Born in Blood

By Loverofdangerouslove

5.7K 128 5

"I hate you so fucking much." Blood burning my eyes. "Then I will fuck you like I loathe you." He growled in... More

Letter to My Darlings
Last Chapter;


113 4 0
By Loverofdangerouslove

"Maze!" June screamed while thrashing in her restraints.

"June!" I mocked back letting out a hellacious laugh.

"Maze, what am I doing here? Where am I? Remove the blindfold!"

I didn't respond all I did was trace my knife along her shaking jawline, at the end near her chin I added the smallest amount of pressure to puncture her smooth skin. She drew in a sharp breath and pulled her head back.

I walked around to the back of her chair and cut off her loose black t-shirt, leaving her in just a cotton tank top. In between her shoulder blazes I craved out the letter 'M'. After the first line, she couldn't hold the pain and started to scream.

"Maze, Stop! I'm begging as you friend, stop, stop, stop!"

I completed the 'M' and walked back to in front of her. I looked to the corner where Shade stood as he nodded his head approvingly.

His busted lip had turned a deep shade of purple similar to the bruise on June's temple.

I took off June's blindfold and tossed it to the floor beside me. "Take a guess where we are?"

She swallowed and licked her dry lips. "We aren't in-in-in-the-torture chamber, right?" Worry lines coated her forehead as her eyes darted all around the room.

"Correct." I smiled. "You know June, this is not only your first time visiting but also the first time being tortured." I continued to circle her and trace her features with my knife.

"Only one of us had to undergo it. You volunteered to participant on our team's behalf." She mumbled avoiding my eyes.

"That's correct again." I dropped my hands to rest on her thighs and held my face in front of hers. "I volunteered to have Boss hang me from the ceiling in this room and whip me like a dead animal. Then I volunteered to have him spill burning alcohol all over my back while I laid stripped of everything in the corner right over there. Lastly, I volunteered to have Boss torture me by cutting and slicing different parts of my body until I didn't make any noise."

"What is this fucking about Maze?" She screamed. I could sense the fear coming from her voice. Not so tough now, when I'm the one hunting her.

"You know when they first took me, I thought about you. I wished you got away safely. Then I prayed you'd come after me so we could get back to Italy. Instead, you never showed. Then once I get back all the pieces seem to fall into place."

"What are you talking about Maze?"

"During my time in Russia, I learned many secrets. About who I am, who Boss is, and who my parents were. The kicker is I couldn't put all these pieces together until I saw it in your eyes. You are the connection."

"I didn't do shit to you Mazikeen!" She pulled at the ropes again.

"My parents were Russian. They were spies under the Anwar's and for a long ass time worked successfully under Cassio."

"Kenny don't bore me with a fucking story and get to the bloody part." Shade spoke darkly pushing off the wall and standing behind June. He dropped his hands on her shoulders and she shuddered against his touch.

"Shade, this is fucking important. Interrupt me again and I'll strap you to this chair next." I glared.

"I'll say it again, kinky." He laughed taking his knife out and holding it against June's bleeding back. "Why don't you continue with your story, and I'll finish writing your name." He smiled and went to work.

I dipped my head back down to June and dug my fingernails into the skin on her exposed thighs. "A maid heard them talking and exposed them. They were whispering in Russian. None of the maids know Russian, except for the daughter of one maid in particular. You are enough years older than me to have been able to understand my parents and turn them over to Boss. You killed my parents!"

"They were dirty Russians, like you, and had no place other than hell!" She screamed louder as Shade deepened the cuts on her back.

"The question you need to answer is, How did I come to work for Boss?"

"I loved Taylor."

"What?" Shade smirked. "That little runt, Boss' kid?"

"Yes! She was my only friend for years. Then those Russians-" She glared at me "-took her from our dorm one night."

"If it's Boss' offspring then why was she sleeping with the help?" Shade questioned having finished carving my name out on June's back.

"Because all we had was each other. After they took her Boss was devastated and I wanted her back. When he got there, she was already dead, but a little girl was being born in the warehouse." She smiled with her bloodshot eyes. "He slit your parent's throats, then drained them of all their blood as he let you mindlessly cry in a pool of it. You were stained red. The color, I heard brought out your eyes."

I smiled in return and sliced up her legs. They turned a pale white as the floor I stood on became red with her blood. The smile fell from her eyes and fear became apparent. "Let's see if your blood has the same effect." I retorted placing a few more cuts on her cheeks.

"Why didn't Boss kill Kenny then, June? I mean I tried to kill her, but you stood by her side all these years. Always there to patch up the marks I left." Shade came to my side in front of June.

"He grew fond of you. You aced every test and took his torture like it was a hug from a father. When he got you he got to have a daughter again and a killer to chase after her own kind. You were the perfect monster." She lowered her head and tears made the blood on her face run down her neck.

"You didn't kill me. You're older, you could have. But you let me get stronger, lethal, and faster than you. Don't tell me you wanted me to spill your blood, I was capable at six."

"I wanted you to die as Taylor did. Taken from her home and bled to death. The Russians promised they'd make it hell on earth."

"Didn't account for Shade did they?"

"He hates you. I thought he would rejoice with us that you're gone and dead. Instead, the bastard chased after you."

"I don't hate Kenny."

"What do you mean you don't hate this bitch? Everyone does." June muttered. I slammed my heel into her ankle and shattered it. She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Shade brought a hand over her mouth. "Hush, I was talking. I was competitive with her because out of all the assassins Boss has in this house, only Kenny was a worthy opponent the rest were embarrassingly easy to beat."

I dug my fingers into the slits on her thighs and came right up to her face. "So you thought you could ditch me with the Russians, hide the fact that you knew everything about me, and make it all out alive?" Her muscles were twitching under my fingers. 

"Yes, they promised me a corpse." She sobbed.

"You know I hate crying. I have never cried in my life. I see it as a weak and useless act, so let's put a smile on that face." I kissed the tip of her nose the way she did to me when we were little kids in school still.

"Maze I've told you all I know, why isn't it enough?" She cried.

"Who's your movie, favorite villain?" Shade asked smirking.

"Joker." She whispered. "Why would that-NO!" She thrashed like a wounded fish in the teeth of a great white shark.

I spoke no words as I grabbed a hold of her short blonde hair and pulled her head up to the ceiling. With quick movements, I sliced an infamous smile on her. From her mouth down was now only dark red. She was becoming pale and if I continued she would surely die.

"Pretty smile you got there June." Shade patted her shoulder.

Soon she stopped moving and relaxed her body. I dropped all my knives to the floor and gently placed my hands on top of all the cuts in her skin.

"I used to say that I would be the worst villain in everyone else's story just to stay the broken hero in yours. Foolish me to not see that you just wanted to see the monster dance until you would shoot me in the head."

"You're not even the villian to me anymore. You're just monster that got out of her cage. Someone will put you back inside one day."

"I'll see you hell June. You can't miss me, I'll be the one on the throne." I grabbed another blade and rose it to her neck. "My name is Mazikeen, I am true blooded Russian, and I am proud to rid this world of another Italian."

I sliced her neck wide open. She held her eyes to me as the life left her eyes.

"Quite the show Kenny. I enjoyed it." Shade kicked the chair over and June's body fell into the pool of blood I created. "Ironic, that was supposed to be you." He smiled and headed to the door. "Aren't you coming Kenny?"

"For what?"

"I assume you're going to kill a few more people before the sun rises."


I owed you another update, here you are:)

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