The jerk who stole my best fr...

By Bethany-turner

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What happens when a jerk comes along and presumably steals your best friend's sock? You fall in love. Pffft... More

6 (part 1)

6 (part 2)

129 37 99
By Bethany-turner

A/N: DO NOT READ THIS CHAPTER if you haven't read the previous part. THIS IS PART TWO OF CHAPTER SIX. Part one has been uploaded before this.
Don't forget to vote and comment! Enjoy reading<3


My black; block-heeled boots clatter against the solid pavement as I walk next to Holly, who is currently endeavoring her sixteenth chocolate milkshake.

..the only reason I know the number is because I was forced to pay for it.

I watch as Holly walks freely in her plain Toms, her auburn hair flying along with the wind as she hums 'let it go' under her breath.

I pull my leather jacket closer. Honestly, leather jackets are hot and all but they barely help with the cold.

'Wanna go to Central Park?' I ask, my mind swarming with a million thoughts of what happened last week. I need someone's advice and Holly has been my closest friend ever since high school.

I wasn't ready to spill everything going on with me because that would make it all feel so much real, but I could do with some advice.

'Sure,' she replies with a radiant smile, slurping more milkshake.

As we reach the big rusty gates, we make our way to a nearby bench. The area was empty, probably because of the early hours and the extremely cold weather. The water from the fountain in front of us glistens in the bright sun as the pleasant sound of birds fills the air. The trees around us move with the wind, a blanket of snow covering their green leaves.

I've always loved nature. Just sitting and watching the leaves of trees ruffle in the peaceful breeze, brings unexplainable comfort.

The soft fluttering of the wind; the silent calls of the wild; the beautiful petals of colorful flowers; the roaring of waters when they hit the plains from a height; the cheerful chirping of the birds, it consoles and relaxes you. Nature listens to your problems without you even having to say them and replies wordlessly, filling you with immense warmth and bliss. The fact that plants are just as living as you makes you feel a little less lonely, like you always have a friend by your side. Nature heals you when you feel like you're beyond repair.

I love the beautiful feeling nature brings along with it.

'A Penny for your thoughts?' Holly asks gently.

'Payment first, talk later,' I answer with a smirk. She rolls her eyes with a smile.

'Do you think you can fall in love with two people at once?' I ask bluntly. I've asked myself this question millions of time but keep ending up with nothing.

Holly seems lost in her thoughts for a while until she replies, 'Yeah, I think you can fall in love with two people at once, but honestly, there's always one you love more than the other. As badly as you don't want to admit it, you love one more than the other.'

'How do you know which one to choose?'

'You just do. You're happy around him, more than you are around anyone. He makes you laugh and cry at the same time.
I really hope this doesn't happen, but if they both were to be in an accident, you would take slow, fearful steps towards one of their rooms while you would run with all your might to the other.
You can never be happy with the wrong choice as long as the right one continues to walk on earth.
You know who the right choice is, you just need time to accept it.' Holly sends me an understanding glance, her gray eyes glinting with tenderness.

'But what if your choice isn't the right guy?
What if you choose the one who's bad for you? Who hurts you so bad, you want the earth to swallow you up? But at the same time who makes you laugh the loudest and smile the widest?' Frustration seeps into my voice as my eyes desperately search for the answer.

'There is no wrong person or right person, just YOUR person. The perfect person may be the one who is always sweet and kind. One who takes you on dinner dates every weekend and holds up long conversations with you. One who greets your parents 'good evening' and brings you home before curfew.
I agree, he may be perfect in the eyes of everybody, but not everyone wants perfect. Sometimes the broken, damaged, dark one, in your eyes is perfect. He may be arrogant and rude. He may take you on long drives in the middle of the night and never bring you home before curfew, he may not hold up long conversations but just sit next to you and hold your hand and somehow that's enough and when it comes to it, he will always put you first.
In the end what matters is the one who is your type, your person.' She answers wittily, as if talking with experience but she has never actually dated.

She continues, 'And as for hurting you, every relationship consists of pain, break ups, fights, arguments, and disagreements, but every relationship also consists of love, happiness, longingness, joy, smiles, laughs, affection, passion and devotion. A relationship is a horrible mess, a disaster, but at the same time it's beautiful.

Choose the one who makes you happy. It's not everyday you get to be happy.'

I struggle to find the right words. 'But what if.. if I'm scared to be happy? It always ends badly.'

'You shouldn't be scared to be happy. You need to learn to live life, not just survive it. Tomorrow an earthquake could kill you or a hurricane could destroy you, that doesn't mean you'll hide and cower away trying to be safe your entire life. A relationship may end but that's no reason for it to never start, because it may end but it may last too. Living life means taking risks.'

I nod to myself. She's right, life isn't about resisting change, it's about embracing it.

But then my mind ponders to Miles, who has always taken care of me and loved me since the very beginning. 'How can I just hurt the other guy, who has been nothing but sweet to me ever since he met me? I don't want to hurt him,' I ask hesitantly, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

'Of course, you don't want to hurt anyone.
If you ended it with him it would be like punching him once, but if you kept it going while you loved someone else the entire time, that would be like punching him over and over again everyday,' Holly answers, a sad smile lingering on her face.

'Everyone says if I choose the one I want to choose, we can't make it,' I whisper, the reality of the entire situation crashing onto me like a bucket of cold water.

'You're Lydia Collins, since when do you fail to prove them all wrong?' She says with a wide grin stretching across her face.

I smile at that. Holly always knows how to make me feel better. 'You're right. Thank you so much Holly,' I say, gratitude swarming in my eyes.

'I'll accept your thanks if you walk me to my home,' she states cheekily.

I get up from the bench, groaning at the sharp paining spreading through my ass due to the uncomfortable bench. After stretching at the most awkward angle possible, I start running towards the exit.

'Bitch, don't you dare!' Holly shouts chasing after me, our laughs echoing with the wind.


I wave my hand frantically from left to right, my auburn hair moving back and forth, as I say goodbye to Lydia. After she's out of my field of vision, I dig my hand into my pocket and take out the key to my house.

I push the door open and find myself engulfed in darkness.

This is eerily similar to what happened at the mall-

Mum and dad must've gone for work, I tell myself. A thought suddenly strikes me, why would they leave the curtains closed before leaving for work?

Suddenly, realization dawns upon me.



'Where were you?'

I nearly jump out of my skin at the deep voice. I lose my grip and the door closes with a thud. Among the clouds of darkness that surround me, a light from a torch suddenly flickers on.

The light illuminates the face of a man who looks like he put too much face pack to get rid of the unending acne. I realize it's my dad.

'Where were youuu?' Another voice echoes behind me and I yelp. I turn around and find my mother illuminating her face with the torch held in her hand under her chin. She holds a baseball bat in her other hand.

I look back to find a frying stick in my dads hand.

'You guys are so weird,' I comment.

My father sighs as he says, 'I told you we should've bought a cat. Stroking it would've made it so much more realistic.'

'Well it's not my fault you didn't approve of the only cat in the adoption center,' my mum counters, rolling her eyes.

'The cat literally scratched me!' My dad howls, rubbing his arms covered with red scratch marks.

'That's exactly why I wanted to buy it,' my mum mumbles under her breath.

My dad walks over to the curtains and pulls them open, filling the room with warm sunlight.

'Honey, I have something to tell you,' my mother says, walking over to my other side. She casually throws the baseball bat behind her, and puts her hands on my shoulder.

Right when she opens her mouth, a loud 'ouch' is heard from my dad. We turn around to find that the baseball bat hit him directly on his face.


'Get over yourself. I don't know what I was on when I married you.' My mum shakes her head disappointedly.

'Ouch.' My dad flinches as if she physically hurt him, which she sort of did, and puts a hand on his chest.

My mum hands him a flat look to which he responds saying, 'okay fine, maybe I did spike your drink at the wedding a little bit.'

'YOU DID WHAT!?' My mother roars.

'Well, on the bright side I just made you scream,' my dad states proudly.

'Ewwwww ewwwww noooo I didn't want to hear that,' I groan shutting my ears.

Evil thoughts, go away.

Evil thoughts, go away.

Evil th-

'Tonight you're the one who'll be doing all the screaming,' my mother says seductively handing him a lustful smile. She then adds, 'when I dig my six inch high heel up your damn ass,' and flips him off with the finger.

My dad goes into the kitchen mumbling something about pretending not to hear what she said.

'Ah so where was I?' My mum says looking back at me. She continues, 'oh right, so since your dad is the biggest doofus in the world he forgot about our anniversary, again, which is tomorrow. So mainly I gave him a piece of my mind by spamming him with picturing of Tom the cat getting beheaded excepted it had your dads face instead of Tom,' she pauses for a minute to admire herself for what she did.

'So, anyway he finally agreed to take me to Tokyo. Is it okay with you? Will you be okay alone or do I have to get you a babysitter?' She asks me casually.


'Oh why did I bother, of course you need a babysitter. Good thing I asked your aunt for a few suggestions. I'll go ahead and book them for the next two days.'

'But I-'

'Well come to think of it, having a guy come over might get a little dirty, you know what I mean? I think I'll ask-'


Wait a second, how old am I again?

I raise my hand and count with my fingers.

'..ah yes I'M LITERALLY 21 I'M NOT A BABY!' I complete, giving my mum a 'look-at-me-I'm-all-tall-and-hot' look.

'Honey, you put strawberry shortcake to shame.'



I need a new mum.

I stroll behind her, following her to the living room. My dad enters the area and starts jumping on the bed placed at the corner of the room.

'Dad, I don't think that's normal,' I point out as he bounces up and down, giggling like a thirteen-year old teenager.

'Ah, looks like I did pass on some genes after all,' he grins at me, his dark red hair dancing on top of his head.

'How was the sleepover?' My mother asks, ignoring my dad.

She's probably still mad about him forgetting their anniversary.

I register what she said and look confused for a second until I realize what she means.

So that's what Conner told them. Hah, my parents love Conner now I can finally tarnish his image in front of their eyes.

I perform a mental evil laugh and proceed to do a mental evil dance followed by a mental evil karate chop and a mental evil..

Okay I can't wait any longer.

'Here's the thing mum,' I start faking a shaky voice, 'I-I was actually abandoned by my friends. Conner lied to you.'

I force my lips to quiver as I look down gloomily. 'I was actually l-left all alone a-at the mall after it had been closed.'


Still silence.

Even my dad stopped jumping on the bed at this point.

Oh my gosh, they finally understand how evil Conner is and will finally realize how wrong they-



I snap my head up to look at them clutching their stomachs, laughing.


'Y-you got locked inside the mall after it closed down? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA' my mum howls with laughter.

'I could've been killed,' I state.

'Oh my gosh, not even I have done that yet HAHAHAHAHAHHA,' my dad joins my mother as tears spill out of their eyes.


You know what? I'm just going to walk away now.

I take a step back. Another step. Another step. I scramble up the stairs, my own laughter threatening to spill out.

Okay, seriously. I got locked inside the mall with a stranger because I was singing Beyoncé at the top of my lungs in the women's restroom.

Way to go, Holly.

A beep from my phone catches my attention.


Johnny_Ornaldo_is_mine, 9:47am
Can't believe it's already that time of the month

Conner_from_the_corner_store, 9:48am
I really did not want to know that

butterscotch_is_the_best, 9:48am
Hey, shut up it's a natural, biological part of life. There's nothing wrong with it.

Garfield_is_bae, 9:49am
...uh I'm gonna pretend I didn't read that and go on with my life but also that explains why you were acting so weird

Johnny_Ornaldo_is_mine, 9:50am
Wait what?
What are you guys-

Katy_cat, 9:51am
Wait so you weren't talking about the sacred sock day? It's tomorrow it's my favoriteeeee part of the month.

Its_a_holly_jolly_day, 9:52am

Garfield_is_bae, 9:52am

Conner_from_the_corner_store, 9:53am

Katy_cat, 9:54am
On the esteemed 'sacred sock day' all citizens of the world who appreciate the socks they wear shall assemble on top of their terraces and narrate the sock poem. Further, they can host parties and gatherings to muse about the brilliant variety of socks the world has to offer. If interested they can also perform the sock dance and decorate themselves with sock clothing. Socks are..

Johnny_Ornaldo_is_mine, 9:56am
Please, please, please, stop. All I meant was the end of winter vacation! It ends in 5 days, it's already THAT time of the month.

Its_a_holly_jolly_day, 9:56am
What? No. The winter break ends on 15th December

Johnny_Ornaldo_is_mine, 9:57am
Which is in five days-

Its_a_holly_jolly_day, 9:57am

I immediately close my phone, ignoring the few beeps that follow and make my way to the books piled up on the corner table. I leave botany for the end and take three subjects to start with.

I spend hours writing notes and recalling the topics taught in the previous classes. College sucks.

I leave for lunch and dinner and take a few breaks in between completing the piles and piles of notes I have. Finally, as I'm done with the three subjects, I smile to myself and stretch my tired arms. I look at the clock which reads '2:15AM'.


After brushing my teeth, I jump onto the bed and tuck myself into the warm covers. Just as I switch off the lamp my phone dings with a notification.

Sexy_playboi_nextdoor, 2:21am
Anybody ever tell you, you snore like a trucker, drool?

A/N: Heyyy my rice grains! I know I was supposed to update yesterday but I wasn't really feeling all that good I'm so sorry. It's going to take me a while to update the next chapter but I'll have it up as soon as I can

Also I created a new account here on Wattpad writingsisters5611 its a joint account I have with DESTINY5611 The two of us are actually working on a book together which will be up soon!

Thank you so much for reading. Don't forget to leave votes and comments<3

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