AFTERGLOW // finnick odair

By withlovenomi

13.3K 318 22

"if the sky darkens above you I'll stay by your side in the ... More



1.4K 30 3
By withlovenomi

The Finnick Odair effect.

A summery breeze to start the day suggested that yesterday might as well just be a figment of their imagination.

That didn't change the fact that Alivia laid under the rain for hours. She'd be lucky if she didn't catch a cold. Not even with a hot shower she managed to wash away the shivery feeling in her body, she suspected it had nothing to do with the rain.

The still slippery pavement made her trip towards Mags' house. Alivia hoped to see her before the day started so they could finally talk but Finnick greeted her with a charming smile and a "Good morning."

"Good morning. I came to get Mags."

"Oh, she already left. Early morning, apparently. But she asked me to walk you to the center. Shall we?"

Alivia stuttered as Finnick started closing the door behind him. "You don't have to."

"Please, my pleasure."

They walked in awkward silence. Or at least it was awkward for Alivia, even when the streets were noisy enough to drown the need of conversation. Finnick walked casually, receiving flirty looks from the girls passing around and the only thing he had to do was smile.

Alivia knew the effect of Finnick's presence by heart. Far too well.

She was barely fifteen when she walked through Mags' training center. And in the middle of everything, there he was. Young, handsome and way out of everybody's league. He stood with such confidence and he charmed everyone at every room he took a step into. It was only a matter of time before she fell head over heels for the young man.

With time, she learned to interact with Finnick regularly. Not really friends, friend-ly acquaintances if one must get technical.

She tried to avoid every situation that involved being alone with Finnick. That way she could keep their relationship reduced to barely nothing. Functional and safe. It's better this way, she tried to remind herself every once in a while.

They made it to the center and hadn't even stepped inside when the kids started lining up to give Finnick a proper welcome. They all looked up to him, he was everything they hoped to be. Alivia snuck inside, completely ignored by the children. She risked a glance at the scene. It may come as a surprise to most but Finnick was great with kids.

"Good morning," she greeted Mags who was also enjoying the view.

Mags looked at her with a big smile, brushing off a strand of hair out of her face. It really felt like the day before never happened.

"Alright, alright," Finnick chanted. "Who wants to go for a swim?"

They wasted no time since they didn't get to swim everyday, even when the sea was right in front of them. Safety was above everything and that meant they had to wait for Finnick. The only one skilled enough to deal with twenty children in the water.

Alivia knew she had to follow to make sure the kids warmed up properly and to make sure they hadn't eaten anything for the past hour. That had given them terrible results so far and seeing a kid throw up was not how she wanted to start the day.

After that, she went to get the equipment ready for the training after, of course knowing Finnick they would probably finish until lunch hour. Mags would be busy dealing with things like lunch itself and preparing the training for the day so she was on her own.

There was not really anything else Alivia could offer besides that. She had no deeper knowledge, no wisdom or advice to tell the children.

It absolutely tore her apart when a little boy came up to her about a year ago. Barely ten years old, not even within the age limit and already thinking of volunteering. He was in the same situation she once was and the games were the only way he thought of helping his family. He was looking for advice but how do you lie to a children like that. She cried herself to sleep that night and many nights afterwards.

Alivia was taking out the last mat when Finnick entered the room. His golden hair was a tangled mess, dripping onto his shoulders.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" he asked, casually tilting his head to the side so he could shake some water off.

"Sure," she muttered. "Go ahead."

"I've been doing some thinking about this whole situation and I think I have an idea. I", he emphasized, "am going to train you."

Alivia blinked dumbly a couple of times, her face turning into a puzzled frown. He could not possibly mean for the upcoming games. "For what?"

"For the quarter quell," he said obvious.

She stuttered, immediately showing her hesitation.

"Look, we both know Mags won't be easily persuaded. This is our best chance to change her mind."

"You don't have to do this."

That was not the answer Finnick was expecting. "Don't you want my help?"

"It's not that I don't want it, I just don't think you need to do this," she shrugged. "I know the games, I train the tributes."

"You train children." Same difference, she thought. "It's a bit more complicated than that. Besides I've known these people for years."

"It's a great idea but I think I'm prepared enough."

Finnick nodded, and Alivia made the mistake of believing that he would give up that easily. He was raised by Mags after all. Next thing she knew, Finnick was attacking her—well, trying to. The mat she had been holding was on the floor and she was trying to block Finnick's hits.

The hits weren't meant to harm her, they barely even hurt but they were fast and sneaky. Alivia was slowly backing up and she would eventually meet a wall and be trapped. She stopped blocking for once and actually gave a hit to Finnick, pushing him away.

"Not bad," Finnick said apparently impressed. Then, without hesitation, he made a swift movement, throwing her to the ground with just a kick to her feet. She landed on her butt, in the mat she just dropped. "But not quite there yet."

Finnick was so proud of himself he smirked, but still politely offered a hand. Alivia took it reluctantly, trying to fight back the embarrassment in her face. Her flushed cheeks were enough. She knew Finnick was only trying to make a point. Well, point made, she thought.

"So, what do you say?"

Alivia still wanted to say no. How would training change Mags' mind?How would it change anything at all? But Finnick was staring right back at her and his eyes had immense desperation behind them. He was scared of losing Mags just like her, maybe even more.

"Alright," she agreed way too easily.

A wide smile spread over Finnick's face. "Perfect." He grabbed the mat from the floor and placed it where it belonged. "I'll meet you at lunch, alright?"

And there it was, the reason Alivia avoided Finnick as much as she could. She managed to stand her ground against Mags but she did not manage to resist the golden boy.

There it was, the Finnick Odair effect.

Alivia grunted at how cheesy she sounded and tried to keep herself busy until lunch hour. She always sat with Mags alongside all the kids and their loud chatter. But today there were several people visiting, wondering about Mags well-being since the announcement.

She didn't mind. Waiting outside didn't seem so bad. She was nibbling on her lunch when someone cried out, "Alivia."

Tiptoeing around the slippery concrete, her friend Tamara made her turn around. She grabbed Alivia's face and kissed both cheeks to say hello. "How are you? Oh, I've heard the terrible news."

"I'm alright," she nodded, appearing nonchalant.

"How's Mags?"

Alivia sighed. "She's fine. I'm dealing with it but there's just no way she is going in again."

"So, you've decided?" Was it really a decision if she had no other choice? She nodded anyways. "Oh. Please, meet me before you go?"

Tamara squeezed both her hands tightly. "I will."

She pulled Alivia into a hug and Alivia tried to hold herself together as strongly as she could. The last thing she wanted was to cry. It was rather impressive how even after crying all night long she still had tears left.

"Hello," Finnick greeted out of nowhere. "I hope I'm not interrupting."

Tamara gasped, breaking the hug a little bit stunned. There was a brief back and forth between the both of them but eventually she spoke, "No, not at all. I have to get going anyway," Tamara nudged her a little too hard in Finnick's direction. "Goodbye Alivia. I'll see you later."


Tamara waved at Finnick politely but didn't dare say anything else as she rushed away with bright red cheeks.

"Friend of yours?"

"Yeah," Alivia said simply as she sat back down.

Finnick quickly followed, taking a seat beside her to unwrap his own lunch. With a smile he said, "Want some?"

"No, thanks. I have my own."

Alivia could recognize his lunch was leftovers from the night before, it made her stomach turn. Now she couldn't see the food without remembering the bizarre announcement. It was a shame, she really liked that dish.

"So," Alivia broke the uncomfortable silence that was growing between them. "Do you really think training will change Mags' mind?"

"I'm counting on it."

"Have you talked about this with her?"

He rubbed his neck with his hand. "Not really. I tried yesterday but she would hear none of it."

"Yeah, same here," Alivia muttered. She dangled her legs in the air and looked at the sea with a frown on her face. "I'll talk to her again today."

"I'll join you. It won't be easy to bring her around but we can do it."

Alivia hummed, unable to say anything else. She expected Finnick's presence, she hardly believe he was willing to leave Mags' side in a situation like this.

"So, what did Mags do when she heard the announcement?"

"She just... sat there and ate dinner," Alivia recalled last night.

Finnick snorted. "Sounds about right."

"What were you doing?"

Alivia disguised her curiosity with politeness. She'd be lying if she said the question was merely to keep the conversation going.

He cleared his throat, embarrassed to even think what he had been doing with a woman from the Capitol.

"Boring Capitol stuff, you know, nothing important."

Would Alivia actually know? Not really. She was one of the bunch that were tossed to the side and were only dragged back to the train as mentors. She was lucky, relatively speaking; life as a victor wasn't as glamorous as they made it out to be on television.

"Oh my," Finnick exclaimed. "You have to try this. Might be the best strawberries I've ever eaten."

A small gesture Alivia accepted hesitantly. After all, how much difference would a strawberry make?

As the sun went down and the wind got colder, the three of them walked over to the village. Finnick was helping Mags navigate the road. Alivia tagged along since Mags promised to continue their talk after delaying it for the whole day. Now, Alivia didn't exactly have the virtue of patience so she was slightly on edge.

Mags made dinner, she wanted to cook something special for his boy since she couldn't welcome him properly yesterday. Mags had apologized throughly for her behavior but she seemed still set on her mindset.

Alivia didn't need an apology, Mags could hate her forever for all she knew, as long as she didn't went back to the quarter quell. She couldn't and wouldn't make Mags go through that again, not if she could stop it. The mere thought of Mags in that arena almost made her tear up.

It was quarter past ten when Finnick started glancing towards Alivia. It was now or never, they both knew it. Alivia prepared—rehearsed even, throughout the whole evening what she was about to say.

"Mags, do you remember what you promised my mom the day I decided to start training?"

It was so straightforward Finnick raised an eyebrow but listened attentively. Mags held a hand to her heart, nodding melancholic.

Alivia remembered well too, ever since her mom was gone she held onto any memory of her like her life was depending on it. "Promise me you'll take care of my girl." The memory so alive she could almost hear her voice.

"You've kept that promise and I'm so grateful for that. But, do you remember what you said to her?"

Of course Mags remembered, if the frown on her face was any indication. Alivia took a deep breath before continuing.

"You are all I have left," Finnick shifted in his seat as Alivia's voice almost cracked. "And I know you mean well, I know you do. But I can't let you do this."

"So think of what you said to her and remember that you once saw a fifteen year old girl and thought that she could make it. Well, now I ask you to see me again. Believe in me. Believe that I can do it," she pleaded.

Mags was visibly conflicted. Who could blame her? A decision like that wasn't made on the spot. A decision like that wasn't made at all. But Alivia wouldn't rest until Mags was out of danger.

"Mags," Alivia said as Mags crossed her arms with tears in her eyes. "Let me do this for you." She lend out her hand.

Waiting for her response was as dreadful as watching a candle slowly melt down.

Mags huffed, shutting her eyes before slowly going to take Alivia's hand. Stubborn old woman, Finnick thought fondly.

"Okay," Mags mumbled. A sad smile was offered as a truce. "We can work it out."

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