Wings of Fire Lemons | Rare P...

By violetrose84

59.9K 340 2K

Uncommon, rare, or non-existent pairings will be posted here. Slow updates. I don't take requests. More

Winter x Glory
Turtle x Icicle
Clay x Moon
Fem!Deathbringer x Addax
Strongwings x Glory
Tsunami x Peregrine
Flame x Fem!Turtle
Blaze x Cirrus
Peacemaker x Fem!Jade Winglet
Narwhal x Moon

Snowfall x Riptide

3.7K 30 184
By violetrose84

"Alright, just get it together Snowfall."

The Icewing queen's mind raced as she flew towards the Seawing palace. Today, there was supposed to be a meeting between the Icewing and Seawing ambassadors, to discuss talks of a trade deal. Unfortunately though, just a few days prior, Alba, the Icewing representative had fallen ill, and therefore was unable to attend the meeting. Panicking, Snowfall then decided that she herself would go in her place, ignoring Alba's protests that she shouldn't. Now, she wished that she had listened to her, as she was now severely regretting her choice.

"Ugh, stupid stupid me. Why did I volunteer myself?" Snowfall grumbled.

As the Summer Palace came into view, her guards flew closer to her as she neared the building. Flying quickly, she reached the palace a few minutes later, where she was received by a few Seawing guards. Landing on the ground, the guards escorted her to a fancy room. When she entered, Riptide, the Seawing ambassador greeted her.

"Ah, Alba. It's a pleasure to meet y- Queen Snowfall?" The Seawing nearly tripped over himself, as he noticed that it was Snowfall, not Alba standing there. "Y-your Majesty! What are you doing here? I don't recall you notifying us of your arrival!"

Snowfall sighed. "That's because I wasn't supposed to be here," she explained. "A few days ago, Alba fell ill, so she wasn't able to attend the meeting. I then elected to come in her stead, as this talk is too important to postpone."

At hearing this, Riptide's eyes widened, fear in his expression. "Y-you're the ambassador?" He said weakly. Snowfall narrowed her eyes.

"Is there a problem?"

"No! No, no problem!" Riptide laughed nervously. "Just, it's a surprise, that's all!" Snowfall narrowed her eyes even further, suspicious of his behaviour.

"Right... anyways, let's get started, shall we?" Riptide nodded.

"Of course! Of course. Uh, how about I show you around first? It's customary for us to give a tour of the palace to new visitors."

Snowfall sighed, before agreeing. "Very well then. Do what you must."

"Alright then, follow me!"

Riptide led Snowfall out of the room, where she followed him down the hall. She told her guards to stay behind, as bringing them along would be seen as her distrusting the Seawings. Walking side by side with Riptide, she took a moment to take a good look at him. 

Riptide was tall, a bit larger than she was. He looked strong, with the build of a past soldier, which Snowfall could appreciate. And though she tried not to think about it, the Seawing was quite easy on the eyes, with a friendly, approachable looking face. He also seemed to have a decent personality, which Snowfall was glad for; this trip might not be as bad as she thought.

Snowfall snapped to attention as Riptide began speaking. They were now in a hall filled with paintings, of Seawings adorned with jewels.

"This is the Hall of Rulers," he explained. "And these are all the past queens of the Sea Kingdom. That one there is Queen Seahorse, who was known for being an exceptionally gifted tactician, winning many battles with her intellect. The dragon next to her is her daughter, Queen Whitetip. She, like her mother was also extraordinarily intelligent, yet she was also kind and compassionate as well. She cared for all Seawings, and spent her whole life improving the lives of everyone."

Snowfall nodded, resisting the urge to yawn. "How admirable," she said.

Riptide shot her an amused look. "Yeah, this is a bit boring, isn't it? I never did enjoy history. Come on, I'll show you something better."

Snowfall followed, as Riptide headed down the hall, and turned right into a doorway. After a minute more of walking, they finally arrived in a large room, filled with glass cases that housed many different objects.

"Here is where we store important artefacts," Riptide spoke. "Everything, from weapons, to artwork, to jewelry is stored here."

Snowfall hummed, curiosity piqued. "Interesting..." she murmured. The Icewing went over to a case, which contained a sword. Studying it, the weapon was clearly meant for a ceremonial purpose, as it wasn't practical at all. First, the blade was curved, with deep complex markings carved into the steel. Secondly, there were gems implanted into the handle, which looked to be made from a type of wood she didn't know about. The sword was beautiful, Snowfall thought, even though it wasn't actually very useful in combat.

She stopped admiring the blade, and went to another case, this one housing a piece of armour instead. Snowfall looked at many different artefacts, most of them having to do with fighting. She couldn't lie, she was fascinated by them, as the designs were completely different than the ones back at the Ice Kingdom.

"Ha! You really like your weapons, huh?" Riptide teased. Snowfall straightened up.

"Icewings are raised as warriors from birth," she explained. "We are taught to use every type of weapon we can. So seeing what the weapons of other tribes look like interests me." Riptide nodded.

"Makes sense."

Finished looking around, Snowfall prepared to leave the area, and finish the tour. She couldn't spend the whole day just walking around after all. She had things to do. But as she went to leave, something caught her eye at the last second. Walking up to the object in interest, Snowfall hummed in appreaciation as she looked at the Aquamarine necklace behind the glass.

"You like it?" Riptide suddenly appeared behind Snowfall, startling her a bit. He shot an apologetic smile. "Sorry, my bad."

"It's fine. And yes, I do like the necklace," Snowfall said. "It's very pretty."

Riptide grinned. "Yeah, it sure is." He paused. "A shame it's locked up, though. Would've looked good on you. A pretty necklace for a pretty dragon." 

It was only after the words left his mouth, that Riptide realized he had just hit on the Icewing queen. An 'oh shit' expression quickly formed on his face.

Snowfall, to her credit didn't miss a beat. "How professional." She deadpanned, unimpressed. Riptide blushed, extremely embarrassed.

"Oh, fuck!" He blurted out. "Ah, sorry, I don't know what got over me. Uh, I must have been spending too much time with one of my friends. He, err, is pretty flirty." Snowfall rolled her eyes.

"Of course. Sounds like a nuisance."

"Haha, yeah. Very annoying." The Seawing paused awkwardly. "Ah, how about we continue on with the tour now? There's a lot more to see." Snowfall shook her head.

"Actually, how about we just skip the rest, and get on with the talks? There's a lot we need to discuss, and the sooner we get to it the better." Riptide looked surprised for a second, before tipping his head down.

"Yeah, I can do that. Come on then, I'll take you to the meeting room."

After a few minutes of walking, Riptide and Snowfall arrived at a medium sized room. Inside, there was a large round conference table, with two seats at each end. Sitting down, Riptide gestured for Snowfall to do the same, and once she did, the meeting began.

"So, Your Majesty. I trust you know of our demands?" Riptide asked, tone now extremely professional. Snowfall nodded. Even if her coming here was a last minute decision, she still knew the details.

"Yes," she replied. "In exchange for shipments of iron and spruce wood, the Seawings will lend their aid in the rebuilding of our homes."

"Correct. Those blizzards destroyed many of your villages, we couldn't ask for too much." Riptide affirmed solemnly. "It's the least we could do."

"I'm very grateful to hear that," Snowfall thanked. "Your help is highly appreciated."

"You're very welcome," Riptide responded, smiling a little as he bowed his head.

"Okay, he's pretty cute," Snowfall thought, before she swiftly banished the thought from her head. "ARGH, Snowfall you moron! Stop having inappropriate thoughts about the Seawing! He literally did the same thing earlier, you're better than him!" Snowfall attempted to keep her face impassive as she tried to calm her mind down. She must have done a good job of it, as Riptide didn't notice a thing, and kept speaking.

"...and we still need to determine how long you will be borrowing our workers for." He finished. Snowfall nodded, pretending to have been listening.

"Right," she agreed. "So, six of our villages were destroyed in the snowstorms. Fortunately, those six were some of the smaller villages, with around eight homes in each one. If I had to guess... if at least one home can be repaired per week, then I'm only going to need your workers for forty eight weeks at the most."

Riptide hummed, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Forty eight weeks," he murmured. "Are you sure about that?"

"I'm sure," Snowfall insisted. "In fact, it'll most likely take less than that. Icewing homes are made from ice and snow, meaning that they're extremely simple to build. At the very max, it should only take a year to rebuild everything."

"A year..." Riptide trailed off, deep in thought. "Yes, a year. I can do that." The Seawing then stood up, and reached out his talon toward Snowfall. "It's settled, then. We will lend you our dragons for a year maximum, in exchange for your resources."

A quick moment passed, before Snowfall stood up too, reaching out her talon and grasping it in his, shaking it firmly.

"It's a deal."

Riptide grinned. "Great! I'm glad we could reach this agreement quickly." 

"As am I." Snowfall agreed.

Seeing as they finished so soon, it was still in the afternoon when their meeting ended. Without anything to do, Snowfall needed a way to pass the time. An idea popping up, she went over to Riptide to suggest it.

"Say, now that we're finished, why don't we continue that tour of yours?" She asked. At hearing this, a brief flash of fear passed over the Seawing's face, before disappearing. Suspicion rose up within Snowfall, but she didn't comment on it.

"Oh!" He laughed nervously. "Continue the tour? You're... not leaving yet?" 

"...Of course not," Snowfall narrowed her eyes. "I'm staying the night here. Don't you know that?"

"Well, yeah." Riptide admitted. "But... it's still the afternoon. There's more than enough time to fly back to your kingdom, right?" Snowfall narrowed her eyes even further, suspicion at an all time high.

"Is there something I'm not aware of?" She questioned, getting in his face. "Why do you want me to leave so badly?" 

Riptide leaned back, sweat dripping off his face almost comically. "Uhhhh..." He looked around frantically, trying to find an escape route, before noticing that the door was slightly open. ".....So you want to continue the tour? Surethingthenlet'sgo!" The Seawing blurted, before bolting out the door faster than Snowfall could react.

The Icewing queen stared after him, face blank.


The rest of the day went smoothly enough. Snowfall managed to catch up with Riptide, but despite her best efforts, she couldn't get him to tell her why he was so nervous earlier, and she dropped the topic after a while. She then spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the palace, which she had to admit was rather beautiful, and interesting. Once evening came around, Snowfall attended dinner with the royal family, and almost passed out from the sheer boredom of it. Nothing interesting was being said, and the fact that she had to be extremely polite didn't help either. So, when it was finally over, and she got to head to her room for the night, Snowfall was ecstatic, though she didn't show it.

"Come, I'll escort you to your quarters, Your Majesty." Riptide offered to her. Snowfall blinked, before nodding. It was strange seeing him act so formal, when he was normally more laid-back. The royal family was in the same room though, so she wasn't surprised.

As they were about to leave, however, Snowfall overheard something that had her stop dead in her tracks.

"Try to keep the noises down when you do it, will you?" Snowfall whipped her head around, and saw Riptide blushing furiously as Princess Anemone cackled.

"Shut up!" He exclaimed.

"Shut up about what?" 

"AH!" A yelp escaped Riptide, as he turned around to find Snowfall standing there, glaring at him. "Err, nothing?" Snowfall continued to glare.

"Wait, has he not told you yet?" Anemone gaped at her, before bursting out in laughter. "Oh, geez! That's hilarious!"

"Told me what?" Snowfall asked. Anemone opened her mouth to answer, before Riptide quickly closed it with his talons.

"Shut up! Don't tell her!" He cried. Snowfall growled in annoyance, tired of the Seawing's antics. She grabbed him by the shoulders, and pulled him in close with a threatening look.

"Tell. Me." She demanded. Fear was all over Riptide's expression now, as he looked back and forth from Snowfall's glare, to Anemone's shit eating grin. 

"...I'll tell you once we're in your room," he finally said. Snowfall growled again, debating just forcing the answer out of him right now. She didn't want to cause a scene, though, so she eventually agreed.

"Fine," she spat out. "But if you don't, then I promise you, I will freeze every single scale on your body, break you apart, then freeze every single organ in your body, until you're nothing but ice. Got it?" Riptide nodded so fast, Snowfall thought his head would snap right off.

"Good. Now, let's go." She let go of Riptide, and headed off into the hallway. Riptide took a moment to recover, before scurrying after her, leaving Anemone standing there with a huge smirk on her face.

"This oughta be interesting," she muttered.

Snowfall moved at a brisk pace, storming down the palace. In the middle of her walk, though, she realized that she didn't actually know where her quarters were, and so she reluctantly slowed down for Riptide to catch up. The Seawing was panting heavily by the time he managed to reach her, and Snowfall glanced at him, unimpressed.

"Are you seriously this tired already?" She asked.

"I-I'm not built for endurance," Riptide wheezed out. Snowfall raised her eyebrow.

"It was only one hundred metres," she pointed out. She then rolled her eyes when Riptide waved her off. "Weakling. Anyways, you better hurry up and show me to my room. I want to know what you've been keeping from me all day." Riptide hesitated for a moment, like he wanted to argue, before giving up and nodding.

"Follow me," he said.

A few minutes later, the two finally arrived at Snowfall's chambers for the night. Heading inside, Snowfall made a noise of approval as she looked around. The room was fancy, with lots of space and a plush carpet on the ground that felt amazing to her talons. There was a canopy bed on the wall to the left, that looked big enough for two dragons to sleep comfortably on it. It also had velvet red covers and curtains, too. In fact, the whole room was red, Snowfall realized. The walls were painted a dark red, the carpet was red, everything was red. It created a very... intimate and romantic mood. There was also a dresser, a nightstand, and some other furniture that she didn't care about as well.

Snowfall went straight to the bed, sitting down on it and looking toward Riptide expectantly.


Riptide looked like he wanted to leave right then and there. And he most likely would have, if he wasn't certain Snowfall would've chased him down and obliterated him for it. So, seeing as he didn't have any other choice, he steeled himself, preparing for the inevitable outrage.

"In Seawing culture, there is... a tradition we follow," he started. "It began a few hundred years ago, when tensions were high with the Skywings. We were on the brink of war, so in a last ditch effort, we invited them to negotiate a deal. They agreed, and sent their ambassador over: a dragon named Finch. Once she arrived, she met with our representative: Hurricane. According to the documents, they got off on the wrong talon at first, and things were looking grim. They went into their meeting to negotiate, and everyone pretty much accepted by then that there was going to be war. But then, the unthinkable happened." Riptide paused for dramatic effect.

"When they came out of the meeting, the ambassadors weren't angry, or furious. In fact, they weren't even tense! When they came out, they were laughing! As if they didn't just decide the fate of two tribes! When asked about it, Hurricane merely said that there wasn't going to be a war, and then he went right back to laughing with Finch! For the rest of the day, they acted like that. Like they were good friends, and the rocky start they had, didn't happen at all. But you know what the crazy part is? Everything I just said, wasn't the reason for the tradition we follow now. The reason, is what happened after. Hurricane offered to escort Finch to her quarters after the dinner, and she agreed. The two then proceeded to walk into her room... and subsequently no one exited it for the rest of the night." Riptide had an embarrassed look on his face as he said that. "So, you can probably guess what the reason for that was."

Snowfall stared, mouth slightly open. "Oh."

"By the next morning, the news had spread, and everyone in the Sea Kingdom knew what had happened. It was all anyone could talk about! It was so spoken about, in fact, that on that same day, the King during the time jokingly made a new decree: After any successful deal, negotiation, or treaty, the ambassadors are to spend the night together, and 'ensure' that there will be good relations between the tribes." Riptide had a mortified expression at this point, his cheeks completely red. "And even though it was meant to be a joke, it became a tradition anyways." He looked back to Snowfall, who had a contemplative look on her face. "So there, that's what I've been embarrassed about all day."

Snowfall didn't reply immediately, instead fixing him with a carefully neutral look. Eventually, she spoke.

"So... I'm guessing we have to... 'ensure good relations between our tribes' now, since I'm the ambassador," she said.

"Huh? Wha- no! Of course not!" Riptide exclaimed. "No, it's just a stupid tradition. You don't actually have to do it! We would never force a dragon to mate without their consent!"

"Hm, good." Snowfall replied. Riptide looked around awkwardly.

"W-well, if that's all, then I guess I'll just leav-"

"Wait!" The Seawing stopped in surprise at the voice, as he looked back at Snowfall. "Err, yes?" He asked, confused.

"I have something to ask," she simply responded. Riptide became even more confused.

"Yyyyyes? Uh, what is it?"

Snowfall hesitated for the briefest moment, before speaking. "How many dragons have... actually followed this tradition, in the past?"

Riptide stared at her, caught off guard by the question. He racked his brain as he tried to remember.

"Ummmmmmmmm," he mumbled. "Everyone, I think. Yeah, every Seawing ambassador has followed this tradition, if I recall correctly."

Snowfall smirked slightly at his answer. "Everyone, hmm? So... that would mean you would be the first to skip out on it, right?" She teased, getting off the bed and sauntering up to the Seawing.

Riptide blushed, clearly flustered. "H-hey, that's not-" He was cut off, as Snowfall placed a gentle claw on his mouth, shushing him.

"Well, we can't break the streak now, can we?" She purred.

Riptide's jaw dropped. He widened his eyes in shock, not believing what he just heard. He was about to protest, when Snowfall suddenly leaned forward, and pressed a kiss to his neck, wrapping her wings around him. Riptide let out a sharp gasp, as Snowfall sucked on the soft scales, causing him to shiver in pleasure.

"Ah~!" He moaned. Snowfall grinned, as she moved up, kissing the underside of his snout, and caressing his cheek. It was only at this point that Riptide realized what was happening, and pulled away.

"H-hey, wait!" He cried. "A-are you sure you want to do this?"

Snowfall glared at him. "No, I just kissed you for no reason at all. Of course I want to do this!"

Riptide looked nervous. "But you're the Icewing queen! The queen! Isn't it, like, illegal or something? Won't I get executed for doing this?"

"Well, yeah. You probably would," Snowfall admitted. She then shot him a teasing smirk, moving up close to his ear. "But it's not like the Icewings have to know, right?" She whispered.

Riptide blushed madly at this, which Snowfall found adorable. Leaning in, she intended to continue what they were doing earlier, when Riptide moved away again.

"W-wait a second, just one more question, I promise!" He said. Snowfall growled in irritation, this close to just pouncing on the Seawing and having her way with him.

"What!?" She snapped. Riptide flinched a little, before replying.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked. "I mean, why do you want to... mate with me? I'm a Seawing, and you're the Icewing queen!"

Snowfall shrugged. "To be honest, I'm just pent up. Being queen really takes a lot out of you," she explained. "Plus, you're pretty hot, so that's a bonus."

Riptide blinked. "Oh. Right. Of course."

Snowfall grinned. "Great!" 

The Icewing then subsequently wrapped her arms around Riptide, and pulled him in for a kiss. Riptide stiffened in surprise for a moment, before relaxing, kissing back fervently. He groaned, as Snowfall deepened the kiss, and slowly pushed him back, until he was against the wall. Eventually, they pulled apart, a thin trail of saliva connecting them together.

"How about we take this somewhere more comfortable?" Snowfall suggested breathlessly, motioning to the bed. Riptide nodded, a little dazed, and the two quickly jumped onto the bed, the soft mattress infinitely better than the floor.

Once they were on it, Snowfall immediately tackled Riptide, pinning the larger dragon down, careful not to hurt his wings. She had a mischievous look on her face as she leaned down again, and pressed her mouth to his.

"Mmm~ she moaned, as Riptide licked at her lips. She kept one talon on his shoulder, keeping him down, while trailing the other down his body. Riptide shivered and gasped, grabbing Snowfall's muscular arm as her cool talon rubbed and squeezed his torso. However, nothing could compare to the cry of pleasure he made, when Snowfall brought her talon down to his crotch, and brushed her claw against his member, which was already semi-hard and poking out.

"Ah, fuck!" Riptide cried. 

"Heh, you like that?" Snowfall said. She rubbed his length again, causing it to harden even faster. It quickly rose up to it's full height, and Snowfall stared at it in awe.

"Impressive," she muttered, before she wrapped her talon around the large tool, and gave it an experimental pump.

"OH~" A satisfied look appeared on Snowfall's face, as Riptide let out a loud moan. She began stroking the Seawing's cock, as precum leaked out of the tip. Pumping faster and faster, Snowfall eventually bent down, and using her long tongue, licked his member slowly from the base to the tip.

Now this got a reaction out of Riptide. He almost tore the sheets with how hard he was grabbing them, his sounds of pleasure like music to Snowfall's ears as she took his cock in her mouth, and began sucking. She slurped his length, the large tool reaching down her throat as she went as deep as she could.

"Yes~" Riptide groaned, as Snowfall swirled her tongue around his cock, tasting every inch of it. "You're- ah~ really good at this, you know?" Snowfall, with a loud pop, took his member out of her mouth, and grinned.

"Perks of being queen," she replied, stroking his shaft. "If you want some... experience, you can just order dragons to fuck you! Who would turn down a queen?" Riptide chuckled.

"Ha! Never thought the Queen of the Icewings would be such a slut," he teased. He instantly regretted saying this, however, as his comment obviously wasn't taken well by the Queen in question.

Stopping mid-lick, Snowfall glared daggers at Riptide, as she slowly rose up to her full height and spread her wings, towering over the Seawing in an intimidating display. With one swift movement, Snowfall straddled Riptide, and pinned down his arms with her own, easily keeping him down with her muscular body. Still glaring, she leaned down slowly to whisper in his ear.

"You'll pay for that comment, Seawing." She threatened. Instead of cowering in fear though, Riptide merely blushed, and flashed a shameless smile at her.

"You gonna punish me, Your Majesty?" He asked in an innocent tone. Snowfall blinked in confusion, before scowling.

"Ugh, of course this is your kink," she said. "So you like strong girls like me, huh? I guess it makes sense. You did date that Seawing princess for a while." She then smirked, as an idea came up in her head. "Maybe if we do this again, I could invite her to join us next time," she whispered suggestively.

Riptide paled at this suggestion, but found that he wasn't averse to it. Before he could respond though, Snowfall shifted.

"But, that's enough talking," she said. And with that, she reached an arm back, grabbing Riptide's member. Moving back a bit, the Icewing raised her rump, and with a sharp gasp she lowered herself onto his cock.

The two moaned in unison as Snowfall took more and more of Riptide's length, eventually stopping at three quarters in. There she sat for a moment, panting as her walls stretched to accommodate his member. After the uncomfortable feeling faded away, she began moving up and down, pleasure beginning to roll throughout her body.

As they went on, Snowfall began moving faster, placing her talons on Riptide's chest to steady herself. She cried out as she rode the Seawing, his large cock sliding and rubbing against her sensitive tunnel. Riptide felt the same way, as Snowfall's tight folds fit around his member like a glove, pleasuring every inch of his tool.

After a few more minutes of riding her brains out, Snowfall sensed she was reaching her limit. With one final movement, she went as deep as she could, reaching the base of Riptide's cock. She was filled to the brim as she climaxed, screaming out in ecstasy. After a short moment passed, she then began to relax, her climax dying down. Sighing in pleasure, she flopped forwards, pressing a soft kiss to Riptide's mouth. However, the Seawing wasn't finished yet.

"Hey, aren't you forgetting something?" He smirked. "It's a bit rude to stop before your partner's even came, don't you think?" Snowfall's eyes widened as she saw the roguish look on his face.

"Oh, shi-" She was abruptly interrupted, as Riptide suddenly switched their positions, so she was the one lying on her back, and Riptide was above her. Grinning, he trailed his eyes up and down, admiring the Icewing's sexy, yet powerful build.

Snowfall blushed under Riptide's hungry eyes, shooting him an impatient look.

"Hurry up already," she complained. Riptide looked at her, amused.

"As you wish, my Queen." He then promptly placed his talons on Snowfall's narrow hips, and lined his member up with her entrance. Wasting no time, he thrusted in balls deep, his cock sliding in easily. His breathing became ragged, as he fucked the Icewing hard.

Snowfall moaned loudly, as Riptide pounded her. It felt amazing to be abused like this, his large tool slamming in and out of her pussy.

"Ah~ And I thought you weren't- oh~ built for endurance?" Snowfall asked between moans. Riptide smirked.

"That's only for running," he replied. "My stamina is much better suited for this."

Everyone had their limits though, unfortunately, and Riptide was nearing his. His breathing became more rough, and his thrusts were getting harder, and quicker. He let out wild sounds of pleasure, as he pounded Snowfall. 

Eventually, a few more seconds later, Riptide finally reached his climax. With a triumphant roar, he pulled out of Snowfall, and shot his cum all over her face and body, drenching her in his seed. He then proceeded to fall down ungracefully next to Snowfall, who had a murderous look on her face which didn't have an effect on Riptide due to the amount of cum on it.

"Did you really have to finish right on my face?" She scowled. Riptide shrugged.

"Sorry," he said, very clearly not sorry. "Want me to lick it off?" Snowfall recoiled in disgust.

"Hell no!" She said. "I'll just wipe it off with a towel or something."

"Maybe you shouldn't," Riptide suggested. "You look hot with cum on your face."

Snowfall resisted the urge to smack him. "Moron," she muttered.

A few minutes, and a few towels later, Snowfall was clean again, and she climbed back into bed with Riptide. He put an arm around her, and covered her with his wing as she laid down. Snowfall expected to want to push him off, but found that she liked it instead, so she snuggled a little closer to the Seawing.

After a few moments of silence, she spoke.

"You know you're never gonna hear the end of it from the other Seawings right?"

Riptide chuckled.

"I don't care. I'm gonna be known as the only Seawing ever to have fucked an Icewing queen."

Snowfall rolled her eyes fondly.


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