The Hunter, Or Should I Say T...

By belieber4ever_08

368K 10.7K 2.3K

"Don't run from me Sweetheart!" I heard a whisper as a walked home from the bar. I don't know if it's because... More

The Hunter Or Should I Say The Hunted
Release date:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Important Authors Note
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Important authors note
Authors note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Im sorry
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Book Trailer
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Wanna meet me?
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Authors Note

Chapter 21

5.4K 242 69
By belieber4ever_08

(NOT PROOFREAD! Sorry for any mistakes)

Jason's POV:

I did it. I pulled the trigger. I shot Kiestin.

She's asleep now. Not struggling or being annoying. She'll be out the rest of the night.

Before you ask I didn't use a real gun. I used my tranquilizer gun. There's no way I could actually pull the trigger on Kiestin. No way at all.

I put the barrel of the gun in my pocket and bent over to pick her up off the floor.

I set her down on the cot in then left to grab some rope.

I locked Tatiana's cell on my way through.

I then returned to Kiestin's cell. She, of course, was still laying there peacefully.

I kneeled down and used the rope to tie her left hand to the cot, then her right. Soon moving to her feet.

She needed rest and she needed to heal. I need her for my own wants and desires.

I'm tempted just to kill her friend, because she's just taking up space and oxygen.

I stood up and looked at her one last time before I shut, locked her cell, and then left.

I walked up stairs to see Kendrick sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Yo Kendrick!" I went over and sat down next to him.

"Yeah man what's up?" His full attention was on me which I liked about him. He would stop whatever he's doing if I needed to talk to him.

"I don't know. I'm just, I just haven't been myself ya know?" I looked down at my hands.

"Finally you admit it!" I shot him a look, surprised mostly.

"Excuse me?"

"Jason. It's not hard to notice. You've been more protective, you've not been as concentrated as usual, and you're just not you."

"No I haven't. I mean yes. Just I don't know. I need to figure out what's going on." I groaned and put my head in my hands.

Kendrick put his hand on my back. "Jason you'll probably kill me for saying this, but you like her. I know you've never had a crush, or girlfriend or anything, but that's what you're feeling. You actually found a girl you like. Look I'll admit it, I kind of like her friend. She is HOT!"

"Kendrick you're not right. You're not. I don't like her. That's why I've done the things I've done to her. I just don't."

I heard Kendrick sigh in then stand up to look down at me. "Jason think what you want, but at least think about this, if you didn't like her than why did you get her medical attention and not let her die and why did you fight to get her back from drake? You're confused, take time and think about things. Until then I'm taking care of the girls." With that he walked out of the room.

Kendrick has always been my go to guy for advice and a good talk. We wouldn't dare repeat anything to anyone either.

I just sighed and walked up to my room for the night.

Kiestin's POV:

I woke up. Wait I woke up? Jason shot me though.

I was still in the same cell on that same ridiculous cot, but the only difference is that I am tied up.

I heard my cell door open and shut. Soon seeing Kendrick standing over me.

"Are you serious??"

I gave him a confused look. "What?"

"He tied you up?!"

I just stayed silent as I watched Kendrick untie me.

"You need to eat and I don't feel like cooking. So either you come with me and cook something yourself or you don't eat. Oh and I will be in charge of you for the next couple of days instead of Jason."

He stood back giving me space to stand.

This is perfect. I can't even hardly stand up let alone cook myself food.

I tried to stand up and when I did I lost all my breath and shocking pains shot through my body. I had to at least sit down.

I sat on the cot that was against the wall and leaned my back up against the wall.

I looked Kendrick square in the eyes and said, "I'm not hungry."

He gave me a confused look.

"Can you not speak English?? I said I'm not hungry! Now go away!"

After those words escaped my mouth I figured he'd be so mad at me. Instead he just took a deep breath and calmly spoke.

"Kiestin you don't have a choice in the matter. You ARE eating. I won't let you starve yourself. That kind of behavior is not allowed. Now hold out your hands."

I sat there for a minute. Trying to catch my breath since I didn't know what he was going to do. I slowly held out my hands.

He grabbed them, not harshly but also not with care, and began to tie my wrists together with rope.

"What are you doing?!" I tried to jerk my wrists away, but he had already tied the rope too tight.

"You're fixing breakfast. If you won't go on your own I'll make you go. Now come on."

He left an end of the rope for him to hold. Kind of like a leash for my hands. He pulled the rope lifting my back off the wall. I whimpered and fought against it.

"Stop! That hurts! Are you stupid?!"

"No I'm just hungry." He pulled again and this time I didn't have any choice but to stand up. "Now let's go."

He pulled on the rope making me walk with him. I was holding in the loudest scream. My side was throbbing, my lungs burned like they'd been set on fire, and when you put all that together you get a girl (me) who begins to throw up blood once I stepped foot out of my cell.

As I was throwing up I heard him mumble "oh no" and he began to panic?


As I was on my knees I took a glance and saw Jason behind us. Not just any Jason. I red eyed, messy haired
Jason. He looked high?

"Y-yes Jason."

Kendrick dropped the rope, making my hands fall to the floor, and quickly headed upstairs to I guess Tatiana.

"Kiestin. You have to stop." I could smell the drugs in his breath.

He was untying my hands when he said that and that comment really ticked me off. I brought my head up to look at him and gave him the most sarcastic look ever.

How can someone have the nerves to tell someone else to stop puking!?


If I wouldn't have been in so much pain I would've punched the mood swings right out of him.

"Come on let's get you somewhere else."


So sorry it's a short chapter. I'm not even kidding when I say it took me 1 month to finish writing it. I just finished it today in study hall. Time to start in the chapter for My Stalker! (:

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I love you all and appreciate your patience with me. I've been so busy it's ridiculous.

Also watch my message board sometimes I tell you guys what's going on and keep you updated about the books and important events.

Much Love!! 💜💜





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