Farmer's Life For Two (A Star...

By Alpha-Shewolf

81K 1.4K 1.7K

Y/n is the new farm girl in town. She came to Stardew Valley for a new start. She makes some friends, and fin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 11.5
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 20

2.4K 43 40
By Alpha-Shewolf


"I promise I'll never treat you like that baby girl"



"I'm not your baby girl."

"Not yet."


~Time skip to about mid fall~

Y/n's POV

It took around 7 months for my injuries to fully heal, I still had a bit of a limp and sometimes I need a cane to walk with. Alex and Sebastian have been really helpful while I recovers, Alex was over every morning before he left for work at the ice-cream stand, then I'd be alone for an hour or two before Sebastian showed up to do his share of help. I've even seen Shane come over on the weekends to help me with my new chickens, sometimes he even comes over after work instead of going to Gus' for a drink.

All three of them have refused pay, but I don't let them leave until they take the money, I won't let them work their asses off for absolutely nothing, Sometimes instead of money Alex takes home fresh vegetables and fruits to his grandparents for Evelyn to cook with and keep them all healthy for years to come, and they appreciated it greatly.

I got up out of bed at 6 am from the roosters call, I grabbed my leg brace and slid it on after changing out of my pajamas reluctantly, my black fuzzy pants with pugs and donuts on them were the most comfortable pj's I've ever had, and they kept me warm in the cold nights that Stardew Valley had. 

I made my way out of my house and down the steps using the railing Shane and Alex made me a few weeks ago.

And speak of the devil, Alex was walking towards my farm, a bright smile was on his face when he saw me. We had become really close during my recovery after I told him about my past we were practically inseparable, joined at the hip as everyone in town would say. 

"Well good morning Ms. Hob-Along." Alex laughed as he walked up to me taking my free hand that wasn't holding onto the railing and helping me down the stairs. 

"Oh haha, very funny Mr. Jock." I playfully teased back, giving him a big hug hello even if I had just seen him all day yesterday. 

"So what's on the agenda for today? Is Shane coming over today, or do I get you all to myself?" He asked, holding me by the waist. 

I wiggled myself out of his grip, "no, Jas had asked him to take her to Zuzu City today for a shopping trip so he's a little preoccupied for today." I giggled into my hand. "There is something I wanted to start today, I've been thinking on it for a few days, and last night I decided that I was going to go through with it." 

"Alright? So what is it?" 

"I wanna make that cave I have on my property into a storage shed of some sort, put some use into it. I have fruit bats in there right now, but they don't give me fruit every day so I want to do more with it. Preferably before the snow hits. I heard we are supposed to have a freak surprise snowstorm on the way, they don't know when it will hit, but I'm hoping not for a few more days." I explained to him as we checked the sprinklers and picked some of the ripe corn. 

"So is it going to be like a bunker of some sort? Or maybe a preservative storage?" His head was tilted to the side in a questioning manner. 

"Yeah, exactly, except I'll be able to store wood, rocks, clay, and fibers as well. And maybe next spring we'll build a workshop, I have so many plans and ideas for this farm and my land." A huge smile was on my face. 

"That's a great idea Y/n/n! You're really turning this old farm into something great." 

After checking out my crops and putting the harvested produce in the box by the road we made our way to the chicken coop where my four, very different looking chickens were at.

I had one brown, one white, one void, and one blue chicken, a gift from Shane. 

"Good morning girls~." I sing as we both walk through the door, I pet each on their heads, receiving happy clucks back from them as Alex picks up the eggs for mayonnaise making. "Ready to go outside?" Alex gave me a thumbs up saying he got them all before I turned and went out the door and openimg up their door to get out from. "Alright have fun while you can girls, winter is just around the corner so soak up the sun while you can." 

My chickens then all ran out into the yard, "c'mon Bluebell, out ya go, go run around with with your sisters." I tried to coax my little, shy, blue chicken.

She stepped out then backed right back into the coop, sticking only her head out the small door. She was the newest addition to the flock and I was starting to think she was a bit self conscious about her colour.

She gave me one final cluck before running over towards my void chicken Midnight, those two were from the same clutch of eggs, just hatched a few days apart. 

"Alrighty, now let's go start on that cave it should only be a day or two job." I turned to Alex with a smile on my face. 

"You're the boss!" He laughed as we went over to the wood pile and pulled out the pieces we needed for right now. 

Once we were set up, and had all the needed tools ready, we began to get down to work starting off with making a wood rack and bringing in all the wood, we just about had all the wood in the cave when out of nowhere the snow started to fall, and heavy too, it was a total white out outside, we couldn't see a foot in front of our faces. 

"What do we do? We can't see a damn thing?" Alex yelled over the roaring of the wind. 

"Our safest bet is to get to the cave! We are closer to that then the house or coop. I just hope my chickens got inside safely." I yelled back, grabbing Alex's hand and dragging him through the snow back to the cave. I had to use my muscle memory to find the opening. I felt around, my fingers frozen from the cold as I reached out in front of me. 

We eventually found the cave and huddled together in the far corner, the sound of the wind whirling outside drowned out the screeching of the fruit bat's in the cave, and the chattering of our teeth. 

"They weren't kidding when they said surprise snowstorm." Alex laughed trying to lighten the mood, it got a smile out of me and a small laugh in return. 

The cold was starting to seep into the cave now and my body just wouldn't stop shivering, I was only in a sweater and a pair of jeans with some running shoes, but Alex wasn't fairing any better either. 

I did the only thing that I could think of in this moment, thinking back to my girl scout days, and my wilderness survival training. I moved closer to Alex taking his jacket off of him and my sweater off as well. I looked at the zippers and they looked to be about the same shape so I zipped them together to make a blanket of some sort and wrapped it around the two of us as I moved to sit on his lap to try and conserve body heat. 

"Geez Y/n/n, you're freezing!" He wrapped his arms around my body as I laid my head on his shoulder. 

"And you're warm." I shivered as I wrapped my legs around his waist. 

"Ya know… I can think of a better way to keep warm… if you're up to it?" He nervously said not looking me in the eyes, but I knew what he was talking about. 

We would be a lot warmer with less clothes on and our bodies together.

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