Danganronpa Another Episode:...

By Absolan

1.8K 31 17

Komaru Naegi believes that she can save Towa City and end the war in a peaceful manner, however a survivor kn... More

Cute Girl's Battlefield
Healing Wounds
Tactical Rescue
One World
Hope's Resurrection
Hunt for Despair
Unsolved Mysteries
Heartless Betrayal
The Successor
The Decision
Conflict of War
Fight for Hope

Back to Base

348 4 1
By Absolan

Toko: "Th-This i-is a... b-bit h-higher th-than ex-expected..."

Komaru: "Yeah..."

Toko: "...S-Still th-thinking a-about y-your b-brother..?"

Komaru: "It's hard not too. It's possible he died..."

Toko: "What is it with the two of you, I know your siblings but..."

Komaru: "He's my brother, someone who's always protected me, cheered me up, been there for me... it's hard to let go of family, and the people you love..."

Toko: "..."

Komaru: "Um... you ok..? You look like you're crying a little."

Toko: "I-I'm fine..."

Warrior's of Hope Mansion

Monaca: "We've lost another one it seems."

Kotoko: "He probably got beaten by those chicks. Though can I ask, why didn't we make a funeral for Jataro?"

Monaca: "Hm? Oh, Monaca got bored and decided not to do it this time."

Kotoko: "Right. If you're bored I guess we don't have to do it, but... shouldn't we have found his body if he did die?"

Monaca: "..."

Monaca: "Are you questioning Monaca?"

Kotoko: "What?"

Monaca: "You're! Trying! To! Say! Monaca! Is! Wrong!"

Kotoko: "N-No not at all! Monaca is never wrong! Just please, don't hate me! I was just curious! Like that discussion over half a glass of water being half full or half empty!"

Monaca: "Hmm... don't worry. That's not something to apologize over! Monaca knows you-"

Suddenly the door to the room opened and Nagisa ran through.

Nagisa: "Monaca! I have a report!"

Monaca: "Oh, what is it Nagisa?"

Nagisa: "Those demon girls. The Monokuma kids reported they were sending communications."

Kotoko: "It was that demon organization Future Foundation, wasn't it?"

Nagisa: "Affirmative. I already scrambled their transmissions but I don't know what they've learned already. But we already have a hostage, Future Foundation can't make a move without us killing on of them."

Kotoko: "So, it doesn't pose a problem then?"

Nagisa: "Maybe, but we have bigger problems, the Masked Demon who threatened to destroy our army, we can't find him. He's practically a ghost."

Monaca: "Monaca doesn't understand, I know you can do it Nagisa!"

Monaca rolled up her wheelchair to Nagisa and gave him a hug.

Monaca: "You're doing incredible being the new leader and all. I have high expectations for you, Commander."

Nagisa's face turned pink and he started sweating.

Nagisa: "R-Right. High expectations. I'll set a plan in motion!"

Nagisa ran off and Kotoko decided to follow him to make sure his plan would go well.


Komaru and Toko arrived back to the secret base that the adults were all hiding in. The two girls were greeted by Shirokuma, who seemed to be waiting for them.

Shirokuma: "Hey! You made it back safe! I'm so glad!"

Toko: "Y-Yeah... w-we're back..."

Komaru: "..."

Shirokuma: "C'mon why the long face? Come on! Leap into my arms!"

Komaru: "I would... but... I'm... just going through a tough phase right now..."

Shirokuma: "Oh? Did the connection to Future Foundation fail?"

Komaru: "No. It worked fine but... I don't think Future Foundation can do anything about this right now."

Shirokuma: "I see... well, that's no reason to feel down. Like they always say, it's better to try than to not try at all!"

Toko: 'How does this thing have so much optimism?'

Komaru: "The Board. Are they in a conference?"

Shirokuma: "Yeah. I can take you there right now."

The three of them walked towards the conference room and walked in on the board discussing strategies.

Haiji: "I'm not saying we're gonna stay here forever, but until we can find an advantage where we come out on top... we have no choice but to lay low. Unless anyone else has any ideas?"

Shirokuma: "That depends, did you discuss my idea?"

Haiji: *huff* "What are you two doing here?"

Shirokuma: "Now now! It's not the time to be fighting! If we're at war we have to stick together!"

Haiji: "Also your plan, it's far too late for that."

Toko: "What plan?"

Haiji: "Shirokuma believes that we could try persuading the children."

Komaru: "Persuade?"

Haiji: "Considering what the children have been doing, the chances of that are impossible. Right now, we have to wait it out."

Toko: "Wait it out? You're just a worthless leader! Even more of a burden than this big chested chick."

Komaru: "Standing right here y'know..."

Haiji started getting pissed and got up from his seat to walk up to Toko.

Haiji: "If you don't like the way I lead, no one is going to stop you from leaving."

Toko: "Fine by me. I'd be better off than you."

Komaru: "TOKO!"

Toko looked back and saw an angry looking Komaru.

Komaru: "I know you think they can't fight back, but it's because they can't build confidence, I would know! You're my brother, a good person and someone who was always confident in himself. You were chosen for Hope's Peak for crying out loud because you have talent!"

Toko: "There isn't pride in being a writer you know! Especially during this, and where it got me!"

Suddenly the doors to the conference room flew open as a male figure ran through in a panic.

Adult Q: "E-Emergency! Monokumas are attacking us!"

Komaru: "What!?"

Adult P: "How did they find this place!?"

Haiji: "That's the least of our worries! We need to go, now!"

The adults and Haiji ran off to escape.

Toko: "I think we should go to."

Komaru: "No. We can't just leave everyone that needs our help! Please Toko, won't you help us?"

Toko: "...Fine. Maybe you're right about that confidence thing."

Several Monokuma's barged in and aimed for the helpless adults. Komaru and Toko on the other hand only fought the Monokumas that were near the adults. After the ambush was over several adults were still injured and a few of them were dead on the floor.

Komaru: "This... is horrible."

Haiji: "It's your fault."

Komaru: "What?"

Haiji: "I've been trying to keep this place a secret for so long, but you had to contact Future Foundation."

Toko: "Hey! It's better than sitting around and doing nothing!"

Haiji: "Look where that got us! I've been trying hard to keep this place a secret and because of you-"

Adult M: "Mr. Haiji-"

Haiji: "Not now."

Toko: "Obviously they found out somehow! Clearly there's something off here!"

Komaru: "I found out what..."

Everyone looked to Komaru who suddenly pulled something out of the ground that seemed to be blinking brightly, but very small.

Shirokuma: "They had a tracking device here already!?"

Haiji: "Destroy it! Destroy it now!!"

Komaru instantly slammed the tracking device to the ground and stomped on it a few times. The whole thing was in smithereens by the time she picked up her foot.

Toko: "Yeesh Omaru, what was that all about?"

Komaru: "This base was rigged from the start! They knew we'd come here!"

Haiji: "We should be lucky they didn't show up with more..."

Everyone else agreed and the same guy who tried talking to Haiji called his name again.

Adult M: "Mr. Haiji, the screen."

Everyone knew something terrible was about to happen when that screen was turned back on, but this time it glitched and once the picture cleared up, it displayed a symbol.

Toko: "The kanji, for justice?"

Haiji: "What the hell is going on?"

Suddenly a voice was heard from the screen as it shifted to a masked figure.

???: "Haiji, was it?"

Some people seemed shocked that whoever this was knew their leader's name.

Haiji: "Who is this?"

???: "You may refer to me as, X."

Toko: "Wh-What kind of sick joke is this!?"

X: "I sure you this is no joke. I'm aware of the losses you and your team have suffered, I too have lost people. Family, and someone I loved, all because of this tragedy."

Haiji: "What are you getting at?"

X: "You should know as well as I do, there is only one way to bring justice, to achieve the hope you so desire. You have to fight back, you have to kill those against you."

Shirokuma: "What!?"

X: "This is war, people always die in war. I learned the same way, I had killed several of their soldiers already, but I can't win this war by myself, nor can I provide weapons for everyone. You will have to make them yourself. All I ask in return is that you help me in this fight. We will purge the despair together."

Haiji: "..."

Komaru: "N-No that's not the right way! That's horrible!"

X: "This is the way. There is only one way in war, kill or be killed. You have to stand up, and fight."

Haiji: "What are you getting out of this?"

X: "Vengeance. I have not yet arrived in Towa City, once I do I will send a transmission letting you know."

The transmission cut, leaving everyone chatting about what just happened.

Haiji: "He has a point."

Komaru: "Are you really siding with that guy!? Who knows this isn't a trap!?"

Haiji: "And contacting Future Foundation wasn't?"

Komaru: "If Toko can trust her, then I know I should too-"

Suddenly the screen turned on again, this time with two Monokuma children...

Adult J: "Aww what now!?"

Komaru: "What is that?"

Haiji: "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Haiji snapped his fingers and groups of people had restrained Komaru and Toko has they struggled.

Haiji: "Take them away."

Komaru: "Wait no!"

Toko: "Let go!"

The two girls were taken away to who knows where, and they couldn't do anything about it...


A figure sitting down at a desk had just closed the laptop in front of him. Suddenly a taller figure with white hair, wearing a white suit had walked in the room, Kyosuke Munakata.

Kyosuke: "You said you had updates for Towa City?"

???: "You were right. Togami went behind our backs and formed a team of our soldiers to investigate without consent. Fukawa claimed he's now a hostage."

Kyosuke: "Tch. Dumbass."

???: "Agreed. However I do have something better."

Kyosuke: "Is it about the LEDs?"

???: "One of them was smashed, so now we know where the survivors are."

Kyosuke: "Good. We can support them with weaponry from the outside to strike back against the Monokumas."

???: "Once we do, we'll advance and chop off the head of the organization, and end this war."

Kyosuke: "Indeed. Let me know when you've come up with anything else."

???: "Understood, director."

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