AFTERGLOW // finnick odair

By withlovenomi

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"if the sky darkens above you I'll stay by your side in the ... More



475 13 0
By withlovenomi

Let's hope curiosity isn't the death of you—of us.

"This is going to sound insane," Finnick started. "But I need you to bear with us."

Mags looked between both of the people that dragged her out of bed way too early, completely weirded out. Insane, Alivia wouldn't describe it any other way. And it all started the prior evening.

Alivia found herself walking to her bedroom after stopping by Mags'. She hadn't been there since morning so it was pitch black. Whoever thought of placing the light switch all the way across the room didn't think it through. She was taking careful steps, slowly recognizing her surroundings when the door creaked as if open but nobody announced themselves.

Alivia stood still for a second.

Alright Alivia, think. Who could be in your room at this hour? It can't be Mags, I left her asleep. Breathing softly, she followed the sound of footsteps and a soft hum. Without a second thought, she pushed the person over the bed–almost missing it– and held a hand down their neck. Good thing her right hand was looking for the light switch, otherwise she would've strangled who was revealed to be Finnick.

"It's safe to say you are well trained."

She backed away, completely flushed. "I'm sorry."

"No, I don't mind. I like being manhandled sometimes."

The humor in his voice did not budge Alivia's apologetic demeanor. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to hang out, I feel like we've barely spoken today." He shook a bowl of strawberries in her face. "Plus, I brought snacks."

Some of those flew by the moment she threw Finnick on the bed, so she bent down to pick them up.

"I would've announced myself but everything was so dark I thought you might not even be here. I was on my way to turn the light on."

"Yeah, so was I."

"So, now that we are talking, tell me why were you so shocked when I sat down with you at lunch?"

"I just didn't expect it." Like you, laying in my bed eating strawberries.

"Why not? We are friends." Alivia stood still, convincing herself she must've heard wrong. "Is everything okay?"

"Friends," she repeated.

"Yeah," he shrugged. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

Finnick bit into his strawberry mindlessly. Alivia should not find that as attractive as she did. Friends, yeah, she could work with that.

"No," she said softly as she bit into her own strawberry.

"Well, what do you think?"


"Of today. Do you want some allies?"

"Not really."

"Oh, thank god. I was worrying I would have to act all buddy-buddy with them. I heard that the girl on fire was already picking allies, the rest were making such a fuss about it."

Finnick started slipping, hanging from the edge of the bed upside down.

"Hey, what did Gloss say to you?"

Alivia never got to answer, an avox was on the door interrupting with a knock. A sealed envelope rested on her hands. "It's addressed to both of us. Apparently there is some type of tribute meeting right now."

"Right now? Isn't it a little bit late?"

Sitting by a still upside down Finnick, she handed the paper. While he was reading, she observed how all his blood was going to his head, that shade of red was probably the closest thing to a blush she'd seen on him. Alivia shook her head, focus. "Well?"

"We should get going, probably."

"Don't you think it's a little bit suspicious?"

"Oh, definitely. But aren't you curious?"

Alivia wouldn't call it curiosity but the glinting in Finnick's eyes set a thrill running through her body. "Alright, let's go. Let's hope your curiosity isn't the death of you– of us, actually."

Finnick's smile widened.

Instead of going down, where the community hall was placed, they kept going up. That seemed to stir something in Finnick, who kept looking at the paper just to make sure they were reading correctly. After so many tugs, the paper started to burn itself and leave nothing but dust. "Huh, would you look at that?"

The elevators opened to reveal a cautious Haymitch. Alivia had never crossed words with him. After about two seconds of staring at each other, Finnick spoke, "I think we might be on the wrong floor."

"Not at all. At least, not you," he cocked his head in Alivia's direction, "but I understand you come in a package deal, or something."

"Well, you've got that right."

"Calm down, pretty boy. Just come in."

Haymitch motioned for them to sit in front of him. He went straight to the point.

"Congratulations, you've been selected to be allies by the girl on fire," he muttered with a hint of humor. "Now, here's the deal. You need to keep Katniss and Peeta alive, no matter what."

Finnick snorted. "Now, why would we do that?"

"You are being offered the possibility of rescue and shelter from the Quarter quell. You are being offered to be a part of the revolution."

Alivia's mouth went dry. The revolution had been slow gossip for a long time along the districts. "What?" she muttered.

"You are clearly joking."

"Not in the slightest."

"How do we know you are not messing with us?"

"You have my word," Haymitch shrugged.

"Yeah, I think you are going to need a little bit more than that," Finnick retorted.

"Listen, pretty boy, my word is all you have right now. Which I think is better than going on the games without it, that way you both have the chance to live."

Haymitch cleared his face from the hair that was getting in the way with a sigh, he was clearly on edge trying to seem otherwise. If what he was saying was true, a revolution, who knows what was to come.

"Look," he said more calmly, "we'll try to take everyone we can but Katniss and Peeta are our main priority. I cannot guarantee you any more. But... we can arrange something if you have someone out there."

"How about Mags? Can you take Mags with you?"

"As long as you keep your part of the deal she'll be safe and sound."

Alivia and Finnick looked at each other. Finnick's eyes glinted with hope. There was no hesitation when they both said, "Deal."

The man in front of them smiled briefly, satisfied with himself.

"Wise choice. Now, under no circumstances you can tell her or the boy. Or the authorities for that matter. Simply, do not discuss what we spoke here. The rest of the allies will be shared with you over the course of these days. And don't do anything stupid to upset them before the games because if they choose to kill you we have no control over that."

Haymitch was full-on staring at Finnick, he smirked in response. "We'll be best friends."

"We'll keep in touch."

"Fuck," Finnick said as soon as they got back. It was the first time Alivia heard him curse.

Fuck indeed, she thought.

Now, they found themselves in front of a stoic Mags. They looked at her, then at each other.

"Well?" Finnick asked.

Mags took a sip out of her tea. "Are you pulling my hair?"

"We are telling the truth."

"How come I haven't heard anything?"

"Well, you see Mags, a secret rebellion isn't something you parade around," Finnick humor was tense.

Mags took another long sip out of her tea.

"I'll think about it."

"You'll... What?"

Finnick watched with his mouth open how the lady left the table as if Finnick told her something trivial.

"She'll come around," Alivia said, hopeful.

"She better, I'm not about to risk my neck for a couple of teenagers just for Mags to resist."

"I still don't understand why she wanted me as an ally," she thought out loud. "I barely said two words to her."

"Hm, she has this savior complex, she probably feels like she needs to save you from something. You are lethal, it is just logical thinking to have you as an ally. And you are brave," Alivia turned to look him straight in the eye, "you volunteered for Mags."

"It was the right thing to do, anyone would've done it."

"Don't do that. Don't even try to diminish what you did because I'm not going to let you. This isn't a favor like doing the dishes, you are putting your life on the line. You are already a thousand times better than the rest just for that."

Silence threatened to own the room, Alivia wore a bright red blush like a facemask.

The tribute center was calling them, with even less people than the day before.

"I guess I'm just going to head over there," she pointed with her head to the couple that was expecting her.

"Yeah, fine. I'll go say hello to Johanna and I'll meet you in a bit. If you need me, I'm around."

He smiled, not missing the still present blush on Alivia and her shy little nod.

Alivia walked to Katniss and Peeta, who were waiting for her around the camouflage area. Peeta was actually a great teacher, very patient. Up close she could see the appeal, why everybody was head over heels for the couple; a single peek into how they stared at each other was enough for Alivia.

"I saw you with Finnick earlier. You guys close?" Peeta questioned.

"Yeah, you could say that. We are...friends."

Alivia tested the words out loud again, it still seemed kind of awkward to her.

"How do you keep up with him." It wasn't a question, as if Katniss actually couldn't wrap her head around the fact that Finnick could have actual friends. It sparked curiosity on how their interactions had been.

"He is not that bad."

"Really?" Katniss muttered unconvinced.

As in cue, Finnick twirled his weapon with skill. He caught Alivia's stare and winked, she ducked her head in dried mud.

"One thing is for sure, he knows how to handle his weapons."

"Well, I can return the favor and ask him if he could teach you a thing or two. If you want."

"That'd be great," Peeta looked back with sparkly eyes to a still unsure Katniss who gave in way too easily.

Alivia was definitely third wheeling.

Finnick was not going to say hello to Johanna–well, he was; but that was not his plan for the day. Finnick's mission of the day was to scare Gloss away from Alivia. That took a while, but once he found him alone, he spared no time.

He walked very casually and approached him as cool as he was, with a cheeky smile on. "I'm going to be very clear. You better back off."

"I don't know what you are talking about, Finnnick."

"I'm talking about leaving Alivia alone. I know what you are doing and it's not going to work."

"Are you sure about that?"

"I can see why you feel threatened. You definitely have reasons to–you should, in fact, feel threatened. But Alivia and I are a team and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Don't be so greedy, pretty boy. The Capitol still needs their whore."

Finnick's expression hardened. His jaw was clenched tight, still he kept a daring smile on.

"I wouldn't be so bold if I were you, glossy. You do not want to be my enemy," he tilted his head, as if taunting him. "Not unless you want to spit out your last words on your knees to me."

Gloss smirk faded into a scowl. Finnick was heavenly satisfied with that.

"Have a nice day."

Finnick walked right past him and went directly to Alivia, so they could walk to lunch together. Johanna was doing her own thing this time, so the table was only them.

"So, how was it?"

"It was great. They want to learn how you 'handle your weapons'."

"My trident?" Alivia nodded. "Oh, this is going to be a delight."

"Just remember what Haymitch told us."

"So, are you telling me to behave?"

Finnick chuckled, taking a look at the couple that all of Panem was talking about. Sometimes Finnick was jealous, how they managed to save themselves from the horrors of being abused by the Capitol just by having each other. "Do you believe them?"

Alivia followed Finnick stare. "Believe what?"

"That they are in love."

After a heartbeat or two, she answered. "I do, actually."

Finnick hummed, still doubting.

"I don't believe it."

Somehow, hours flew by and Alivia found herself in her bedroom by herself. She'd been practicing for interviews in front of her mirror since she came back from dinner. Thinking she was safe from embarrassment in the privacy of her room was just wrong, 'cause of course Finnick stormed in right as she was talking to herself.

"Sorry, I should've knocked." His eyebrows knitted in confusion. "Were you... talking to yourself?"

Alivia sighed. Might as well be honest. "I was practicing. The interviews are soon."

"Are you worried?"

"I just know my mom is going to be brought up eventually and I want to be prepared."

Every year they came back as mentors she managed to decently hide under Finnick's shadow but how would she deflect an entire spotlight.

"Ah! Luckily for you, I'm right at your service." He sat down across from her. "Let's pretend I'm Caesar."

It took a little convincing but eventually Alivia gave in and dealt with Finnick's best impression of Caesar. He sure seemed to be having way too much fun. The theatricality, he loved it. And despite her skepticism, it was actually helping.

Finnick's fake laugh was elegant, well practiced, and almost seemed genuine. If Alivia didn't know better it wouldn't even cross her mind to think otherwise. On the other hand, Alivia's fake laugh was a disaster. Finnick tried to keep it together but ended up bursting out laughing, eventually making Alivia join in too.

If someone were to ask Alivia in that instant what love felt like, she would say that exact moment. That warm feeling that spread over her chest and made the room slow down as they shared a look, still chuckling. Alivia felt a blush creep in as their laughs turned into smiles.

"Alright, let's get serious for a second. He will probably bring up your mom, but are you comfortable talking about it? Because I can cause an 'accident', if you know what I mean." Alivia hesitated but nodded in the end. "Okay. I'll be ready, just in case."

The rest of the night, Finnick spoke about all sorts of embarrassing stuff he found out about Caesar over the years. He could very well be making them up on the spot but Alivia didn't mind, she liked hearing Finnick talk.

A rare occasion–taking in the fact that they had been sleeping together since the train incident– Alivia fell asleep before Finnick. Finnick fell asleep first at the train, then again the next day when they both sneaked out to check out the place and Finnick had to hide from a furious Mags and then again yesterday when they stayed almost all night talking about what happened with Haymitch. It was starting to be a pattern, clearly.

But here and now, he didn't know what to do. Should I leave? he thought. None of the times he fell asleep were intentional so it would make sense if he just left. He could lay in his own bed but if he thought about it, he hadn't laid in his bed at all so it would probably be all stiff and he wouldn't have a good rest. He was comfortable on the couch, it was already molded to his body. Plus, it would be rude to just leave.

Finnick was oblivious to the fact he kept making excuses to not leave.

He turned to see a fast asleep Alivia and actually broke into soft chuckles just from remembering the fun they were having minutes before. It had been a while since Finnick made a friend.

He decided to stay.

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