TORMENT (Harry Potter Sequel)

By RevolutionaryRiver0

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It has been many decades since Harry Potter had his first fateful encounter with the Dark Wizard Voldemort. N... More

Authors Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Part II: Chapter One
Part II: Chapter Two
Part II: Chapter Three
Part II: Chapter Four
Part II: Chapter Five
Part II: Chapter Six
Part II: Chapter Seven
Part II: Chapter Eight
Part II: Chapter Nine
Part II: Chapter Ten
Part II: Chapter Eleven
Part II: Chapter Twelve
Epilogue and Authors Note

Chapter Thirty Six

22 1 0
By RevolutionaryRiver0

The morning was cold. Really cold. A murky, blinding, white as snow fog had invaded the streets of London concealing most of it from view. The mist crept menacingly through the streets, a harsh wind accompanying it. The night had been rough and the rain from before still persisted, yet thankfully it had lessened a little bit. Tom had spent the night wandering the streets, avoiding all those who might be involved with Dushane's gang. He could tell his good terms with them were coming to an end. He clutched his bag with his 'stuff' in it. He was glad that he picked this up before he left; he'd need what was in it at Hogwarts.


How would life be back at Hogwarts? Tom hadn't thought about that. He didn't really care right now. He pushed the thoughts out of his head and began heading to Kings Cross station.

He got on the Hogwarts Express as soon as he could. He didn't want to spend any more time on the platform or on the streets than he had to. He'd noticed the clock had said 7:30 before he got on the train. He was slightly surprised at that. He'd been up for almost 24 hours. He knew the fatigue would set in soon. He'd just felt so much adrenaline from the night before it made sense he wouldn't just fall down but he knew that inevitably he was going to have to rest.

'I'll be able to sleep on the train journey,' he told himself, 'It's not like there's going to be anybody to talk to.'

A feeling of emptiness overtook him again. He remembered what had happened the year before. His eyes glazed over. He still found himself unable to change his expression- not that he wasn't used to it by now. He lay back in his seat and stared up at the ceiling. The outside of the window was entirely mist so there was no point looking out. He stayed like that for a few minutes. The train was completely silent. There weren't any sounds from the engine. None from the floorboards. None from the platform. Nothing. The area was completely isolated. All that could be heard was the feeble sound of the harsh winds outside against the glass of the window.

Tom reached into his inside pocket. He'd not bothered to put on his uniform. Tom pulled out the letter from his parents. He didn't take it out of its envelope. He'd already read it. He didn't want it to accidentally get ruined or something. Tom sighed as he looked at it. It still bewildered him. This whole situation.

'I mean... what the fuck happened.'

He weakly returned the letter back to where it'd resided in his inside pocket and hung his head down low.

"Why don't... I feel better?" Tom asked the question he'd wondered internally out loud. He hadn't meant to but there was clearly no one around so what was the harm?

He'd been wishing his whole life for a family. For parents. For parents that loved him. And now he knew that, even if they were dead, he knew it to be true. He did have parents! There were people who loved him at least at one point in time. The matron had been telling him his whole life not only that he was nothing but that he was always nothing and now he knew that to all be a lie. Oh and the matron...

Tom held his head in his hands. The matron, the matron. The matter of the matron was... complicated. Tom didn't even know what to think. Hatred, anger, sadness, guilt, awkwardness.

All Tom knew was that he wasn't lying when he said he wasn't coming back to that orphanage. He wasn't- he'd made up his mind. That was it for that place. He was never coming back, not to the orphanage or that area ever again. After this year he was going to find his own way in the world. He didn't know where he'd go or where'd he even look but he'd have to find somewhere.

'It doesn't matter much anyway now,' Tom thought to himself, 'I have a whole year to think about it.'

And then his mind drifted to the topic of Hogwarts. He didn't want to think about it. He grumbled something inaudible under his breath. He was so sick of everything.

'Maybe I should sleep,' admitted Tom mentally. He sighed and lay back, shutting his eyes. It took him a while but he managed to finally rest.

Over an hour had passed. The Hogwarts Express was now set to leave. A loud whistle of smoke came out from the front of it, the shrill screech echoing across the platform. Tom awoke with a start. He hadn't slept much but it was better than nothing. He was used to little sleep anyway and it didn't help that he had strong insomnia. In all truthfulness, Tom was relieved he'd managed to get any sleep whatsoever. He rubbed the back of his neck. He didn't know why but it ached. His body had been feeling stiff in general recently. Tom wondered if it was the drugs. He didn't care then. He looked out of the window. There were definitely people out there but he barely made out anything but faint silhouettes. The mist was still veiling everything. But the train was moving now anyways so it didn't matter much. Tom yawned and stretched his arms. He was getting too big for these compartments. He'd somehow grown even more in this last summer holiday.

'How was that even possible?' Tom asked himself, 'Maybe I am a giant...' he yawned again. His eyes were full of sleep, "Or maybe I'm just a freak," he whispered unknowingly out loud. He lay back again. The Hogwarts Express was now comfortably out of the station. Maybe he'd be able to get some more sleep now. Unless someone disturbed this compartment. Tom's eyes shifted to the door and regarded it with a cold glare. He hoped they wouldn't. He put his hands behind his neck. Maybe if he lay on something his neck wouldn't be so achy. Yeah that's why his body ached. Not because of the drugs. Definitely not because of the drugs. He exhaled solemnly. What a tiresome year this was going to be.

"And I'm not going to do it anymore!" Tom heard a distant voice from outside his compartment. It was far away so it was probably at the end of the carriage.

"I can't! I can't!" the voice was far away and Tom couldn't make out who it was or most of the words they were saying. He shouldn't care anyway. It wasn't any of his business. He tried to ignore it.

Then there were stomps. Another voice was speaking back. More voices were speaking back. It was an argument, that's for sure. He still couldn't really make out who it was between. There were more stomps. They were getting closer. They stopped. They seemed like they were right outside Tom's compartment. And then one final yell.

"And I won't-"

The compartment door flung open and there stood Alannah Estevan. Tom's glare hardened even more. The voice, which Tom now had figured out belonged to Alannah, stopped immediately. Alannah's face went pale. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly. Her body completely froze with fear. Tom just sat there, glaring at her. After what, in reality was only a few seconds but felt much longer, Tom finally moved. With tired, regular movements he walked over to the door, Alannah taking an instinctive step back as he advanced.

"-I-" she opened her mouth to speak but stopped herself. She looked absolutely scared to the bone. Tom ignored it. He ignored her. And then, still maintaining eye contact, pulled the door back shut casually. Alannah was left still frozen on the other side. Tom saw her shadow through the door still standing there. And then another shadow joined her. Tom recognised his voice instantly as Charlie.

"Are you done yet you bitch?" Tom heard a muffled smacking and a yelp from Alannah, "Get back over here and stop making a commotion. You'll apologise when we get back to Aubyn."
Tom heard Charlie grab onto Alannah and pull her alongside him.

All she let out was a weak and submissive, "Yes..."

Tom looked back away from the door, his expression still unchanging. He was definitely right. It wasn't any of his business.

There was a loud banging on the door. Tom's head jolted up and accidentally emitted a snort. He'd fallen asleep apparently. He looked outside the window. It was pitch black outside.

'Been asleep for a few hours then,' he noted. His head then turned back to the door. The banging returned. 3 loud thuds on the door. Tom got up and walked towards it, hesitant and unwilling to open the door. But he did anyway. It creaked slightly as he slid it open, his face stony and emotionless. He expected the worst. And he expected right.

"This is nostalgic, isn't it freak?" Charlie was back again. Tom was sick of this already. He gave him a tired look and didn't respond. Charlie smirked again. Behind him was a group of 5 or 6 other Gryffindor boys. Tom could already see their wands out already.

"You caused us a lot of trouble last year and you think you'd just go unpunished?" called out a crony from the group. Tom's eyes shot to the boy who'd spoken. He still didn't say anything. He knew where this is going.

"Just because you think you're big now doesn't make it so we can't beat you up dumbass," Charlie said, his smirk still remaining proudly on his face, "Just like before remember? Those years ago? Except now we have magic whereas you are untalented and-"
Tom tuned out Charlie's ravings. He couldn't be bothered with this right now. He didn't feel the rage like he used to. He didn't feel anything. He was just... empty.

"Did you get that freak?" Charlie stood expecting an answer. Tom just stood there in silent boredom for a few seconds before, seemingly begrudgingly, moving his large arm and grabbing Charlie's head. The action shocked everyone. Tom picked up Charlie by the neck and brought him up to his eye level.

"You pathetic creatures..." Tom whispered, looking directly into Charlie's eyes which were now wide with fear. Tom's own looked weary and downtrodden. Tom's voice then rose, "Like puny dogs," he spit the last word out with venom, "Always heeding their master's commands, trying to make their way up the chain," Tom's grip around Charlie's neck tightened, "You all disgust me."
He dropped Charlie to the ground. He landed with a thud in a heap. He hastily scrambled backwards and pulled out his wand.

"Everyone-" he spoke with difficulty after having his throat choked, "Get him!"
All of the Gryfindor's raised their wands and all screamed out a particular spell. But nothing happened.

'This ability I have acquired is extremely useful,' Tom thought to himself, 'I wish I knew where it came from,' he then saw the looks of pure shock, confusion and terror on the Gryffindors faces, 'But I suppose it doesn't matter. It's worth it.'

"What a group," Tom clenched his fists. The faces of the Gryffindor students paled. They knew what was going to happen next. Tom finished his sentence, "Of utter idiots."

"Before you have even arrived at the school!" Hermione's shrill cries echoed through the Hogwarts halls. They were deserted now, as the whole population of the school was currently in the Great Hall having the first feast of the year.

"Not even a minute in!" Hermione cried again. Tom trailed reluctantly behind her. As soon as the Hogwarts Express had reached its destination he'd been whisked off by various teachers after news of the 'incident' that just happened reached them.

"The Headmaster is missing the Feast because of you, do not know that?! You! He's taking time out just to talk with you because-"
Tom finally spoke up, "Maybe you should teach your little Gryffindors to be a little less violent."

Hermione stopped and strides and snapped back to Tom, "I should tell them about violence? As if you are one to talk-"

Tom took a step forward, completely unintimidated by Professor Granger, "Those rodents attacked me first, everything I did was self defense."

"'Self-defense'" Professor Granger repeated his words in a mocking tone, "Really? Is that what you call it?"

Tom grabbed one of the Gryffindor boy's head and smashed it against the window, breaking the glass pane. He then threw the boy's body effortlessly into another, knocking both of them down to the ground. He then turned around rapidly and sucker punched another student who was trying to hide behind him.

"Unlike you, I am trying to teach them that it is unwise to attack me," Tom retorted, "Their arrogance from being in the 'perfect house of heroes' seems to make them believe themselves invincible," Tom took another step forward towards Hermione, "I don't see you trying to tell them otherwise."

Hermione's face went red with indignation but she controlled herself. She spun around and continued walking to the Headmaster's office.

"Come along, don't waste any more time."

Tom grumbled something to himself and kept following her.

Harry Potter stood behind his desk, thinking to himself. Hermione entered his office and Tom after her. Still without turning around he spoke aloud, "Thank you very much Professor for getting him. Now me and Tom will have a private discussion."

"But Harry-"

Harry interrupted Hermione, "I said private," he spoke in a firm tone. Hermione gave up and left the room. After she did, Harry turned around and walked over to Tom.

"I have only one thing to say to you," a warm smile emerged on his face, "How are you?"

Tom didn't even really know how to respond, "That- on the train- was self-defense," he said. It was all he could really think of.

Harry sighed, "I know. Those boys must have a death wish to keep engaging with you, I thought they would've learned the first time."

"So you're not... angry?" Tom asked hesitantly.

"Of course not," Harry said, a smile still on his face, "And that is why I had Hermione, oh I mean Professor Granger, leave the room. You see I am technically not allowed to say that or otherwise risk getting into big trouble..." he winked at Tom, "But I don't really care. You won't snitch on me Tom?"

Tom tried his best at a chuckle. It came out like a cough. He paused, "That was meant to be a laugh," he explained awkwardly. Harry chortled at that. He walked over and put an arm around Tom.

"Now now, how was your holiday? Did anything happen?"

Tom's mind instantly flew back to the letters. His body tensed slightly.

"Uh..." he struggled to speak. He remembered back to what they said.

'Do Not Trust Any Wizard,'  Tom recalled what it said, 'But even the Headmaster? Why can't I tell him?'

Tom answered his own query mentally, 'Remember what it said. Don't trust anyone. Anyone can be a spy for the Youngs. You can't tell him. If they know you know about that letter, who knows what could happen?'

"Tom?" Harry asked again, "Are you okay?"

Tom nodded and quickly brushed off Harry's arm on his shoulder.

"I'm fine," he said quickly, "Let's just go back to the feast."
"Are you sure?" Harry asked, slight concern building on his face. He could tell something was a little off. Tom nodded.

"You need to get back there for the sorting ceremony, right?" Tom asked. Harry sighed.

"I guess you're right," said Harry, "But I'll be seeing you around these next few days, got it?"Tom nodded and left the office. He knew that somehow the Headmaster would probably end up in the Great Hall before him. Not that he really wanted to go there. Maybe he'd just skip it. Actually that didn't sound like such a bad idea...

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