Shivika - Suffocation

By Mitali1228

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This is a OS on Shivika after Annika was buried alive. More

Its Suffocating
Suffocation In Another Form
How To Get Out Of This Suffocation
Sharing Her Pain
What She Went Through
Her Torture
A Leap
A Family

Good News, New Life

1.4K 97 7
By Mitali1228

Hugging his wife all he could do was comfort her. He had never been more angry on his family. They have done a lot, but to not think about what would happen to there employees to topped it for him. They did not cause the fire, but they were humans and they should have checked to make sure their employees families are taken care of. How many other Annika's and Gauri were out there because of no one checking to see if they were taken care of. Until, he heard from his Bhabhi about their struggles he did not realize how much damage his family had caused. They never checked on Harsh Vandhan Trivedi's family, had they checked they would have realized this family had no one. Two little girls were left alone. The oldest was only 5 and to take control and grow up to protect her little sister. Yes, his brother did the same for him and his siblings, but they had each other and Dadi. Shivaay sacrificed a lot, but he made sure he would try to help him out. Also, Shivaay was 12 years old and much older when their parents started to distance themselves from them. No, that was no excuse, but comparing that to a 5 year old who, had nothing, no family or home. Who had to sacrifice her food for her sister. He could not help, but be angry. Yet, here they were and nothing they do can change the past, but he would make sure they were happy now.

Ring the phone rang:
"Hello," said Om.
"Mr, Oberoi, this is Dr. Agarwal. You brought your wife here 2 days ago. I called because I received her reports and I need you to bring her back in."
This, confused him as he did not take Gauri to the hospital. Then it clicked the doctor thought he was Annika Bhabhi's husband. In the doctors defense, he may have yelled at the doctor when he told him that they needed to inform the police before he checked her. Om did not know why, but seeing his best friend struggling and the doctor not helping made him mad and he flipped. He did apologize afterwards, but he will not lie by saying he regarded what he did, because he didn't, it was about his Bhabhi, the woman who always stood by him. He was about to correct the doctor when it clicked the doctor told him to bring Bhabhi back, why, what happened?
O: What do you mean by I need to bring her back, is she okay, what happened, say something.
D: Mr. Oberoi calm down, I got the report and it says that your wife is pregnant and because she was buried, it may have affected the baby. We need to run more test.
O: What did you say, she's what
D: Your wife is pregnant, but Mr. Oberoi you need to bring her here
Om could not help but smile. He was going to be a chachu. They needed some good news and this baby was it, but was everything going to be okay. The doctor said something could have happened because of what happened. No, this news just came he could not lose it. His brother and Bhabhi did not deserve this. They deserve happiness. Om knew he had to call Shivaay and get his Bhabhi checked out.
O: Doctor, actually the woman I brought is my Bhabhi, due to family issues my brother could not make it, so he sent my other brother and me.
D: Oh, I see, I apologize, seeing you yelling yesterday made me think otherwise.
O: Yea, my Bhabhi is not only my Bhabhi, but also my best friend m, so I reacted like that. I m sorry for yelling. Also, I will call my brother and inform him about what you said and get him to call you.

He hung up and Gauri who heard, everything got up and begun to question him. He assured her that everything was alright, but that he doesn't have the right to tell her anything. It would be Annika and Shivaay who would tell her everything, when they want, but she had nothing to worry about. Knowing her husband would not lie, telling her everything was alright if it weren't she pushed it aside and decided to let her sister tell her everything.

It had been 30 minutes that we had fallen asleep. Then my cellphone rang. I wanted to throw it across the room. Who is bothering our sleep. Don't they know we are sleeping. That we need our rest. No Shivaay they do not know how could they know if they weren't there. I know it was a ridiculous question for me to ask, but all I wanted was to be in my wife's arms asleep. I did ignore the phone five times, but the person keeps calling so I have to pick it up before Annika wakes up because of it.
I grabbed the phone and saw all the calls were from Om. I want to struggle him, watch me call him so many times when his with his wife.
Picking up the phone, "What do you want Om. Annika is sleeping. We both were sleeping. Why are you calling so much."
O: I am guessing someone is cranky, but I will let it slide, since I know you guys have been threw a lot. I called because the doctor who treated Bhabhi a couple of days ago called me to inform me on something.
On realizing that Om isn't Rudra and he wouldn't call if it wasn't serious, Shivaay panicked. Why would the doctor call and what happened to his wife.
S: What the doctor called, Om what did he say is my Annika ok. Do I need to bring her back there. No, I will have the doctor fly here. That will be quicker. This is why she still has a fever. Oh, gosh I a should have taken her right away after I realized she had a fever. No, I should have taken her to the hospital, it should have been me. I shouldn't have listened to you guys. If I was there I would have been sure she was fully checked and the doctor has all the reports.

O: Ok, stop. Shivaay relax. Will you let me explain.
S: Yea, ok what did the doctor say?
O: Shivaay the doctor called to tell me that Bhabhi is pregnant.
S: What
O: Your going to be a father Shivaay and Bhabhi a mother.
S: Oh my gosh. That is sure happy news. I cannot believe this. We have finally gotten some happy news.
O: I know right
S: Is that all Om, or is there more
O: There is more Shivaay. Since, Bhabhi was buried the doctor has some concerns and wants you to take Bhabhi there.
S: No, Om my wife and baby are fighter nothing will happen to them. I will call the doctor and make arrangements to fly him out here. It would take longer for us to get there, then bringing him here. Wait, why did the doctor call you and not me. You guys should have given him my cellphone number.
O: Shivaay we were in a rush to get her checked out.
S: I know, but still I should have been the first to find out.
O: So, that's why. Well you know what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours. I am the Chachu and Masa. I have two relationships with the baby, so it's ok.
S: What ok, it should have been me.
O: Really are you going to be a child about this? Your going to have a child, Bhabhi doesn't need two babies.
S: Whatever Om
O: Anyways congratulations
S: Thanks
O: Shivaay call the doctor and make sure my Bhabhi/Sail and niece are alright.
S: I will, wait did you say niece? How do you know it's a girl?
O: Because I want the baby to be a girl. She will be my little girl
S: Wait she will not be your little girl. She will be mine.
O: I already told you she has two relationships with me, so she is my little girl
S: Back off and no she is only mine
O: Oh, come on Shivaay
S: No, what I said is how it will be, she's mine. Bye!

Shivaay hang up on Om. "How dare he think I will share my daughter? She's only mine. Ok, fine she's Annika's too, but she's more mine. I will teach her everything. Ok, Shivaay what are you doing you do not even know the gender and your already making plans. It's, ok planning is good. Whatever, you are baby I will be happy. It's ok if your a boy. I will teach you everything too. However, I know you will be a complete mommas boy if your a boy. In that case I will have to try again for my daughter. Then, we will team up against you and your mother. Ok, Shivaay stop and call the doctor."

Shivaay called the doctor and he agreed to fly out to check Annika out. He would fly with a nurse and Shivaay had made calls to get all the equipment ready for the doctor. His biggest job was getting Annika up, as she was sick and would want to sleep.

Hi, so I know this is short, but I recently started a new job where I work 13 hrs a day. I do get 4 days off, but Thursday I use to rest up and I have been having family events Friday-Sunday. However, from the following week I will be able to post more.

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