Vampire Knight X Reader


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"Elissa, are you hungry?" The headmaster asked her. She was another adopted daughter of Kaien Cross. Her and... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

~Your POV~

The next thing that appeared was a plucked rose being handed to you. You took it from the hand and looked at the person who gave it you only to have watering eyes and throwing yourself into his arms. His arms locking around you tightly as he took in your scent. 

You let your happy tears out as he stroked your hair in response to calm you. "You have no idea how long I've waited to hug you again." He sighed contently, you brought yourself face to face with him.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to be with the real you." You said as your tears streamed down your cheeks.

"The real me?" He asked confused, his eyebrows narrowed slightly.

"Quentin always had a sick joke he did to me when I wouldn't behave. He'd get in my head and torture me with memories of you, Kaname, and Yuuki. The torture was that whenever I tried to touch you guys, it was like I was a ghost... like I didn't exist. No matter how much I cried out for you three, you never looked at me, felt my touch.. It was like I never existed." You cried as Zero pulled you into his chest letting you cry on him.

"I'm so sorry you were put through that. But no matter how much it felt like it was impossible, we always searched for ways to find you. I joined the Senate to play his game so he wouldn't hurt you... To find out he has..." Zero started to shake with rage and you knew you had to do something before he did something he'd regret.

"Zero, you can't touch him now... Kaname made that announcement and everyone in there will protect him just as much as they would with the Kuran line.. He wanted the power and now he has it... Only Kaname has the power to stop him." You told him and he sighed agitated that you were right. You pulled away from him as he wiped your tears from your cheeks.

"You need to stop crying, you'll ruin your makeup." He said making you laugh out at him. You hit his shoulder lightly.

"You're making  jokes now?" You laughed and he nodded.

"I've made jokes before." He simply defended himself and you smiled at him. It wasn't long before the smile faded.

"Zero... What is Quentin making you do?" You questioned. Zero's smile faded too and you noticed his tense manner.

"I can't tell you. I'm sorry." He said and you scoffed shaking your head at him.

"Zero tell me right now. Do not make me use my powers on you please. Just tell me, what's he making you do? If it's something you don't want to do then you can tell me and we'll stop him together." You told him pleading and hoping that he would eventually spill.

He looked at you, his eyes full of uncertainty. He opened his mouth but the words that followed were not his, "I sure do hope you were not about to spill the beans to her surprise. You know how unfortunate that would be for you Zero." Quentin came to Zero's side and put his arm on Zero's shoulders. Quentin looked at Zero and then at you where you glared at him.

"What are you making him do?!" You had enough and started to raise your voice at him. Quentin just chuckled.

"Zero leave us," Quentin said and pushed Zero towards the door. He stared at you for a few momentary seconds before he opened the door to the balcony and left you with Quentin. Quentin came closer to you and pulled you into him, "You're creating a scene that we do not need Elissa. People are staring." He told you and you looked towards the window where there were in fact people staring at you both. You averted your eyes from them and looked to Quentin as he lifted your head to look at him.

"What are you making-"

"Enough about Zero. Its always Kaname this and Zero that. And then if its neither of those two it's Yuuki. I've about had enough of them." He whispered to you gritting his teeth. You glared at him in response making his sinister smile appear.

"It's kind of fitting that my father was so intent in making Juri his. Seeing as though Kaname didn't have a brother to fight with over a girl it's only fitting I volunteer myself for that job. Or maybe it's already filled by Zero. Seeing as though Zero is madly in love with you too." It threw you off, hearing about your mother's past and then Zero's feelings. You hadn't really asked Zero about his feelings since you turned. It made you feel a little guilty. You two were both close friends, but that's all you ever saw him as.

"Don't you dare use Zero to get to me!" You started to fight against Quentin's hold.

"My, my, all this fighting just for Zero? Hold still for a moment, or don't but if you don't it'll hurt more." He said as you tensed up, you knew what he was about to do.

"No, no, no! Not here! Please Quentin don't-" He covered your mouth as he drove his fangs into your neck causing major discomfort. You groaned as he made you sit yourself on the ledge of the balcony so he could cover the fact your mouth was covered preventing you screaming for help.  Your eyes watered and just when you were feeling like you were going to lose consciousness he got pulled off you. You got pulled up with Quentin as Quentin had one of his arms around your waist holding you in place. You hit his chest with a gasp.

Quentin's arm on you was forced off and you fell into someone's arms. Arms that were familiar. You looked up and found Kaname staring at Quentin with furious eyes.

"It is impolite to feed at such occasions Cousin." Kaname scolded Quentin with such a hateful tone. Kaname let you rest up on the balcony ledge so you weren't so tired trying to hold yourself up.

"Well, she has such a pretty neck.. I just couldn't help myself." Quentin smirked at Kaname and as Kaname went to strike Quentin you grabbed on his arm.

"Not here Kaname. Not here." You said weakly to him and he looked at you, his stance relaxing a little. He retreated from his strike.

"I'll leave you two to catch up. It's only fair, Zero already had his alone time with her." Quentin smirked and left leaving the balcony with you and Kaname on.

Kaname knelt down to you and untied his tie to gain better access for you to drink some of his blood and regain your strength. "Here, Elissa take what you need." Kanames voice was soft and gentle as he gently caressed your cheek.

"I thought it was impolite." You chuckled at him and his eyes softened.

"Rules can be bent, you need to regain your strength." He told you causing you to nod and you leaned forward towards him. You kissed his cheek first and then gently sunk your fangs into his neck taking what you really needed. You pulled off of him and thanked him as he nodded. "Elissa... I.. I failed you." His voice sounded so hoarse as if he trying not to fall apart. He was still on his knees in front of you. You looked up at the windows to see the vampires looking at you again.

You stood up causing Kaname to stare at you, which made you help him up. "Not here Kaname, the walls have ears," You stated and he looked out as well causing everyone to avert their eyes. You put your hand on his cheek, causing him to face you and lean his head down so you were both resting on each others foreheads, "You did not fail me, okay? You fought for me as best you could. Quentin has tricks up his sleeves neither of us could have known. Kaname something is wrong with Zero. He's got orders from Quentin and neither of them are telling me what they are. I think I nearly got it out of Zero but Quentin interrupted. I need time with Zero but you have to distract Quentin." You warned Kaname and he looked at you with narrowed eyes.

"Of course but first I'm sure Yuuki is going to want to say hi." You saw him opening the balcony door only for your little sister to run out and hug you. Takuma came out too and stood by Kaname as the two of you had your moment.

"Elissa I'm so sorry this happened to you. I've missed you so much!" Yuuki cried and you tightened your arms around her.

"I've missed you too Yuuki. I've missed everyone so much." You said trying to hold your tears back. She pulled off you, "It'll be okay! I promise!" Yuuki stated with her determined facial expression. You knew it all to well. You raised your eyebrow, "Whatever you are pl-"

"Shh! The walls have ears remember?" Yuuki reminded you and you nodded. Takuma walked over to you and took your hand, you looked at him surprised as did Yuuki. He was inspecting the bracelet Quentin had put on you. Takuma turned to Kaname and the face he wore worried you.

"Kaname." Takuma called him over and as Kaname realised what it was Kaname's face grew dark with concern. He worried eyes met your curious but confused eyes.

"Why did he put this on you?" Kaname asked, his voice quivering slightly. It made your stomach become uneasy.

"He told me that I had to be on my best behaviour and that I would return to him or else I'll see what the bracelet did-"

"So you don't know what it does?" Takuma asked and you shook your head no. This caused Takuma to look at Kaname was concerned eyes.

"You haven't tried taking it off have you?" Kaname asked you and you shook your head no.

"No, I've been too scared to try... Quentin said it'd be less painful if I didn't try." You explained and grew more and more concerned. Yuuki had the same look you did on her face as the two of you looked at each other and then looked back.

"He- I'm going to kill him." Kaname stated causing you and Yuuki to look at him stunned. Takuma wasn't phased by his words at all, in fact he was nodding in agreement.

"Kaname, what does the bracelet do?" Yuuki asked the question you'd been to scared to ask.

"It does a number of things. It all depends on what the person is thinking when they attach it to someone. The bracelet is an old relic. Thought to have been lost from the hunter association as that's where it originated from. The bracelet has the power to make someone more compliant, fall in love, become a murderer, it can make someone a mindless person that only obeys the person who put it on. But the thing that has me the most concerned is that the bracelet has the power to kill the person wearing it... Vampire or not. Even purebloods like us would finally submit to its endless torture. Elissa do not try to take it off, whatever process he has in store for you... if you try to take it off the bracelet will speed the process up and make it painful for you to endure." Kaname explained and you wished he hadn't by the end of it.

"Get this thing off of me!" You screeched as panic set in. You wanted it off and you wanted it off now.

Thank you for reading.
Hehe bet y'all didn't expect that :)
What do you think Quentin wanted the bracelet to do? Will they get it off in time or not?

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