Sweet, Sour & Spicy

By SinsNChaos

125K 7.1K 1.5K

#TAEKOOKAU where CEO JEON is so bored with his monotonous life so he asked his PA Seokjin to bring him a "dol... More



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By SinsNChaos

***On the other part of Seoul, Taehyung finally managed to enter his apartment without being seen by his landlord. He even successfully brought some Tannie's food and few cups of ramen for himself. His little ball of fur immediately welcomes him with wagging tail & small barks.

"Tannie! Look at what I got for you." he excitedly sits on the floor so that his little baby would be able to climb on his lap already. Taehyung smiled when his baby immediately starts to lick his cheeks as if he's thanking him for the treat. The boy nuzzles him in exchange.

That night, Taehyung thanked the heaven for letting him bumped into Kim Seokjin. He also discovered that the handsome rich man gave him more than the amount he asked for his paintings. He could now pay his rent but then he remembers that his tuition fee is also due soon.

The young artist wannabe knows he needs to make a tough decision and every time he makes tough decision, there's only one person he could rely on before he would actually dive head first. He fishes out his phone from his pocket and dialed his best friend's number.


To make the conversation short, Taehyung informed his best friend who has a rich boyfriend that he needs to leave his apartment already because he decided to choose to pay his tuition fee. He believes that education is important for him to reach his goals and achieve his dreams.

Park Jimin who's a dance major in the same university is sad to hear that he's going to leave his beloved apartment already, but Taehyung knows that his best friend was just acting because finally he agreed to stay with him in his own apartment that is now being paid by his own boyfriend who is happen to be one of the highest paid music producer and the owner of the Genius Lab where no.1 songs in the country is being produced. In short, Park Jimin is Agust D's sugar baby!

 "I'll come pick you and Tannie first hour tomorrow Taetae! I'm so excited!"

The next morning, Jimin went to pick up his best friend and his little doggo. Good thing that Yoongi has no problem with his decision to invite Taehyung in his apartment as long as he won't cross their boundaries and won't interrupt their 'happy hour' together. Jimin explained to his boyfriend that Taehyung will move out as soon as he found a new cheaper apartment too. Taehyung thanked the couple for practically adopting him but since he's so used of taking care of himself already, he didn't stop taking two jobs in order to pay for his own bills.

It is on his second week in Jimin's apartment when he received the news from his professor about their field trip in Busan. They were given some research topics that requires them to visit places in Busan. He's already on his final year in the university so he knows he couldn't miss the field trip but he also definitely couldn't mention it to Jimin since his best friend is already feeding him every single day. He also needs to buy new materials for his upcoming projects and Tannie being sick isn't helping his situation. The vet even offered to adopt his precious doggo so he decided to transfer Tannie to a different veterinarian before he could murder the said doctor who wants to take his baby away from him.

"Why am I suffering like this when this is supposed to be a light AU?!" he murmured to himself before going home.

***It's been two weeks after Jeongguk's 30th birthday when Seokjin found his boss sitting lazily inside his office, a sight that is so rare because Jeon Jeongguk is the type of boss who doesn't stop working when he's inside his workplace. He is often seen playing and testing his newly created games or drawing his new characters.

 "Mr. Jeon, I just want to remind you about your speaking engagement at SNU tomorrow and---"

 "Jin, there's no one else here..drop it!" Jeongguk insisted when he heard Seokjin calling him with his family name again.

"Fine. So Jeongguk... as I was saying, you have to be in SNU tomorrow at 8 in the morning to deliver an inspirational message to the---"

 "I'm not going." Jeongguk interrupted his assistant slash best friend while he's playing with his digital pen on his fingers. 

 "Excuse me?"

Jeongguk smirks at his assistant as he lifted his two feet and rest them on top of his table.

 "I said I'm not going. Cancel it." he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes knowing that Seokjin will lose his mind again.

 "Mr. Je--Jeongguk for goodness sake! You can't just cancel a very important speaking engagement in less than 24 hours! The university is already expecting you because we sent them a confirmation that you're going to attend that event." Seokjin is trying his best to be polite even when all he wants to do is smack his boss' head!

"Then send them a message again, give them an excuse because Jin...I'm not going." Jeongguk said with a sly smirk knowing exactly what he's doing to his assistant.

 "And why are you even cancelling at the last minute when you don't even have other things to do tomorrow?"

"Why am I even going there? What will I get in return?" the CEO asked back.Seokjin sighs. He knows what Jeongguk is doing. He is not cancelling because he wants to cancel but he is backing out because he wants something. He knows his best friend and boss too well already.

"What the hell do you want now?!" Seokjin asked, not even trying to be nice at all since he knows that there's only the two of them in the CEO's office. HE knows he could never treat Jeongguk like that in front of anyone else aside from their two other friends.

Jeongguk smiles to himself. He knows his assistant will catch on his drift and again, he's impressed how Seokjin immediately gets what he wants. 

 "You see, we just managed to launched two new apps successfully. Don't you think I deserve a reward Jin?" he slyly asked to him.

'Here we go again.' Seokjin thought to himself upon seeing the sly smirk of his boss. Of course he was right a while ago, Jeongguk is just being a brat again.

 "So what reward do you need right now? You're the CEO, why don't you give it to yourself?!" he said with a frown.

Jeongguk shakes his head off when he heard his assistant's words.

 "The thing is, I can't."

 "And why is that? You're the boss of course you can get whatever you want." Seokjin insisted but the CEO just shakes his head off again.

 "Nope, not this time." Jeongguk replied.

"Fine, so what do I need to do or get for you Mr. Jeon?" Seokjin's voice is laced with sarcasm but Jeongguk just smiled back at him.

 "I'm so bored Jin..it's been a while.. I want you to pick me a doll." Jeongguk said, his voice now sounds so dangerous. 

 Seokjin gulps.

"D-doll as in...wtf?! No! Jeongguk no! The last time you had a doll it was messy and that girl really gave me a hell to clean up with the media! It almost destroyed what you have built! So no! We are not taking any of those b*tches again. Ask me other thing Jeongguk but that!"

"That's why I'm asking you to pick one for me this time so we don't have to deal with another Jeny! It's been a while Jin, you know I'm a healthy man too who needs someone to play with." Jeongguk said with a smug face that Seokjin wishes to erase right at that moment.

Seokjin hates how he knows that he could never win against his boss. He knows that whether he agrees or not, he'll end up doing what Jeongguk asked him to do not because he is his boss but because he is right. Ever since Jeongguk built his own empire, it's almost impossible for his bestfriend to find real relationship might it be friendship or romantic relationship because of his status. Everyone who is trying to get into his good side are either after his wealth or fame so the young CEO has long given up on building emotional attachment to anyone.

Seokjin sighs after a few minutes of deliberation inside his head. 

 "So..if I agree to pick someone for you...would you attend the event tomorrow?" he asked even when he already knows the answer.

 "Jin...I want a pretty boy this time." Jeongguk chose to reply knowing that his assistant already knows that he would. Seokjin's eyes widened upon hearing his request. Everyone knows in their circle that the young CEO likes both boys and girls but it's the first time he asked for it. He usually just meet random people in the bar he goes to but most of his playthings' are girls so Seokjin really didn't expect this one. 

 "A pretty boy you say? fair skin? petite?" he asked, knowing that Jeongguk prefers slim models whom he could easily manhandles.

 "Aha, or maybe...someone with golden skin this time." Jeongguk replied with a smirk.

Seokjin frowns upon hearing his request. How the hell could he pick random pretty boy with a golden skin in Seoul where everyone has fair light skin?! Then an image suddenly pops in his head. The pretty boy who sold him the painting...but would he really throw Taehyung in the lion's den?! He really looks like a good boy who's working so hard to achieve his dreams.

 'No, I cant do that to someone with a pure heart when I already know that Jeongguk will just wreck him.' he thought to himself when he realized that it's a bad idea.

"Alright then, give me at least a week. Just make sure you'll be ready for tomorrow." Seokjin ended up agreeing to him.Jeongguk clicks his tongue inside his mouth in victory. Of course he knows how to make Jin gives in, after all they're best friends for a very long time now.

Seokjin left after making sure Jeongguk would attend the event tomorrow. He went back to his desk and immediately dialed his fiance's number to rant. He hates it when Jeongguk acts like a first class A hole because he knows he's more than that. He knows he's one of the kindest soul in the planet but because of the people who tried to betray and deceive him, the young CEO learned to play the ugly game of the business world. He became cold and untouchable. He just focused on his craft and his business deals. He learned to built a wall around him as he builds his empire so no matter how much Seokjin wants to pull out the kind innocent boy who just used to play video games as his hobby, who just used to doodle cute cartoon characters in every surface he now understands him. He also wants to protect him just like he did to him.

***The next day, Jeongguk and Seokjin went to SNU together since the CEO said he doesn't want to deal with nosy press who would surely ambush him with the same stupid questions.Since it's part of his job to be with his boss, Seokjin gladly obliged not knowing that he'll see a familiar face in SNU.Jeongguk has already delivered his speech & the CEO has long gone but Seokjin needed to stay behind to discuss some of the donations the GGE has to give to the university. He's just leaving the office of the director when he spotted a familiar mint head.

The thing is, this time Kim Taehyung seems to be out of his mind because he already bumps into him when the young boy finally notices him.

 "Oh, I'm sorry." Taehyung uttered absentmindedly before he continues to walk towards the direction of the school exit. 


Taehyung heard someone calling his name but since his head is on his wallet & bills, he ignored it and continues to walk towards the gate so he could finally go to his first job which is being a waiter in McDonalds. He's about to leave the gate when a hand suddenly grabs him.

"Hey Taehyung! Don't you remember me?" a familiar handsome man asked him with a furrowed brows and it's only then when he recognizes Seokjin.

 "Seokjin? Mr. Kim Seokjin?" he asked as if the older man's nod isn't enough to confirm it.

 "No one else Taehyung! Yes, it's me!"

Taehyung almost jumps in excitement upon realizing that it is indeed the man who saved him the last time he was desperate. He is so close to believe that Seokjin is an angel in disguise because why the fxck would he meet him again now of all the time he could bump into him?!

"Mr. Kim what are you doing here?" Taehyung asked when Seokjin remains quiet, just staring at him.The older man flinches as if he reminds himself that he's still on earth.

 "Ah,, I came here with my boss and was about to leave when I saw you. I was calling you but you seem a little distracted. Are you okay?" the older man asked, genuinely worried about the boy who seems a little healthier than the last time he saw him but his eyes are still void with happiness.Taehyung sighs. He knows there's no point of denying his status too.

"I wish I could say I'm fine Mr. Kim but I'm really not." he said with his small voice, almost apologetic because he can't believe how he could easily tell the other his worries when he couldn't admit it to his best friend.

 'It's because you know you'll never see him again.'

The other side of Taehyung's mind remind him that thought to make him feel better after pouring his burden to the older handsome man.Seokjin is contemplating whether to prolong his conversation with the younger or just leave but with just one look towards the other, he knows he's not even close in letting Taehyung go.In the end, Taehyung was convinced by Seokjin to ditch his work and accompany the rich man to eat lunch in a fancy restaurant he could only see from the outside before.Seokjin ordered lots of food since he refused to order at first.

Taehyung's mouth waters the moment he saw the food served in their table. Be thanked Seokjin for the nth time before he digs in. He might not want to look so hungry but he realized that it's his first meal of ths day so he cant help but moans in delight when he finally tasted it.

Seokjin patiently watched Taehyung eat his food before he decided to talk to him. He feels bad watching how the younger looks so hungry while devouring the steak in front of him and since he's not even hungry at that time, he even gave Taehyung his own meal too which the younger gladly accepted too. When Taehyung looks satisfied with the whole meal, it's only then when Seokjin mustered his courage to ask again.

 "So Taehyung...why do you look so lost a while ago when I see you at SNU? Did someone step on your artwork again?" he tried to make the conversation as light as possible.The art student sighs and visibly deflated again when he remembers all his problems he momentarily forgot just a while ago when he was busy eating. 

 "I wish that's the case Mr. Kim but it's more than that by now. I mean, I know I shouldn't be dumping you all these nonsense because you're probably a busy person but..." Taehyung sighs again, he can't believe how he could easily tells the older what's on his mind.

 "It's okay Taehyung, besides isn't it I've told you before to call me when you need something?" he reminded the boy who's obviously taken aback with all his kindness.Taehyung frowns.

 "Who really are you and what do you need from me? Why are you so kind?" he asked, now that he's thinking about it, Seokjin is so shady. He suddenly become more vigilant of his surroundings too.

Seokjin understands where Taehyung is coming from. He is actually glad that the boy is more sensible because it only means he's not just like the other boys who would just throw themselves to anyone who'll approach them. 

 "I already told you my name is Kim Seokjin and I'm not here to add to whatever it is that's bothering you. Let's just say that I'm also bothered with something so if you want to tell me what's bothering you I'll tell you mine too if that would make you stop thinking that I have an ulterior motive towards you." Seokjin honestly said.

With just one look, Taehyung knows he could trust Seokjin so without him thinking, he's already enumerating all his problems to the older handsome man. 

 "ISTG Mr. Kim, if only I could score a dirty old man who could finance everything I and my baby need, I'd be a sugar baby."

Seokjin drops his jaw upon hearing the young boy's words. He couldn't believe that the innocent looking boy would even think about being a sugar baby of a dirty old man but what makes him even more shocked is when he heard about Taehyung's baby. 

 "You have a child?!"

Taehyung nods eagerly. 

 "He just turned two and that's why I want to work harder to give him the best life that he deserves." he replied with a smile just by thinking of his Tannie.Seokjin is in awe. Taehyung keeps breaking his expectations and now he adores him even more.

"Wow,I didn't know that. Gosh, you should've told me earlier!" Seokjin said with sympathy in his voice. His head is spinning with the new knowledge about the boy in front of him & when he saw how Taehyung is so eager to give his son a good future, an idea pops in his head.

"Taehyung are you sure you want to become a sugar baby? I mean, aren't you worried that someone you doesn't even know will you know...touch you and---"

 "Mr. Kim, I'm not a virgin anymore and I know that there's a super slim chance to find one since sugar daddies prefer girls who looks like they haven't been fed for a year." Taehyung lied on the first part because he couldn't just tell anyone else that he's still a virgin at 21.

 He has a fair share of flings and crushes but with his status in life, he doesn't really have time to date or have sex with anyone else.Seokjin almost chokes on his iced tea when he heard the young boy. He is so amazed on how Taehyung could be so straightforward with his innocent look. He looks pretty even with his messy mint hair and DIY shirt. But his best feature at the moment---his golden skin!

"Taehyung, listen... do you remember what I told you a while ago?" Seokjin started, not knowing how will he propose to Taehyung about the idea that crossed his mind.The art student nods at the older.

"Yeah, you said something's bothering you too."

 "Right..so here's the thing--the universe might have let us meet again because we might be each other's solution to each other's problem." Seokjin chose his words properly in hope that he could convince Taehyung without letting him think that he's taking advantage of his situation. He still feels so bad about making him a sugar baby but there's something inside his head that Taehyung might be a good hammer to smash the wall around his boss.

 "Y-you want to become my sugar daddy Mr. Kim?!" Taehyung blurted out with his wide eyes. 

 "OMG, no.. Taehyung I'm engaged."

Taehyung's hope quickly vanished when he heard Seokjin's reply. He almost thought he scored a good deal so he couldn't even hide his disappointment in his face when he looks at the older and apologized for thinking that Seokjin would want him to become his sugar baby.

"Taehyung I'm engaged but my boss isn't, and to be honest with you...I think you'll be the best sugar baby for him." Seokjin is holding his breath while saying those words because he's not sure if Taehyung would accept the offer or not. 

 "Y-your boss?" Taehyung replied with a question. His hesitation and doubts are now evident in his voice because to be honest, he might have said he's desperately looking for a sugar daddy already but he's still hoping that he could find someone like his own best friend's boyfriend. 

 "Yes, my boss. Do you know him?"

Taehyung sighs in defeat. If Seokjin who seems to be in his early thirties is working with someone higher than him already, it only means that his boss might be really one of those old businessmen he usually see in the business section of the newspaper he used when he's painting.

"NO Mr. Kim, we really didn't have the luxury to talk about that, did we? I didn't even know where you work." Taehyung replied, his voice now smaller than just how excited he was a while ago.Seokjin smiled at him, now a bit excited of his idea of sending Taehyung to Jeongguk.

"Taehyung, have you heard about Golden Games Ent?" Seokjin asked before sipping his iced tea again. 

 "Golden--OMG! who didn't?! Mr. Kim everyone knows about it! Geez, Cooky's Adventures is my favorite game ever!" Taehyung blurted out again. He rarely have free time but if he does have free hours, he usually spends it with Tannie while playing Cooky's Adventures, a game created by GGE. 

 Seokjin is delighted to know that Taehyung at least have an idea about it.

 "I work in that company as the executive assistant of our CEO." he said while waiting for the boy's reaction.

 "OMFG, you are working with the Jeon Jeongguk?! Like the most sought after bachelor in the country? The most talented and---wait, OMG! you are his assistant?" Taehyung's eyes widened.

 "And he will be your sugar daddy Taehyung, that is, if you agree to it."

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