(The Commander's Sister)...

By LexiDemoss9

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What if commander lexa had a sister. What if her sister was also nightblood. What if her sister and luna fell... More

About freya
The conclave
Finding Peace
Surprises Of A Lifetime

Happy Children, Happy Mothers

523 15 6
By LexiDemoss9

Six months later

Freya's pov

Two years. It's been one year since we ran, luna turned seventeen one month ago and I'll be seventeen in a little over two weeks. I do miss lexa, I wish I could be there for her right now, we got news that the commander was going to war with azgeda and that she has plans on uniting the twelve clans into a coalition because azgeda went against her, but also because they  kidnapped costia and killed her, but I can't go back because if I do lexa won't kill me and It will make her be seen as weak even though she's not.

Nova and dawn are one and davina and talia are twelve and they have settled in pretty well, and are used to nova and dawn and they act as if they were there blood sisters. I am going to get breakfast for luna and the girls because I woke up earlier, I suppose when I get back luna will be awake and nova and dawn will be crying because they are hungry.

As I get back to our connected rooms im surprised  with a kiss that we both smile into and luna steps back. She has been acting weird lately but I ignored it.

"Where are dawn and nova." I ask setting down the food on the dresser and turning back around with a smile.
"They're playing with there toys in the room."luna says picking up a Apple slice and eating it.

"Okay will you help me make their food and divide davina and talia food." I ask starting to make nova and dawns food. As I turn around luna looks me and I look at the bottom of the door way to the girls room and gasp and luna looks down too with a surprised look. There stands dawn in the down way looking tired.

So luna picks her up and we both go back to the room and put the back to sleep. An hour later they are fed and we were sitting there playing with dawn, nova, talia and davina. "So I was thinking we could go back to naboo and then to them woods as you always liked it there for your birthday and we could have Mary  watch the girls just for a couple days." Luna says with a smile and kisses novas head. Sure that sounds nice  but we have to be careful." I say kissing luna on the cheek. "Nomi how old will you be." Davina asks in english but that's not what surprised me we had been teaching them, what surprised me is that she called me mom.

After I got over my shock I answered."I'll be eighteen strik won". I said and she smiled and continued eating once they were done davina and talia went to play with the other kids and sent dawn and nova to Sara she loves them too and loves eating them she hasn't got to in a while. Luna wanted to braid my hair so I let her then we decided to spar and went into a training type room that was also connected to our room, it has a small bed in the corner and a weapons chest and holder against the wall

"So ai hodness do you think you can beat me today" I say with a smile as we get ready for a spar. "I think it's funnier that you think I would be able to beat you." She says with a chuckle. As she turns I swing my staff at her and she blocks as we keep going she keeps blocking instead of attacking then before I know it she had swung her staff under me and knocked me down. "Good job Ai natshana" I say congratulating her even though I was going easy on her after all I do love her. "No,no,no, don't congratulate me you were going easy on me." she says helping me up.

Alright then, I think I will fully accept that offer to go to the mainland for my birthday I guess we can leave the kids here." I say happily taking her staff and kissing her hard while dropping the staff's to the floor, and pushing her back till she hits the door.

"Wait, we can't right now." Luna pants out when we break from the kiss. "Yes we can were  alone right now." I say and kiss her again. As she smiles into the kiss I start to lift her shirt and she pulls it the rest of the way off as I slide my hand down and lock the door.

We stumble to the bed and she climbs on top of me, as we block out the world for a little bit, and just enjoying each others warmth.

An hour and a half later

Luna's pov

"What are you thinking about, ai moun half." I asked quietly while I trace the  tattoo on they back of freya's shoulder.

I rub her shoulder and she turns around and kisses me. Then looks at them ceiling.

"You had another nightmare last night what was it about." I ask while I pull her closer and wrap my arm around her. "It wasn't like they others, instead there was the girls, your's, and lexa's bodies at my feet while I had my sword and it was covered in all of yours and their blood and then it went black and happend over and over but sometimes I saw your face as my sword stabbed through you. And I tried to wake up but couldn't." She explained as she stared ahead.

"Well we are going back to naboo later today and we can get more of that tea to help you sleep, it would help if you realise that you are not going to hurt us." I replied getting up and throwing her clothes at her then getting my own on. Naboo is they capital of floukru you can get to it by land or on a boat very few know how to on land.

"The girls have been dying to go back and we've only been on they rig for two weeks." I say as we leave the training room. "Do you think Sara will give the babies back." Freya asks with a grin. "Nope I doubt it." I replied with a grin too. "I have an early birthday gift for you." She stops from opening they door and looks back at me with my hand behind my back. She come up to me and stands there. "Oh yeah what is it." She asks happily. "Turn around and close you eyes." She turns and does just that and I pull out they neck lace. And put it on her.

She opened her eyes and turned around. "It's  beautiful, i love it." She says gratefully. "Not as beautiful as you though, I love you." I then grin and lean in too kiss her.

"We need to pack some stuff to take back with us to naboo then go try to get dawn and nova back from Sara." She reminds me pulling me with her.

Naboo Evening Time

Freya's pov

When we got to naboo after a long but some what short boat ride we went through the market and let the girls pick out a wooden toy and a baked sweet from Emma's stall she's a kind old lady who makes the best and the girls love them. Then we went to the castle, the girls pulled one of the curtains down that are used as a window one time.

Once they were playing in the  play room we went and got the servants to make some food and brew some of my tea and get some juice for the girls, Marie the head servant loves to spoil the girls and was so excited to see them.

Once it was night time I sang the davina and talia a song.

Deep in the meadow
Under the willow
A bed of grass
A soft green pillow
Lay down you head
And close you eyes
And when they open
The sun will rise
Here it's safe
Here it's warm
Here the dasies guard
You from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet
And tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place
Were I love you.

"Okay they are asleep, now we can go to sleep." I tell luna as she comes out of the babies room quietly. "Yes and remember if you have a nightmare it's not real and will never happen." Luna tries to reassure me as we lay down her head on my chest. I am calmed by being able to have my arms protectively around her and not letting anything harm her. With the thought of always protecting her in my mind I dose off to sleep right after luna.


Did I do good with this chapter.

What do you think will happen next.

Should I go to when the 100 are down on earth and just make flashbacks of when luna and freya get the rest of the kids or should I have each chapter about that.



I love hearing my readers opinions

The song IS  called "DEEP IN THE MEADOW".

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