held up like a sail. "I fixed my sailboat first!"

"Uh, Speedrick... your boat doesn't look very fixed," Crusher pointed out.

"And that's not a sail," AJ snorted. "It's a pair of pants!"

"Ha! We'll see about that, lightning boy!" Speedrick scoffed and proceeded to sail away. "~My sailboat is the best boat! It's number one!~"

"~Except for the fact that it's sinking!~" Pickle sang with a snicker as they watched holes from the boat sprout out water.

"Sinking?!?" Speedrick looked down at his boat and screamed. "HEEEEEEELP!"

"Quick, we've got to help them!" Blaze cried out.

"Do we have to?" Pickle and AJ whined.

"Yes, we have to," Crusher agreed with a sigh. "Let's go!"

"Aye aye, Captains!" Stripes saluted and turned the sail so the wind pushed them towards Speedrick's sinking boat.

"Here! Grab onto this!" Blaze tossed a life preserver to the white truck, who grabbed onto the preserver tightly.

"Th-Thanks," Speedrick grumbled. "But this doesn't count as a rescue!"

"Wouldn't dream of it," Blaze rolled his eyes.

"Now let's set sail for Axle City!" Crusher beamed, turning the steering to the direction of the sail.

"Wa-hoo!" Gabby cheered. "We're goin' home!"

Everyone else let out a cheer as the wind pushed them forward. Speedrick sighed, huffing as he was dragged with the life preserver.

"Well, at least I can finally relax," he sighed in relief. "Yup! From here on out, it's smooth sailin'- OW!" He yelped as the crab pinched him again, causing him to attempt to shake it off. "OW! OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW! DAMMIT! I HATE YOU, BLAZE!"

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